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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open PvP


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Recently I've been thinking more about PvP encounters (I'm on a PvP server) while questing / doing dailies.

So ok, its a PvP server but still I there are things that look like they were supposed to prevent excessive ganking (or fully PvP geared players from farming others). There are heavy lvl 55 mobs in bases, there is the PvP extended stealth time etc. The problem is, those things don't work.


Eg, I do my oricon stuff and then a shadow/assasin shows up, destroys me ofc (class balance is another thing here). Ok, he had his fun, I'd like to rev there and continue but no, he can see when I get up, AOE and my PvP stealth is useless.

About high lvl base defense mobs - why allow classes that have stealth to go past them? They can still easily gank inside and then run away into stealth again.


I get that it's a PvP server, I usually don't atack other players in the open but it opens some more possibilites and can make the game more fun. Especially when you destroy someone that has attacked you. But for that you need some chances against PvP geared people, the classes should be balanced (I'm pretty much convinced now that you stand no chance against stealth classes in the open, and even if you're better they'll just run away).

Things that IMHO could help:

Add a buff after death that prevents dmg from player that killed you, say 15min, unless you attack.

Make expertise not matter out of WZ/pvp areas, this stat shoud be for WZs. But then on WZs there is PVP bolster while you don't get it anywhere else.

Do something with permanent stealth, maybe add some 'detectors' in bases that would expose hidden players.

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Well, a way to fix this would be making Expertise useless out of Warzones or the Tattoine PvP thing.


That way, the field is level for those questing.


No. Experise is the gap closer for PvP gear to pve gear. Without it, youd just have top level pve gear be just as overpowered when fighting some who doesnt. Same problem; different gear

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No. Experise is the gap closer for PvP gear to pve gear. Without it, youd just have top level pve gear be just as overpowered when fighting some who doesnt. Same problem; different gear

If you are in a questing area you've already got some PvE gear. Chances are you don't have a PvP one. So would be good to have expertise limited to where you can get it - WZs.


Then again you get bolster on WZ so it's not as important as it was before there - someone probably noticed people don't really like the experience to be just dying. Expertise gives a ridiculous advantage in non-PvP areas though and, since they sort of balanced WZs, why not do it for open pvp?


I don't PvP, but I know my BH has a detect stealthed enemies ability. Whether I use it or not is a different question, but I thought all classes post 50 got some kind of stealth detector ability.

Unfortunately no. You can try using some AOE ability but for example a guardian/jugg doesn't have a good one for that.

Edited by Redook
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Deal with it. You chose a PvP server so you must deal with the consequences of that play style. Besides, ganking is not considered abuse by Bioware, so people can if they want to, farm you as much as they want. It may be annoying, but that's how it is.


Also expertise will never be removed, it is needed to close the gab between the gears.

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Tattoine PvP thing.

Anybody using this .. thing?


I wish they found how to reward openworld PvP on PvP servers what is meant to be but not and you crying that on PvP server in PvP area someone kills you :\ The only difference on PvP servers are this usleless areas.


Perhaps they should apply bolster everywhere. Then PvP would be more like player vs. player, not gear vs. gear.

Lol and what is the point of gear then?

Edited by APCrol
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As mentioned, the whole reason we have expertise is to make it so that PVP players can deal with people who have better than max open-world level gear. So removing it without changing anything else about open world gearing would remove it's intended use.


That said, they could remove Expertise from the game entirely and just cap open world gear at the open world max (currently 53 purples with Item Rating 156). End game PVE and PVP gear already has set bonuses that differentiate them, BW could just make it so that the end game PVE gear gave the additional stat bonuses in instanced PVE content (operations, HM Flashpoints). End game PVP gear doesn't need better stats, and there would be no need for Bolster (or it would be easier to understand, as it would just give you the 156 rated version of everything you were wearing).

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Anybody using this .. thing?


I wish they found how to reward openworld PvP on PvP servers what is meant to be but not and you crying that on PvP server in PvP area someone kills you :\ The only difference on PvP servers are this usleless areas.



Lol and what is the point of gear then?

In PvP, ideally none. Thus the name, player vs. player.



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Recently I've been thinking more about PvP encounters (I'm on a PvP server) while questing / doing dailies.

So ok, its a PvP server but still I there are things that look like they were supposed to prevent excessive ganking (or fully PvP geared players from farming others). There are heavy lvl 55 mobs in bases, there is the PvP extended stealth time etc. The problem is, those things don't work.


Eg, I do my oricon stuff and then a shadow/assasin shows up, destroys me ofc (class balance is another thing here). Ok, he had his fun, I'd like to rev there and continue but no, he can see when I get up, AOE and my PvP stealth is useless.

About high lvl base defense mobs - why allow classes that have stealth to go past them? They can still easily gank inside and then run away into stealth again.


