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Sorry Bioware but I'm calling bull on this one


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Hey all,


I brought this to the attention of the team, and discovered that this is a bug - Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones - and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available.


We will be releasing 2.9c tomorrow morning to address this issue. There will be a maintenance post made later today with the full information.







So because people are only killing the bonus/final bosses, all PvE objectives are rendered dailies? That's your solution?




If you check the achievements for those Flashpoints, they'll have a big fat one down the bottom worth 25-50 points. You know what they say?


Kill all bosses within X Flashpoint


Was it too hard to just copy and paste that as the requirement for Conquest points instead of merely the final boss/bonus boss? Exploit fixed already.



Or you could just... I dunno.... lower the amount of points awarded for killing the final boss/bonus boss regardless. But no, now we get stuck with Dailes pretty much across the board it seems.




Meanwhile, I can queue for PvP 24 hrs straight if I want and get points merely for finishing the match.


Meanwhile, I can queue for GSF 24 hrs straight if I want (I did like 8 games in no time at all yesterday and I'm not even a big fan of GSF) and get points merely for finishing the match.



The majority of these aren't Dailies, in fact GSF practically resets as soon as you hit the requirements (for example one is 10 wins, one is 50 medals. I'm already on my second 50 medal and I'm freaking awful at GSF).




So tell me, why is the only solution to this exploit to shoot PvE in the kneecaps to be seemingly "once per day" across the board when I can PvP and GSF all day all night long? How come they don't get the "luxury" of being Dailies?

Edited by Transairion
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I agree... not happy with the solution.


BW had several more MONTHS... yes MONTHS to deploy this correctly and "QA" 2.9 properly. Now we get to have minor patch after minor patch for stupid design decisions. Fire your QA department already. (If you have one)


PVP should not have unlimited "show up and you win 500" and PVE gets screwed.


So you know what.. I'm going to do PVP and I hate PVP, but all I have to do is just jump into a match.. move a couple times while playing another game and BOOM.. given 500 points as many times as I want to que up. Way to invite all the BADDIES into PVP. LOL


You cap PVE FP's you need to cap everything else as well. Just simple BS because your QA didn't think ahead. Most players that have been around a couple years could have looked at that conquest board and went... okay path of least resistance is.. this one...

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So no more kuat runs on my toons that are to low to go to those planets? For example i finished my 55 sent now moving on to my trooper who is to low for balmora right now(only lvl 31).



As far as Conquest Points go that looks to be the case.


But don't worry, you can still get points while PvPing and GSF no matter your level!

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Maybe we need a different set of tasks for PVE and another for PVP


We have, or had them.



Just people found a PvE exploit so the kneejerk fix is to make all the PvE ones Dailies while the PvP ones you can do infinite times in a day. Instead of fixing it specifically with regards to the exploit =/

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Meanwhile, I can queue for PvP 24 hrs straight if I want and get points merely for finishing the match.


Some of you here have serius problem on understand how this conquest work.

Afraid of not win? Change planet, take a better one, do H with alt and daily FP. You will do more point than run wz.


IF you are not allowed to lame, you have to cry.

Edited by Elminster_cs
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Some of you here have serius problem on understand how this conquest work.

Afraid of not win? Change planet, take a better one, do H with alt and daily FP. You will do more point than run wz.


IF you are not allowed to lame, you have to cry.


Lol, I'm not even sure where to begin.



You get 500 points minimum for a Warzone/GSF. If you invade a PvP planet you get more.


You get 500 points minimum for doing a Heroic. If you invade a PvE planet you get more.



The difference is I can queue over and over for PvP and get as many points as I want. If I doing all the Heroics, then I'm done for the day, I can't run them anymore. Neither can I queue for group finder bonus, once then done.


PvP in infinitely repeatable, with this patch PvE is daily limited.



Most of us don't have over 10 alts in our guilds we can grind PvE until our fingers bleed, the guild I'm in is always at the 500 member cap and that's with 3 characters (total!) per person limitations.



So apparently because I like to PvE I'm not allowed to get more than PvE points x 3, while I could just PvP and get PvP x infinity? Without even changing characters no less.

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As I stated in another thread about this, the objectives to do FPs are marked as repeatable. So how is it a bug?


It was a mistake by BW or a miscalculation if you prefer. There is one thing that BW is not very good at and that's admitting mistakes. How can it be a bug if you marked it as a repeatable objective yourself?


And how can you not know that there are a couple of FPs where people have found ways to skip most of the FP itself? So it was just a matter of adding 2 + 2 together. The players did it, you didn't and it gave an undesired effect.


That's not a bug. I understand the need to fix the situation but I think it's a bit sad to call it a bug when in reality you just made a mistake.


If they were marked as one time objectives and then people were able to repeat them, then I would've believed it to be a bug. But that wasn't the case.

