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can episode 7 save swtor or will it be a nail in coffin.


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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!


will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever?


curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.

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No. Before EP7, there will be a much lacking medieval themed MMO that will "kill" swtor....because God knows that what this genre needs is ANOTHER MMO that focuses on swords and wizards...swtor is doomed well before EP7...



EP7 has nothing to do with SWTOR except for the shared theme of the Star Wars universe...other than that, they are 100% independent.

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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!


will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever?


curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.


What does a CGI cinematic have to do with getting a proper expansion? You want EA, which is already tight with the purse on this game, to spend millions on a 4-5 minute trailer?


We are getting the real expansion, which will be a planet or multiple ones that add up to the size of about Makeb, an Op or two, HMs of the tactical FPs from this year and probably the last two leveling SMs that don't have HM versions, new sets of actual Star Wars-looking gear, and maybe some other things.


Is it a large expansion? No. They've already stated "Makeb-sized," and we know what that is.


SWTOR has had a different model for content in place for a long time now. It would be nice to be surprised, but I don't think reasonable to expect much different than what we've seen already - slow content releases, sometimes staged, enough to keep the game going, but not really enough to keep long-time players logging in often all year, or even subbed.

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I think the expanions we have now aren't that bad.


Galactic starfighter is in my opinion a nice addition to the game. Sometimes i use it to get some money or extra exp. Though i play it just for fun too, it gives a break from doing quests contantly.


The Galactic stronghold expanions was asked for by many people. Many people wanted to have a housing options, some don't. You can't make everyone happy with an expansion. Also the pricing of housing still have to become stable, for now i think does cost to much money, but i think in the future is will become more stable and less expensive. ;)

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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!

Okay for the 89236472903748th time, just because you and I don't like this it doesn't meant others don't.

The game is not solely composed of PvPers and PvErs, there are social players, RPers etc.

GSF is alive and kicking, housing is a thing. Don't get blinded by your own biases.


proper expansion?

WoW model works for WoW, SWTOR's model is working for SWTOR's.


curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.

Yes it drive new players in.

People who hate it will still hate it, people who like it will still like it.




Stop creating hyperboles and dramatizing everything!

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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!


will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever?


curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.


Filled a couple of boxes on my forum bingo card, needs a 'slap in the face' comment though.

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Filled a couple of boxes on my forum bingo card, needs a 'slap in the face' comment though.


I am shocked that you feel entitled to get a "slap in the face" comment just because you want one. Don't tell me how to play. This is all his opinion, but he obviously speaks for everyone. Well-played.





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I am shocked that you feel entitled to get a "slap in the face" comment just because you want one. Don't tell me how to play. This is all his opinion, but he obviously speaks for everyone. Well-played.






You're missing: "Hyperbole"

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Filled a couple of boxes on my forum bingo card, needs a 'slap in the face' comment though.


Guild ships are a slap in the face to some of your most dedicated players.


The system is slapping often and will continue to slap us IN THE FACE until people lose interest in unlocking their ship.


At that point, I fully expect a slap for something else I had no control over engaging.


EDIT: and this isn't hyperbole! Also, MMO players know like five words.

Edited by arunav
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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!


will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever?


curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.


Uhhh.... GSF has been popin' like crazy. Can't speak to other servers but it is easy to join a game on the Ebon Hawk and I quite enjoy it myself.


- Arcada

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2 pointless expansions in 2014.


no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!


Thank you for sharing YOUR OPINION.


I'd just like to point out that this is just YOUR OPINION and not fact.


I do galactic starfighter and know that there are plenty of people playing (unless they all switch to alts after every match) and alot of people are having a ton of fun with housing.

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2 pointless expansions in 2014.

Incorrect, both added requested features to the game that brought new, interesting elements to the overall slate.

no one does galactic star fighter

I've never had a problem getting enough games to get through the Daily and Weekly anytime I want to dabble in GSF, and participation definitely seems to have gotten an uptick from the Conquest system.

and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships!

There are credit options for buying the Strongholds themselves (and its the only way to get Capital Ships). The majority of decorations come from gameplay (including giving crafting a nice shot in the arm). The fact that there is some monetization (CC options) in the system does not mean it is all about that monetization, any more than the existence of the Operations Pass for Preferred players means that DF/DP was all about that CC option.


Star Ships are not customizable, and if they were going to have to put in a lot of work to make them so (which they said they would have had to do) I'm glad they instead applied that work towards making something new and interesting - namely the planetary strongholds.

will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever?

Doubt it, they seem to be comfortable with a new mini-expansion each year and a new RotHC-sized expansion every 18 months or so, which strikes me as a good way to keep a constant supply of new content rolling out, as opposed to waiting two or more years between larger, boxed expansions.

curious about the life of this game

It's the #4 MMO worldwide and in the Top 10 for F2P games of any type, I'd say the life of it is looking okay right now, especially in a market where games like Age of Conan are still up and running.


