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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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I have a good answer for every possible criticism, because my solution works and is already balanced to be as unobtrusive as it needs to be, without leaving a gaping hole in buyer protection. So of course you're aggravated! Because you are stubborn and not holding the right answer.


It's impossible to overstate exactly how little effort it would require to implement the changes in my solution. It's constrained to that tiny already-existing Purchase Confirmation window, so it'd be literally a breeze to implement.


Actually I think the best solution is to ignore your ideas and not respond to you as you seem to think your idea is the only one worth anything no matter how many others people have different idea. Talk about someone being stubborn.

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Actually I think the best solution is to ignore your ideas and not respond to you as you seem to think your idea is the only one worth anything no matter how many others people have different idea. Talk about someone being stubborn.


Yea, persistence is one thing, but repeating the same thing over and over as an answer to every reply....

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Why should all of us be forced to endure an irritating pop up because a minority can't engage their brain and pay attention to what they are doing.


Whether your idea would save that minority from themselves or not is irrelevant when it's a truly terrible idea.


Bret Easton Ellis concurs. The latest entitlement generation he has dubbed "Generation Wuss".




My huge generalities touch on their over-sensitivity, their insistence that they are right despite the overwhelming proof that suggests they are not, their lack of placing things within context, the overreacting, the passive-aggressive positivity, and, of course, all of this exacerbated by the meds they’ve been fed since childhood by over-protective “helicopter” parents mapping their every move. These are late-end Baby Boomers and Generation X parents who were now rebelling against their own rebelliousness because of the love they felt that they never got from their selfish narcissistic Boomer parents and who end up smothering their kids, inducing a kind of inadequate preparation in how to deal with the hardships of life and the real way the world works: people won’t like you, that person may not love you back, kids are really cruel, work sucks, it’s hard to be good at something, life is made up of failure and disappointment, you’re not talented, people suffer, people grow old, people die. And Generation Wuss responds by collapsing into sentimentality and creating victim narratives rather than acknowledging the realities of the world and grappling with them and processing them and then moving on, better prepared to navigate an often hostile or indifferent world that doesn’t care if you exist.
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argument against the obvious,


The only obvious thing is you are wrong and your "solution" is terrible.


The amusing part is, you seem to be the only person that thinks it's a good idea.


When you come up with an idea, and not a single person agrees with it you, it's time to move on.

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So you accept that your solution isn't the best one now? Awesome. I mean we are talking about the obvious here.


You can see yourself and everyone sharing your opinion spouting nonsense... yet you can't break from the pack and get clarity and objectivity on the topic.


I'll recap how badly you lost the debate, but only after the nonsense dies down.

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I bet you won't.


^ Soon as I saw the post Reno quoted, I was about the say the same.


Now, I don't keep a written list of buyers I would never buy from, but I think /ignore should be expanded to the GTN. If I don't want to deal with that person in chat, FPs, WZ, or any other situation, then I don't want to interact with him/her in the GTN.


Of course, such a change into the GTN will be drastic and will most likely break it for a while.


Changing the auto-sort sounds least breaking, but I'm not a programmer. I really like that one.


Including a max per-unit price filter would also be nice. GTN UI would have to be resized to make it fit because all the other filters take up a ton of space. But would be worth it IMO.


Having items in a stack auto-set for us to input a per-unit price directly without a calculator, would be awesome and totally nice. Would also get rid of the decimal issue.

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Bret Easton Ellis concurs. The latest entitlement generation he has dubbed "Generation Wuss".




Bret Easton Ellis is simply appealing to the same tired old "kids these days" blather that's been going on since the earliest known writings (there's a recovered Sumerian text that's a long complaint about the soft and spoiled and disrespectful youth "these days" and how they'll be the ruin of mankind).

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^ Soon as I saw the post Reno quoted, I was about the say the same.


Now, I don't keep a written list of buyers I would never buy from, but I think /ignore should be expanded to the GTN. If I don't want to deal with that person in chat, FPs, WZ, or any other situation, then I don't want to interact with him/her in the GTN.


Of course, such a change into the GTN will be drastic and will most likely break it for a while.


Changing the auto-sort sounds least breaking, but I'm not a programmer. I really like that one.


Including a max per-unit price filter would also be nice. GTN UI would have to be resized to make it fit because all the other filters take up a ton of space. But would be worth it IMO.


Having items in a stack auto-set for us to input a per-unit price directly without a calculator, would be awesome and totally nice. Would also get rid of the decimal issue.


Honestly sort lowest to highest and removal of decimals would solve most of these problems but at what game breaking bug? Idk. If that wasn't a risk I'd fully be behind such things. But everyone here knows I don't feel any change is needed at all.

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Honestly sort lowest to highest and removal of decimals would solve most of these problems but at what game breaking bug? Idk. If that wasn't a risk I'd fully be behind such things. But everyone here knows I don't feel any change is needed at all.


That's the main issue I think. "If we do X, what is going to break?"

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Golly Bioware, ever consider making prices, commas and periods EASIER to see on GTN?


I know this is mind blowing and hard to figure out but perhaps, just maybe, this is something you can actually do on your end.


