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Conquest Exploit Farming - Battle of Ilum (Is it an exploit? Or just boring farming?)


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We are an officially recognized FANSITE.


So much misinformation out there....

THIS was the whole point I brought up. You are a recognized fansite, posing as some half journalist. You give them good press and they want to keep it that way. I never said you were friends with ANYONE.


I've been around the block. I am friends with several developers at several different studios, and they will all tell you the same thing, never upset an official fansite and risk bad press. It's bad for business. It does not take a rocket scientist to connect the dots.


I'll fully admit I've gotten away with a lot of stuff on other game forums due to who would listen to me and fear of bad publicity. I'll fully admit I've used it to my advantage. I'll even admit I've used it to affect change in some said games if it needed to happen.


And for the record, I thought something needed to be done about it as well, I just have no pull here as all the people I know that worked here have moved on to other companies. As a matter of fact, and I thought I made it pretty clear, I had no problems with you all doing what we did as well. But my problem is the hypocrisy of what you are doing by complaining about it then abusing it after they said it was not WAI. I had no problem with you all closing the gap and making it even after we stopped, seeing how it was not WAI. But to blatantly blow thru another 1.7 million on it after we stopped and say you got screwed is BS. And then to claim the higher ground. it just stinks.


And on the subject of journalistic integrity, when you have an ear like this, you need to be careful when you have a beef with someone or something and what you say. You could have easily just said "Hey there appears to be a problem with point gains, is it WAI." Detail of the level you gave on your site and on these forums was uncalled for and not needed. It could have been handled thru PMs, Bug reports, or thru CS privately with more detail, and no need for mudslinging or causing it to get even more widespread then it was. More people see it, having a voice comes with responsibility. I don't envy you that responsibility, it sucks, I know.


My biggest problem of the hypocrisy is the fact that not a one of you will admit your screw up, and the fact that you fully exploited it to your advantage after the fact they said it was not WAI to make sure no one had a chance. I'm sorry, but once they said it was not WAI, in my opinion it then becomes an exploit to continue to do it. I have full well admitted my part in this. Yes I devised the strat we used. Yes I've used it before for getting people thru that FP. Shoot there are vids on youtube of people doing this FOR YEARS. It was no huge secret. Some of us have even said the FP mechanics need to be changed (and Manann is a good start at fixing this problem) to stop this from happening. EA/BW failure to change or address people saying things about it only says we played the game within the mechanics, they just did not expect the mechanics to be used that way. And hey they said so, we stopped. Obviously the mechanics of the FP itself are WAI or they would have said so on that point as well, surely after a couple years of it like this they would have changed it.

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Hey everyone,


I know many of you have questions about the change made to the Flashpoint Conquest Objectives with the release of 2.9c. I wanted to get some clarification, so I spoke with Lead Designer Jesse Sky:


“Conquest Events are intended to provide a set of rotating objectives that incentivize a variety of activities from week to week, including both PvP and PvE – but not necessarily a strict balance between the two. Some events will lean more heavily toward specific activities, and others will be more generalized. The intention is to provide a set of high point value, non-repeatable Objectives that focus on some specific, thematic goals – such as completing certain Flashpoints – while giving highly-repeatable activities such as Warzones and Crafting a broader meaning in the war.


As this is a new system, we’re still working out how to create the right balance for the Objectives. The purpose is to create a sense of change and opportunity each week, so that the galaxy’s conflicts feel diverse and interesting. If you favor specific types of activities, you will probably want to gravitate towards invading worlds where those activities receive Invasion Bonuses in order to maximize your Conquest Point gain. Generally speaking, however, players who enjoy a variety of activities should get the most out of the system.


All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”


I'd have liked to have seen a hotfix on WZs sooner than 2.10, but still, good news. The last thing any of us want/need is for guilds to organize premade suicide teams for WZs simply for the points. Organized mass-losing 'is' faster than protracted PVP fights, after all.

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All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”

The most reasonable solution for both sides would be to just hook all of the PvP and PvE conquest rewards up to the existing DAILY and WEEKLY missions. That way the rewards will be gated based on the extensive set of reasonable and understandable lockouts that you already have in the game.


