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SW:TOR's very own great depression?


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Frankly I'm just sad the price of Isotope-5 plummeted from 110ish k to about 80k last time I checked.... that's brutal.



Cartel Mounts and such still have outrageous pricing as well so I'm not exactly sure where the "big discounts" are meant to be... apart from the regular crash of new Pack items are people try to offload.

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I'll say what I say for all of these asinine depression/recession/crash threads:


It's a *********** game. Who *********** cares?


Very constructive post. Please continue posting this in all the threads in order to continue your valuable contribution to the forums.

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Isotope-5 is at a all time low, around 60k. That one was kind of depressing. Make basic comms less worthwhile.


On the plus side though, i sold some fabricator's mark 1 for 30k a piece and thats a great turnover for how little it cost to get the materials.


In other words, this isn't a real economy, but A GAME.


Players are focused on housing right now and that is what they are spending credits on, housing-related items, more so than what has been typical in past months.


There is no "great recession."

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Leveling gear (augments, kits, adaptive armor) is definitely down. Pets are up. Currency (bounty contracts, KDY, relics) are up, like doubled. Mats are way up. Missions are way up. Decorations are silly up :D


There's plenty still to make a profit on if you have been hoarding stuff, you just have to know the market and think in advance just a little bit. (says the guy who's been hoarding pets all summer for the expansion)

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Very constructive post. Please continue posting this in all the threads in order to continue your valuable contribution to the forums.


Well if these Chicken Little threads set the bar for "contribution", I'd say my posts haven't fallen that far short.

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Not demonstrating pride. Just pointing out that your post was as pointless as any of mine.


If that's what you were trying to point out you did so rather poorly as the statement you made has nothing really to do with that.


I see my post as far from pointless... I'm hoping folks such as yourself will leave out non-constructive posts like that in the future. If I have to take the thread a bit off topic to get that result I think it would be a net positive for the community.


You labeled this thread as a "chicken little" one... other than the title, which without the context of the OP might look that way, what exactly was your problem with it? There was decent discussion going on in the first page minus some nonsense from a poster above. Besides that one, the post that stuck out to me was this random "Who ******* cares?" one that you initially made. These types of posts typically get zero replies anyways (hence their non-constructive nature) but this time I decided to reply sarcastically and discourage it.

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If that's what you were trying to point out you did so rather poorly as the statement you made has nothing really to do with that.


I see my post as far from pointless... I'm hoping folks such as yourself will leave out non-constructive posts like that in the future. If I have to take the thread a bit off topic to get that result I think it would be a net positive for the community.


You labeled this thread as a "chicken little" one... other than the title, which without the context of the OP might look that way, what exactly was your problem with it? There was decent discussion going on in the first page minus some nonsense from a poster above. Besides that one, the post that stuck out to me was this random "Who ******* cares?" one that you initially made. These types of posts typically get zero replies anyways (hence their non-constructive nature) but this time I decided to reply sarcastically and discourage it.


Are you applying for the weekend moderator job? Because your post was about as pointless as this whole thread...

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Everyone simmer down or i'm turning this thread around 360 degrees and driving us straight to hell!


(Ah, the joys of being a monorail pilot.)


Only if we can pick up some ice water on the way. I heard it is difficult to find there. I been stocking up for years:eek:

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Are you applying for the weekend moderator job? Because your post was about as pointless as this whole thread...


I suppose if you look at it some way this whole forum is pointless... and this game, and life...


But if we are having a little better criteria than your unsubstantiated declarative statements, there are things that add to the discussion and things that don't. I made clear in my post (which you may have read, but clearly didn't comprehend) that my posts had a point to benefit the forum overall.. unlike yours.

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Well, I made a total of 5.5 million credits since the launch of Strongholds. This is a very loose list, but I will try to point out how.

1) Selling extra decorations, terminals and the like from the bonus items given during the initial introduction hologram mission you can do with all of your alts.

2) Crafting and selling U MK-1s, 2s and 3s that I compiled mats for before the feature launched. I have sold around 10 of each.

3) Selling some mats in high demand that I have always had from leveling crew skills. Moved quite a few blue and purple mats, especially 6s.


That provided me with around 5.5 mil. Now, I spent around 3 mil or so on some things I had always wanted (a few toys, a few speeders) but still ended up close to 5 mil at this point. And I could craft more U MKs if I wanted to.