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Don't forget that this week is Flashpoints and GSF week. Flashpoints and GSF SHOULD reward more.


So instead of just looking at 500-1000 per warzone for ground PVP (Which isn't a focus this week), look at GSF aka SPACE PVP.


You get 2000 with the right planet (IE: any planet but Illum the FP planet) AND rewards for medals, weeklies, and dailies, all repeatable. Doesn't matter win or lose. Do a space PVP match (one of the two focuses for the week) and you're making flashpoints even MORE irrelevant.


As, in regards to 500/warzone, Hoth nets 1000 per warzone. And an arena is quicker than a Battle for Illum run...an arena that will ALWAYS show up if you queue ranked. "Oh, but there need to be other teams". Ok, 8 people can farm arenas faster than 8 people can do two different arenas against each other.


This week used to be "farm flashpoints for PVE" "farm space for PVP". Now its just "farm space for PVP."

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Some of you here have serius problem on understand how this conquest work.

Afraid of not win? Change planet, take a better one, do H with alt and daily FP. You will do more point than run wz.


IF you are not allowed to lame, you have to cry.


Wrong it is you who don't seem to understand the problem. It is not about just picking another planet and solving the problem. It is about PVP-ers having INFINITE repeatable objectives and PVE-ers having capped or severely limited ones. And you can stop with your nonsense calculations now. I run 1 daily HM fp and I get 1000 points for that. In the same time space the PVP-ers run 3 warzones and get 1500 points.


After that the PVP-er can do the same thing again and again and again. The PVE-er will have to wait to the next daily reset to get this. YOU are a PVP-er so you probably find it hard to understand how unfair the balance is.


Looking at Dulfy and how several repeatable PVE objectives are now suddenly One Time I can ONLY guess that a lot of the other scenarios will also be 'fixed'.

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Come on.


You claim the infinite card but time is a limitation. It is more beneficial to run heroics if you only have 1.5hrs of game time a day than to run warzones. 1.5hrs is what you can expect a casual player to spend in-game daily. Sure the super players may do PvP a ton all day long but those are far and few between, the reverse is true as well. But running heroics 7 heroics for 500 pts is 3500 but double that because the heroics take 45 min to complete so I can switch characters for a total of 7000 points. PvP queues can be spotty depending on the server, if you a lot about 15 min per match, that's 6 matches for 500 pts which totals 3000 points in 1.5hrs.


You tell me who gets the better deal for their time investment.

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Come on.


You claim the infinite card but time is a limitation. It is more beneficial to run heroics if you only have 1.5hrs of game time a day than to run warzones. 1.5hrs is what you can expect a casual player to spend in-game daily. Sure the super players may do PvP a ton all day long but those are far and few between, the reverse is true as well. But running heroics 7 heroics for 500 pts is 3500 but double that because the heroics take 45 min to complete so I can switch characters for a total of 7000 points. PvP queues can be spotty depending on the server, if you a lot about 15 min per match, that's 6 matches for 500 pts which totals 3000 points in 1.5hrs.


You tell me who gets the better deal for their time investment.



The one who invaded the right planet, for starters. PvP Planet PvP gets more, PvE planet Heroics get more in those very specific time limitations.


Number of Heroics and length of time spent vary MASSIVELY between planets as well. Ilum only has 1 Heroic per faction. Balmorra has like 7/8 depending on faction. Certain Heroics take a heap more time than others.



I'm not sure what the point of casual efficiency is when it's pretty dang obvious a casual guild or person isn't exactly going to be conquering a planet, now will they? Well, not unless their server is abandoned of competition. Top of the leaderboards is always whoever did more of a grind, PvP or otherwise.

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Some of you here have serius problem on understand how this conquest work.

Afraid of not win? Change planet, take a better one, do H with alt and daily FP. You will do more point than run wz.


IF you are not allowed to lame, you have to cry.


I think you're misunderstanding the grievance that a lot of us have with the way BioWare is addressing conquest point scaling. The beef is that the majority of players and guilds, probably 85% or better, are PvE. The way things are tiered with Conquest points and the task lockouts is heavily favoring PvP guilds at the moment and that is the beef the majority of people, myself included have. I play on The Shadowlands, and Old Republic Dads, Triumph, and Wook, all predominately PvP guilds, are proving the validity of the complaints being voiced here in that they are ahead of the PvE guilds competing against them on the leaderboards by a large margin. If they want to nerf PvE questing rewards, it's only fair to do so for the PvE guilds if they do the same for the PvP quest rewards by having a daily cap placed on them allowing a similar maximum amount of points to be earned per day. Else wise, they need to segregate the Conquest planets by offering planets that will only be available to and benefit PvE and PvP related guilds respectively. Or just trash the whole planetary conquest system... no wait... they're already doing a great job of that...