For the FP conquest item, let it be completed when you complete any FP DAILY or WEEKLY mission, once per character, just like the missions are now. It also would be nice to have conquest points for the operation related DAILY and WEEKLY tasks.


Do the same for PvP; whatever DAILY and WEEKLY missions you have available can be completed for conquest points on each character, with the lockout dependent on the mission's own lockout.


Just like with the HEROIC missions, people can do things on alts, and they can do more than one thing each week or day, but none of the conquest objectives will be infinitely farmable.


Simple problem, simple solution. And you've already done almost all the work needed to make it happen.

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It's is kind of strange that they decided to fix it in the middle of the event. The damage has been done, especially to my guild who chose Corellia which ONLY has the GSF bonus, has between 12-16 flyers at prime time, and has comepltely gotten the shaft by a carebear guild who is now 1.5 mil points ahead because of this stupid exploiting of the Battle of Ilum & Black Talon.


At least they fixed it for next time around, so that's something, I guess. So thanks for that, Bioware. Glad that you saw how lame this was and put an end to it.

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As this is a new system, we’re still working out how to create the right balance for the Objectives. The purpose is to create a sense of change and opportunity each week, so that the galaxy’s conflicts feel diverse and interesting. If you favor specific types of activities, you will probably want to gravitate towards invading worlds where those activities receive Invasion Bonuses in order to maximize your Conquest Point gain. Generally speaking, however, players who enjoy a variety of activities should get the most out of the system.


On your note of gravitating toward planets: My guild went for a FP and starfighter only planet specifically because we're not huge PvPers. This morning's patch took away our chance of getting more points aside from our crafters. We determined each week which objective to go after the most, which burned us out on last week's PvP week (which we lost terribly in.) So, this makes our competition completely able to mop the floor with us because we mostly focus on PvE.

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All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins

FYI, all you're going to accomplish with this is moving the goalposts. Instead of loss farming, guilds will just start win trading; queueing up in huge numbers, with allied guilds on both factions, in order to "farm" themselves in matches. If players can change the outcome at will, then they can manipulate it. And if they can, they will.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”


Adding emphasis to wins over participation may not get the desired results. The current system gives an incentive to enter the WZ and just hide in a corner. This is bad. However, I'm not sure making wins give more will make things better. It may make them even worse. Once wins count more than losses more people will quit the WZ as soon as they think their team is behind and then requeue immediately in an attempt to get a "better" team.


A better solution might be to base how much conquest reward you get based on your participation. The guy who stands in the corner doesn't get much for medals, or any other stats. The people who actually participate get a good deal more even on a losing team. Maybe base it on medals? Take the average medals for the match. Everyone with average or higher gets the full reward, regardless of team. everyone below average gets a reward based on their percentage of average, so if the average is 8 medals and the reward is 1000 points, everyone with 8 or more gets 1000. The guy who stealthed into a corner and hid and got 1 medals gets 125 points. (Note basing on medals is just one possibility, it could be based on any combination of stats.)


To discourage quitters who quit after the WZ starts, don't let them requeue until the WZ they left is finished.

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FYI, all you're going to accomplish with this is moving the goalposts. Instead of loss farming, guilds will just start win trading; queueing up in huge numbers, with allied guilds on both factions, in order to "farm" themselves in matches. If player actions determine the outcome at will, then they can manipulate it. And if they can, they will.


I can't disagree with this, either. Already on JC, we're seeing Mega Guilds playing 'guardian' for opposing Mega Guilds.


One Imperial Mega Guild has been seen to be taunt-resetting named Republic Commanders and calling in a Republic Mega Guild to stop any Commander kills and keep them safe for the Imperial Mega Guild. In return, the Imperial guild stops all Republic guilds from killing Commanders other than their partnered Republic Mega Guild.


They're gaming the system and cooperating to trade Commander kills and it's only the second week.

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THIS was the whole point I brought up. You are a recognized fansite, posing as some half journalist. You give them good press and they want to keep it that way. I never said you were friends with ANYONE.