Other results may vary, but that is how I made that kind of money in this short time.

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2) Crafting and selling U MK-1s, 2s and 3s that I compiled mats for before the feature launched. I have sold around 10 of each.


Thats just what I did. I had a great deal of mats across my toons. So I just crafted pre fabs like crazy until they were used up and made more money then I ever have on the GTN. Was nice to make some good donations to my guild.

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I made 10 million from the OPs so called great depression. I don't know why or how this is a secret but I'm going to give it away because posting here will have little or no impact.


Ok. The secret is (and this will come absolutely as a shock to those experiencing the "depression" and whining about it) to figure out what is in demand and sell that. Lol! Wow... can't believe I had to type that. You will make millions.


Oh no.. what about that other stuff you used to sell for creds? Hang on to it, because when the market shifts again, and demand for mk kits and stronghold items begins to wane, those old tried and true items will move back toward the old prices.


In the meantime, buy up the usually high priced mounts. Take advantage of the lower priced items. The turn is coming. I have spent... god knows how much in creds, and I have made tons more. I love this economy!

Edited by Rafaman
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I tell you what if this is how a Great Depression works bring on one in the REAL WORLD!! This weekend alone I have made over 10,000,000 credits. I have not crafted in about a year...except a few dyes. But this weekend I was back to crafting and making bank! While my crew was crafting I was running old FP, 55hm fps, ops, conquests stuff, selling tons of stuff for huge profits on the GTN. Point being I was making bank! And I was playing tons of different aspect of the game with guild members having a blast.


Again if this is your definition of a Great Depression I tell you bring on the real life thing!!!

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Hey forums, I can't have been the only one to notice the recent shift in the economy. Heck, everything on the gtn is really cheap right now. I just bought armor i never thought I'd be able to afford today. However, nothing is selling for me. The only money i have was made selling on the gtn, and hot items like cartel packs and isotope 5 aren't selling even when priced below the lowest prices. Now, it could just be me, but after reading some other threads I doubt it. it seems that strongholds have caused such a massive credit sink that everyone wants to sell what they have, no matter how cheap, but no one is buying.


What are you guy's thoughts?


You are misinterpreting the shift in the market. Things are selling like hotcakes, you just aren't looking at the right items anymore. Before GSH CM Packs, rare mounts, rare pets, and crafting mats were the hot items. Now its Decorations and Frameworks and to a lesser extent, crafting mats needed for Conquest items, decorations and frameworks.


The market is just as aggressive as ever, its just in different ways than you are accustomed.

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I'm just looking forward to when prices on basic GSH stuff hits an even keel. FFS, stop trying to sell a Basic Metal Chair for 15,000. :rolleyes:


To use your language...FFS it's called supply and demand. If someone is buying an item you think is not worth the price the sellers are to lower the price just for you?

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To use your language...FFS it's called supply and demand. If someone is buying an item you think is not worth the price the sellers are to lower the price just for you?


To his specific example, however, you can buy the same thing from a vendor for 250 credits. People listing the basic items on the GTN are basically attempting to scam people.


For my own sake, I was hoping prices would stay sky high longer. I have another 50 million credits I want to make, and it won't make itself if people start posting and buying things for reasonable prices... :p

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To use your language...FFS it's called supply and demand. If someone is buying an item you think is not worth the price the sellers are to lower the price just for you?


But, um, isn't the basic metal chair available from the vendor on the fleet for 500 credits? So if you're buying it off the GTN for 15k, come talk to me. Have I got a deal for you! I'll sell you 5 for that price! :cool:

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The only depression going on is from the bitter, angry swg vets and the other haters. Their depression grows each time Swtor release new content, features, or news. They can't comprehend others enjoy a video they have spent over three years trying to tear down.


These bitter swg vets and haters probably should be on a watch list by now their depression is getting that extreme.

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Funny, the items I've sold for over 2 years now are still selling and for roughly the same prices they were a few weeks ago. If anything they have gone up in price. So yeah definitely a depression, prices down all round and nothing is selling. Hang on...
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Come on you can't make 3 millions in 1 morning by selling augments, dont make me laugh. I craft augments too and i know them.


Regarding strongholds the thing is pretty new (barely introduced this week) so i cant comment about it..


And that's the problem. You know nothing about the main source of credits for crafters right now.

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