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My dreams in swtor... what I would like to see.


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Hi all, I'm not here to complain or something similar.

I'm a founder, I'm having and I had found in swtor and I have always subscribe even if I were not able to play or there was nothing more to do in the game. This because I like swtor and I think is one of the best MMO.


So here I would like to share my dream list to see this game even better, with lot of new players.


  • Cross server queue: after three years this is something I miss in PvP. Arena are so fun, one of the best ever created, but because of queues ranked are impossible in lot of servers. This is real sad and I would really love to see this system growing.
  • Double/triple spec: most of us have ask this from the beginning, is something really important. This is something that improve the QoL. I have in all my toons field respec, that is nice of course, but the possibility to istant switch and change gear would be much better.
  • A new planet... a pvp planet: a was loving ilum even if it was something madness. Some of the devs here come from DAOC, there was one of the best open world pvp ever created. I wish to see zone to conquer, pvp objects with real good reward. This is one of the part that I'm dreaming most.
  • An improvment to the engine: we have a really nice engine, the graphic is cool, and there is lot of realism even if it is an MMO, but is so heavy. This of course will help in lot of other point of the wish list.
  • Vanity dress system: another wonderfull dream, something where we can change gear every time we can without spend a credit. Amazing.
  • Chat bubble: *_____* I miss this features so much, really. Now that we have guildship is something that I really miss. They give such a great immersion in the game.
  • Connect between GSF and the character: this will be a very usefull QoL. Actually lot of player don't queue for GSF because they have the ship fully unlocked and there is not a real connection from your character and the a GSF match.
  • A revamp of the planets: Not a total rewap, but some more planet to choose while levelling. Is incredible fun to level an alt, but adding some more planet would be amazing. Something level-scaled, so that evey one can enjoy, with a "side quest" outside swtor timeline, a side story. I would like also to see lot of more PvP action in lot of planet. Take hoth for example, there are two side and probably during questing you have found 3/4 imperials or reps. Some quests in enemy territory, flagged for PvP (quest not obbligatory). This because there is WAR between repubblic and empire and this immersion miss inside the game, maybe some timed quest... aaahhhh such a great dream!
  • Less istance = more player: early planets have 120/130 players in the same instance, in later planet you will just find 40/50, so sometimes you feel alone because yuo don't found anyone around. Another great dream.
  • Lot of little bug gone: there are too many little bugs around that are there since launch and probably we will neve see a fix, an example is the sofa in the inquisitor ship that is without collider.
  • Guild features: oh well this aspect for me is very important. Actually my dream is to have: A roster bound by account and not by players where you can set up an icon role for the spec, an officer mailing list and an in-game event calendar, linked to the roster, where you can sign up for the operation. These are things that I dream most.
  • More operation: well this is my last dream, we all love operation but there are too few,,,


Just dreams, but as dream maybe somedays they will become real.

In my opinion this kind of things can bring back really lot of players.


Have nice dreams guys!

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I really feel that SWTOR is an underrated masterpiece.


True. Is from the start that I feel: "This game has such unused potential"

I have try all the MMO around, but there aren't as swtor. They are really lot boring after a short time.

That's why I belive swtor can do even better than this, but need support and devs have trust in their game!

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Vanity gear will most likely not happen, at least not for free. The whole purpose behind the cost of pulling mods is a credits sink. Granted, there are other credits sinks in the game now (strongholds), but these are temporary at best.


PvP planet and stuff in enemy territory would be nice (and would add "realism"), but we all see how vitriolic this community can sometimes be when there is content aimed at PvPers only. Also, there is the issue of people cheesing the system by win trading etc.


Not really sure what people see in chat bubbles, I found it abhorring in WoW, when I almost did not see buildings in Stormwind over all the bubbles of people hawking their wares in main square.


And I am certain more operations will come in 3.0, so that is a dream soon fulfilled.

Edited by Aries_cz
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And I am certain more operations will come in 3.0, so that is a dream soon fulfilled.


Yes, but I really hope we will see more than 2 operation in a year!


