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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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There is no debate on that.


From the moment scammers are all over the swtor GTN, that translates the GTN attracts scamming and something is wrong with it.

Since GTN attracts scamming and there are numerous of victims in the forums, its a scam.


There is no much philosophy into it...just the facts.


My personal fears is not the scams ingame who scam other people, because the game allows them to....

I fear for the minds who created that system, these people get our money and give us content... thats bad lol

Dont look at the smoke, look at the fire directly...


When you create an economy for a system inside a game, you have to calculate everything, so people dont get scammed or dupes or whatever. This system is very positive for the scammers and some times or most of the times, people dont buy the legit stuff, they buy the scammers stuff, because they think its cheaper.

Edited by Oyranos
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Not sure you've checked on the GTN. Maybe it's different server to server. But people are putting up items for over 100k credits but the price makes it look like they are 1000.00 credits. Most of the mats prices on the list per unit show as 1203.19 but some of the mats per unit are shown as 120,319, and that may trick some players.


Anyone who is lazy enough to fall for that deserves it. Zero sympathy deserved.


Mainly because 1203.19 looks NOTHING like 120,319.

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Good one OP! This is Hillarious!


And in other news...


Senate Marketplace, Coruscant:


Trading houses across the galaxy are in a state of pandemonium as millions of upset traders have blockaded access to GTN terminals demanding that authorities take action against so called GTN scammers. The protesting traders demand an end to the practice of sellers freely listing items for whatever price they deem fit alleging that the "willing seller-willing buyer" model is fully open to abuse by unscrupulous traders who vastly overprice their items and then trick unsuspecting buyers into purchasing them.


"The authorities need to put a stop to this. I lost my entire fortune on the GTN today" says one Miss Atta Batta, a regular trader at the Coruscant GTN exchange. Miss Batta paid a staggering 1040001 credits for a stack of 3 Opilla Crystals having misread the price and thinking that she was getting an absolute bargain of 346.667 per crystal. "It's an absolute outrage! The seller refused to refund my credits claiming that I had agreed to the purchase and that all the information was listed upfront. But im too lazy to read the prices and I shouldn't be forced to read them so carefully just because all these sellers are trying to scam us!" Another trader, Mister Oojoobi'Jubna of Ithoria, quickly agrees, having similarly lost over 7 million credits for a pack of 11 Resolve stims. "Sellers shouldn't be allowed to list for whatever price they want" he argues. "They are intentionally deceiving us by putting these strange figures that can be misread by careless people like myself!"


These are but some of the many tales that are repeating themselves at Trading Houses across the galaxy. Gullible traders are targetted by unscrupulous sellers who trick them into purchasing goods at vastly inflated prices using figures that are easily misread by the careless amateur trader - circumventing the spirit of the stringent GTN requirements of presenting all information upfront. Trading House managers say they are powerless to take action against these unscrupulous sellers noting that the sellers have not broken any galactic laws or GTN regulations as they are free to list items at any price they choose and that the buyers have full freedom not to buy any overpriced items. "We advise all traders to read all the details on screen carefully and to confirm a purchase only after they have double checked the total amount they will be paying" says president of the Huttese Trading Association, Moh'Neh the Hutt, who is responsible for managing many Trading Houses across the galaxy.


This statement does not help Mister Oojoobi'Jubna and the millions of others who have since been reduced to utter poverty. With little legal recourse to recover their hard earned credits, they feel they have no choice but to publicly vent their frustration in the hopes that they will eventually get things changed for the better. "I won't let a single transaction to take place at this GTN until I get my money back or some law is passed to put a stop to this menace" he says.




Edited by BaronV
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There is no debate on that.


From the moment scammers are all over the swtor GTN, that translates the GTN attracts scamming and something is wrong with it.

Since GTN attracts scamming and there are numerous of victims in the forums, its a scam.


There is no much philosophy into it...just the facts.


