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Gunship Best Practice


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Start game:


hold spacebar to vantagepoint - press right mouse button - zoom out - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button -


if attacked, press barrelroll - turn around - press right mouse button - zoom out - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button


win the TDM as firstplaced with 15+ kills


type /ops GG ^^




rinse and repeat

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Start game:


hold spacebar to vantagepoint - press right mouse button - zoom out - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button -


if attacked, press barrelroll - turn around - press right mouse button - zoom out - hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button- hold left mouse button - release left mouse button


win the TDM as firstplaced with 15+ kills


type /ops GG ^^




rinse and repeat


What server do you play on? On the 4 servers I've tried you won't get far like that.

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Love to hear your best practices for the "all hail" gunships. Where to snipe, speciality specs, gunships in TDM, gunships in domination etc etc ..


Oh boy, you're going to get a lot of different opinions on this. Crazy-Wolf's comment isn't particularly helpful, other than possibly against a bunch of noobs, and doesn't really answer your question anyway. I could write an essay on the topic, but I'll try to distill my thoughts to a few salient points:


1) I think most would agree that the T1 GS (Mangler/Quarrel), equipped with ion and slug, is going to be your best general-purpose GS. Most builds include double missile breaks (disto field & barrel roll, usually). Lightweight armor for evasion, BLCs for close range combat in case of emergency, dampening sensors for a little extra surprise factor. Certainly in TDM, and usually in domination too, this is your best bet.


2) T2 GS can be fun - try the double-torp build (for entertainment purposes only) - and there is little more amusing than eliciting panic suicides with plasma shots. Directional shields can allow you to survive battles that would otherwise be suicide in other GS builds. But overall, this ship does not compare to the T1 in terms of general utility.


3) T3 GS (Condor/Jurgoran) can be very effective in certain situations. Depending on the opposition, I find that holding a node in a dom match can be easier with a T3, since it's superior in close-quarters combat. And it is quite entertaining to hit a target with interdiction missile, watch them limp away, and then slug them into space dust. I call this the "fungun" for a reason. I use the T3 more than the T1 these days, even though I'll put up better numbers in the latter.


4) Where to snipe is a whole separate topic. I think this comes mostly from experience...in brief, I'd say don't forget about the vertical axis, remember that sitting well below (or above) a sat can give you an advantage. Teaming up with another GS this way (one above, one below) is a common strategy for dislodging an entrenched bomber. But just as a single example of specific positioning, in Kuat Mesas dom, empire side, there's a "window" to B (on the A side, about halfway down the wall) that's a terrific place to snipe; if your team's strikes and scouts are trying to steal that node from the enemy, you can wreak havoc simply by sitting there and unloading ion shots on anything and everything.


5) If you get hit - move. Get the hell out of dodge. This is applicable advice on any ship, but I think even more so in a GS, because if you're flying a T1 and the enemy is remotely competent, they're going to focus you. Getting hit once means you have a chance to escape; get hit twice, and you're probably going to die.


6) Watch for - and target - opposing GS. Also applicable for any ship type, but as a GS yourself, you can keep them busy and off your team's strikes & scouts - which can't fight back from the same distance. Sneaking up on an opposing GS can allow you to effectively take them out of the game. Get them once, and now they have to keep an eye on you too. They can't just sit back and snipe away at your team.


I could go on...and on...but hopefully that gives you something to chew on.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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What server do you play on? On the 4 servers I've tried you won't get far like that.


On T3-M4


I apologize for the cynicism and the polemic, but coming here as a gs pilot asking about tactics and strategies is like an 8th grade bully, harrassing 2nd graders and then going to a forum asking other bullies, what kind of equipment they use to enhance the bullying of 2nd graders.


I don't want to jump on the "nerfgstrain", considering the fact that I enjoy flying a scout, but on a twink I fly a Mangler from scratch. And the above text pretty much reflects 90% of my time as a GS-pilot in a match. There are matches, whre I find myself against a lot of very good pilots and then I have to do a little bit more to survive. But if there are more than 3 gunships on our side, we are still likely to win the game with very little effort.