Vanity gear will most likely not happen, at least not for free. The whole purpose behind the cost of pulling mods is a credits sink. Granted, there are other credits sinks in the game now (strongholds), but these are temporary at best.


You probably right, it is pretty big credit sink. But they actually have collection, that is really awensome, and lot of very nice gear. So the possiblity to change it every time you can is really an improvment!


Not really sure what people see in chat bubbles, I found it abhorring in WoW, when I almost did not see buildings in Stormwind over all the bubbles of people hawking their wares in main square.

Well of course there must be a way to turn them off! :D


PvP planet and stuff in enemy territory would be nice (and would add "realism"), but we all see how vitriolic this community can sometimes be when there is content aimed at PvPers only. Also, there is the issue of people cheesing the system by win trading etc.

Sure, of course the system must be designed in the correct way! :D

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With most. I agree. With cross-server and arena, I don't. I've seen what that does to the player-community-feeling in wow. It loweres the barrier to behave like a total ********* very VERY low. You can't know your teammates, you can't know you enemies. You will never meet someone in a warzone you have just faught. But I understand that for someone who likes arenas, and ranked arenas (total abomination being solo queue ranked arena... that s*it must go!) cross server anonymous insta-games might actually work. - I'd quit. ;)


The real solution would be to make pvp more attractive: Less punishment, more rewards, more fluff, more stuff that is usefull outside of pvp *gasp*.


Rewards are one side, but also working to make the matches as fair as possible and reducing the "roll or be rolled" games.


In any way you have to make the basic unranked pvp attractive and get more players to cap that part of the game to see an increase in ranked pvp.

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Vanity gear will most likely not happen, at least not for free. The whole purpose behind the cost of pulling mods is a credits sink. Granted, there are other credits sinks in the game now (strongholds), but these are temporary at best.


I'm not sure it would be that much of a loss in the sense of a credit sink. You'd still need to rip out mods from looted and commendation gear to put in your custom one. And I don't think I'm alone in that I'd spend a lot more creds and possibly even cc on new outfits if there was an appearance tab.

I'd buy cold weather gear for Hoth and Ilum, lighter gear for Tat, containment gear for Quesh, more protective looking one for Oricon one for PvP and so on.


The way it is now, I only choose one look for my chars when they're on fleet for the first time and keep it indefinitely as the costs of changing gear on the fly, just to have an apropriate outfit while doing dailies etc. leave alone augmenting 5 or more sets per char is just prohibitive IMO.

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With most. I agree. With cross-server and arena, I don't. I've seen what that does to the player-community-feeling in wow. It loweres the barrier to behave like a total ********* very VERY low. You can't know your teammates, you can't know you enemies. You will never meet someone in a warzone you have just faught. But I understand that for someone who likes arenas, and ranked arenas (total abomination being solo queue ranked arena... that s*it must go!) cross server anonymous insta-games might actually work. - I'd quit. ;)


The real solution would be to make pvp more attractive: Less punishment, more rewards, more fluff, more stuff that is usefull outside of pvp *gasp*.


Rewards are one side, but also working to make the matches as fair as possible and reducing the "roll or be rolled" games.


In any way you have to make the basic unranked pvp attractive and get more players to cap that part of the game to see an increase in ranked pvp.


I think giving people a starter set (maybe Partisan?) would really help people get into PvP.


Instead of lowering ranked requirements (bolster shouldn't be there), they should expand the ways to reach the requirement...

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I think giving people a starter set (maybe Partisan?) would really help people get into PvP.


Instead of lowering ranked requirements (bolster shouldn't be there), they should expand the ways to reach the requirement...


Yeah I think they might've been on the right track with recruit gear actually. The difference between it and the next tier was just way too high so that you'd get destroyed in it regardless.

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Yeah I think they might've been on the right track with recruit gear actually. The difference between it and the next tier was just way too high so that you'd get destroyed in it regardless.


Well Conquerer and Partisan are no longer obtainable, so if they gave free Partisan the next purchasable rank up would be Obroan.

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Well Conquerer and Partisan are no longer obtainable, so if they gave free Partisan the next purchasable rank up would be Obroan.


