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Conquest Exploit Farming - Battle of Ilum (Is it an exploit? Or just boring farming?)


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And even premade suicide teams...fastest way to get the conquest points. Although I'd probably enjoy seeing a match or two where both sides are trying to suicide, racing to fail...lol


^this will be the new thing


suicide squads cue sinking to get the fast and easy points


season 3 better have some rewards for the lowest ratings possible to keep everyones chosen play styles happy



ready set ...3....2.....1........GO../stuck

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Dear Bioware,


I am not sure if you are aware of this, but there are players that do not play PVP. Having the repeatable FP's is not an unreasonable method for PVE guilds to get conquest points. PVP guilds should not be the only guilds that are able to farm conquest points. If you must put restrictions on the FP's make it so you must kill the bonus boss as well as the last boss in order to get credit, this would not be unreasonable.


Unless of course you intent is to ensure that PVE guilds do not have a fair chance at getting conquest points vs PVP guilds, in which case your goal is well on its way to being achieved with patches like 2.9c. As it is now, small to medium sized guilds have to work very hard to get in to the top 10, let alone get anywhere near the top spot. With decisions like this you virtually eliminate PVE guilds from the conquest competition.



Exceptionally Disappointed,


Jedi Covenant

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To me sounds like this guild that is very large guild got butthurt that they were not having an easy win while a small guild found a way to compete and cried over that. This sounds very immature from this larger guild and very immature of the guy on this podcast.


so very true sir so very true....it's completely sad and then after complaining of course they keep using the "exploit" that they cried and cried over, and rack up a million conquest points in a few hours -

for shame on you for shame....

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Soooo my PVE guild is currently placed 3rd on ilum (JC) and with this change my guild has chosen to not taken part in any conquest from 2.9c forward. I say fire the team that came up with this idea and put the money toward building an OP that the majority of the player base has been screaming for over the past 6+ months. And if you want to “fix” the issue of ppl stealthing past make it a requirement for all players to kill the bonus and final boss. BUT overall good job on pushing ppl away from the game.
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This will always happen cos frankly the grind content for points to place on leader boards was the worst/laziest way to implement conquests. Big shock people will find the most effective points per minute activity/method and do it 24/6.


They should have put 3 warhammer online keeps on every planet and have those tick up points or something. But that would like, require effort.

Edited by aeterno
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I would like to make one final note before this all goes away......


Me personally I would not blame the guilds farming the fp's not for one second

as BW stated the issue was that THEY forgot to make it a one-time only instead of a repeatable

so don't blame the guilds for BW's screw up - they didnt say they were changing the FP's so this mechanic(stealthing) could no longer be used (so not an exploit)

I applaud anyone with the dedication necessary to "get 'er done"

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It seems like this is going to make expanding guild ships something just not worth doing. I was glad to see that 50 guilds could potentially get rewards this week and chose Ilum because BoI and FE were repeatable. This is something that we, as a guild, could see our way clear to do. We did end up grinding BoI HM because the time wasn't that much greater than SM and we could get the boss bonus. It was certainly not something I could see doing every week and I agree with those who suggested a longer rest interval . . . but then it gets to be that much harder to do any ship expansions for guilds who aren't getting the drops from commanders.


If your intention wasn't to make these a grind-fest, then why are the PVP objectives repeatable? The PVPers, as others have mentioned, don't have to do ANYTHING different from any other day to rack up points while everyone else is drawn away from what they'd normally be doing into older content. Not only are we unable to play the way we'd normally like to, but now we can't even compete if you limit the PVE options to once-per-week-per-legacy. Ooh, this week I could get 6000 a day if I spend . . . how long? . . . doing Balmorra heroics and the Ilum heroic (with the Ilum boost). Then I have to queue and do random flashpoints (how do those tie in to a certain planet?) which is certainly something I have never enjoyed. Did you truly try to balance PVE vs. PVP? Because it seems like there are a lots of PVE objectives that, while repeatable, can really only be done once a day and have a significantly greater time investment for the points received as compared to allowing the PVP side to simply keep doing what they already enjoy.


I guess we'll see what you do in the morning, but I can't see how a possible 16k once-per-week-per-legacy really stacks up against unlimited pvp.

