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Sony CEO "John Smedley": We have a contractual relationship that's ending in 2012...Could we have renegotiated? Maybe, but I don't think that would be the right thing for the company.

Where in that quote does it say TOR (i.e., BioWare and/or Electronic Arts) forced Sony to lose its LucasArts license?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Where in that quote does it say TOR (i.e., BioWare and/or Electronic Arts) forced Sony to lose its LucasArts license?


Read again... my quote clearly states that Sony lost the license because Lucas Arts gave it to SWTOR and did not intend to renew the Star Wars license for SWG, which makes sense from a business perspective (a good amount of people I met during the release of SWTOR where coming from SWG).

Edited by Sahee
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I say it for the last time, it never died... it was forced to be taken down because Lucas Arts did not want to renew the Star Wars License. Could we go back to the topic please?


A game with as little population as SWG had towards the end of its life, with no plans on renewing its license or a F2P plan and developers that just couldn't seem to get with the times is, for all intents and purposes, a dead game.


You (and the developers) can say whatever you want on the subject. Blame everything on SWTOR, if that makes them feel better. The truth is SWG was a shadow of its former self.


If SWG had the amount of subscribers WoW had at the time, SOE would've laughed at the thought of letting go of the IP.


What I'm trying to say is that you make it seem like SWTOR killed SWG.

It didn't.

If anything SWTOR sealed its fate and buried it.

There were other things that caused SWG's downfall and if you indeed played the game for as long as you say you did, I'm sure you are already aware of them.


...and now we can get back on topic.

Edited by TheNahash
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Read again... my quote clearly states that Sony lost the license because Lucas Arts gave it to SWTOR and did not intend to renew the Star Wars license for SWG, which makes sense from a business perspective (a lot of people I met during the release of SWTOR where coming from SWG).

Read it again yourself, particularly this line: "Could we have renegotiated? Maybe, but I don't think that would be the right thing for the company."

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Are you seriously going to try and convince me that having a few thousand players is actually better than having hundreds of thousands?

Also, you do understand that you are talking about an era when F2P as well as competition were virtually non-existent in the MMO market, right?

The only real big name was WoW and that's what killed SWG. Well, that and their effort to make it more "Wow"-y than it was ever supposed to be.


As for your cheese and whine...well... I'm just going to say you might need to read your post again.

Because, unless I'm mistaken, you were the one complaining that this game doesn't have what a dead and buried game had.

But yeah, sure... cheese and whine

Were they offering that in SWG too? Was theirs better than SWTOR's? :)


actually they had cheese and wine in SWG and guess what!?!? it was good because it gave buffs!!!! and it was crafter made and not for sale by SOE for real money. and someone else mentioned a lot of other MMOs that went free to play while SWG was out and with your comment

All the games you mentioned went F2P, sure.

And look at them. They are all still here.


SWG on the other hand...

well the SWG EMU is still around so you could say it is still going now cant you?? :D
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Emotes are not a interaction with the object, SWG had far better object interaction...


It also had unimpressive graphics (no real shadows, bad effects), poor animations, no real story, very mediocre questing, and a host of annoying features.


I guess it has something to do with the hero engine, which is a rather bad engine due to certain limitations (for example grass popping out of nowhere in front of the character, non-interactive objects, bad shadows, low-res player textures from distance).


None of these are problems caused by the Engine, per se. Rather, they are actually optimizations which seem targeted to make the game run better on lower quality hardware. The grass draw distance isn't anything new. Lots of games have this. The ones that don't almost always require high-end gaming hardware. Some manage to trick you into thinking its not there, but the effect can fail in many situations. In beta, the player textures and animations always displayed with full detail at all distances. It was horrible on low-mid hardware. The downgrading of both is done to reduce load. From what I've heard, it even reduces server load to some degree. And the object interactivity may be limited somewhat by the game structure (the "engine" to people who don't actually understand the difference...), but a decent amount of that is again, to reduce load on your local PC.


I absolutely agree with the OP, housing without proper object interaction makes no sense, at the moment the only reason why I use housing is the legacy bank and mail... which is quite useful from a gameplay perspective.


Right. Because the only reasonable usage for housing is sitting in chairs and laying in beds. Gotcha. I've been happily using my SH as a base to support crafting, collect equipment for sharing among characters, travel quickly between locations, and give me some incentive for running all the various flashpoints and heroics. Little did I know that the only thing that I should be doing was sitting in chairs and leaning on tables.


I would really like for the objects to be more interactive... for the RP crowd. For myself, I simply can't care. It seems completely silly to say that a feature shouldn't exist, because its only useful to everyone and not ideal for everyone. Or to put it more like you suggested: They shouldn't let anyone use it unless it has the features that you want.


Sorry. I'll take the features that are good for most people rather than forcing everyone to wait until you're happy.


Oh and by the way, player houses in SWG where outside in the open, not instanced like in SWTOR,


Yeah, that was one of those "annoying features" from SWG that made me happy I stayed away. The last thing I want in SWTOR is a vast ghetto of player houses ruining Tatooine or any other planet.

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actually they had cheese and wine in SWG and guess what!?!? it was good because it gave buffs!!!! and it was crafter made and not for sale by SOE for real money.


And I'm sure that if they ever added them in this game, ex-SWG players would be happy to let us know exactly how much better they used to taste back in the good ol' days of SWG.


Memory is a very tricky thing, you see.