I think that we will never see something like this, while Boolster is still there.

Well maybe a wz without gear, all same stat can be also cool... also WoW is going in this direction


Oh I forgot another dream:


- Operation: possibility to have 11, 12, 13, and so on, person on the raid... so that we are not forced to leave someone at home!

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extra planets means they have to do something outside of personal story. right now the reason planets work the way they do is becasue you are progressing through them as you progress through your story. adding extra leveling planets breaks that flow. but even if its fine and dandy, now they have to figure out how to smooth newer players into this choice and still have them on track with the story. and that's not even touching the complaint of overleveling so many people have made. in short - even if you add new leveling planets, unless you are planning in skipping personal story, you will still be going to existing planets.


account wide guilds. I know not everyone plays this way, but I do. I'm currently a member of 4 guilds. my main imp guild, I have one character still in my real life friends guild, my pub guild and 2 of my imps are in imp version of aforementioned pub guild. so... they would have to introduce a system like in GW2 (and ESO? I know there are multi guilds there, but I didn't play enough and wasn't guilded long enough to figure out how it works there, but I do remember that with 3 factions, but single guild for them all it got pretty confusing while leveling, unless all you did was solo). its a full overhaul of the guild system, from the ground up. I cannot even begin to think of how they could possibly do that without breaking existing personal networks. accountwide friend/ignore list would be nice but according to pax prime Q&A there's currently no way to do that. which kinda leads me back to account guilds - if they cannot do friend/ignore lists, how in a world are they going to implement accountwide guilds?


I WOULD love vanity set system, I kinda even have an idea how they could implement it and still keep the credit sinks. make it so that every time you want to change your outfit, you have to pay a credit fee. kinda like when traveling to opposite faction stronghold. and again, no idea how feasibly outfit system would even be, and I'm pretty happy with the way system works already, I can just see roleplay possibilities of having multiple sets of gear, that you don't have to fully redo every time you switch

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I wish this game hadn't been manufactured out of WoW's abandoned models. It was outdated when it was new, which promptly locked it into competing with the new from an already defeated technological platform.


They've made improvements, but the fact remains that they severely crippled themselves on several fronts.


In the industry I work in, it's old and common knowledge that you learn from the past, you don't aim to compete with it, and you certainly don't repeat it so faithfully that you carbon copy the mistake too.


Here, they tried too hard to make something everyone already knew just about inside and out. Played WoW? Playing TOR will feel real familiar in many ways.


Too many, for me and mine. Far too many. It felt stale to play right out of the box, to me and most of my crew.


The single player experience is pretty good. When most of my friends exhausted themselves leveling a few things, they didn't tend to stick around. Most common reason?


Most of them have years invested into wow. Why would they start over here when, for most of TOR's life, so little had been different enough for many of them to find it worth the bother?



I wish a lot of things had been done differently. I wish Bioware would have had the stones to stay out of Blizzard's dumpster and make their own thing genuinely be their own.


I wish they'd have had the faith in themselves many like myself used to, about how Bioware could be trusted to make a damn fine game.


They aspired to mediocrity. They succeeded wildly.


That's never going to change. Far too late now.

Edited by Uruare
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They aspired to mediocrity. They succeeded wildly.

That's never going to change. Far too late now.


Well in my opinion you are quite right. For me they are NOW aspire to keep player and not gain new subscribers. They are not investing anymore money.


But the choice to make this game a WoW like, for me is a good idea, but they have lot of margin to become even better.

Take a look at other MMO, they have all try new systems, new combat design and so on, 99% have failed:

Eso, Wildstar, TERA, Rift, GW2 and so on.


The only one is doing pretty well is FFIV but I don't like the style.

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As one of those guys that treats SWTOR as a sequel to KOTOR the only thing I've really missed out on is Flashpoints. A group of my mates started playing at launch but it only held interest for me and one other, two people and their companions is ideal for running around planets doing heroic 2 / 2+'s but doing flashpoints isn't really an option.