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I made it pretty clear, that we (my guild) had no interest in participating in this exploit when we found out what was going on. Prior to learning what was happening, we were running full flashpoints, Group Finders, Heroics, PvP and GSF. We had a large majority of the guild online, doing these quest objectives as we thought was the intention of the event (i.e. putting in the effort, not being lazy as people are saying) and we were getting slaughtered, which didn't make us QQ, or whine or complain.... But more, curiosity as to how it was happening so heavy handedly. I am sure that JC was not the only server this was happening on, and reading the comments in this thread lead to believe that it's been rampant on other servers as well.


To the guild in question, who's members have been bashing us, bashing TOROCast, Bioware and other members of the community: You guys have what, 6, 6-1/2, 7 million conquest points between Tuesday and now? That's no small feat and I am sure the effort to get those was substantial and I actually applaud your guy's dedication. I have never, from the first post until now, pointed the finger at anyone, called anyone a cheater, or insulted you. I pointed out, that a conquest mechanic was BROKEN and not likely what the devs had intended.


On the last episode of TOROCast, my suggestion (which I doubt the devs will take, but it's not a bad one imho) would be to implement some sort of "Alliance" system for small/midsized guilds to join up with other small/mid-sized guilds to conquest together. This would allow for TRUE competition, without forcing players to decide between staying in their guilds that have been their homes, with their friends.... and competing against larger guilds in conquest events.


I've been a member of small guilds. I love the demographic and interaction. I've also been a member of one of the most hated PvP guilds on my server in the past..... I've seen a lot of different responses to guild actions/activities and one thing has remained constant: people like their own guilds. Big, small, or otherwise. The addition of conquests, while I believe it's a great addition to the game, DOES absolutely need some more thought put into the fact that at the end of the day, with the current system, the guilds that are the LARGEST, with the most active players and most alts, WILL win every planet, and smaller guilds are borked. That's not fair, not one bit. I dont know what the ultimate solution is, but I am sure there is one.


I think people need to stop looking at the big numbers..... who cares if you can amass 200k points per toon per week... or if it's only possible to get 45k per toon per week. If the playing field is level, and everyone has access to the same conquest objectives, the overall total means nothing. Whether you win a planet with 10 million points, or 500,000 at the end of the day, you won the planet. So balance the objectives so that they reward the players who put in the most time and effort and do the most complete content.


I'll make it clear: I HATE the Battle of Ilum point farming. It's boring, it's stupid, and I am very glad they are patching it. I'd love to see the devs take a week or 2 or 3 off from conquests and work some of these issues out and roll it into the next conquest event to be perfectly honest. There's some great suggestions in this thread, mixed in between the mud slinging, which is a shame because they will get lost in the slew of filth pouring over the screen and never see the light of day most likely.


I'll also make another thing clear: Last week, we had NO IDEA that the non-repeatable objectives were resetting. One of my guild members noticed the night before the patch, that his objectives were showing as "not completed" and we moreso thought that we weren't getting credit, than we were purposely trying to exploit points. We literally learned about it, when we saw the patch notes go up. Last week, we conquered Voss, which had major bonuses to crafting, and being the first conquest event, and knowing that stockpiling mats ahead of time for 2.9 was going to be important, we had a LOT of materials stockpiled and used the fact that Voss granted the crafting bonus to gain large numbers of points very quickly. It's the whole reason we chose Voss, because we were suited to go after it, having a lot of crafters who had banks full of mats. Everyone in the gaming community knew what was coming.


This thread is NOT: me, anyone from my guild, or anyone from TOROCast whining or being a "crybaby" - It's me, bringing an issue to the devs and the community, via the official forums (I don't have any special access to the BW staff, and I posted my thread here on the forums like anyone else would), Tait noticed it, and took it to the team, and you all saw the response.


Let's remember that we are all a part of the same community, and try to be constructive to give suggestions to the devs, without being abrasive and insulting in the process.

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Why do there seem to be no other options than "allow infinite reruns" and "one time only per legacy"? Is their coding really too dumb to say "15 wz a week", "15 fp a week", or whatever?


Given the limitation on the GF objectives that you have to be eligible for the daily reward . . . yes, it seems to be that bad. Once per legacy, infinite, or severely limited seem to be the options. I was half hoping they'd make BoI/FE limited to "You must be eligible for [Daily] Galactic Conflicts" so it would at least be doable daily, per character, but then you're limited to one or the other (which is still better than one time per legacy).