There have definitely been some missteps (lack of new raids for 12-14 months, 2.8 being lackluster in general), but nothing that's going to kill the game overall.

and if the movie can help it basically.

We will probably see an uptick, as the movie generates new/renewed interest in the Star Wars brand in general it will probably have some people giving this a try (especially with the F2P option in place). How long that interest lasts will depend on a lot of things (both with respect to SWTOR and how the SW brand is managed in general at that time), and I suppose if the movie actually sucks that might actually turn people off to the brand, but I expect there will be at least a short-term windfall for SWTOR.

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It doesn't need saving.

Just because the content doesn't appeal to you doesn't take away from it still being content.

Tons of people are enjoying their Strongholds, and from what I've heard GSF still gets played frequently (even if it isn't my cup of tea).

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I must have missed the memo that SWTOR needs "saving". Still profitable based on EA's last reporting plus EA's continued investment in expanding the game means it must be profitable, right?


I was thinking this forum needs an upvote and downvote like Reddit. Then I looked right at the bottom of this thread and, lo and behold, star ratings! I'm going to make it a point to use them from now on.

Edited by DarthTHC
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No. Before EP7, there will be a much lacking medieval themed MMO that will "kill" swtor....because God knows that what this genre needs is ANOTHER MMO that focuses on swords and wizards...swtor is doomed well before EP7...



EP7 has nothing to do with SWTOR except for the shared theme of the Star Wars universe...other than that, they are 100% independent.


You're a wizard TUX.

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I must have missed the memo that SWTOR needs "saving". Still profitable based on EA's last reporting plus EA's continued investment in expanding the game means it must be profitable, right?


No, that is not what it means...


It means they are putting forth the minimum required effort to appear to be expanding the game, without actually doing much.


Coasting works for awhile, but how many years have to pass before even you wake up and discover that the emperor has no clothes?


It is like a hotel making money by putting off refurbishment of rooms. It is profitable in the short term, but in the long term, guests notice and don't come back. If you refurbish after that, it won't matter, they still won't return.


So yea, people are playing today, Conquests got people to rerun old content again... that works, for awhile... until it doesn't...


If you aren't adding new stuff to do, the old stuff keeps getting older... and one or three flashpoints aren't enough...

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No, that is not what it means...


It means they are putting forth the minimum required effort to appear to be expanding the game, without actually doing much.


Coasting works for awhile, but how many years have to pass before even you wake up and discover that the emperor has no clothes?


It is like a hotel making money by putting off refurbishment of rooms. It is profitable in the short term, but in the long term, guests notice and don't come back. If you refurbish after that, it won't matter, they still won't return.


So yea, people are playing today, Conquests got people to rerun old content again... that works, for awhile... until it doesn't...


If you aren't adding new stuff to do, the old stuff keeps getting older... and one or three flashpoints aren't enough...


Two new features in less than a year is 'coasting?' lol

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GSF is certainly not my cup of tea, I think Wing Commander Prophecy got space combat down cold in 1997, so how it's not easy to do in 2014 is beyond me. That said, a lot of people do enjoy it and it looks like it's played quite at bit, a least on Ebon Hawk.


Strongholds -- I like. I get a bit of a kick out of the decos, but the things I love are:


1) Legacy storage has made a ton of things easier, and having mailbox, cargo hold, guild bank, legacy storage, GTN terminal, and a vendor of some sort all within a few steps is unbelievably awesome.


2) The travel utility -- it makes getting around much easier and allows some load screen waits to be dodged.


3) The stronghold allows gifts to be given to companions, AND allows most companion conversations -- no more hopping on and off the ship if you're trying to drive the companion conversation chain forward.

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I don't see much connecting this game and the movie. If people get inspired by ep. 7 to play something SWs I'm sure there'll be a Galactic Standard **** ton of new stuff around the proper era to do.


I'm just hoping ep. 7 isn't a nail in it's own coffin with prolonged ******** action to appease the 3D gods or bad writing.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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GSF is certainly not my cup of tea, I think Wing Commander Prophecy got space combat down cold in 1997, so how it's not easy to do in 2014 is beyond me. That said, a lot of people do enjoy it and it looks like it's played quite at bit, a least on Ebon Hawk.


Strongholds -- I like. I get a bit of a kick out of the decos, but the things I love are:


1) Legacy storage has made a ton of things easier, and having mailbox, cargo hold, guild bank, legacy storage, GTN terminal, and a vendor of some sort all within a few steps is unbelievably awesome.


2) The travel utility -- it makes getting around much easier and allows some load screen waits to be dodged.


3) The stronghold allows gifts to be given to companions, AND allows most companion conversations -- no more hopping on and off the ship if you're trying to drive the companion conversation chain forward.


It is nifty. I'm not much on decorations. Probably why I am at 7%. The thing is its great to have what you listed.


General statement

Just a note: As far as the movies big whoop. It isn't like I would watch them. The first two that came out were really good. The others were crap "to me".

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