My personal fears is not the scams ingame who scam other people, because the game allows them to....

I fear for the minds who created that system, these people get our money and give us content... thats bad lol

Dont look at the smoke, look at the fire directly...


Except, no one is getting scammed. People arent reading.


Until such a time as bioware implements some sort of price control on the GTN (which, if they did, would be completely stupid) people can post their stuff for whatever outrageous prices they feel like.

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I personally dont get scammed, I always click the tabs and checking all prices (per unit and per stack) also I click the cheaper and the most expensive tab to re-order the items. But many people get scammed and thats the problem. Edited by Oyranos
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Except, no one is getting scammed. People arent reading.


Until such a time as bioware implements some sort of price control on the GTN (which, if they did, would be completely stupid) people can post their stuff for whatever outrageous prices they feel like.


Price control? Utterly stupid, how did you come up with such idea?


All they have to do is to change display of decimals. Or remove them

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Actually OP I love your suggestions and think it would be great.


I spend a lot of time on the GTN looking for bargains and selling stuff. I derive a lot of enjoyment from trading on the GTN. It would be great if they had thsoe sort of price tracking tools.

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it does


The only way for me to sell as much as I want, is no have a calculator next to me, because this current system, confuses the eye.


If I want to sell 99 stack of items, I have to calculate before I add per unit, a price that its not confusy..Not to get a crazy number.


like 12.343.232 This could be 12 million or 12343 credits.


A suggestion to those who get confused so easy, is to avoid buying stuff from your main, who has the bucks.... Always have a character with about 300.000 credits for buying stuff you want!

Edited by Oyranos
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and you are happy about it because: ...?


nothing to be happy about. Nothing to be sad about either. Its just that stupid people are whining about their own stupidity but refusing to acknowledge that they made a mistake, preferring to grasp at straws that they were somehow scammed by the big bad GTN seller :D

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it does


The only way for me to sell as much as I want, is no have a calculator next to me, because this current system, confuses the eye.


If I want to sell 99 stack of items, I have to calculate before I add per unit, a price that its not confusy..Not to get a crazy number.


like 12.343.232 This could be 12 million or 12343 credits.


A suggestion to those who get confused so easy, is to avoid buying stuff from your main, who has the bucks.... Always have a character with about 300.000 credits for buying stuff you want!


You will never get 12.343.232. In the english language dots (fullstop/period) is used to indicate decimals and commas are used to separate thousands.


You will never see 12.343.232 in game related to price - EVER.

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like 12.343.232 This could be 12 million or 12343 credits.


Except 12 millions displays like 12,343,232. And if that were 12,343 credits? Guess what? It would display as 12,343.23.


There is absolutely ZERO ambiguity here. This is just people unwilling to accept responsibility for an embarrassing lack of awareness on their own part.

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I want to see threads where some derper has done this more than once

With the 12exp I am experiencing some déjà vu

For example, in the pvp forums there is a rise of "hackers" beware when, most often, it is inexperienced players first forays into online pvp where everything is overwhelming or, in typical transference of responsibility, everyone is hacking BioFixNow


As a person who desires a world moving towards free market economies and away from centralized control structures (which is what all these whiners are ultimately calling for) I am saddened by the ease and almost involuntary reaction to call on a heavy handed top down solution to a problem which disappears when a player takes responsibility for his own actions


In the words of frank costanza- Serenity Now!

Edited by Daxy
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Not sure you've checked on the GTN. Maybe it's different server to server. But people are putting up items for over 100k credits but the price makes it look like they are 1000.00 credits. Most of the mats prices on the list per unit show as 1203.19 but some of the mats per unit are shown as 120,319, and that may trick some players.


100 x 1,203.19 = 120,319.00

Price per unit and total price may very well look similar if all the seller is doing is using increments of ten as the amount per stack.


If you're gonna be dumb,



Double check before you click buy, there is no "scam" here. Just inattentive people.


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