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More gunships really need to learn to move the moment they come under fire. If I see a gunship I usually fly straight towards them and start firing quads, because most of the time, they won't win, and they'll die. In my experience a gunship cannot take down a Clarion head on, even with a 10K range lead. Edited by StealthNerf
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On T3-M4


I apologize for the cynicism and the polemic, but coming here as a gs pilot asking about tactics and strategies is like an 8th grade bully, harrassing 2nd graders and then going to a forum asking other bullies, what kind of equipment they use to enhance the bullying of 2nd graders.


I don't want to jump on the "nerfgstrain", considering the fact that I enjoy flying a scout, but on a twink I fly a Mangler from scratch. And the above text pretty much reflects 90% of my time as a GS-pilot in a match. There are matches, whre I find myself against a lot of very good pilots and then I have to do a little bit more to survive. But if there are more than 3 gunships on our side, we are still likely to win the game with very little effort.


So you apologize for cynicism and polemics and then spout off more of it in the next sentence? Riiiight.


Your server must suck if you only need to do "a little bit more" than the equivalent of a target dummy rotation to survive.


If you are fighting newbs, then sure - an ace will slaughter news in a stock strike, and gunships require even less effort for good results at the low end. At the high end, if you do not approach very carefully and manage your resources well, you will get focused down and not accomplish much. Anonymity will carry you a long way, however, until your alts get marked by the other aces. Once you're enough of a nuisance to get marked, the scout aces will hunt you down. If they can't kill you when you don't get any help, then they aren't very good and you don't get any kudos for surviving them.


The key thing about gunship play is to think ahead and keep a low profile. Surprise burst damage is how you make a living, and being able to run as quickly as possible is how you STAY living. Hang back a bit from the initial wave of scouts and strikes, and engage the weakest targets first, to even the odds as quickly as possible. After that, enemy gunships and bombers are your priority. Ion first+slug is usually a good combination, as almost no non-scouts will die to one-shot unless you have DO.


Use of terrain is critical - stay within easy reach of something to LOS attackers, or teammates to help burn down your attacker when they tunnel you. Never attack with no engine power remaining. If entering a gunship duel, have your cooldowns up. Don't get greedy - best to maim a target and get many more chances to shoot other ships than to tunnel something down and die.

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So you apologize for cynicism and polemics and then spout off more of it in the next sentence? Riiiight.


The key thing about gunship play is to think ahead and keep a low profile. Surprise burst damage is how you make a living, and being able to run as quickly as possible is how you STAY living. Hang back a bit from the initial wave of scouts and strikes, and engage the weakest targets first, to even the odds as quickly as possible. After that, enemy gunships and bombers are your priority. Ion first+slug is usually a good combination, as almost no non-scouts will die to one-shot unless you have DO.


So basically what I wrote in my first post. Fly to a vantage point, pick your targets and run if you're getting attacked. It doesn't matter how much more sugar you add or how many sentences you use to describe your actions, that's basically the bottom line. Fly to a certain spot that is NOT anywhere near a point of interest for the enemy, aim, shoot, and repeat until another scout/strike is focussing you, then hit your defense cooldowns and run. Either until they stop chasing you or until some of your team mates keep that sucker busy enough to turn around and punish him for attacking you.

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So basically what I wrote in my first post. Fly to a vantage point, pick your targets and run if you're getting attacked. It doesn't matter how much more sugar you add or how many sentences you use to describe your actions, that's basically the bottom line. Fly to a certain spot that is NOT anywhere near a point of interest for the enemy, aim, shoot, and repeat until another scout/strike is focussing you, then hit your defense cooldowns and run. Either until they stop chasing you or until some of your team mates keep that sucker busy enough to turn around and punish him for attacking you.


Yes, because that was SO clear from what you wrote before.