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I think people need to stop looking at the big numbers..... who cares if you can amass 200k points per toon per week... or if it's only possible to get 45k per toon per week. If the playing field is level, and everyone has access to the same conquest objectives, the overall total means nothing. Whether you win a planet with 10 million points, or 500,000 at the end of the day, you won the planet. So balance the objectives so that they reward the players who put in the most time and effort and do the most complete content.


That's just it, it is not even. Guild size aside, the PVP players to get to grind as much of the content they already enjoy as they want. Can we PVP as a guild? Sure. Should we be forced to in order to have a chance actually being in the rankings when we are on a PVE server?


This is certainly not a fix, it is not balanced, it doesn't make me want to "explore" old content or be forced into doing PVP (which is even further from what I like to do in game) and it does not bode well for Conquest going forward.


Under the current system and with this sort of "fix," there are a number of guilds who won't have a chance and it will just come down to who has the most PVPers or material-rich crafters. Maybe they could do away with the requirement that you be on the boards and have some sort of a tier system of rewards so that guilds could get varying rewards based on reaching set levels of points. Let the big guilds fight for #1, but give everyone else a chance at making the conquest work worthwhile.

Edited by JustTrio
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I can't see how a possible 16k once-per-week-per-legacy really stacks up against unlimited pvp.

Your math is off.


Invading Ilum can get you 100,000 for a single legacy.


2 Ilum heroics - 6 days = 9,000

9 Balmorra heroics - 6 days = 27,000

3 flashpoints - 6 days = 36,000

2 Weekly fp turn-ins = 4,000

1 time flashpoint quests = 18,000

1 defeat Ilum enemies = 3,000

1 defeat Ilum champions = 3,000


If you have 2 level 55s, doing the the heroics/flashpoints again would allow you to get 172,000.

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I made it pretty clear, that we (my guild) had no interest in participating in this exploit when we found out what was going on. Prior to learning what was happening, we were running full flashpoints, Group Finders, Heroics, PvP and GSF. We had a large majority of the guild online, doing these quest objectives as we thought was the intention of the event (i.e. putting in the effort, not being lazy as people are saying) and we were getting slaughtered, which didn't make us QQ, or whine or complain.... But more, curiosity as to how it was happening so heavy handedly. I am sure that JC was not the only server this was happening on, and reading the comments in this thread lead to believe that it's been rampant on other servers as well.


To the guild in question, who's members have been bashing us, bashing TOROCast, Bioware and other members of the community: You guys have what, 6, 6-1/2, 7 million conquest points between Tuesday and now? That's no small feat and I am sure the effort to get those was substantial and I actually applaud your guy's dedication. I have never, from the first post until now, pointed the finger at anyone, called anyone a cheater, or insulted you. I pointed out, that a conquest mechanic was BROKEN and not likely what the devs had intended.


On the last episode of TOROCast, my suggestion (which I doubt the devs will take, but it's not a bad one imho) would be to implement some sort of "Alliance" system for small/midsized guilds to join up with other small/mid-sized guilds to conquest together. This would allow for TRUE competition, without forcing players to decide between staying in their guilds that have been their homes, with their friends.... and competing against larger guilds in conquest events.


I've been a member of small guilds. I love the demographic and interaction. I've also been a member of one of the most hated PvP guilds on my server in the past..... I've seen a lot of different responses to guild actions/activities and one thing has remained constant: people like their own guilds. Big, small, or otherwise. The addition of conquests, while I believe it's a great addition to the game, DOES absolutely need some more thought put into the fact that at the end of the day, with the current system, the guilds that are the LARGEST, with the most active players and most alts, WILL win every planet, and smaller guilds are borked. That's not fair, not one bit. I dont know what the ultimate solution is, but I am sure there is one.


I think people need to stop looking at the big numbers..... who cares if you can amass 200k points per toon per week... or if it's only possible to get 45k per toon per week. If the playing field is level, and everyone has access to the same conquest objectives, the overall total means nothing. Whether you win a planet with 10 million points, or 500,000 at the end of the day, you won the planet. So balance the objectives so that they reward the players who put in the most time and effort and do the most complete content.


