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So Rakata Prime... The wrong direction in difficulty


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I disagree as kiting bosses in LI is boring and not difficult at all unlike FE.

First of all, kiting bosses?


Sav Rak stays in the middle. No kiting. Lorrick doesn't get kited either - you're destroying the kolto tanks that HE goes to. And a common LR-5 strat was to leave him in the middle and drop the circles outside. So kiting was optional.


Second of all, you can argue that Lost Island was easy, that's subjective so there isn't much I can say to that.


But you're also saying that False Emperor was hard. I've NEVER seen a group that could run LI fail on FE. But I have seen PLENTY of groups that could breeze through FE fail hard on LI.


Are you trying to say that you found FE difficult?

Edited by Khevar
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First of all, kiting bosses?


Sav Rak stays in the middle. No kiting. Lorrick doesn't get kited either - you're destroying the kolto tanks that HE goes to. And a common LR-5 strat was to leave him in the middle and drop the circles outside. So kiting was optional.

"Common strategy" -yes, that is why people didn't do so great, lacked in DPS or something silly. Dropping circles outside and moving in and out that much was a clear DPS loss for a melee group. Kiting the boss was easy as hell and absolutely more efficient. You kite all the bosses except the Donkey Kong if you have an inkling..


No wonder people thought the bosses were hard on respective level. Your healer must have loved your "no kiting" strategy on Lorrick too! If you don't kite it, you with high certainty create a lot of unnecessary damage. You know, that green goo-like substance stacking up debuff-of-bad on your character? That's the only FP boss I have ever put sounds on for to hear the "Sqiiik" sound to move out of the crap btw. So, Lorrick is definitely kited, if not full-dash non-stop, then at least kited out of the goo to give melee dps room to do their thing.




Pst. I don't think many of the pampers-wearing new generation had an inkling how lvl 50 HM fps felt with sub-tionese gear to "normals". I am guessing, putting zerg people (all of you putting LI on pedestal) columi gear and simulating them to EV HM at levewl 50 today -and only a handful would kill the boss. It's as if BW has taken it as their holy mission to make things extremely easy. Anyone remember Fabricator before it was fixed/tuned?

Edited by Ruskaeth
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It's rude when you say you can't take my opinion which I value very much seriously. I'm happy to have a discussion regarding my opinion but only when everyone is open and willing to hear and understand other's opinions. If they wish no part in doing so and then proceed to try and debate me anyways, It's very rude because the person is being treated lower than a normal person.


I find it hilarious that you, with the "Deal with it" in your sig, who has told people in multiple threads that their opinions are meaningless, BW will do as it pleases, if you don't like it, too bad, etc, take umbrage at people not agreeing with your unsupported stance. Hilarity at its finest, in fact.


Don't accuse me of trolling just because you're bad at the game.

You, in this very thread, and you call others rude. You slay me.

Edited by Prototypemind
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Seriously, this new FP is completely solo-able. The bosses lack anything resembling mechanics. I am REALLY hoping that the HM versions of Forged Alliance are on par with original Lost Island in difficulty or harder.


It is a beautiful landscape but it is way to easy.


FA is not about making difficult content. its about doing what BW does best. The new story line is and should be for all to get through, atleast up to a certain point. IMO.

Besides I am thinking you made this post mostly because you seek recognition because you are allegedly capable of soloing this new FP. As so many have done before you regarding almost every aspect of the game.


That a side. This may, to some, be a step in the wrong direction challange wise, but more importantly I think it is a great step in the right direction story wise.

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We're not discussing its story. Only the part in bold and underlined.


And again, it would seem you're arguing for the sake of arguing... There's no real mechanics whatsoever to boss battles in False Emperor. Lost Island on the other hand had plenty of cool mechanics, starting with the Space Monkey and ending with the three-phase that Lorrick went through before finally kicking the bucket.


Well, you had to synchronize your knockbacks on the final boss in FE (gone now, making it ludicrously easy), that was a bit challenging for early derps...

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FA is not about making difficult content. its about doing what BW does best. The new story line is and should be for all to get through, atleast up to a certain point. IMO.

Besides I am thinking you made this post mostly because you seek recognition because you are allegedly capable of soloing this new FP. As so many have done before you regarding almost every aspect of the game.


That a side. This may, to some, be a step in the wrong direction challange wise, but more importantly I think it is a great step in the right direction story wise.


Nobody is saying that the story was bad.

