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Please for the love of god say this is not going to continue?!


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So apparently theres a reward for people to play Ranked matchs, So now were getting nothing but pve guilds telling there toons to run it, With pve gear, They have completely ruined ranked pvp, Please tell me this is not true?! And if it is implement a damn min gear to do so Edited by RoadyRagey
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Well ive had several PVE'rs message me ingame saying how they will be queueing ranked in there pve gear more now that they will get rewards for guildships? In the space of a night my ranking has dropped by over 200 points due to constant pve players being on my team, I understand we all have to start somewhere but why are they not starting in regs? Is there some hidden prize for players in general for the GSH's that i dont know of? But for me ranked has been well and truely ruined.
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The last 10 matches or so have really ruined it for me... I honestly see no reason I should ever queue ranked again... It's to just absolutely absurd levels...


Yeah there is no reason for me to queue ranked anymore, Ive already had Pve guildmasters troll in whispers to me saying how there pvers now have a better rank than my pvper why? Because theyve been carried? Oh joy, And also saying how this wont stop with just season 2 but they fully intend to do it on the first day of season 3 too

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Oh joy, And also saying how this wont stop with just season 2 but they fully intend to do it on the first day of season 3 too


But... in theory... by then they won't be pure PvErs anymore, will they?


What I don't get: Ranked suffers from too few players. More players play ranked. That's bad, too. What?


And yes, I still think the problem is something like "solo ranked". Remove that, make it group-ranked or nothing at all. And be done with these problems.

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But... in theory... by then they won't be pure PvErs anymore, will they?


What I don't get: Ranked suffers from too few players. More players play ranked. That's bad, too. What?


And yes, I still think the problem is something like "solo ranked". Remove that, make it group-ranked or nothing at all. And be done with these problems.


No thats the point. One guy was Rank pvping all night, He had played more than enough matchs to buy atleast a full set of obraon gear, Yet when i asked why he didnt buy the gear? "BEcause i can use these wz coms to buy GSH stuff" So no it doesnt help in the long run...

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this reminds me of that web comics where the 4chaners troll ms meyers on one of her online interviews. So in her next book she write how edward likes to hang out on the dark corner of the internet called 4chan. The forums then get flooded with the twihards :)
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This would not be nearly as much of a problem if there was cross faction solo ranked. If that was in place, a guild/group of undergeared/unskilled players queuing for solo would not hamper their own faction's winning chances relative to the other faction's. Each player other than yourself would have, on average, a 3/7 chance of being placed on your team. The knowledge that "bads" are in queue would be an incentive- rather than a deterrent- to queuing, because more often than not, they would be on the other team. Unless cross faction happens, this will always be a problem. And of course, cross faction solo ranked would also heavily discourage queue synching.


Anyway, what server(s) are you on, what GSH things are these guys looking to buy, and do these things cost both warzone and ranked comms?

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Anyway, what server(s) are you on, what GSH things are these guys looking to buy, and do these things cost both warzone and ranked comms?


To my knowledge the only items the are purchasable with pvp comms are faction specific generic crates (idk the price), Faction banners (200 wz comms), and Faction-specific NPC Troopers. (again 200 wz comms a pop)


Although I could be mistaken I haven't exactly done a through check of GSH stuffs.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Ive already had Pve guildmasters troll in whispers to me saying how there pvers now have a better rank than my pvper why? Because theyve been carried?


So its easier to carry a PvE player than RoadyRagey. Good to know.

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The season 2 rewards are crap, idk why pvers would bother playing ranked on the last day.


Part of the personal conquest thing for guildships. You get rewards for doing pvp.


PvE geared in regs is whatever to me, but ranked desperately needs to have a gear check to keep them out. That is supposed to be the competitive format. PvE gear should not be allowed in there.


There is zero reason for anyone to ever go into a ranked queue with pve gear. You need tier 1 gear to even progress to ranked gear and converting ranked to reg comms is a massive waste. Drives me nuts when I see pve geared players in ranked, which is why I barely did ranked in season 2. Unless they fix it for season 3 I probably wont queue for that much either....if at all.