I'll make it clear: I HATE the Battle of Ilum point farming. It's boring, it's stupid, and I am very glad they are patching it. I'd love to see the devs take a week or 2 or 3 off from conquests and work some of these issues out and roll it into the next conquest event to be perfectly honest. There's some great suggestions in this thread, mixed in between the mud slinging, which is a shame because they will get lost in the slew of filth pouring over the screen and never see the light of day most likely.


I'll also make another thing clear: Last week, we had NO IDEA that the non-repeatable objectives were resetting. One of my guild members noticed the night before the patch, that his objectives were showing as "not completed" and we moreso thought that we weren't getting credit, than we were purposely trying to exploit points. We literally learned about it, when we saw the patch notes go up. Last week, we conquered Voss, which had major bonuses to crafting, and being the first conquest event, and knowing that stockpiling mats ahead of time for 2.9 was going to be important, we had a LOT of materials stockpiled and used the fact that Voss granted the crafting bonus to gain large numbers of points very quickly. It's the whole reason we chose Voss, because we were suited to go after it, having a lot of crafters who had banks full of mats. Everyone in the gaming community knew what was coming.


This thread is NOT: me, anyone from my guild, or anyone from TOROCast whining or being a "crybaby" - It's me, bringing an issue to the devs and the community, via the official forums (I don't have any special access to the BW staff, and I posted my thread here on the forums like anyone else would), Tait noticed it, and took it to the team, and you all saw the response.


Let's remember that we are all a part of the same community, and try to be constructive to give suggestions to the devs, without being abrasive and insulting in the process.


First, how do you know the other guild is the one "bashing"? You don't. You don't know who's account is who's.


Secondly, get off your high horse, bro. You brought it up because winning wasn't coming easy for you. Plain and simple. Grinding is a part of MMOs, and this was no different. It's never been fun, but it's what you have to do sometimes to get what you want in a game. Spare me your sermon.

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This won't be the end of it BW.


You are going to have to remove repeatable rewards from PvP/GSF as well so why not wait and do both in the downtime between events.


Or is that another "bug" you've not yet noticed?

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No, this is not a creative use of mechanics, this is the cheaters excuse. The same excuse that people try and use when they are busted by the IRS with a Tax "shelter" groups. This is not intended and it is the players choice to exploit it. I hope all those that used it have everything taken including the guild ships as punishment with no reimbursement.


It's not an exploit. You just don't like it. No one cares if you like it or not. Have a great day.




Take away a guild ship for their clear screw up. Priceless attitude there man.

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Its an exploit. Its using game mechanics in unintended ways to gain way too much advantage compared to the intended way. On the other hand, the ways to skip almost everything in some fp:s have been clear for many years, still they have not fixed them.


I still wish they would let people do the fp:s as often as people wished. Fix the exploit by tieing together the bonus-boss killing and the finishing reward for example. Lots more work and not that easily soloable.


In the long run they should tie the reward to killing every boss in the fp for example.

Edited by turjake
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I'll probably get off track on these rants but w/e....


I made it pretty clear, that we (my guild) had no interest in participating in this exploit when we found out what was going on. Prior to learning what was happening, we were running full flashpoints, Group Finders, Heroics, PvP and GSF. We had a large majority of the guild online, doing these quest objectives as we thought was the intention of the event (i.e. putting in the effort, not being lazy as people are saying) and we were getting slaughtered, which didn't make us QQ, or whine or complain.... But more, curiosity as to how it was happening so heavy handedly. I am sure that JC was not the only server this was happening on, and reading the comments in this thread lead to believe that it's been rampant on other servers as well.

Yes it was happening on other servers. Asking if it was an exploit was better left to a PM on the forums or a bug report or a CS ticket. However because you run some hack podcast site, it seems you are getting special treatment. Keep sucking up to BW, your choice, I really don't care. But Had it been just some random forum person posting and asking this, the thread would have been closed and deleted and threatened with a ban. And I know cause it happened to other people who reported what happened that had to be patched last week.


We did it exactly as it said. Complete the flashpoint. For the record the flashpoint has always finished with the convo at the end. It's how I used to run people thru it for the quest if they wanted to finish the story arc but did not have the time to run the thing or could not get a group. It's the same mechanic since launch for this quest. GF does the same thing if someone drops. You fill it and continue. Shoot you can even queue GF do it all the way to the end kick the other 3 and invite 3 you want.


