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The Voidstar: God this is so annoying


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That's far from the biggest problem on VS. The biggest problem is that the doors always decide the outcome of games. Some people like to argue that you can use the doors to your advantage but there are perhaps three people in this game capable of doing this so it's never in any team's game plan - and certainly not in normal pug games. I think we should have a pre-set personal spawn timer on 5-10 seconds instead, similar to how spawns work in most shooters.


That's my problem with VS as well. It requires a GODLY coordination vs teams of equal footing to plant a bomb.

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Well to the OPs defence I'd have to point out to you guys the fact that the map Voidstar is 90% of the time just one room: the first.

Your experience is vastly different from mine. I'm not even in a guild, so I have never done anything but queue solo.


I can't even remember a time when neither team could get past the front door. There have been a few times where one team couldn't get past the front door.


I used to hate huttball, but then I started playing my vanguard more. Have the ball, switch to tank mode, guard ball carrier, move for passes, taunt opponents as much as possible, and don't even care about dps - then I started winning a lot more.


I'm not trying to sound insulting, but for real...if you focus on doing the little things... See a teammate attempting to cap --> stun / CC / knockback hostiles to buy him a few more seconds to plant. See none of your team on the other door? Switch to tank mode and go stall the other guys as long as possible, see if you can pull 2-3 over to defend against only you so that you can get a 7v5 advantage on the other door. Pull defenders off the door while somebody sneaks in and caps...and much more.


Unless the other team is highly focused, it's actually quite easy to get past the front door. I can't tell you how many times I have done an AOE stun or knockback just as 5-6 enemies are jumping down from respawn while my guy is capping.

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I'm just taking a guess here, but OP- are you one of 'those' players that charges into the fray right as the VS starts and tries to chain plant the bomb with the entire other team beating on you? Only to die, respawn, run back in, and try the same thing that just failed over again?


Yup. I like getting a few kills before futility.

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Not really sure why an eight second cap is too long. Civil war's cap time is the same and Novare's takes like ten seconds to fully change a bunker's ownership by yourself (I may be wrong on that one). Voidstar is just going along with the theme if you ask me.


PS: Voidstar is my favorite WZ.


In his defense, both are more open and reinforcement takes time to arrive. Void Star is very compact and one could argue that the 8 seconds is pretty long for the compactness of the map.

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This has bugged me for a while:


Why is planting the bombs so easily interrupted? You go over to the door, probably fighting through a lot of chumps, then start the Eight second countdown on planting the bomb. Eight seconds!??!? :eek::eek::eek: Don't you think by then, an obnoxious operative can sneak up and stab you, or a sorcerer use force storm on you? Its bad enough it lasts eight seconds (eight seconds that could have been used trashing a juggernaut) but it turns out that ANY attack can interrupt you in planting the bomb. :rak_02: So, that means a bunch of AOE-happy chumps can run in and gang-rape the bomb planter. I really get annoyed by this, especially when there are about twelve imps shoving their lightsaber's up my a**. Please do something about this Bioware! I am sick of being a baseball!! :rak_evil::i_mad::jawa_evil::jawa_mad:


I'm sure other people have pointed out how wrong you are here, but I'd like to mention something else. Hopefully it has not been said yet. "ANY attack" cannot interrupt you in planting the bomb. Creeping terror, madness discharge, pretty much every non-physical DOT applier doesn't interrupt plants/caps.

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I'm sure other people have pointed out how wrong you are here, but I'd like to mention something else. Hopefully it has not been said yet. "ANY attack" cannot interrupt you in planting the bomb. Creeping terror, madness discharge, pretty much every non-physical DOT applier doesn't interrupt plants/caps.


that's explains that for me...lol I noticed that would be capping and get hit by something but still would be capping. Forgot about the change they did with those dots.

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This has bugged me for a while:


Why is planting the bombs so easily interrupted? You go over to the door, probably fighting through a lot of chumps, then start the Eight second countdown on planting the bomb. Eight seconds!??!? :eek::eek::eek: Don't you think by then, an obnoxious operative can sneak up and stab you, or a sorcerer use force storm on you? Its bad enough it lasts eight seconds (eight seconds that could have been used trashing a juggernaut) but it turns out that ANY attack can interrupt you in planting the bomb. :rak_02: So, that means a bunch of AOE-happy chumps can run in and gang-rape the bomb planter. I really get annoyed by this, especially when there are about twelve imps shoving their lightsaber's up my a**. Please do something about this Bioware! I am sick of being a baseball!! :rak_evil::i_mad::jawa_evil::jawa_mad:


Then while your at it, why don't you remove the spawn count down... If you want to instant cap then there should be no respwn counter... Normally the best matches are down to who can last the longest without dying... If you kill their whole team... 8 secs is more than enough


Or you could try killing the stealth first... If you run to an "unguarded" door... The first thing you should think is where is that stealth... Unless they are a really bad team you should expect that


Also you do know your own team should be doing the same to their team when it is their turn to attack??


Wait I know... Why don't Bio just remove all stealths and AOE abilities... Then you could run up and cap easily??


Pvp, especially void star is not death matching... It is tactics... If you learnt them you might learn to cap... Obviously running in and trying to cap while everyone is watching you is dumb... Even if it was a 2 sec or 4'sec cap... A good team will be ready and stop you

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