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There is zero reason for anyone to ever go into a ranked queue with pve gear. You need tier 1 gear to even progress to ranked gear and converting ranked to reg comms is a massive waste. Drives me nuts when I see pve geared players in ranked, which is why I barely did ranked in season 2. Unless they fix it for season 3 I probably wont queue for that much either....if at all.


Honestly, its not much worse than people queue syncing or dual boxing to game the system. Its broken regardless, who cares?

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Honestly, its not much worse than people queue syncing or dual boxing to game the system. Its broken regardless, who cares?


Considering that I like arenas? I care. It would be nice if BW did to and bothered to do something about the problems with it.

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PvE geared in regs is whatever to me, but ranked desperately needs to have a gear check to keep them out. That is supposed to be the competitive format. PvE gear should not be allowed in there.

I empathize with you here, but I also think you're (slightly) wrong. I, too, support a gear check. I, too, support significantly better matchmaking in rated, but rated doesn't mean "only if you're good." If you've jumped through the hoops and done the grind and have the gear (augs included), then you have just as much right to queue rated as caprica. HOWEVER, in a rated situation, caprica is completely justified in complaining that he's being grouped with these people who are ridiculously below his skill level. it's rated. if you choose rated, you do it with the expectation that you're going to have to wait longer for a genuine, skill-based (rating!) matchmaking system.

Edited by foxmob
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I empathize with you here, but I also think you're (slightly) wrong. I, too, support a gear check. I, too, support significantly better matchmaking in rated, but rated doesn't mean "only if you're good." If you've jumped through the hoops and done the grind and have the gear (augs included), then you have just as much right to queue rated as caprica. HOWEVER, in a rated situation, caprica is completely justified in complaining that he's being grouped with these people who are ridiculously below his skill level. it's rated. if you choose rated, you do it with the expectation that you're going to have to wait longer for a genuine, skill-based (rating!) matchmaking system.


Except I didn't say that...I said its meant to be competitive, meaning you put effort into pvp by getting tier 1 gear and by going into ranked you have at least some competency. Whether you are good or not is another story, but its assumed by the time you reach the gear check you are at least attempting to be competitive.


People going in only in pve gear do not have the same mindset, or they just don't know any better or they are just there for relics. Gear checks prevent these people from entering, because to be perfectly honest they shouldn't be there to begin with.

Edited by Raansu
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Except I didn't say that...I said its meant to be competitive, meaning you put effort into pvp by getting tier 1 gear and by going into ranked you have at least some competency. Whether you are good or not is another story, but its assumed by the time you reach the gear check you are at least attempting to be competitive.


People going in only in pve gear do not have the same mindset, or they just don't know any better or they are just there for relics. Gear checks prevent these people from entering, because to be perfectly honest they shouldn't be there to begin with.


my apologies. most of the time ppl use "competitive" on this board, I do not think they simply mean trying. but I can agree with you. wow. two agrees in one day on the pvp board. tis a new day. no. tis a new world!

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im sorry. pve geared in rank does suck. but only as much as a premade facerolling regs. why this game is master fail. hardcore pvpers can steamroll regs, but pvers cant que ranked tho? are all tor players so gay? or just one sided ? so lame....


Not quite the same thing... Think if NiM ops had bolster for PvP gear. That's how Ranked is for Pvp

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Honestly, its not much worse than people queue syncing or dual boxing to game the system. Its broken regardless, who cares?

Ranked is broken and most of the people complaining about it, do have a too high rating anyway (because it is broken). In a perfectly balanced system, you should win in average 50% of your games, as we all know, your rating is going down if you only win 50% of your games.

In other words, most of the people complaining, were heavyly profiting in the past from the fact, that matchmaking was grouping less skilled people in the opposing team.

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im sorry. pve geared in rank does suck. but only as much as a premade facerolling regs. why this game is master fail. hardcore pvpers can steamroll regs, but pvers cant que ranked tho? are all tor players so gay? or just one sided ? so lame....


PvPers can't do nightmare ops, and they can barely do HM....and honestly at that point anyone in pvp gear is really being carried when doing HM, so why should pve gear be allowed in ranked? I'll tell you what, bolster HM and nightmare ops so that pvp gear can compete then we will back off on the pve gear in ranked. I mean, fair is fair right? Oh wait, no, the pvers would riot if that ever happened :rolleyes:

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