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You think we will get an appearance tab anytime soon?


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Adaptive armor makes this statement false. Gear doesn't define anything.


You buy adaptive armor and that gear is what people see. You then do a HM55 flashpoint and get a drop that has great stats, you equip it, your appearance is now very different. Even if you freaking HATE what all the counselor high end gear does with the shoulders, you get the shoulders.


With City of Heroes, as part of character creation, you pick the look you want. You want spandex, you've got spandex. You pick a bomber vest with a jet pack (granted, those were late additions), you've got it. And as you get great drops and equip them, you still look the same.


Also, as part of the appearance editing, you get to pick what patterns are applied to the costume, and what colors are used. You don't go hunting for the colors you want, or try crafting. And the choices were amazing. Let's say you want to use red in your appearance. SWTOR, there's a couple of red at most. And you can't combine red with other color freely, you've got to take red and white, red and black, or a couple others. If you want red and lavender, no luck.

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You buy adaptive armor and that gear is what people see. You then do a HM55 flashpoint and get a drop that has great stats, you equip it, your appearance is now very different. Even if you freaking HATE what all the counselor high end gear does with the shoulders, you get the shoulders.


With City of Heroes, as part of character creation, you pick the look you want. You want spandex, you've got spandex. You pick a bomber vest with a jet pack (granted, those were late additions), you've got it. And as you get great drops and equip them, you still look the same.


Also, as part of the appearance editing, you get to pick what patterns are applied to the costume, and what colors are used. You don't go hunting for the colors you want, or try crafting. And the choices were amazing. Let's say you want to use red in your appearance. SWTOR, there's a couple of red at most. And you can't combine red with other color freely, you've got to take red and white, red and black, or a couple others. If you want red and lavender, no luck.

Oh, I know full well how A-Tabs work...and until I used one, I never knew I'd love it so much. I thought you were saying that in SWTOR, your gear defines your role, so there's no way they could do an A-Tab here...which isn't true...it defines the drops, not your role. think I'm mistaken in what you're saying because I'm 100% in favor of an A-Tab system here...adaptive armor has removed the argument that gear=role...now we need to expand that to add an a-tab system.

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Want it? Yep.


Get it? Probably not.


The developers will lean on the crutch of moddable gear, and they'll do that to the detriment of their revenue stream.


I say that because appearance is a revenue-generator via Cartel Market. The easier they make it for players to use more appearance, the more we're likely to use it. Conversely, the harder they make it to use more appearance options, the less likely we are to use it.


Swapping mods requires a whole lot of clicking and dragging... and credits.


An appearance tab requires... hopefully if they do it right... a click.


Speaking solely for myself, give me a properly implemented appearance tab and my financial support for cartel market will increase dramatically. Make me keep swapping mods and it will stay right where it is - completely, utterly non-existent.


This topic is about the only thing TUXs and I agree on, so we must be right.

Edited by DarthTHC
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...adaptive armor has removed the argument that gear=role...now we need to expand that to add an a-tab system.

Reminds me the strong discussions that was going on on that very specific matter.

Interestingly enough I don't see the people who were vehemently against it speaking as loudly now as they were at the time.


As said by some it's not a technical limitation.

It's not even a mater of having a look defining your (iconic) class anymore.

Then it's not a matter of credit sink either, as there are ways to add credit sinks with A-Tab while still keeping switching gear convenient.


It's just a matter whether the producer sees it profitable or not versus other things on the wall.

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An appearance tab requires... hopefully if they do it right... a click.

An even better one would provide also:

  • A bindable hotkey for each appearance tab


Speaking solely for myself, give me a properly implemented appearance tab and my financial support for cartel market will increase dramatically. Make me keep swapping mods and it will stay right where it is - completely, utterly non-existent.

You are far from alone.


Considering how important is the character look in MMO, I'd go even further with the following features.



  1. Add gear slots for back and shoulder pads.(1)
  2. Add hide/show toggle for each separate slot and hot key bindable ones especially for head slot
  3. Separate primary and secondary colors dyes slots and add a 3rd one, plus a hue parameter as it's not consistent between the gears pieces.


(1) Adding back and shoulder slots would not need to even rework the existing gear ($$$). It could be made so only the new ones would allow such slots to be used.

Then medium/long term, the existing gear would be tagged as compatible with shoulder or back slot, provided they don't have meshes related to these areas.



Want to make it even better? Separate left and right slots for gloves, shoulder pads and boots slots.

Who said you are obliged to have the same glove/shoulder pads/boots left and right or even have one on each slot?


It's gonna hurt the servers for sure, but for the cash that's going to flow in game, guess it's well worth it as you would be able to use part of that income to buff the servers or improve the code/engine/back end architecture.

Edited by Deewe
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I'd say mark it as delayed.


