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Words that gamers get wrong


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So you put a single label on a wide-spanning group and said that the majority of them get these simple things wrong, then posted it here, when it has nothing to do with "SW:TOR General Discussion." So because people play games you believe they don't understand the difference between "then" and "than." Most of these things didn't even make any sense. "Invitation" is the noun form of "invite," and you .. I don't even know.


I don't think you're the one that needs to be correcting people.


You basically posted a "How-to English" in a Star Wars game forum, for no reason other than some people on the internet have problems typing in proper English, and the people on the forums are on the internet. People who use lazy text talk won't be swayed by this, and people who use proper grammar don't need this. It accomplishes nothing, likely because you posted it for a personal reason.

Edited by Pingonaut
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I remember once speaking at a college forum and having a discussion about my job. One college kid was trying to indicate how "language changes culture" and was very proud of that statement. (Which he obviously heard from some stuffy shut-in professor who hid behind a lectern his whole life.)


I had to explain to him that culture changes language and it does quite often due to how things occur in life, in social groups, and in the larger society. After he comprehended what I meant, he looked like I just stepped on all 12 of his puppies.


I imagine the OP is in a similar state of mind. Though, I have also had to read through work given to me by 18 year old's and even college students and gotten a headache trying to decipher it. It was even worse when they were doing their "best" on the work they submit.


The internet is a social group in itself and will create language based on the culture it is, whether anyone likes it or not.

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I tend to find that the English in MMOs is a lot better then the English I have experienced on local parenting facebook groups.


The OP head will probably explode with the spelling/grammar etc I have to decipher on those groups.


Now factor in that most players on EU servers have English as a second language and it is just embarrassing.

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I tend to find that the English in MMOs is a lot better then the English I have experienced on local parenting facebook groups.


The OP head will probably explode with the spelling/grammar etc I have to decipher on those groups.


Now factor in that most players on EU servers have English as a second language and it is just embarrassing.


Actually, I have met more ESL/ETL people who speak better English that EFLs.


But I agree on the better grammar on the MMO than on Facebook.

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You sir, (The OP) are incorrect.


The examples you give do not apply to gamers only. Honestly, even as I type this, my spell check is relaying to me that the word "gamers" is not a real word. Seeing as how you use a word that is not a word, only furthers the argument others in this thread used to say that languages evolve.


You are both pedantic and imprecise in your insistence of proper grammar usage.


However, I do agree that follies in spelling can be annoying. Example: Using 'then' when 'than' is intended. At the same time, I know for myself at times, when typing my mind will think one thing, and my fingers act out another. In my time as an online role player, I will find when looking up from the keyboard that I've written out "and and" in the middle of a sentence. I would go back and correct it, but it happened to me constantly.


It is a beautiful thing when a person's elocution allows for eloquence. When a single sentence can paint a picture in the mind of their audience that disproves the notion that 'A picture is worth a thousand words'.


Anyway, the point I was intending to make at the start of this, is that it is not only 'gamers' that make these grammatical foibles. It is the majority of humans that type online in most any fashion available to them. Be it games, web site forums, blogs, personal websites, social media, and many others. Is it a failing of the educational systems, or just disinterest in proper usage in a medium that will have zero real world consequences? Who knows? Who cares?


In the end, the argot of the people you've labeled as 'gamers' is not yours to concern yourself with. 'Gamers' will speak how they will, of their own will and no amount of preaching, or people acting as grammar Nazis (Not saying you are), will change that. Did you honestly think that your post here would enlighten and enrich this corner of the internet?


P.S. I personally gave up on consistently using proper grammar when I had learned that the word 'ain't' was added to the dictionary.

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If one wishes to see the dramatic effect of culture and time on language, one only has to read Charter of Cnut in it's original prose. Naturally it would be difficult for most to read it in it's Old English form.


a cydde man me, þæt us mara hearm to fundode, þonne us wel licode: and þa for ic me sylf mid þam mannum þe me mid foron into Denmearcon, þe eow mæst hearm of com: and þæt hæbbe mid godes fultume forene forfangen, þæt eow næfre heonon forð þanon nan unfrið to ne cymð, þa hwile þe ge me rihtlice healdað and min lif byð

Edited by LordArtemis
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If one wishes to see the dramatic effect of culture and time on language, one only has to read Charter of Cnut in it's original prose. Naturally it would be difficult for most to read it in it's Old English form.


a cydde man me, þæt us mara hearm to fundode, þonne us wel licode: and þa for ic me sylf mid þam mannum þe me mid foron into Denmearcon, þe eow mæst hearm of com: and þæt hæbbe mid godes fultume forene forfangen, þæt eow næfre heonon forð þanon nan unfrið to ne cymð, þa hwile þe ge me rihtlice healdað and min lif byð


Or watch the South Park episode about the motorcycle gang and the word ... *** is censored, isn't it? Well, three letters, stars with f. That word. The whole time they keep looking the word up and getting different definitions.

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