To the guild in question, who's members have been bashing us, bashing TOROCast, Bioware and other members of the community: You guys have what, 6, 6-1/2, 7 million conquest points between Tuesday and now? That's no small feat and I am sure the effort to get those was substantial and I actually applaud your guy's dedication. I have never, from the first post until now, pointed the finger at anyone, called anyone a cheater, or insulted you. I pointed out, that a conquest mechanic was BROKEN and not likely what the devs had intended.

Yes actually you did.... Insinuating that someone is exploiting it and broadcasting it on the forums and calling them out about it (and you did not have to do it by name, you gave enough damned details that everyone would have known), which is another forum violation your getting away with... And to top it off you have an attitude like since you are the bigger guild you are entitled to be handed the win on a silver effing platter (which you said flat out). The fact that you got away with 2 forum violations is proof enough that BW and you are complacent with each other. You brought it on yourself by calling people out, suck it up buttercup and deal with it....


On the last episode of TOROCast, my suggestion (which I doubt the devs will take, but it's not a bad one imho) would be to implement some sort of "Alliance" system for small/midsized guilds to join up with other small/mid-sized guilds to conquest together. This would allow for TRUE competition, without forcing players to decide between staying in their guilds that have been their homes, with their friends.... and competing against larger guilds in conquest events.

Unless they put a cap on the number, no it wouldn't the biggest guilds would just work together to make sure no one else could win. Human behavior 101. Face it, you all got PO'd cause we made you WORK for it instead of having to coast. There's no shame in having to put the work in. Honestly we thought 2 things would happen, either you all would get tired of chasing us, or you'd do the same thing and kick our ***... We really didn't expect you to cry to mommy with a black eye screaming they're beating us up do something.... Face it, you don't want competition, you want the easy win, otherwise you'd have actually went against guilds that would give you a challenge... We did... We could have taken the easy road and picked on the smaller guilds, but we didn't. Why, cause that's not fun.


I've been a member of small guilds. I love the demographic and interaction. I've also been a member of one of the most hated PvP guilds on my server in the past..... I've seen a lot of different responses to guild actions/activities and one thing has remained constant: people like their own guilds. Big, small, or otherwise. The addition of conquests, while I believe it's a great addition to the game, DOES absolutely need some more thought put into the fact that at the end of the day, with the current system, the guilds that are the LARGEST, with the most active players and most alts, WILL win every planet, and smaller guilds are borked. That's not fair, not one bit. I dont know what the ultimate solution is, but I am sure there is one.

A lot of people have been thru this (small guilds, large guilds, etc). You have no effing clue what it's like to be one of the most hated by a game community. How many death threats I got when I was a correspondent at SOE for SWG. And even thru all that BS I still stood up for those in the community even if they weren't part of my guild or my friends because at the end of the day it was about the community as a whole, not just one guild. Ant that is where the real failure of this is. It's an even bigger fracture to the community with crap like this getting started in the forums. And your attitude does not help when you act like you are entitled to win just because you are the biggest. Every community has their aholes, but when a whole guild starts with the I deserve this because we're the best or biggest or what ever makes them think that.

I think people need to stop looking at the big numbers..... who cares if you can amass 200k points per toon per week... or if it's only possible to get 45k per toon per week. If the playing field is level, and everyone has access to the same conquest objectives, the overall total means nothing. Whether you win a planet with 10 million points, or 500,000 at the end of the day, you won the planet. So balance the objectives so that they reward the players who put in the most time and effort and do the most complete content.

The points ARE the problem. Honestly you want to conquer a planet, it should be about what you do on THAT planet, not the others. And little to medium guilds have no choice but to look at the numbers because they have to figure out how to be more efficient then the larger guilds if they want to keep up because the larger guilds avoid each other like the plague. If you really wanted a competition, like I said earlier, you'd have gone to the same planet as the other 2 large guilds. But you thought you'd have easy pickens with our guild.. Found out the hard way just how determined we were. We stopped when we found out about it being fixed, you kept going, and going, and going, till you got a lead we will surely never catch as you were 200k down and you decided to farm out that 200k and another 1.7 million more AND you are still at this moment at 1:07 AM Pacific still in there doing it.