Envornoment - great

Music - great

Story - great

Anti-snooze factor (aka paying attention to fights) - ZERO

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Nobody is saying that the story was bad.

Envornoment - great

Music - great

Story - great

Anti-snooze factor (aka paying attention to fights) - ZERO


Fair enough. But imo it is clear that the focus of the newest tactical fp's are to push the story forward, rather than coming up with new and exciting boss mechanics. Also keep in mind, that not everyone has high end gear, and thse players could find this quite challenging.

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I find it hilarious that you, with the "Deal with it" in your sig, who has told people in multiple threads that their opinions are meaningless, BW will do as it pleases, if you don't like it, too bad, etc, take umbrage at people not agreeing with your unsupported stance. Hilarity at its finest, in fact.



You, in this very thread, and you call others rude. You slay me.


I have never told people their opinions were meaningless. I may disagree with people's opinions but it's still their opinions and I'm open to hear what they say. It is not my fault if people can't handle others disagreeing with them.


Please settle down before you hurt yourself for your own well being. :)

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I think Bioware have built the set (I hope for to do more ..) and then put the boss using the instrument of the strongholds, instead of putting a table planted a boss), great job really, ..... so stupid can say you did patch constant, the quantity for quality, absurd!


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I think Bioware have built the set (I hope for to do more ..) and then put the boss using the instrument of the strongholds, instead of putting a table planted a boss), great job really, ..... so stupid can say you did patch constant, the quantity for quality, absurd!


The cheese is old and mouldy, where is the bathroom?

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Fair enough. But imo it is clear that the focus of the newest tactical fp's are to push the story forward, rather than coming up with new and exciting boss mechanics. Also keep in mind, that not everyone has high end gear, and thse players could find this quite challenging.


Ok but the 3 other Tacticals actually have mechanics.,,

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I think Bioware have built the set (I hope for to do more ..) and then put the boss using the instrument of the strongholds, instead of putting a table planted a boss), great job really, ..... so stupid can say you did patch constant, the quantity for quality, absurd!


you should take more drugs. or less.

the current level is not good.

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Ok but the 3 other Tacticals actually have mechanics.,,


While the last boss fight in Rakata Prime could've been vastly more interesting and engaging, I had thought that the point of making the Forged Alliances flashpoints "easier" in particular was because A) they're story instances, so should be accessible to everyone and B) everyone complains about the lack of tanks in the main queue, hence tacticals.


They probably could've gone with large amounts of avoidable damage, but that might have also brought up the cries of "Bioware is punishing ranged/melee DPS for being ranged/melee" or "why are there raid mechanics in this flashpoint?"


I'm personally all for flashpoints that require some concentration - I overgear them all and as a healer I'm stabbing stuff half the time because everyone else is overgeared or mildly competent. That said, it's kind of obvious to see why Bioware made the flashpoint so simple - it's a similar sort of approach they've taken with the Story/Hard/Nightmare system they have Operations.


Now all we need are Hard and Nightmare versions of the existing tacticals :p

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Think he meant other FA tacticals even though this one has mechanics although minor.


Thats the part that makes me ignore OP and that other thread guys complaints


Rakata Prime does have mechanics to it


Yes the flashpoint is easy (to easy)

But the mechanics are there


To claim otherwise is to show complete ignorance on the actual content


Rakata Prime is a very easy Flash point that I have no doubt could be 2 maned and possibly even soloed

But there are mechanics involved in the boss fights

more then say final 2 bosses of Corperate labs hard mode offer up

more then first two bosses (or bonus boss) of hard mode Athiss or the Wookie boss of Cadamienu or ....


Rakata Prime is very easy difficulty wise but there is mechanics and if EA upped the difficulty setting to equal a Mannan/Tython/Korriban level of difficulty, Rakata Prime would be substantially more difficult and NO ONE would be complaining there no mechanics involved.


But there would be endless threads on how its to tough and needs to be dumbed down (like happened to Makeb which was still easier (even beforew the dumbing down happened) then Rakata Prime currently is.


I really think EA needs to come out with the hard mode versions when they launch the story mode versions because clearly SM and HM confuse the beejebus outta some posters that they dont quite grasp the difference between the two settings.

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Yeah, that was pretty easy. I have a feeling my HM OP+ geared tank with his HM OP+ geared healer or DD companion can solo it.


Guildie soloed it without any problems with DPS Guardian, I think (geared for NiM Ops, so basically optimized 180 gear and maybe some NiM pieces), no idea about what companion he used.

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