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TOR vs WildStar


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You're in denial. Megaservers are done to consolidate the remaining population. The devs just won't use the exact wording because of backlash. But, yes it means the game is very much dying. And if you so sure why you not over there playing it?


To be fair, TOR had to consolidate servers itself and we're not "dead" quite yet, so to speak. I think basically, most MMOs are at the point where numbers only go down from release, not up, with some occasionally upward periods when expansions come out.


When there are basically so few players when its hard to do any of the end game content, is when you can really consider a MMO "dead".


Wildstar does seem to be leaking at a high rate though. FTP conversion should happen soon if they want to survive.

Edited by Nickious
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To be fair, TOR had to consolidate servers itself and we're not "dead" quite yet, so to speak. I think basically, most MMOs are at the point where numbers only go down from release, not up, with some occasionally upward periods when expansions come out.


When there are basically so few players when its hard to do any of the end game content, is when you can really consider a MMO "dead".


Wildstar does seem to be leaking at a high rate though. FTP conversion should happen soon if they want to survive.


That is a fair to a point. However, TOR still has individual servers were WildStar will have I think, one large server like the shard in STO. I still stand by my opinion that WildStar is dying, but as you said a FTP option would lessen it and perhaps save it.


For me if a game has to consolidate so much to the point of one server, then it is indicative of the health of the game. Not saying TOR has an amazing population, but I feel to compare it to that is not correct.

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So what? Just because they are not playing does not mean the game itself is not dying. :rolleyes:


That comment was not directed toward whether or not the game is dying, it was directed toward the question you asked about why I am here; however, why I am here is not the question at hand.

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That comment was not directed toward whether or not the game is dying, it was directed toward the question you asked about why I am here; however, why I am here is not the question at hand.


And I was making a snarky response to your notion that mega servers is not indicative of a game dying.

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That is a fair to a point. However, TOR still has individual servers were WildStar will have I think, one large server like the shard in STO. I still stand by my opinion that WildStar is dying, but as you said a FTP option would lessen it and perhaps save it.


For me if a game has to consolidate so much to the point of one server, then it is indicative of the health of the game. Not saying TOR has an amazing population, but I feel to compare it to that is not correct.


A game like WS, where the draw is 40man content, it might be best to have mega servers, just so everyone goes to either the PvE or the PvP server.


Now, they could've gone to one specific server, but that means one has to think players go to forums (most players don't) to find which server has the players who want to do such content.


Now you can have two huge guilds on each side that caters to the huge content for everyone.

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Are you guys still debating whether merging servers is a good sign for any game?



It's not a good sign for WildStar. It wasn't a good sign for Star Wars.

It's that simple.


You can find all sorts of excuses: that they had way too many servers for release, that people are trying out other games and will eventually come back, that it's summer/Christmas or whatever, that they are doing it to increase the available pool of players and so on and so forth.


The one thing that remains true is that for whatever reason Wildstar (like SWTOR) didn't manage to keep people interested enough to pay a monthly fee for it.

That's it.


The answers to certain questions can be intricate and complex. And sometimes, the answers are really simple.

This is one of those times.

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  • 3 months later...

Just returned to Wildstar with the core fun people of our swtor guild and having a blast. The servers have been consolidated into just two, PVE and PVP (imagine that) and you can transfer your toons freely between them (not 20 bucks a toon).


What we are enjoying is traveling from place to place leveling. Doing almost endless zone, regional, trade skill, and side quests. We've even done an operations training simulator which actually fine tunes your group to be able to work as a group and interrupt/ tank /heal. When our 3 hours of adventuring is up we return to our homesteads to tend to our gardens and install the dozens of random decos and seeds we've collected.


The combat is so much more arcade-like and frenetic than swtor's stationary button pressing. Regular mobs can be a load of fun to kill unlike the drudgery of doing dailies on Black Hole/Oricon/Yavin. No doubt I'll put money back into Ziost when the planet materializes on our star maps. Got my fill of lvl 60 pvp and ravagers for now and yes I've leveled every sub-class to 55-60 (no longer getting that nostalgic feel of Hutta).


So, if you enjoy the company of your guildies I highly recommend taking a Wildstar vacation. A two month pass is less than buying a Hypercrate.

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Just returned to Wildstar with the core fun people of our swtor guild and having a blast. The servers have been consolidated into just two, PVE and PVP (imagine that) and you can transfer your toons freely between them (not 20 bucks a toon).

Well, then, why are you here posting in TOR's forums rather than playing Wildstar (or posting on their forums)?

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Just returned to Wildstar with the core fun people of our swtor guild and having a blast. The servers have been consolidated into just two, PVE and PVP (imagine that) and you can transfer your toons freely between them (not 20 bucks a toon).


What we are enjoying is traveling from place to place leveling. Doing almost endless zone, regional, trade skill, and side quests. We've even done an operations training simulator which actually fine tunes your group to be able to work as a group and interrupt/ tank /heal. When our 3 hours of adventuring is up we return to our homesteads to tend to our gardens and install the dozens of random decos and seeds we've collected.


The combat is so much more arcade-like and frenetic than swtor's stationary button pressing. Regular mobs can be a load of fun to kill unlike the drudgery of doing dailies on Black Hole/Oricon/Yavin. No doubt I'll put money back into Ziost when the planet materializes on our star maps. Got my fill of lvl 60 pvp and ravagers for now and yes I've leveled every sub-class to 55-60 (no longer getting that nostalgic feel of Hutta).