I've been around the block. I am friends with several developers at several different studios, and they will all tell you the same thing, never upset an official fansite and risk bad press. It's bad for business. It does not take a rocket scientist to connect the dots.


I'll fully admit I've gotten away with a lot of stuff on other game forums due to who would listen to me and fear of bad publicity. I'll fully admit I've used it to my advantage. I'll even admit I've used it to affect change in some said games if it needed to happen.


And for the record, I thought something needed to be done about it as well, I just have no pull here as all the people I know that worked here have moved on to other companies. As a matter of fact, and I thought I made it pretty clear, I had no problems with you all doing what we did as well. But my problem is the hypocrisy of what you are doing by complaining about it then abusing it after they said it was not WAI. I had no problem with you all closing the gap and making it even after we stopped, seeing how it was not WAI. But to blatantly blow thru another 1.7 million on it after we stopped and say you got screwed is BS. And then to claim the higher ground. it just stinks.


And on the subject of journalistic integrity, when you have an ear like this, you need to be careful when you have a beef with someone or something and what you say. You could have easily just said "Hey there appears to be a problem with point gains, is it WAI." Detail of the level you gave on your site and on these forums was uncalled for and not needed. It could have been handled thru PMs, Bug reports, or thru CS privately with more detail, and no need for mudslinging or causing it to get even more widespread then it was. More people see it, having a voice comes with responsibility. I don't envy you that responsibility, it sucks, I know.


My biggest problem of the hypocrisy is the fact that not a one of you will admit your screw up, and the fact that you fully exploited it to your advantage after the fact they said it was not WAI to make sure no one had a chance. I'm sorry, but once they said it was not WAI, in my opinion it then becomes an exploit to continue to do it. I have full well admitted my part in this. Yes I devised the strat we used. Yes I've used it before for getting people thru that FP. Shoot there are vids on youtube of people doing this FOR YEARS. It was no huge secret. Some of us have even said the FP mechanics need to be changed (and Manann is a good start at fixing this problem) to stop this from happening. EA/BW failure to change or address people saying things about it only says we played the game within the mechanics, they just did not expect the mechanics to be used that way. And hey they said so, we stopped. Obviously the mechanics of the FP itself are WAI or they would have said so on that point as well, surely after a couple years of it like this they would have changed it.


^ In all honesty, this is probably the most intelligent and well thought-out post that's been in this thread since it started.


I'll claim my own responsibility, but I cannot speak FOR my guild: I have four level 55 republic toons. They currently have all hit their 35k personal conquest cap. None of them has more than maybe 37-38k tops? My level 42 Shadow that I've been leveling has around 15-20k all from warzones and group finder. About half of my points on my 55s came on Tuesday and early Wednesday after all of this started, running Battle of Ilum, and I hated it with a bleeding passion, so I moved on to my Shadow and just puttered along leveling, and gaining whatever points I could at-level. (Shoot, I wasn't even online between 6-ish-pm and Midnight last night, and when I did get on, we killed a Commander, then I was leveling my Shadow.) The rest of my overall points, are from Group Finders and PvP and Heroics. Personally, running False Emperor Hard Mode from the Group Finder I found to be the best, since it required a full clear, and all of the bonuses... but it yielded 9,500 points with my Stronghold Bonus. (Some of that was repeatable, some not - however, always requiring a full clear with bonuses for the full benefit.)


At this point, I'd very much like to bury the hatchet, move on.... and see what the next conquest event brings, and hopefully it will be more of an overall enjoyable experience for everyone.

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Hey everyone,


I know many of you have questions about the change made to the Flashpoint Conquest Objectives with the release of 2.9c. I wanted to get some clarification, so I spoke with Lead Designer Jesse Sky:


“Conquest Events are intended to provide a set of rotating objectives that incentivize a variety of activities from week to week, including both PvP and PvE – but not necessarily a strict balance between the two. Some events will lean more heavily toward specific activities, and others will be more generalized. The intention is to provide a set of high point value, non-repeatable Objectives that focus on some specific, thematic goals – such as completing certain Flashpoints – while giving highly-repeatable activities such as Warzones and Crafting a broader meaning in the war.