Let me put this another way. Here's a battlescout game, reduced to the format of what you first posted:


Hold spacebar until red squares show up. Tab to nearest. Spacebar. In range? Hold down right button. Hit 1. Left button. Hit 2. Left button. Release right button. Target dead? No? Spacebar, repeat.


If attacked? Hit 2, 3, or 2+3+4. Hit R. Point on and hold spacebar. Repeat above rotation.


win the TDM as firstplaced with 15+ kills


type /ops GG ^^




See how utterly worthless that was? Yeah. Pretty much as worthless as what you wrote before.

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Yes, because that was SO clear from what you wrote before.


Let me put this another way. Here's a battlescout game, reduced to the format of what you first posted:


Hold spacebar until red squares show up. Tab to nearest. Spacebar. In range? Hold down right button. Hit 1. Left button. Hit 2. Left button. Release right button. Target dead? No? Spacebar, repeat.


If attacked? Hit 2, 3, or 2+3+4. Hit R. Point on and hold spacebar. Repeat above rotation.


win the TDM as firstplaced with 15+ kills


type /ops GG ^^




See how utterly worthless that was? Yeah. Pretty much as worthless as what you wrote before.




It's funny when Gunsheep pilots act all butthurt when other players point out the obvious to them.

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It's funny when Gunsheep pilots act all butthurt when other players point out the obvious to them.


I got 1500 non gunship matches - how many do you have? Not that it even matters - if you put up useless **** on the forums like his first post, people will call you on it.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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I got 1500 non gunship matches - how many do you have? Not that it even matters - if you put up useless **** on the forums like his first post, people will call you on it.



Here, have a snickers...

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Love to hear your best practices for the "all hail" gunships. Where to snipe, speciality specs, gunships in TDM, gunships in domination etc etc ..


Positioning, positioning, positioning. Try to be aware of your surroundings. Strikes, gunships, and bombers if you're in the T1 you want to lead with ion slug. Be prepared that more than likely you'll not have anyone covering your blindside so multiple deaths is probable. No biggie, that's the life of gunship. Most importantly, have fun with it.

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Attack at odd angles/directions - I like to snipe near asteroids and at the top/bottom of maps. Anticipate when someone is going to come back to try and revenge kill you (and add a point to your team, again). Play with a teammate to cover you. Kite enemies through your entire team (tab targeting teammates ftw, I guess?).
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Attack at odd angles/directions - I like to snipe near asteroids and at the top/bottom of maps. Anticipate when someone is going to come back to try and revenge kill you (and add a point to your team, again). Play with a teammate to cover you. Kite enemies through your entire team (tab targeting teammates ftw, I guess?).


All good stuff.


Re: odd angles/directions - that is key, and an extension of Sonya's comment in a prior post about positioning. Move around a lot, switch targets frequently. Keep the opposition on their toes, never knowing where you are, nor who you're going after.


On that note: remember you don't have to actually target an enemy to hit them with a railgun like you normally would with blasters or missiles. Target someone else, then shoot at one of their teammates' squares. This way, if an enemy targets you, they have no idea who you're actually firing at. Can either lull them into a false sense of security, or send them panicking, depending on the situation.


Re: the revenge attempts...there's a bit of "know thy enemy" required for the following, but I frequently use some pilots' rage against them. There are certain players you just know are going to come right after you if you nail them once. A couple of those guys - the real "aces" - I intentionally try not to PO, because then they'll take me out of the game; even if they don't actually get me, I'll spend most of the match running around and that limits my ability to disrupt the opposition (though this can be a good thing too, especially if I can tie up the other team's best pilot for an extended period of time). But there's a second tier of pilots that are likely going to be easy pickings (repeatedly) if I send them flying into a rage.

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While some whiner tried to derail this, the thread is actually becoming useful again.


1)- Select your gunship.