Oddly enough, a comma and a period look pretty distinct from each other unless your vision is bad. But for the moment, I will assume that you suffer from a condition known as "Punctuation Blindness" and you are completely unable to distinguish between the characteristics of decimals and commas. There is and has always been a way in this game to tell if that little critter separating numbers is a decimal or comma...



  1. If it is a decimal, it will ONLY have TWO numbers after (to the right of) it.
  2. If it is a comma, it will ALWAYS have THREE numbers after (to the right of) it.


So, remember when you are trying to navigate the dangers of the GTN, THREE numbers after is a comma, and TWO numbers after is a decimal.



Edited by TheBBP
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Honestly sort lowest to highest and removal of decimals would solve most of these problems but at what game breaking bug? Idk. If that wasn't a risk I'd fully be behind such things. But everyone here knows I don't feel any change is needed at all.


You don't think that the removal of decimals won't confuse a new batch of people? The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.

Edited by TheBBP
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You don't think that the removal of decimals won't confuse a new batch of people? The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.

No, it does not.


Undercut by a meaningful amount, not by 1 credit, and thou shalt receive.


Thy Lord hath told thee so.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.

Within a group of sale items having the same integer prices (whether rounded or truncated), the maximum difference in total cost is 98 credits on a stack of 99 items, and less on smaller stacks of course. I doubt many buyers will be much upset if they happen to choose the fractionally-more-expensive-per-unit stack, and I doubt many sellers will mind undercutting the competition by 1 or more credits per unit.

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You don't think that the removal of decimals won't confuse a new batch of people? The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.


No, it would not. The game does not use fractional currency.


And no, removing fractional currency from display does not hurt competitiveness in any meaningful way, not even a tiny bit.


I think most sellers would agree it is not necessary.

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The people in this thread who are defending this behavior on the GTN are the same people who are doing the scam.

There are at least 2 people in my guild who have over 100 million credits, and are doing exactly the same thing - pricing their items so people can get confused from the decimals.

It is a scam, and if you defend it that means you are benefiting from it. Simply, you are a scum.


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The people in this thread who are defending this behavior on the GTN are the same people who are doing the scam.

There are at least 2 people in my guild who have over 100 million credits, and are doing exactly the same thing - pricing their items so people can get confused from the decimals.

It is a scam, and if you defend it that means you are benefiting from it. Simply, you are a scum.



It's not a scam as the information for purchasing on the GTN is there in front of you.

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The people in this thread who are defending this behavior on the GTN are the same people who are doing the scam.

There are at least 2 people in my guild who have over 100 million credits, and are doing exactly the same thing - pricing their items so people can get confused from the decimals.

It is a scam, and if you defend it that means you are benefiting from it. Simply, you are a scum.



If you're done with the topic, why did you bother dragging the thread up from at least three pages back?


Anyway, I am not a scammer, and I do not see a scam. I see people speed clicking, but you don't care what I say.


Now, BW says they can't tell if it is a scam or not. BW has said they will look into this and see if there is anything they can or will do.

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If you're done with the topic, why did you bother dragging the thread up from at least three pages back?

I am not done with the topic until there is a fix. I will bring this thread/subject to BW attention every time I can.

Any other questions?


But the same question can go back to you - if you believe that it is not a scam, and you are done with this thread, the hell are you doing here? The scam is on place, you are obviously happy with it, so why reply?

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Judging by the rating of this thread (3 out of 5 stars) many people wont be happy if BioWare fix the ongoing scam.

Can the SWTOR community be so low? :rolleyes:


This thread has a 3 star rating because of people like you. No one wants to watch you rant about stupid stuff all day long.

The people in this thread who are defending this behavior on the GTN are the same people who are doing the scam.

There are at least 2 people in my guild who have over 100 million credits, and are doing exactly the same thing - pricing their items so people can get confused from the decimals.

It is a scam, and if you defend it that means you are benefiting from it. Simply, you are a scum.


Ignorant rage statements like this are precisely the reason that no one agrees with you. No one sane, that is.


I "defend this scam" on the basis of caution, self-reliance, and practicality.


If you're foolish enough to be "scammed", it's your own fault. Are you really expecting everyone on the internet to play fair? This is going to be the least of your problems if you make that assumption. Caveat emptor, as stated days ago. You're not making any new arguments, you're just repeating the mistakes of the past ones.


Most importantly, as Bioware stated, they cannot make this an offense because they can't enforce it, because they can't define it. How do they know if someone actually just wants to sell for a certain amount? Then, another player could use a reverse psychology application of the "scam", and put a much cheaper sale on the GTN with a similar credit amount, then report the player with the higher listing and claim he/she was trying to scam. It would create chaos. That anarchy is essentially what you're asking for.


Even if Bioware could define the offense accurately, we as a community fully understand how short-staffed Bioware is already. You're really asking them to police the GTN on every single server looking for "scams"? LMAO.



PS: And the point of it all is: No. I have never used this "scam" once. It's pathetic and underhanded at the same time. However, that does not mean it should be against the rules. It's your job as a buyer to verify your purchases, that's why the purchase confirmation box exists. In fact, I even use the windows Calculator to make sure all of my prices are integers because I know some people won't buy any item with decimals in the price per unit, scam or not.



TL:DR - Your little rage claim is laughable and completely wrong.

Edited by idnewton
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