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How the PvP Conquest Should Have Been Done


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As it is, the revised Conquest parameters for Death Mark have been met with a great amount of disappointment and criticism from the PvP crowd. Here's how I think Bioware should do this Conquest event:


- Remove Destroy the Enemy (killing blows)

- Add Decorated Warrior (repeatable, 25 points, obtain a medal in a WZ)

- Change Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines to "Warzones: The Front Lines" and make it completing a unranked OR ranked match. Also, make it worth 500 points (though, if Invasion bonuses make this too much, then leave it at 250).


With these small adjustments, you accomplish to make a WZ, ranked or unranked, worth 500 for a loss, 1000 for a win. This makes doing Ranked appealing, which I don't think it currently is (as getting the Ranked weekly takes at least 5 ranked wins; considering that each unranked win gets you 250 more points than a ranked win, those 5 ranked wins getting you 1000 extra points is LESS than those 5 unranked wins giving you 1250 points).


Also, you put the focus on earning medals, rather than getting killing blows. Only 1 spec really focuses on killing blows, and that's burst damage. Not even dot damage really focuses on the act of killing, only putting up pressure. Rewarding that one spec seems dumb, especially since there's also tanks and healers, which don't focus on even damage, much less getting the last hit in. But everyone can and does acquire medals by helping out.


As it is, the one-time bonuses feel awkward, and once you have the 3000 points from The Proving Grounds, why run anymore ranked on any of your characters? It's worth less than running Unranked on characters WHO ALREADY HAVE THEIR WEEKLY DONE.

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Also, you put the focus on earning medals, rather than getting killing blows. Only 1 spec really focuses on killing blows, and that's burst damage. Not even dot damage really focuses on the act of killing, only putting up pressure.

Great suggestions, all of them...but I really wanna comment on this above bit. The fact that they changed it to THIS, shows just how completely out of touch they are with PvP. Killing blows?! Really?! So...what is a healer supposed to do exactly? It's pathetic how stupid this quest is.

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I don't care much for Conquest but it is indeed a cool feature to make guilds being more progressive overall, even if it's on a very VERY casual level. It is indeed nice with rewards though even though you dont care much for Conquest. The PvP objectives should be objective based and I would like to see them improve in the future. Examples:


- Winning (both normals and ranked)

- Scoring in Huttball

- Capture Objectives

- Defender points, attacking points




I don't want to see participating-conquest-objectives at all because that's not what the PvP needs. I can be honest and say I haven't cared much for objectives at all last 12 months or so (except in ranked) and I think it's much more fun getting them 2500+ hps or 2000+ dps in normals instead. I like numbers more than if it's saying Victory or not in the end of the game, kinda sad, but it doesn't give me **** if I win or lose, just the extra commendations which I don't need at all to be honest.

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Great suggestions, all of them...but I really wanna comment on this above bit. The fact that they changed it to THIS, shows just how completely out of touch they are with PvP. Killing blows?! Really?! So...what is a healer supposed to do exactly? It's pathetic how stupid this quest is.


I want to step in and ask you what a healer is doing if there's nothing to heal? It's a good time healers start thinking and maybe help finish someone's life so the dps can focusing on next target/objective. I dont know about you but as a healer my damage abilities doesn't dissappear. :rolleyes:

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I want to step in and ask you what a healer is doing if there's nothing to heal? It's a good time healers start thinking and maybe help finish someone's life so the dps can focusing on next target/objective. I dont know about you but as a healer my damage abilities doesn't dissappear. :rolleyes:

I'm not suggesting they disappear, but you should be rewarded for doing what your role does best, since everyone else is. This is why I feel medals would be better qualifier for points.

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I want to step in and ask you what a healer is doing if there's nothing to heal? It's a good time healers start thinking and maybe help finish someone's life so the dps can focusing on next target/objective. I dont know about you but as a healer my damage abilities doesn't dissappear. :rolleyes:


yes when there is nothing to heal i attack, but this encourages healers to try and sneak a killing blow in if possible at the expense of someone who needs healing. don't really mind that they have something for killing blows but i think it should have been for medals, or maybe for a certain amount of damage/protection/healing done. encourage everyone to do their role.

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I am not sure you would like the results of an enhanced profile of the ranked. In fact, I suspect that a disadvantage for ranked might be intentional, to keep people that have no sufficient experience with PvP but qualify from trying on a lark (for example, I qualify to do rank PvP, and I am barely competent enough to be called a noob). PvP being a professional league, will eventually draw players from the amateur pool that can see that they have a talent. So, by extension, increasing the unranked pool will eventually lead to the boost in numbers. Edited by DomiSotto
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Great suggestions, all of them...but I really wanna comment on this above bit. The fact that they changed it to THIS, shows just how completely out of touch they are with PvP. Killing blows?! Really?! So...what is a healer supposed to do exactly? It's pathetic how stupid this quest is.


Healers, 95% of the time, have the highest killing blows in the warzone. Any team mate they touch with a heal, will give the healer credit for the killing blow when their team mate kills someone. It has always been like this. This is a non-issue.

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Healers, 95% of the time, have the highest killing blows in the warzone. Any team mate they touch with a heal, will give the healer credit for the killing blow when their team mate kills someone. It has always been like this. This is a non-issue.


correct..i got 50 killing blows doing a single unranked warzone sin tanking..i'm sure i delivered only one.

after that i stopped queuing..too many pver's..give full reward only if you have max expertise

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People still care about this pointless content that does almost nothing?


I care a lot less about it now that the repeatable PvP stuff was nerfed. I guess conquest was really just supposed to be a crafting money sink, and PvPers were competing too much for free. Craft or g t f o.

Edited by Jherad
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I care a lot less about it now that the repeatable PvP stuff was nerfed. I guess conquest was really just supposed to be a crafting money sink, and PvPers were competing too much for free. Craft or g t f o.


The only interest I had in it was the possible wpvp. Then I found out you don't even need to land on the planet to actually conquer it. The entire thing is just a pointless numbers game. They talked about this stuff almost 3 years ago. What have they been doing this entire time? Feels like it was thrown together in one month. I think they should of just came out with strongholds and introduced guild ships with the 3.0 expansion and put a bit more effort into the meaning of conquest.

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How about actually having to do PvP on the planet you want to conquer, mindblowing idea I know.


Have you seen how badly pvers cry during the gree event? And that entire pvp section is optional. Not that I don't disagree wiht you as a planetside style base control being added to the open worlds would be friggan awesome, this game is just too heavily pve focused for that to ever happen.


I think what they could of done was had outposts that involved pvping to control then the larger bases would be pve requiring to push through a base to get a commander, almost like a mini operation. Though without a third faction I think things would get too lopsided too easily since most servers are heavily imp faction players.

Edited by Raansu
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Have you seen how badly pvers cry during the gree event? And that entire pvp section is optional. Not that I don't disagree wiht you as a planetside style base control being added to the open worlds would be friggan awesome, this game is just too heavily pve focused for that to ever happen.


I think what they could of done was had outposts that involved pvping to control then the larger bases would be pve requiring to push through a base to get a commander, almost like a mini operation. Though without a third faction I think things would get too lopsided too easily since most servers are heavily imp faction players.


I like your Idea, I think there should just be an overall PvP area to compete for conquest point. The gree event is just stealthers camping the pylon.


The zone should only be accessable with 8 or more people in an operations group . That way we get some epic lagging action.

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