The type 1 gunship is generally the best, because it has distortion shield, barrel roll, ion, and slug. Burst Laser Cannon is also solid. You have solid control at range and you can't be discounted in a head to head close range. The type 3 gunship is also a very solid choice, trading ion railgun for either clusters or interdiction, both solid choices, and trading the important armor component for an important thruster component. While you don't have barrel, retro and power dive give you very slippery defense and offense, and a capacitor rounds up your choices, giving you a better BLC than the type 1 gunship. The type 2 gunship is generally the worst, but still has a nice set of offensive choices, allowing you to remain combative even under pressure. Directional shields provide a solid defense, and heavy lasers provide much damage for little energy, while being effective against any ship not trying to dogfight you.


In general, best practice is to select a type 1 gunship, and type 3 is certainly also a solid choice. Type 2 has an interesting playstyle, but does not bring the same level of power as the other two.



2)- Discern your role.


Gunships are snipers, but what you do is still a big deal. If your team has a really solid battlescout on it, go ion everything around him. Your goal is to get a snare on all of them, and if they are close, to hurt their engine and weapon pools with direct and incidental damage. This will leave an open field for him to pluck them like super mario 2 turnips. If your team instead needs help at nodes, try to position yourself such that anyone messing with you has to not be near the node, and is closer to your side (or a beacon, or a spawn) such that they'll be flying into reinforcements.


If you are part of a large team, you can even consider unorthodox tricks, such as fortress shield.


3)- Have an escape route.


You have longer to find your escape route with a type 1 and 3 gunship, as both of these have distortion field, but you need to know where you are going.


4)- (mostly type 1) Mind your energy.


You want to make optimal use of energy. Most of your shots should be full charge, but do NOT hesitate to discern where you should stop charging and fire so as to get a kill. Learning this will really help your total contribution. Ensure you have enough energy to kill your target, and, if not, do the best you can with what you have. If you can only do one full charge shot and your target is a full health bomber, choose ion if you want to slow him down for your team, or choose slug if you want to inflict some actual damage. Type 3 gunships still have to watch their energy, but consider going in for burst laser combined with missiles if you are below a third energy and your enemy is closer than about 8k.





5)- If you flee, flee to something that has edges or teeth.


You can't outmaneuver much as a gunship, but you can fly to a rock that prevents any missiles but clusters. Engage your team's bombers to create places where you can fly back to in TDM to scape melee fighters. Learn to orbit tightly and alternately boost and quarter throttle to minimize your foe's window of opportunity with blasters and missiles.



6)- Always be looking to line up a shot. Even with an enemy team chasing you, you can often land an ion on a distant dogfight, or snipe someone with a quarter charge slug. Helping kill an enemy that your ally has been chewing on can get your ally supporting your back quicker.



7)- Target enemies in a globe. Those who you know are threats or are chasing you are number one, those who are harassing your allies are number two, and lesser threatening enemies at distance are third. You don't normally want to press your sphere of influence while it still has enemies in it, lest it collapse.


8)- If a scout is sneaking up on you, make him work for it. If you are sniping 4k away from a superstructure, a scout will simply use the superstructure to land 4k away from you. If the scout is getting close to the superstructure, either move towards it to use the LOS features of it yourself (defensive mode) or move away from it, such that the scout has to cross 12km to reach you.


9)- Play your enemy, not the ships- keep your eye on the mission.

Does a guy log over and rage if you flee back to cap ship? If you chain ion him? If you snipe him from some certain spot he hates? Keep doing that, and use it as a taunt. Ion aoe and flee to mines, be just helpless enough to incite attention and ire. Your mission is to win, and your greatest weapon is always your mind. Your enemies may not be manipulatable, but they also might, and don't waste such an opportunity when it presents itself. Many enemies, even technically skilled ones, will become worthless tunnelers if sniped, so use this to draw them away from objectives.

Edited by Verain
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Yes, because that was SO clear from what you wrote before.


Let me put this another way. Here's a battlescout game, reduced to the format of what you first posted:


Hold spacebar until red squares show up. Tab to nearest. Spacebar. In range? Hold down right button. Hit 1. Left button. Hit 2. Left button. Release right button. Target dead? No? Spacebar, repeat.