As this is a new system, we’re still working out how to create the right balance for the Objectives. The purpose is to create a sense of change and opportunity each week, so that the galaxy’s conflicts feel diverse and interesting. If you favor specific types of activities, you will probably want to gravitate towards invading worlds where those activities receive Invasion Bonuses in order to maximize your Conquest Point gain. Generally speaking, however, players who enjoy a variety of activities should get the most out of the system.


All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”


Look here's the problem, poor QA. It took me 10 minutes to figure out this method. I've done a great deal of player testing in many games and I pride myself in being able to figure out how to break things. That being said, you all should really devise a more patterned approach to play testing. Instead of giving rewards for just logging on and seeing what they need for the live game, reward the true people actually flushing it out a reward (making real and useful bug reports, giving real feedback, etc). Allow the test server to live and breathe for things like this to a point like a regular server. These issues would have been flushed out prior to live had the event been running on the test server a week or two PRIOR to it coming live. I know it is a resource sink, but if said events were running before hand, you could get feedback before it hits the live game and screws stuff...

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I can't disagree with this, either. Already on JC, we're seeing Mega Guilds playing 'guardian' for opposing Mega Guilds.


One Imperial Mega Guild has been seen to be taunt-resetting named Republic Commanders and calling in a Republic Mega Guild to stop any Commander kills and keep them safe for the Imperial Mega Guild. In return, the Imperial guild stops all Republic guilds from killing Commanders other than their partnered Republic Mega Guild.


They're gaming the system and cooperating to trade Commander kills and it's only the second week.

I'll assume you are talking about what happened on Quesh just before server reset, if not then I apologize in advance.


OK, heal protecting the commander before the server reset was all me... I was still in a bad mood over other things and I was taking it out on anyone I could. Sorry... But for all the PvPers who say PvE is easymode, you just got a taste of hardmode PvE.. And if the commander stays in combatfor so long after he has 50 stacks, he resets, no taunt needed.

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The most reasonable solution for both sides would be to just hook all of the PvP and PvE conquest rewards up to the existing DAILY and WEEKLY missions. That way the rewards will be gated based on the extensive set of reasonable and understandable lockouts that you already have in the game.


^^^ This, because of this ...


Adding emphasis to wins over participation may not get the desired results. The current system gives an incentive to enter the WZ and just hide in a corner. This is bad. However, I'm not sure making wins give more will make things better. It may make them even worse. Once wins count more than losses more people will quit the WZ as soon as they think their team is behind and then requeue immediately in an attempt to get a "better" team.


Not to mention faction imbalances on some servers can make it very difficult to put a string of wins together. It should be harder, but not impossible to complete the PvP objectives without a certain number wins. Tying it to the daily/weekly quests seems like a reasonable balance.

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I'll assume you are talking about what happened on Quesh just before server reset, if not then I apologize in advance.


OK, heal protecting the commander before the server reset was all me... I was still in a bad mood over other things and I was taking it out on anyone I could. Sorry... But for all the PvPers who say PvE is easymode, you just got a taste of hardmode PvE.. And if the commander stays in combatfor so long after he has 50 stacks, he resets, no taunt needed.


No, the instances I've seen of this were on Alderaan and Belsavis. But, thanks for verifying what I said.

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I can't disagree with this, either. Already on JC, we're seeing Mega Guilds playing 'guardian' for opposing Mega Guilds.


One Imperial Mega Guild has been seen to be taunt-resetting named Republic Commanders and calling in a Republic Mega Guild to stop any Commander kills and keep them safe for the Imperial Mega Guild. In return, the Imperial guild stops all Republic guilds from killing Commanders other than their partnered Republic Mega Guild.


They're gaming the system and cooperating to trade Commander kills and it's only the second week.


I don't think this is common. My guild has probably killed more commanders than any other on JC and this has only been done once to us (unsuccessfully, and the offending guilds are not "mega-guilds" as far as I know). Only one other time have we ever seen another guild while killing a named commander, and it was resolved peaceably.

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^ In all honesty, this is probably the most intelligent and well thought-out post that's been in this thread since it started.