And I can assure you that when SWTOR goes the way of the dodo too, the way cheese and wine taste in SWTOR is going to be oh so much better than the cheese and wine of whatever game might take its place.

Again, memory is a very tricky thing.


well the SWG EMU is still around so you could say it is still going now cant you??




No. No, you really can't.

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Which bring up the question, if SWG was so much better than TOR, why aren't all the SWG fanbois playing emu?


the reason im not playig the emu is because i no longer have the original discs. and if you try and use image files of the discs it screws up really bad.

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And I'm sure that if they ever added them in this game, ex-SWG players would be happy to let us know exactly how much better they used to taste back in the good ol' days of SWG.


Memory is a very tricky thing, you see.

And I can assure you that when SWTOR goes the way of the dodo too, the way cheese and wine taste in SWTOR is going to be oh so much better than the cheese and wine of whatever game might take its place.

Again, memory is a very tricky thing.





No. No, you really can't.


no i highly doubt that when this game is shut down there will be fans making an emu and saying o wow TOR did this or that sooo much better than this new game!!! :p


and yes yes you can because it is technically still going.. its just moved to free to play :p

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Which bring up the question, if SWG was so much better than TOR, why aren't all the SWG fanbois playing emu?

Why would you want them to? I'm glad they're here. Their contributions help fund THIS game...you should appreciate that more.


Pointing out that SWG was superior in some things shouldn't cause such hostility. If you can't handle the truth that they did some things better, perhaps you're too emotionally attached to this game.

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no i highly doubt that when this game is shut down there will be fans making an emu and saying o wow TOR did this or that sooo much better than this new game!!! :p


Oh, trust me, there will be.

Maybe not emu projects because I'm guessing it's going to be much harder to reverse engineer SWTOR's code the way they did with SWG, but you can rest assured that there will be people whining about how bad that new game is and how good swtor was.

Again, it's not rational, it's a memory thing. People tend to remember the best things of a mediocre product so long as the overall experience was a pleasant one. And that only gets worse with time.


and yes yes you can because it is technically still going.. its just moved to free to play :p


Growing up, I used to like Michael Jackson.

Micheal Jackson died 5 years ago.

But, I guess, since I own most of his albums I can pretend he's still alive.


So yeah, by that logic, SWG is "still going". ;)

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yea i wont even pay 60 bucks for a new game on steam, im not going to pay 100 bucks or more for a new/unused copy of a 10 year old game that i previously owned. now if you buy it for me i would gladly open it up and install it and play the EMU :D


Well, I will if you promise to buy me a 6-month subscription for ESO.

I mean I hate it but if it's free I might give it a chance. That doesn't exactly make me a fan, does it though?

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Well, I will if you promise to buy me a 6-month subscription for ESO.

I mean I hate it but if it's free I might give it a chance. That doesn't exactly make me a fan, does it though?


no because ESO is such crap and i just could not put anyone else threw that garbage!!! if you hated the NGE you would hate ESO because its combat is just like NGE combat. only good thing about ESO is that they copied SWGs character creation screen.



though from all the emails they keep sending me i have a feeling they will be going to free to play soon too.

Edited by Edzew
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though from all the emails they keep sending me i have a feeling they will be going to free to play soon too.


As will Wildstar.

I think it's sort of funny and tragic at the same time that developers are too stubborn to learn from other games' mistakes. If SWTOR failed to remain sub-only, why would Carbine ever think they will manage to do so is beyond me.

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no because ESO is such crap and i just could not put anyone else threw that garbage!!! if you hated the NGE you would hate ESO because its combat is just like NGE combat. only good thing about ESO is that they copied SWGs character creation screen.



though from all the emails they keep sending me i have a feeling they will be going to free to play soon too.


A quote for you....


Quote: Originally Posted by LordArtemis View Post

Again, Zion, I have to say for someone that wishes folks would stop bringing up SWG or comparing this game to that game, you sure do mention that game quite a bit....


...even when it hasn't been mentioned by anyone else. You think we can have one nice discussion without bringing up that nightmare?


Really, we should ALL, including you....just let it go for now IMO. Lets talk about the merits of SWTOR for a while, eh? :D

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O Rly? SWG never went F2P in its lifetime, SWTOR went F2P after less than a year... some cheese for the whine?

It did not die, it was forced to be dumped down due to the rejected star wars license. Lucas Arts killed it, it had enough subs to be profitable for Sony.


...and the problem with pre-NGE was that the majority was not able to understand the game mechanics... which made them dump down the difficulty to appeal to the masses.


That's because SoE is stubborn as hell and F2P hadn't really become a big thing yet. Planetside 1 was 10 years old and still had an active subscription service with only about 10 people logging in at night. They even gave out a free 7 day thing at one point and I logged in and there were 2 people online at 8pm, which was a shame since planetside 1 was an amazing game. Planetside 1 just recently went completely free 2 play a few months ago, which is also a shame since SoE didn't even bother to announce it formerly, which is also a shame since planetside 1 is so much better than the simplified planetside 2.


Sooooo ya, SoE is pretty terrible and makes BW look like saints lol.

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As will Wildstar.

I think it's sort of funny and tragic at the same time that developers are too stubborn to learn from other games' mistakes. If SWTOR failed to remain sub-only, why would Carbine ever think they will manage to do so is beyond me.


i haven't gotten any emails from wildstar asking me why i didn't sub or buy their game like i have from ESO. i was getting one a day for an entire week until i blocked them. every other day it was a new survey and the day in between were emails saying please come back B^(

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