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I only do PvE stuff in the game. That's all I'm interested in and all that I take the time to get involved in. So I looked over the rewards for the Galactic conquest stuff, at the things I would be required to do to advance in it, and very quickly lost any intrest in participating.

I'm not going to sit around and manufacture things that take resources that are incredibly hard to gather up in the first place and that I can find much better uses for than to make first aid kits for fictionary invading armies.

I'm not going to suddenly decide to jump into arena's with other players that are geared to the teeth for battles to the death.

So pretty much the entire galatic conquest thing I'm pushing to the back of the table where it belongs and going back to running dailies I can see some benefit in.

Edited by FredrikssonR
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Come on.


You claim the infinite card but time is a limitation. It is more beneficial to run heroics if you only have 1.5hrs of game time a day than to run warzones. 1.5hrs is what you can expect a casual player to spend in-game daily. Sure the super players may do PvP a ton all day long but those are far and few between, the reverse is true as well. But running heroics 7 heroics for 500 pts is 3500 but double that because the heroics take 45 min to complete so I can switch characters for a total of 7000 points. PvP queues can be spotty depending on the server, if you a lot about 15 min per match, that's 6 matches for 500 pts which totals 3000 points in 1.5hrs.


You tell me who gets the better deal for their time investment.


If I count 15 minutes for a match then according to your math I can do 3 war zones for every flashpoint I run.

So in 1.5 hours a day I could do 2 flashpoints for 2000 points or 6 war zones for 3000 points, I am not going into wait times since waiting for a que as a DPS for PVE can take up to an hour sometimes. But for the sake of the argument even if I remove 1 warzone to compensate for the ques then I would still come out ahead,

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Come on.


You claim the infinite card but time is a limitation. It is more beneficial to run heroics if you only have 1.5hrs of game time a day than to run warzones. 1.5hrs is what you can expect a casual player to spend in-game daily. Sure the super players may do PvP a ton all day long but those are far and few between, the reverse is true as well. But running heroics 7 heroics for 500 pts is 3500 but double that because the heroics take 45 min to complete so I can switch characters for a total of 7000 points. PvP queues can be spotty depending on the server, if you a lot about 15 min per match, that's 6 matches for 500 pts which totals 3000 points in 1.5hrs.


You tell me who gets the better deal for their time investment.


Larger PvP guilds like Triumph and Wook from The Shadowlands generally have about 30 to 50 members that are active daily... and most seem to be on for about 2.5 to 3 hours. PvP guilds of course will go for a planet that gives them a PvP bonus which seems like it will be 1,000 ppm + the individual player's Stronghold bonus. On average for most people that seems to be about 15-20% so far. We'll therefore assume this example being as such, 40 players with an average SH bonus of 15% and the double down from a planet the favors PvP gets you 1,150 points per match, per player. 40 x 1150 = 46,000. multiply that by an average of 10 matches played... 460K per day just for completing the warzones.... And I would venture to say that's a very conservative number judging from how Triumph was knocking of the door of 5mil points and Wook was at about 4.25mil after 2 1/2 days when I logged off before going to work last night.


I think you're naively understating the dedication the larger pvp guilds have to their craft as well as the amount of time they play... and the impact that has when you consider that PvE guilds can only run an op once per week, per toon, and heroics once per day, per toon.

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Larger PvP guilds like Triumph and Wook from The Shadowlands generally have about 30 to 50 members that are active daily... and most seem to be on for about 2.5 to 3 hours. PvP guilds of course will go for a planet that gives them a PvP bonus which seems like it will be 1,000 ppm + the individual player's Stronghold bonus. On average for most people that seems to be about 15-20% so far. We'll therefore assume this example being as such, 40 players with an average SH bonus of 15% and the double down from a planet the favors PvP gets you 1,150 points per match, per player. 40 x 1150 = 46,000. multiply that by an average of 10 matches played... 460K per day just for completing the warzones.... And I would venture to say that's a very conservative number judging from how Triumph was knocking of the door of 5mil points and Wook was at about 4.25mil after 2 1/2 days when I logged off before going to work last night.


I think you're naively understating the dedication the larger pvp guilds have to their craft as well as the amount of time they play... and the impact that has when you consider that PvE guilds can only run an op once per week, per toon, and heroics once per day, per toon.


Your point is correct, but before somebody tries to jump all over and prove it "wrong" the stronghold math is added on the side not counting the multiplier.



(Base x Bonus) + (Base x Stronghold)


So its 500 base, x2 bonus with right planet +base x stronghold (IE: if 20% it'd be 500x.2=100) for 1100.


Confirmed this with a friend who was 100% but only get 2000 on Balmorra for Heroics (base 500 x 3 +100%)

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