I'll claim my own responsibility, but I cannot speak FOR my guild: I have four level 55 republic toons. They currently have all hit their 35k personal conquest cap. None of them has more than maybe 37-38k tops? My level 42 Shadow that I've been leveling has around 15-20k all from warzones and group finder. About half of my points on my 55s came on Tuesday and early Wednesday after all of this started, running Battle of Ilum, and I hated it with a bleeding passion, so I moved on to my Shadow and just puttered along leveling, and gaining whatever points I could at-level. (Shoot, I wasn't even online between 6-ish-pm and Midnight last night, and when I did get on, we killed a Commander, then I was leveling my Shadow.) The rest of my overall points, are from Group Finders and PvP and Heroics. Personally, running False Emperor Hard Mode from the Group Finder I found to be the best, since it required a full clear, and all of the bonuses... but it yielded 9,500 points with my Stronghold Bonus. (Some of that was repeatable, some not - however, always requiring a full clear with bonuses for the full benefit.)


At this point, I'd very much like to bury the hatchet, move on.... and see what the next conquest event brings, and hopefully it will be more of an overall enjoyable experience for everyone.


I'm willing to drop it as well. I've said my piece on the subject at this point.


On a personal note however as a word of advice from someone who has been in your position as a voice in a game that is in a guild but is not the voice or leader of that guild:


Anything you say in public on your blog or here is probably 90% of the time going to be construed as the voice of your guild, whether it is or not. Especially when said post involves your guild. If it really is not the voice of your guild, then a disclaimer should always be included.

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No, the instances I've seen of this were on Alderaan and Belsavis. But, thanks for verifying what I said.


To note, I heal the commanders (and I get others to help me I won't lie) to keep the enemy (imps in this case) from being able to get parts for their ship. I don't do it to trade with other guilds. I do it out of pure annoyance. Nothing more/nothing less. If you want it bad enough, you'll get more and out damage my heals before he gets 50 stacks and resets. If not, you'll walk away and I saved my beloved commander....

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To note, I heal the commanders (and I get others to help me I won't lie) to keep the enemy (imps in this case) from being able to get parts for their ship. I don't do it to trade with other guilds. I do it out of pure annoyance. Nothing more/nothing less. If you want it bad enough, you'll get more and out damage my heals before he gets 50 stacks and resets. If not, you'll walk away and I saved my beloved commander....


No, the cases I've seen saw a guild show up, the Mega guild was already there waiting. Then that Mega guild called in their partners on the opposite faction who rolled up, killed the flagged people and healed the Commander.


When the Commander still got dangerously low on life, the Imperial Mega guild just taunt-reset him. Once the first guild gave up and left, the Republic guild stepped back and let the Imperial Mega Guild have the Commander.


Trading kills.

Edited by Infernixx
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To note, I heal the commanders (and I get others to help me I won't lie) to keep the enemy (imps in this case) from being able to get parts for their ship. I don't do it to trade with other guilds. I do it out of pure annoyance. Nothing more/nothing less. If you want it bad enough, you'll get more and out damage my heals before he gets 50 stacks and resets. If not, you'll walk away and I saved my beloved commander....


I see nothing wrong with that. I think guilds SHOULD be fighting over commanders.... Shoot, last week, a named was up, with 15min left on the shield. A group was there to take it down, and they were just waiting.... We assembled a team, mass teleported to the location and pulled the commander with 12 minutes left on the shield. Had to deal with turret respawn, and tank the boss at 50 stacks for a while, but it was doable. Someone did it to us previously, and it was actually pretty genius.

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Hey everyone,


I know many of you have questions about the change made to the Flashpoint Conquest Objectives with the release of 2.9c. I wanted to get some clarification, so I spoke with Lead Designer Jesse Sky:


“Conquest Events are intended to provide a set of rotating objectives that incentivize a variety of activities from week to week, including both PvP and PvE – but not necessarily a strict balance between the two. Some events will lean more heavily toward specific activities, and others will be more generalized. The intention is to provide a set of high point value, non-repeatable Objectives that focus on some specific, thematic goals – such as completing certain Flashpoints – while giving highly-repeatable activities such as Warzones and Crafting a broader meaning in the war.