If attacked? Hit 2, 3, or 2+3+4. Hit R. Point on and hold spacebar. Repeat above rotation.


win the TDM as firstplaced with 15+ kills


type /ops GG ^^




See how utterly worthless that was? Yeah. Pretty much as worthless as what you wrote before.


And it shows that I have to use more buttons than you. You forgot to mention that I have two targeting circles to consider along with two weapon circles and that I have to shake my right hand constantly to keep up with my target's sudden changes of direction. You don't. Except when you burst-laser-finish off some newbie who takes you head on. Oh wait...head-on....no mouseshaking there.


And no, I don't tap to the nearest. I tap to the one which is the farthest away. Cause that will be the gosh darn sniper making my life a living hell.


And yes, before anyone mentions it: A couple of Stings and Blackbolts are as nearly a pain in the *** as a GS. But stop pretending that you need a master's degree for flying a mobile battelshipturret. And don't expect much "ooohs" and "aaaahs" for your bravery of being out of range.


And everything else said, and I know noone keeps lissening to my babbling, comes down to three simple rules: -Choose a vantage point out of the enemy's area of interest (as someone here called it: Positioning, positioning, positioning.)

-Pick your targets

-Run if attacked.


Ok, listen. Let's kill each other in space, not here. I won't give you the credit that you so desperatelly desire, and you won't listen to anything I say, cause I am a whiner. *chuckles*


I am out of here and you can give that new guy a lot of good advice to enhance his camping experience. Don't forget a nice tent and a fishing pole.



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While some whiner tried to derail this, the thread is actually becoming useful again.


1)- Select your gunship.

The type 1 gunship is generally the best, because it has distortion shield, barrel roll, ion, and slug. Burst Laser Cannon is also solid. You have solid control at range and you can't be discounted in a head to head close range. The type 3 gunship is also a very solid choice, trading ion railgun for either clusters or interdiction, both solid choices, and trading the important armor component for an important thruster component. While you don't have barrel, retro and power dive give you very slippery defense and offense, and a capacitor rounds up your choices, giving you a better BLC than the type 1 gunship. The type 2 gunship is generally the worst, but still has a nice set of offensive choices, allowing you to remain combative even under pressure. Directional shields provide a solid defense, and heavy lasers provide much damage for little energy, while being effective against any ship not trying to dogfight you.


In general, best practice is to select a type 1 gunship, and type 3 is certainly also a solid choice. Type 2 has an interesting playstyle, but does not bring the same level of power as the other two.



I would chime in and say that at TDM games if the enemy team is heavy with proficient gunship pilots you have higher chances with type 1 gunship for counter-railgun duty.


If enemy team is heavy with good battlescouts, strikes or decent wolf packs then your chances of operating optimally under pressure is higher with type 3 gunship, specially with feedback shield & power dive combo.


You will lose the 2nd missile break and be more vulnerable to enemy railgun fire by getting feedback shield. However, short cooldown and extra mobility from power dive helps to make up for it. Feedback will kill your attackers in an optimum rate but it will help you finish of targets you have clipped off before they managed to boost close to you or damage your chasers and leave them open to a quick kill from your team members.

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Figure I should post my own one!!


The defensive capability of Jurgoran/Condor very valuable at start of TDM. Run a two-gunship setup in TDM and roll defensive setup on Condor, offensive setup on Quarrel/Mangler. Condor to start the battle, can normally nail predictable scouts early on Condor, after that they more likely leave you alone, giving you option to swap for offensive quarrel after the opening sorties.

Edited by lwiggles
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According to Yuuko's data for TEH players, most of the top.... I'll say 6 pilots for dps overall and kills per minute are performed by scout pilots. My GS is one of MAYBE two non-scout ships in the top 6. For a battle scout pilot to QQ GS just means he's a really bad pilot.


