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10 Good
  1. I have so many chairs and I am unable to sit at any of them! Please make the Chairs interactive like at a Cantina (like on the fleet) or my ship
  2. Ive had this happen to me as well. never solo, always in a group. Happened yesterday in a 4+ mission. Not able to reproduce it reliably, but it is happening.
  3. Hessian Major S'titch Hessian Guild is Serenity
  4. My legs are cramped due to the run from the front to my class hanger Thanks!
  5. +1 for this idea! Suggestion: There needs to be a "prevent GTN window from closing unless using the X at the top right" feature added and the checkbox added in preferences
  6. Tonight, we are bringing the servers down for maintenance as we prepare for launch, as previously mentioned. Both the game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline from 6PM CST (4PM PST/7PM EST/12AM GMT/1AM CET) to 11PM CST (9PM PST/12AM EST/5AM GMT/6AM CET).
  7. Hello from Seattle Serenity Guild- The Harbinger- Republic
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