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Snipers Require An Immediate Buff


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Listen up guys, Sibek Korin here. I play MM in group ranked and I must say GEE IS IT DIFFICULT. Sniper is such a difficult class that I sometimes struggle attempting to decide if I should use this one ability that hits for around 9k, or this other one that hits for around 9k. There have been times where I totes got focused by a marauder, I don't have any ability that completely negates white damage and purges me so I was screwed. I try putting up decent damage but I always fail because I struggle dpsing when I'm being focused, the constant amount of ccs that obviously hit me is just insane. I try and I try and I try to be the best 12 year old female gamer, but some times I fall short. So that's why i'm here, I want to make some suggestions for the class which I think will totes make us super viable for ranked, cus' we're not already.

NUMBER 1: Laze Target needs to affect Ambush and SoS, I think this will buff our sub par dps decently.

NUMBER 2: Shield probe should totes be a sexy 20% DR, we don't have anything else that provides us DR right? NUMBER 3: This... scrambling field ability... it does nothing... I think it needs to give 20% crit chance to everyone in the group.

NUMBER 4: Finally, I think that cover should give us a 90% defense chance to all melee damage. It's sooo difficult to fight melee as a gunslinger... I've never killed a melee... they're all just such a hard counter to this class. I hope you all agree with me, this class sucks as it is!


Edited by sbeeb
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Listen up guys, Sibek Korin here. I play MM in group ranked and I must say GEE IS IT DIFFICULT. Sniper is such a difficult class that I sometimes struggle attempting to decide if I should use this one ability that hits for around 9k, or this other one that hits for around 9k. There have been times where I totes got focused by a marauder, I don't have any ability that completely negates white damage and purges me so I was screwed. I try putting up decent damage but I always fail because I struggle dpsing when I'm being focused, the constant amount of ccs that obviously hit me is just insane. I try and I try and I try to be the best 12 year old female gamer, but some times I fall short. So that's why i'm here, I want to make some suggestions for the class which I think will totes make us super viable for ranked, cus' we're not already. NUMBER 1: Laze Target needs to affect Ambush and SoS, I think this will buff our sub par dps decently. NUMBER 2: Shield probe should totes be a sexy 20% DR, we don't have anything else that provides us DR right? NUMBER 3: This... scrambling field ability... it does nothing... I think it needs to give 20% crit chance to everyone in the group. NUMBER 4: Finally, I think that cover should give us a 90% defense chance to all melee damage. It's sooo difficult to fight melee as a gunslinger... I've never killed a melee... they're all just such a hard counter to this class. I hope you all agree with me, this class sucks as it is! #FIXGUNSLINGER #MMSUCKS #FIGHTDAPOWER #12yoFemaleGamer


harbinger misses you

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Listen up guys, Sibek Korin here. I play MM in group ranked and I must say GEE IS IT DIFFICULT. Sniper is such a difficult class that I sometimes struggle attempting to decide if I should use this one ability that hits for around 9k, or this other one that hits for around 9k. There have been times where I totes got focused by a marauder, I don't have any ability that completely negates white damage and purges me so I was screwed. I try putting up decent damage but I always fail because I struggle dpsing when I'm being focused, the constant amount of ccs that obviously hit me is just insane. I try and I try and I try to be the best 12 year old female gamer, but some times I fall short. So that's why i'm here, I want to make some suggestions for the class which I think will totes make us super viable for ranked, cus' we're not already.

NUMBER 1: Laze Target needs to affect Ambush and SoS, I think this will buff our sub par dps decently.

NUMBER 2: Shield probe should totes be a sexy 20% DR, we don't have anything else that provides us DR right? NUMBER 3: This... scrambling field ability... it does nothing... I think it needs to give 20% crit chance to everyone in the group.

NUMBER 4: Finally, I think that cover should give us a 90% defense chance to all melee damage. It's sooo difficult to fight melee as a gunslinger... I've never killed a melee... they're all just such a hard counter to this class. I hope you all agree with me, this class sucks as it is!



Wait, is what you're saying along the lines of: Snipers counter melee classes much better than what the sniper's counter-class can counter the sniper, and that update 2.10 pushed this long-standing and outrageously unfair disparity further?...


BW wouldn't let that happen would they?



Unfortunately, this isn't new :o


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Too obvious from the title.


Or is this really a satire making fun of all the NERF DEES CLAZZEZ, BUFF MAI CLAZZ. Or is it mocking how powerful snipers are? (Last I played, before coming back a few days ago, snipers were pretty powerful in WZ's please don't hate if they got nerfed.) I'm probably reading too much into it, but I'm bored. (And sick of trolls)

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Too obvious from the title.


Or is this really a satire making fun of all the NERF DEES CLAZZEZ, BUFF MAI CLAZZ. Or is it mocking how powerful snipers are? (Last I played, before coming back a few days ago, snipers were pretty powerful in WZ's please don't hate if they got nerfed.) I'm probably reading too much into it, but I'm bored. (And sick of trolls)


Sibek Korin does not troll. Sibek Korin does not mock. This is a real post.

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Too obvious from the title.


Or is this really a satire making fun of all the NERF DEES CLAZZEZ, BUFF MAI CLAZZ. Or is it mocking how powerful snipers are? (Last I played, before coming back a few days ago, snipers were pretty powerful in WZ's please don't hate if they got nerfed.) I'm probably reading too much into it, but I'm bored. (And sick of trolls)


Pretty obvious he's just qqing about MM. Which is laughable.

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Snipers definitely do not need a buff. If anything they need to lose their leap/pull immunity unless they have entrench put down. Or keep their immunity but entrench needs to be lowered significantly as 20s is way too damn long. Between an aoe knockback that roots, a single root, a roll, a stun and a mez? Ya leap immunity at this point is just becoming silly.
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If anything they need to lose their leap/pull immunity unless they have entrench put down. Or keep their immunity but entrench needs to be lowered significantly as 20s is way too damn long. Between an aoe knockback that roots, a single root, a roll, a stun and a mez? Ya leap immunity at this point is just becoming silly.


I'm all for lowering the CC immunity that we have, provided the defensive CD's come up to par with other AC's.

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I'm all for lowering the CC immunity that we have, provided the defensive CD's come up to par with other AC's.


Normally snipers dont bother me, but man, doing the walk of death multiple times today in solo ranked was just really really annoying and then getting their and watching them roll away. If you're lucky you get back only to be knocked away *sigh* lol. Its stuff like that is why I made a PT and an assassin lol.


I get they are a counter to melee, but damn after they got a roll in 2.0 I felt leap immunity was a little overkill <_> lol.


/rant after facing a billion engineering snipers in solo ranked today lol

Edited by Raansu
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