Thing is it's pretty easy to get a hood less toggle, like it's done with twileks's but then if they do that people will /forum_rage as they won't have a hood down but a missing hood.


It seems easy to us/you because of the way the game already works however on the programming end of the things there's no doubt complications that you don't know about that make it more difficult than you're making it out to be.


Don't know what are you many list but most of the AAA games have it: DDO, LotRO, GW2, Rift, EQ2, Wildstar...


Yeah and most of those games had the idea in mind when the game was in it's development phase. Meaning it was something they planned for and could easily do. TOR doesn't have that luxury and runs on tech that's a pain in the *** to do even the smallest changes on apparently.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good thread with many good points. After super secret space project, guild and player housing, crafting improvement, hybrids elimination, new class missions and the release date of 3.0 are dealt with, I hope that this question will be addressed now.


With the most recent update we now have more than 280 armor sets and items in collections alone, with the world drop sets, mission rewards, crafted, social, legacy and reputation gear it's probably closer to somewhere between 400 and 500 moddable gear sets that are available by now.


With 500k-1000k for switching from one outfit to another (on a level 55/endgame toon), a lot of the potential this variety offers is going to waste. It's a shame, really, because it impedes the fun on the player side and the revenue on the publisher's side, with no side really benefiting from the way things are now. As has been pointed out, many (better) credit sinks have been implemented in the last two years and it's time to rethink the necessity of this one.

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With the most recent update we now have more than 280 armor sets and items in collections alone, with the world drop sets, mission rewards, crafted, social, legacy and reputation gear it's probably closer to somewhere between 400 and 500 moddable gear sets that are available by now.


Eeep! I didn't want to see that quantified :eek: I have far too many sets unlocked! Sadly my 55s haven't gotten new armor in about a year, so the only ones benefiting from my bloated collection are my low level alts and un-geared companions.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Yeah and most of those games had the idea in mind when the game was in it's development phase. Meaning it was something they planned for and could easily do. TOR doesn't have that luxury and runs on tech that's a pain in the *** to do even the smallest changes on apparently.

DDO certainly didn't have this in mind when developed and I'm far from sure for LotRo either, neither SWG as it was added post NGE.

Edited by Deewe
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I wish. It is one thing I would love to see one day, despite the fact for me that the current system works. I can live with what we have now.


I would prefer for things to return to how they were in beta, where EVERYTHING was moddable. That was great IMO.


If there was just one thing I could have back from beta (but made fully functional, of course) it's Companion Kits. Let me make any of them take on any role.

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Didn't WoW do it awhile back. Isn't against the Dev's personally code of ethics not to follow what WoW does like zombies? I can only think it is this way because the money is better.


Don't know what are you many list but most of the AAA games have it: DDO, LotRO, GW2, Rift, EQ2, Wildstar...

Yeah and most of those games had the idea in mind when the game was in it's development phase. Meaning it was something they planned for and could easily do. TOR doesn't have that luxury and runs on tech that's a pain in the *** to do even the smallest changes on apparently.

What? Wildstar is the only one in that list that release with appearance DDO, LotRO, and EQ2 were years and years after release. Rift was well after release and GW2 was the lowest turn around with a little over a year after release. The first 3 were a lot older systems originally released before appearance systems came out to MMOs. I can't say EQ 2 was the first, but it was the first of those listed and didn't add its appearance tab till 07/08(about four years later).

Edited by Sorwen
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Didn't WoW do it awhile back. Isn't against the Dev's personally code of ethics not to follow what WoW does like zombies? I can only think it is this way because the money is better.



What? Wildstar is the only one in that list that release with appearance DDO, LotRO, and EQ2 were years and years after release. Rift was well after release and GW2 was the lowest turn around with a little over a year after release. The first 3 were a lot older systems originally released before appearance systems came out to MMOs. I can't say EQ 2 was the first, but it was the first of those listed and didn't come out till 07/08.

^ I've been lectured... ;)

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According to one of the podcats about the NY cantina they're "actively looking at gear becoming independant from stats, some sort of "costume" system, POSSIBY FOR 3.0, if it's "up to bruce"." :eek:


That would be absolutely awesome.


Removing mods from gear, making them slots in your character sheet instead. This way they retain the need to mod, and the money sink that sits with it, without the need to change out mods just to change your look.


Essentially armor would simply become shells, and then ALL armor would be cosmetic. Fantastic.

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I wish. It is one thing I would love to see one day, despite the fact for me that the current system works. I can live with what we have now.


I would prefer for things to return to how they were in beta, where EVERYTHING was moddable. That was great IMO.


This - I'd rather have everything in the game moddable than an appearance tab. I think it would be easier to program as well.


But if they did that, what would be left to reskin? :D

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