I'll make it clear: I HATE the Battle of Ilum point farming. It's boring, it's stupid, and I am very glad they are patching it. I'd love to see the devs take a week or 2 or 3 off from conquests and work some of these issues out and roll it into the next conquest event to be perfectly honest. There's some great suggestions in this thread, mixed in between the mud slinging, which is a shame because they will get lost in the slew of filth pouring over the screen and never see the light of day most likely.

Then WHY are your people still doing it and have been doing it all night... I call BS...

I'll also make another thing clear: Last week, we had NO IDEA that the non-repeatable objectives were resetting. One of my guild members noticed the night before the patch, that his objectives were showing as "not completed" and we moreso thought that we weren't getting credit, than we were purposely trying to exploit points. We literally learned about it, when we saw the patch notes go up. Last week, we conquered Voss, which had major bonuses to crafting, and being the first conquest event, and knowing that stockpiling mats ahead of time for 2.9 was going to be important, we had a LOT of materials stockpiled and used the fact that Voss granted the crafting bonus to gain large numbers of points very quickly. It's the whole reason we chose Voss, because we were suited to go after it, having a lot of crafters who had banks full of mats. Everyone in the gaming community knew what was coming.

BS again... and I won't give up my sources, but many in your guild knew about the reset and were using it. As was another guild.

This thread is NOT: me, anyone from my guild, or anyone from TOROCast whining or being a "crybaby" - It's me, bringing an issue to the devs and the community, via the official forums (I don't have any special access to the BW staff, and I posted my thread here on the forums like anyone else would), Tait noticed it, and took it to the team, and you all saw the response.


Let's remember that we are all a part of the same community, and try to be constructive to give suggestions to the devs, without being abrasive and insulting in the process.

Yes you obviously do have some special pull, I assume that they at least watch your posts to make sure they can count on your support. No one gets a dev response and they sure the hell don't post that it is broken and we will fix it for them either. Last week they never said WHAT they were patching with this much notice.


And yes you were crying about it. When you say you deserved to win cause you were bigger and a smaller guild should have no way been beating you, you're crying. Actually the way I hear it, it went beyond crying and some people were pretty PO'd about it and wanted to get us in trouble for it (all the while you were doing it to).

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They want to talk about not working as intended? All you have to do is run in, die, run in, die, run in, die. It will increase your point output assuming the other side isn't doing the same thing and it is not exploiting ANYTHING


Reminds me of the South Park episode where the kids didn't want to play baseball all summer long, so they tried to lose.


I got "tsk-tsk'ed" when I LOLed at the notion that EA tests things. We're up to patch three since 2.9 hit. Not just the initial implementation (50 million? For a flag ship? As I have said in multiple threads, how about less expensive options, that give much smaller ships, with less bonus. Even if my guild can't compete, at least those wishing to participate in personal conquest can) but the "did we think this through" aspect of this new "content".


In any event, to spread the pain, just enact a weekly point limit on PvP, PvE and crafting. No single aspect can earn over 50% of your conquest points. So, if you like PvP, you earn 17,500, and then it's capped forrPvP.


There. Now all sides can be equally pi553d.

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Its an exploit. Its using game mechanics in unintended ways to gain way too much advantage compared to the intended way.


You know what an exploit is. So how is that you don't know when to use the term?


If it said when you open your conquest window "X1000" under the Flashpoint, then that would note that it was not repeatable. If actually WAS repeatable, and everyone repeated it as much as they could, that would be an exploit.


However, it says "(Infinity symbol)1000". That means it's repeatable! That also means that with the information given to us by the Developers of the game, we are not breaking the rules. There is no way to tell their intent till today. Now, we know. It is impossible to know their intent was the opposite of what they set up for us before this.


Understand now?

Edited by KingFink
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You know what an exploit is. So how is that you don't know when to use the term?


If it said when you open your conquest window "X1000" under the Flashpoint, then that would note that it was not repeatable. If actually WAS repeatable, and everyone repeated it as much as they could, that would be an exploit.


However, it says "(Infinity symbol)1000". That means it's repeatable! That also means that with the information given to us by the Developers of the game, we are not breaking the rules. There is no way to tell their intent till today. Now, we know. It is impossible to know their intent was the opposite of what they set up for us before this.


Understand now?

Wth. are you talking about? It said repeatable in the conquest window when the quest was repeatable. If it was not intended to be repeatable, then it was a bug. The player has no way to know if it was intended or not, so its not exploit..


