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Can I get some more huttball please! So tired of hypercrap and novare crap also if I wanted to play arenas I would q for ranked


Huttball is lame, if you wanna play with a ball, go outside and bounce one around.


Both Huttball wzs should be turned into 8 v 8 arena maps, ditch the ball. Most people play Huttball like a deathmatch, let's make it official.


Besides, Hutts would hold deathmatches over sporting events any day of the week.

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It's usually 1...2-3 Huttballs per week for me from dozens of Voidstars and Hypergates. And ONE Huttball day with constant Huttball pops - last Sunday for example.


Of course everything is working as intended. RNG is RNG, yeah right... :rolleyes::csw_jabbapet:

Edited by Glower
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It's usually 1...2-3 Huttballs per week for me from dozens of Voidstars and Hypergates. And ONE Huttball day with constant Huttball pops - last Sunday for example.


Of course everything is working as intended. RNG is RNG, yeah right... :rolleyes::csw_jabbapet:


I've had that happen, too, especially on weekends. It seems Huttball has a very high pop chance for weekends only, heh.. I've had several saturdays / sundays where I've played nothing but huttball all day. Literally 20-25 in a row. And then other weekdays, there seems to be nothing but Hypergates with the occasional voidstar or alderaan.

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I've had that happen, too, especially on weekends. It seems Huttball has a very high pop chance for weekends only, heh.. I've had several saturdays / sundays where I've played nothing but huttball all day. Literally 20-25 in a row. And then other weekdays, there seems to be nothing but Hypergates with the occasional voidstar or alderaan.

I am sure the code dictates the frequency of any given Warzone. Please learn what "random" means, it will help.

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ftfy :)


lol I have a Sin tank and my guild score a lot in Huttball, just saying it's boring and at LEAST half the ppl playing in any given Huttball match ARE just playing a deathmatch.....am I wrong? Yeah, so am I a baddie for stating the obvious?


I've been on since beta and Huttball will ALWAYS be a deathmatch first and foremost, just saying let's make it official.

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lol I have a Sin tank and my guild score a lot in Huttball, just saying it's boring and at LEAST half the ppl playing in any given Huttball match ARE just playing a deathmatch.....am I wrong? Yeah, so am I a baddie for stating the obvious?


I've been on since beta and Huttball will ALWAYS be a deathmatch first and foremost, just saying let's make it official.


Lets not. Huttball is fantastic, just because some idiots don't know how to play it does not mean it should be turned into a deathmatch.


A lot of people don't know what they are doing in most warzones so your point is moot.

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Lets not. Huttball is fantastic, just because some idiots don't know how to play it does not mean it should be turned into a deathmatch.


A lot of people don't know what they are doing in most warzones so your point is moot.


Huttball requires a lot more cooperative team play I think than any of the other WZs, period. I've been on both ends of the spectrum, playing in guild premades and pugging. When I pug it's a nightmare trying to get other players to work with you, most are just running around playing deathmatch.


When I get in a premade with guildies it's frankly almost TOO ez to score vs pugs. It's boring from either point of vew PERIOD. I've played this stupid wz now for over 2 years and personally hate it.


I'd scrap it altogether. Best WZ for me personally is Novare Coast hands down. I want more like Coast that

a) feel like I'm in an actual battle and b) has a great mechanic that allows for some EPIC comebacks.


What are the queues called again? oh yeah WAR zones....not lame sports zones......peace out

Edited by Belpheghor
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hutball should be removed (Y)


Looks like someone is bad at huttball.



Huttball is the best thing SWTOR did, besides class stories.


It's the most exciting and fun instanced PVP I've ever had, and still continue to have.



You people need to chill out.

You can wreck ANY pug in ANY WZ with a premade. It's not a valid reason to hate huttball because of how easy it is to wreck pugs with a premade.

Edited by strallart
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Huttball requires a lot more cooperative team play I think than any of the other WZs, period. I've been on both ends of the spectrum, playing in guild premades and pugging. When I pug it's a nightmare trying to get other players to work with you, most are just running around playing deathmatch.


When I get in a premade with guildies it's frankly almost TOO ez to score vs pugs. It's boring from either point of vew PERIOD. I've played this stupid wz now for over 2 years and personally hate it.


I'd scrap it altogether. Best WZ for me personally is Novare Coast hands down. I want more like Coast that

a) feel like I'm in an actual battle and b) has a great mechanic that allows for some EPIC comebacks.


What are the queues called again? oh yeah WAR zones....not lame sports zones......peace out


Novare is a good one to. Huttball is a great warzone, it encourages people to play to the strengths of their classes and good team play is rewarded. Huttball (the pit) is the best thing Bioware have ever done.

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hutball should be removed (Y)

This.. but there are ppl that like it, as we see in this thread. For me, it a deathmatch, like it is for Belpheghor, but I dont agree with him, that you need team play. You need only 2-3 player that know what to do. That how winning team always win. Quesh wz I dont play at all.

They should allow us to choose wz.

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This.. but there are ppl that like it, as we see in this thread. For me, it a deathmatch, like it is for Belpheghor, but I dont agree with him, that you need team play. You need only 2-3 player that know what to do. That how winning team always win. Quesh wz I dont play at all.

They should allow us to choose wz.


Only thing I agree with.


Come on Bioware, what's your ridiculous reasoning on why we can't do this?

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This.. but there are ppl that like it, as we see in this thread. For me, it a deathmatch, like it is for Belpheghor, but I dont agree with him, that you need team play. You need only 2-3 player that know what to do. That how winning team always win. Quesh wz I dont play at all.

They should allow us to choose wz.


I just can't get into the whole ball game thing to begin with. I have a Sin tank and it can be fun scoring, but it get's old real fast.....I queue for PvP to ...well.......PVP!


And half or more of the peeps in any Huttball do exactly the same, they PvP and ignore the silly ball. The maps are pretty cool, I like the traps, especially if you have any kind of a push back or pull ability they're really fun, but aside from that they're garbage.


All the other WZs I love too death because they all make sense to me from a SW point of view. But Sith and Jedi playing ball is just *********** STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!

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Huttball is hands down the most inventive map in this game and the greatest game type/map design I've seen out of any MMO out there. How anyone could dislike this map is beyond me. The amount of team coordination required from both sides to play this map is amazing. I wish they would bring back the developers that made the original map (because lets be honest, queshball map design is questionable....) and bring in more huttball maps and turn it into a league.
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Only thing I agree with.


Come on Bioware, what's your ridiculous reasoning on why we can't do this?


That the content that they worked so hard to reski- I mean CREATE- would actually be used. Honestly, I like QueshBall and Novare the best. They're challenging and almost require getting into fights.

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That the content that they worked so hard to reski- I mean CREATE- would actually be used. Honestly, I like QueshBall and Novare the best. They're challenging and almost require getting into fights.


Queshball blows chunks unless your team has 5 Ranged DPS, a Tank Juggernaut and 2 healers of any flavor. If you have that makeup well... good luck other team... have one Rdps and a healer hang out on the platform right before the acid spewer thing, the Jugg tank Intercedes to one of them, then the healer just heals the tank till his eyes bleed, and you would score every time...


Novarre is, actually quite fun. though, it can take a bit long to get from bunker to bunker, and i think it needs a new variant with 5 bunkers in an X pattern and you MUST cap the center bunker before you can start attacking, the other 4 bunkers are to boost your %/s attacking.

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