What I'd like is for them to scale down all flashpoints to a two player + companions experience as an added option. In the same way that both DDO and LotRO offered options for smaller player groups. I think this would produce a spike in Freeps buying Flashpoint passes too.

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[*]Connect between GSF and the character: this will be a very usefull QoL. Actually lot of player don't queue for GSF because they have the ship fully unlocked and there is not a real connection from your character and the a GSF match.


Could you please elaborate on that? Tbh, I don't have any idea what this means?

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I wish this game hadn't been manufactured out of WoW's abandoned models. It was outdated when it was new, which promptly locked it into competing with the new from an already defeated technological platform.


They've made improvements, but the fact remains that they severely crippled themselves on several fronts.


In the industry I work in, it's old and common knowledge that you learn from the past, you don't aim to compete with it, and you certainly don't repeat it so faithfully that you carbon copy the mistake too.




On the other hand, past teaches us that almost every game that tried going a different way flopped even harder than this one (and unlike this one, did not made much of a comeback).

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As one of those guys that treats SWTOR as a sequel to KOTOR the only thing I've really missed out on is Flashpoints. A group of my mates started playing at launch but it only held interest for me and one other, two people and their companions is ideal for running around planets doing heroic 2 / 2+'s but doing flashpoints isn't really an option.


What I'd like is for them to scale down all flashpoints to a two player + companions experience as an added option. In the same way that both DDO and LotRO offered options for smaller player groups. I think this would produce a spike in Freeps buying Flashpoint passes too.


you can absolutely do them with 2 people and companions. its how I've been running flashpoints with a friend of mine. you just need to make sure that


1 - you have a balanced group in the end, so if for example you and your friend are dps - one companion should be a tank, and the other - healer.


2 and this is important. keep your companion gear as updated as your own. you may have to upgrade ever 4-5 levels - utilize both flashpoint drops and planetary commendations to buy modifications. fill the gaps with crafting if you can.


3. make sure you understand how passive/assist modes on your companions work. for example - if you play a healer, your dps/tank companion will not attack, unless you yourself attack, or are attacked, or you directly order them to attack specific target. even if you are in combat and healing, you have to micromanage them. also, if there's a situation where kiting must be done (like Athiss with flame balls, or cademimu and its rockets) - and your companion is targeted etc. put them on passive and kite yourself, then back on active once kiting is done.


last but not least - when all else fails, run flashpoints after you have outleveled them a bit.

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What I'd like is for them to scale down all flashpoints to a two player + companions experience as an added option. In the same way that both DDO and LotRO offered options for smaller player groups. I think this would produce a spike in Freeps buying Flashpoint passes too.

Actually, you can do this right now if you want to. A friend of mine started this game as a brand-new player, and I created a new toon to level with him.


We've been 2-manning all heroics and all flashpoints with our companions as we go through the planets.


It's quite fun.

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1: bigger warzone like 16vs16

2: i love conquest i hope they keep improving it giving use more objectives

3: option to turn of hooks in strongholds use freeplacement

4: faster content update for operations 10 month is way to long

5: new advance class or talent tree for all classes

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1: bigger warzone like 16vs16

2: i love conquest i hope they keep improving it giving use more objectives

3: option to turn of hooks in strongholds use freeplacement

4: faster content update for operations 10 month is way to long

5: new advance class or talent tree for all classes


Addendum: A full year will go by without a new operation.

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Hi all, I'm not here to complain or something similar.

I'm a founder, I'm having and I had found in swtor and I have always subscribe even if I were not able to play or there was nothing more to do in the game. This because I like swtor and I think is one of the best MMO.


So here I would like to share my dream list to see this game even better, with lot of new players.


  • Cross server queue:
  • Double/triple spec:
  • A new planet... a pvp planet:
  • An improvment to the engine:
  • Chat bubble:
  • A revamp of the planets:
  • Less istance = more player: early planets have 120/130 players in the same instance, in later planet you will just find 40/50, so sometimes you feel alone because yuo don't found anyone around. Another great dream.
  • Lot of little bug gone:
  • Guild features:
  • More operation:


1) Agree


2) As long as this refers to current advance class I agree. I disagree fully if you think players should be able to ignore the advance class limitations and spec in other advance class. But long as were just talking double/triple spec with in same advance class I agree fully. They already give away full respects for free. Why shouldnt there be a saved dual or triple spec to eliminate the time spent switching.