For T1 tips, looking for a fight doesn't go well. BLCs are amazing, but only when used effectively (read: DEFENSIVELY). Your role isn't node holding - it's maintaining pressure from afar and poking every chance possible. CC is your friend - opening with ion helps your team SO MUCH, I can't stress that portion enough.


For T2 tips, take it off your bar.... Seriously


For T3 Tips, enjoy being able to slug a zoom zoom scout and then put directional shields to front and eat a cluster (or retro) and finish with a BLC. I take turning every chance possible, so having a separate part specifically for turning is nice with this. Defiitely able to defend nodes a lot better than a T1


Make sure you have wingman on all GSs as the accuracy increase is vital in the current meta, unless you have a cartel GS in addition so that you can run one with WM and one for RI (which, depending on who you're up against and enemy team composition, can turn playing GS into playing w/GodMode).


REMEMBER: Just because you can take on 4v1 against a bunch of newbs DOES NOT MEAN you can take on Nemarus, Yuuko-san, Armond, Tolgid, Moonking, Drako, Stasie, Sookat, etc. at the same time. Your game is run and gun, not stay and fight (unless you take fortress shield in which case you deserve to die often). Good luck!

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Figure I should post my own one!!


The defensive capability of Jurgoran/Condor very valuable at start of TDM. Run a two-gunship setup in TDM and roll defensive setup on Condor, offensive setup on Quarrel/Mangler. Condor to start the battle, can normally nail predictable scouts early on Condor, after that they more likely leave you alone, giving you option to swap for offensive quarrel after the opening sorties.


Curious what your defensive setup on the T3 looks like, but that aside, I've found that the best defense is typically a good offense. And the T1's ion is pretty much the optimal weapon for that purpose. I often use the T1 as a support ship, CCing everything in range, giving my scouts/strikes easier kills.


Don't get me wrong, I love my T3 and fly it all the time, but if I'm facing a particularly tough team or really want to win (I mean, more than usual), the T1 will always be my go-to ship. Whether I'm flying offensively or defensively, I feel it's my best choice in a TDM.



According to Yuuko's data for TEH players, most of the top.... I'll say 6 pilots for dps overall and kills per minute are performed by scout pilots. My GS is one of MAYBE two non-scout ships in the top 6. For a battle scout pilot to QQ GS just means he's a really bad pilot.


For T1 tips, looking for a fight doesn't go well. BLCs are amazing, but only when used effectively (read: DEFENSIVELY). Your role isn't node holding - it's maintaining pressure from afar and poking every chance possible. CC is your friend - opening with ion helps your team SO MUCH, I can't stress that portion enough.


For T2 tips, take it off your bar.... Seriously


For T3 Tips, enjoy being able to slug a zoom zoom scout and then put directional shields to front and eat a cluster (or retro) and finish with a BLC. I take turning every chance possible, so having a separate part specifically for turning is nice with this. Defiitely able to defend nodes a lot better than a T1


Make sure you have wingman on all GSs as the accuracy increase is vital in the current meta, unless you have a cartel GS in addition so that you can run one with WM and one for RI (which, depending on who you're up against and enemy team composition, can turn playing GS into playing w/GodMode).


REMEMBER: Just because you can take on 4v1 against a bunch of newbs DOES NOT MEAN you can take on Nemarus, Yuuko-san, Armond, Tolgid, Moonking, Drako, Stasie, Sookat, etc. at the same time. Your game is run and gun, not stay and fight (unless you take fortress shield in which case you deserve to die often). Good luck!


I agree with pretty much every single word of this, down to separate T1 builds (one cartel ship) for WM/RI...except for taking the T2 off your bar. It can be a fun ship, though as I said earlier, I do agree that it can't match the T1 or T3 in terms of utility. Still, plasma/directionals makes for some entertainment and some survivability. And the double-torp build is...amusing. I like to pull it out now and then when I'm pretty sure doing so won't ruin my team's chances at a win.

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