As this is a new system, we’re still working out how to create the right balance for the Objectives. The purpose is to create a sense of change and opportunity each week, so that the galaxy’s conflicts feel diverse and interesting. If you favor specific types of activities, you will probably want to gravitate towards invading worlds where those activities receive Invasion Bonuses in order to maximize your Conquest Point gain. Generally speaking, however, players who enjoy a variety of activities should get the most out of the system.


All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”


I have a small suggestion regarding the heroics on the plants that do not have them in separate instances you may want to consider placing them in separate instances. I was on Balmorra doing the heroics this week and I notice that quite few guilds standing there killing everything. Not so much a problem for me but I noticed a few people that were leveling trying to do the heroics and not being able to.

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No, the cases I've seen saw a guild show up, the Mega guild was already there waiting. Then that Mega guild called in their partners on the opposite faction who rolled up, killed the flagged people and healed the Commander.


When the Commander still got dangerously low on life, the Imperial Mega guild just taunt-reset him. Once the first guild gave up and left, the Republic guild stepped back and let the Imperial Mega Guild have the Commander.


Trading kills.

I've seen this once.... Though the way it went down, no one got the kill....


I was on Hoth with my wife, her a commando, me a shadow... I told her to heal the commander just to annoy them. They couldn't heal thru it. The other people in our guild came out and started fighting them. Then all the sudden another Emipre guild shows up and another Pub guild showed up. The pub guild tried to convince us not to kill the other Imp guild and let them get the commander... Boy were they shocked. At that point the Pub guild that tried to get us to let them kill the commander logged onto their imp toons and they all tried to take us out and the commander..... and failed... It was really funny.


Honestly the only way I see to combat kill trading is more of a PvP involvement from other guilds... It's a sucky solution for PvE guilds, but not much you can do. Some of those commanders you can pull flag free which really makes it a pain to stop them though, which is why I like healing them, because it won't PvP flag you.

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All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”



Please.. for the love of god do NOT make objectives such as;

"Plant a bomb in Voidstar"

"Capture a turret in Adleraan"


If you do this... PvP will be even worse than it is now. Everyone trying to plant a bomb rather than protection one person while they plant.

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Hey everyone,


I know many of you have questions about the change made to the Flashpoint Conquest Objectives with the release of 2.9c. I wanted to get some clarification, so I spoke with Lead Designer Jesse Sky:


“Conquest Events are intended to provide a set of rotating objectives that incentivize a variety of activities from week to week, including both PvP and PvE – but not necessarily a strict balance between the two. Some events will lean more heavily toward specific activities, and others will be more generalized. The intention is to provide a set of high point value, non-repeatable Objectives that focus on some specific, thematic goals – such as completing certain Flashpoints – while giving highly-repeatable activities such as Warzones and Crafting a broader meaning in the war.


As this is a new system, we’re still working out how to create the right balance for the Objectives. The purpose is to create a sense of change and opportunity each week, so that the galaxy’s conflicts feel diverse and interesting. If you favor specific types of activities, you will probably want to gravitate towards invading worlds where those activities receive Invasion Bonuses in order to maximize your Conquest Point gain. Generally speaking, however, players who enjoy a variety of activities should get the most out of the system.


All of that said, we will be revisiting the way Warzone Objectives work in 2.10 to put more emphasis on wins and, over time, we may raise the value of other activities (such as Flashpoints) to ensure that things remain competitive and interesting. We are committed to tweaking the system until it better accomplishes its goals.”


Still a pointless and boring system regardless of what you do. I'm hoping this is just a shell kind of thing to kill time and you actually plan on making conquest in the following expansion actually require taking over the planet itself....you know, like actually having a war?

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The tedious thing about the conquest stuff is doing the same heroics on multiple characters over and over. Instead of making the flashpoints count once per Legacy why not let it count as once per Character? I know personally I don't just stick to one or two characters all week long. I typically run at least 4-6 characters. This way it helps break up the boredom that kicks in from doing x heroic for the 6th time in a day or from crafting that 40th piece of war supplies.
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