I get that it's a PvP server, I usually don't atack other players in the open but it opens some more possibilites and can make the game more fun. Especially when you destroy someone that has attacked you. But for that you need some chances against PvP geared people, the classes should be balanced (I'm pretty much convinced now that you stand no chance against stealth classes in the open, and even if you're better they'll just run away).

Things that IMHO could help:

Add a buff after death that prevents dmg from player that killed you, say 15min, unless you attack.

Make expertise not matter out of WZ/pvp areas, this stat shoud be for WZs. But then on WZs there is PVP bolster while you don't get it anywhere else.

Do something with permanent stealth, maybe add some 'detectors' in bases that would expose hidden players.


Or you could just do your dailies in PVP gear.

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Or you could just do your dailies in PVP gear.




I carry my 2 sets all the time with me. In an instance, I pop on my PvE gear...in the open world, PvP gear. Carry 2 sets and play accordingly.

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I carry my 2 sets all the time with me. In an instance, I pop on my PvE gear...in the open world, PvP gear. Carry 2 sets and play accordingly.


That's an appropriate solution. I get how some people wouldn't like the hassle of collecting all the gear, though. If I played on a PvP server, I'd try to have PvP gear equipped as often as possible. But, if running Ops or FPs, it may be better to have PvE gear. I guess. I play on a PvE server and still always have my PvP gear on.

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That's an appropriate solution. I get how some people wouldn't like the hassle of collecting all the gear, though. If I played on a PvP server, I'd try to have PvP gear equipped as often as possible. But, if running Ops or FPs, it may be better to have PvE gear. I guess. I play on a PvE server and still always have my PvP gear on.

In any instance (daily, weekly, FP or Ops) I always equip my PvE set. Before I step outside though, I almost always equip my PvP gear.

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Sorry OP, but you're on a PvP server. What you're experiencing is literally part of the package deal you accepted the moment you started playing on that server.


Yes, it can be frustrating, but it's the price you pay. If that's too steep for you, I humbly suggest you transfer/re-roll onto a PvE server. I don't have the same kind of free time as I did back when I played WoW on a PvP server, and for that very reason I'm a PvE server here: simply put, I don't want to spend entire short gaming sessions getting dick-kicked by gankers... even if it means sacrificing all the wonderful and fun aspects of being on a PvP server.

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The thread was about introducing some more balance into the game.

I guess I expected answers like "Its a pvp server, deal with it" (ah very useful input thank you so much)

so whatever.


What "balance" are you refering to exactly? The simple truth is that, if you join a PvP server you open the door to ganking, it is not an exploit nor does it have anything to do with balance. It is what it is. So again what are you trying to prove here by complaining?

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A game where you play against other human needs to gilve players roughly equal chances to be enjoyable.

an example:


suppose I like to play PvE but I'm intertested in some fun situations when meeting other faction in game so i pick PvP server. Now I play mostly ops, you do WZs. We play the equivalent classes (like marauder vs sentinel same skill tree etc) I've got full 180 set, you got full PvP set (whatever the good stuff is named there). We fight 10 times in some questing area. Say we have roughly the same rotation, use the same abilities etc. Do I have a chance of winning even 1 time? Is this a balanced game?

Does it promote WZ players or not?


So I actually was wrong suggesting to make expertise irrelevant, thos wouldn't be balanced, it should make good PvP gear equal to ~ 180 or something like that.

Other thing are the stealth based classes which have a huge advantage in open pvp. Is this balanced?


So you say I cry (I find it sort of insulting btw) about ganking, it wasn't my first point there but I think the possibility of ganking as it is now is a flawed design. There are 2 key contepts in the game - level and gear, and this is fine. What is not fine is that when being a low level you can be prevented from doing almost anything by one player. You can find three dozens of other players on the planet and you will still loose. I think it that even high level should not be invincible. So then if a ganker is pestering you, you gather 2 other players and kick his ***. Some clever bolster would do it. I think it would make the game much cooler. But this will probably never happen and we will have ganking as an amusement for some weird minded people.


Closing note, you can disagree with me and that's fine, especially if there's some reasoning behind it. What I'm not interested in is people saying this is complaining, crying or whatever. Or that this is what you signed up when you joined PvP server. If you plan on posting like that just go do something else with your time.

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only way to get balance in open world pvp is once fight start's both are strip of all gear except a thong and given a light saber and 1 attack.

Does the color of the Lightsaber matter? I know red cars go faster...you think Sith would have the advantage if they used red? ;)

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So I actually was wrong suggesting to make expertise irrelevant, thos wouldn't be balanced, it should make good PvP gear equal to ~ 180 or something like that.


Well, what about PVE players who don't have 180 gear yet? Should we bolster open world for them as well?


The problem is that you get operations-level gear in operations, where you need it for the next level of operations and nowhere else. Yet that gear can be used everywhere, so BW adds in Expertise and Bolster so that gear won't matter anywhere but in the operations, where it's supposed to matter.


Which is why I suggest capping open world gear and giving op-level gear bonuses that only work in ops (or other instanced PVE which makes sense to have "gear checks").

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