The actual exploit on the other hand is in the fp skipping mechanism. Most experienced players can at least guess when something looks like an exploit. Some will still keep doing it until its patched.

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Hey all,


I brought this to the attention of the team, and discovered that this is a bug - Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones - and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available.


We will be releasing 2.9c tomorrow morning to address this issue. There will be a maintenance post made later today with the full information.






You know, not everyone skips FP's. Just you lazy complainers. People run the FP's and do the bonus for the decorations, and trust me that takes some time. Some do skip, yes, but this fix is only making it so that the small guilds of dedicated players will now have no chance of ever getting onto the leaderboards. A small guild of 15 dedicated players could have actually had a chance to beat these massive guilds by allowing them to be able to put in the time and get the rewards. Now since this "fix" you basically said to the little guy, "Sorry but your guild is too small and you have no chance at conquest so why even try!...but make sure your paying your sub!!"


Obviously this is the result of some lazy players who pride themselves on skipping to cheat the system and they don't care about anything but conquest points. And you know what? My guild still probably beat your guild, and I know for a fact MANY of our players don't skip. Why? Because we want the decor you fool.


A wiser solution would have just been to institute a point cap, however you would still be limiting the smaller guilds abilities to gain traction. Or... create a mechanic that requires the bonus challenges to be completed. That would be the best solution. Let you lazy butt hurt people get off your duff and do something for your guild.


It seems to me, that unless your on the top, you'll just wine and complain until the Dev's concede and retard more of the game until it's as lame as some other MMO's I can think of.


I feel bad for my other guild that is considerably smaller and was really looking forward to being able to attempt to get some conquesting accomplished. Why did we buy a ship again?


Hey Dev's... why don't you just make one class with one skill and no gear, and we can all just play the same boring toon. Then make some FP where all you do is go into a room and randomly pick conversation options until your character implodes. That sounds about like what people want doesn't it? No one will be different, everyone will have the same talent, then you can listen to all the people complain more about how the font on the HUD is 3 shades darker than the other guys. Maybe that would keep me interested in actually paying for this game...wait, I mean this neutering session.


Oh yes....and don't forget to invite your friends.

Edited by DarcXero
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Well, when you look in the conquest area of the UI it clearly stated the FP objectives were repeatable.


So to state it's a bug is just not believable. I am pretty sure this effect was unintended but if you name an objective as repeatable then it's not a bug if it actually works that way.


My guess is that they want to stay away from the word exploit as much as possible as they prefer not to throw the banhammer around too quickly but they should've just said it was an exploit that they are fixing and no punishment is to be given as it was working as it was presented.


What I really like them to look at is why it is so easy in some FPs to get around mobs and skip half the instance as it is. That's what needed fixing more than anything.

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The fix to make small guilds able to compete with big guilds is to reward significantly more points for difficult content. I said it last week many times. A guild of 8 people running NiM DF/DP should earn just as much as a guild of 80 people running low-level flashpoints and heroics. Very, very simple. But the fact is, that would go against all MMO design philosophy. MMOs as a genre are specifically designed to reward wasting more of your time grinding than the other guy, not skill. This conquest system plays into that philosophy perfectly. It is what it is. If you don't like it, don't play.
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So, if i want to get more conquest points I have to just enter a WZ and dont move at all? mmm, sounds boring, and people will hate me. Maybe I will ignore the whole thing now.


About the cheap farming, how about making the "Complete X FP" objetive to need all the bosses of the FP instead of just the last one? I know it can be done since other conquest objetive asks for 2 different things for it.


And seriously guys, an infinite source will always outlive a limited one, to even it out pvp and gsf would have to give less, far less and would still win the race in the end.

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Wth. are you talking about? It said repeatable in the conquest window when the quest was repeatable. If it was not intended to be repeatable, then it was a bug. The player has no way to know if it was intended or not, so its not exploit..


The actual exploit on the other hand is in the fp skipping mechanism. Most experienced players can at least guess when something looks like an exploit. Some will still keep doing it until its patched.


Thanks for agreeing with me. To be honest I didn't know people were using an exploit in actually running the flashpoint. Running it was so fast and easy for the people I run with that it never crossed my mind that one would be needed. Splitting up and clearing the entire instance + bonus objectives at blistering speed with a whole lot of people seemed enough for us I guess.

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