3) Agree. Not even a ful planet even. Just SW:TOR own version of Emain (DAOC players know the reference). But honestly as long as expertise exists in this game, the PVP will be FUBARed and remain unappealing to the general mass of players. And the reasons nothing ground breaking or unknown. Every game thats tried to create alpha classes (as high expertise players become due to high expertise) has failed. Be it PVP alpha class or PVE alpha class. SW:TOR needs to find ways to make players equal power wise, not grow a power differential. Until the do that they will always be considered a lesser brand of PVP.


But Id love to see a full zone or planet where sides fought over bases or outposts in PVP. Doubt it happens though at this late stage. The artificial mechanics in conquest designed to get people to utilize the unused warzones shows EA is married to this lesser brand of PVP in SW:TOR and would rather promote it then fix PVP over all.


4) Engine updates always good but no idea what they can do. They have cleaned up graphics greatly in recent past.


5) Never understand the desire of some people to turn MMORPGs into comic pages with chat bubbles. The chat is there for you to read, read it. Complete waste of time and dev energy.


6) Agreed. Id love to see Taris redone in the mode or style of Perketa Mesa of Makeb. Areas of Makeb look more like Taris to me then Taris ever has. So Id WELCOME come revamping to old areas utilizing newer mentalities.


7) DISAGREE. No Idea where you play but I hit Oricon or Makeb or CZ and they have 30+ people and Im looking for a smaller instance instantly. I DO NOT want to be in a instance with 120/130 players. This game is very poorly designed in this regard and instances CAN NOT handle that many players with out the players tripping over each other and being generally @%!%!#% to each other.


COMPLETELY DISGREE with packing more people into instances.

If anything I want to see more instances opened more often to eliminate running into other players because of the issues that arrise in this game when you do.


8) Agree, still waiting to be given my achievement for hitting legacy 50 long long long time ago. According to game (because of bug) Im legacy 0 and can not do a number of achievements that require legacy 50 as a prerequisite.


9) Agreed, they should really look at EQ2 guild system and bring in many of those content items


10) 50/50, Operations good but reflect such a small percentage of the player numbers. Better if they focused on many more flashpoints and small group content. Over all Operations just dont have the broad reach content wise that flashpoints and advancing storylines has to the population.




My list is


1) Pazzaak

2) Swoop (NOT POD) racing

3) Appearence tabs (Carry multiple armor sets with out filling up backpack slots

4) Dual spec that is saved so switching over changes hot bars and everything to a pre determined set up

5) Expand existing planets (Id love to see a new 55+ zone added to the old planets so there is a reason to reuse these planets when you at max. I know I havent been back to Tython in forever)


7) DAoC Style RVR (with out expertise stat. If your as good as you think you are, you dont need an extra stat to make you even more powerful. There is a reason why many players PVP to 49 and then stiop and reroll new character.)

8) New Classes and Races including more aliens iconic to Star Wars universe.

9) Wookie World, Onderon (and Dxun), Dantoinne, Expand the universe with a focus on end game content

10) Changes to Long Shots/Arrura Cannon (section X) and other under 55 heroics that require 3-4 players to complete a non combat mechanic. Make the old world herooics 2 person to lvl 55s so they can get this content done if they rerun it

11) Make instanced heroics and flashpoints scale to the level of the highest leveled players. So if a 55 steps into Esseles, its a 55 flashpoint on storymode. If a 55 goes back to Coruscaunt to run heroics there, those heroics become 55 heroics when he/she steps foot into them. Have the old content scale up to play level so the content is never grey and easy.

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Addendum: A full year will go by without a new operation.


Interestingly, several people talked about this with Cory Butler as Cologne Cantina, and he admitted that releasing DF and DP simultaneously may not have been the ideal way, but that the story required it (and I suppose that the next Operation story arc was not really finished)

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