So, if you enjoy the company of your guildies I highly recommend taking a Wildstar vacation. A two month pass is less than buying a Hypercrate.




You forgot to mention in your post that the PvP server is mostly empty. Most players moved to the PvE server due to higher population. You also forgot to mention Wilstar's financial situation.


According to Daewoo report predict a revenue of $585,800 US for Q1 2015.




Financially, Wildstar is in ruins. Wildstar will account for 1.1% of NCSOFT revenue and it's not even one year old.


If Wilstar were a better game than or equal to swtor, then Wildstar would not be performing poorly financial. Assuming Daewoo projection revenue were entirely based of subs, then Wildstar would have between 35k-40k subscribers.


Wilstar is the worst example of how to make an mmorpg. The game has completely failed. I doubt, NCSOFT will allow another poor quarter if WIldstar can't improve their financial situation. There is good chance Wilstar will be shutdown if the next quarter report is similar.


No, Wilstar has failed spectacularly.


In terms of game mechanics, Wilstar is garbage. Blade & Soul is superior in every aspect. Wilstar's combat system is neither action nor tab base, but a hybrid like Blade & Soul. The only problem is Blade & Soul is not localize in English so you have to play in Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. In terms of action base, Tera is closest to a real action base mmorpg that is localized for the west. However, PSO2 is superior to Tera in terms of combat action.


Wilstar is in a bad position. Multinational release in East Asia is not possible. Personally, I would not have develop Wilstar with the current artistic style. Westerns are willing to play an eastern style game that is sexualized, but Korean, Chinese, and Japanese will not play a western style mmorpg. NCSOFT would have been better off to have localized Blade & Soul and would have generated more revenue than Wilstar.


Read the Glassdoor review of Carbine Studio:




Some how Lineage is out performing all of NCSOFT's other mmorpg. There is even a positive trend.

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The sad part is they are still trying to keep wildstar as a sub game despite it financially failing.


I'm confidant no one cares at Carbine any more. Any smart employee would be looking for another job. There is no Job Security with Carbine.

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I'm confidant no one cares at Carbine any more. Any smart employee would be looking for another job. There is no Job Security with Carbine.


Possibly but any smart company would be gearing up for a transition from sub to f2p or at the very least a quasi f2p like TOR.

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Possibly but any smart company would be gearing up for a transition from sub to f2p or at the very least a quasi f2p like TOR.


That's true, but there hasn't been any signs that Carbine is prepared to implement a f2p model. Implementing these changes are more difficult when your employees are leaving left and right. You can't just bring in a new person and start coding away. I can tell from experience. You need some time to understand some else code even if you know the program language very well.


I doubt it they have much time left to implement a f2p model. I tried the free 10 day pass and the starting zones were all but deserted. The very first planet I landed on after the tutorial, which was worst tutorial I ever experienced, was void of any other players. I never saw one player in the starting planet. In swtor, Tera, and Blade & Soul there is always a lot of activity. I don't understand why Carbine has not already released a f2p model. At very least, the starting zones would appear alive. I didn't even bother playing any more. If the starting zones had no other players I can expect the more advance zones to be even more void of players not to mention the long queues for dungeons.


The free 10 day trial won't attract many new players. How many mmorps have you played that had absolutely no one else running around for an hour or two? So, I log off and never bother playing the remainder of my free days.

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Well most MMO's today have to shift to a B2P or F2P model or just risk going broke.


I mean let's be honest not a LOT of games have everything that everyone wants. ESOL goes B2P in two days and implemented a "Crown Store" like the CM we have today. GW2 did it right and just went B2P out the gate with a cash shop with lots of goodies to start with. It seems to be doing "okay", but SWTOR is doing better with some roadbumps.

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Now onto mine:


I feel l like I am actually playing a game for adults

Wildstar feels and plays childish. I am fine with a funny game but not one that I am going to log months-years of playtime in.

TOR: 100

WildStar: 0




I was going to comment on their saturday morning cartton look but you just nailed it perfectly

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I initially enjoyed Wildstar enough, and did make it somewhere the late 30's. I liked the humor, art style, music and generally the feel of the world. The combat sort of got boring. It was like I was playing SNES Super Mario with the star buff thru out the game, or watching some action movie where the hero spends fighting one or two guys every 15 minutes, and after about 2 hours near the end, I could care less the outcome. After awhile I just grew bored with all the telegraphs. For me at any rate. I never thought an action/consule combat system would work for a MMO PC. You have to have a % of boredom mixed with excitement or you start to loose interest with one constant level of play. Edited by Latherfal
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I was going to comment on their saturday morning cartton look but you just nailed it perfectly


That, in turn, nailed it for me. The art style negates anything good the game may be able to offer.


Around WS release I watched all the combat videos and commentaries and I liked some of the mechanics and implications/prospects. What I especially liked was a comment about how losing control (in whatever form) of your character is a major point of frustration for many (role-/mmo-) players. That seemed like such a simple truth and I felt like those devs understand this particular peeve, contrary to the people designing SWTOR. I understand that it's part of combat interactions, but firstly, it's not just limited to combat (e.g. disco ball spamming the GTN areas) and secondly it's excessive when a character with almost full health bar dies being knocked around, stunned and rooted without the player having much of a chance to counteract (no resolve bar in pve, increased CD on interrupts, nerfed multi-target CCs...).

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The sad part is they are still trying to keep wildstar as a sub game despite it financially failing.


Just how wrong are you? Firstly the report you refer to isn't official, just a 'guestimate' and, importantly, unlike SWTOR, in Wildstar you can use in game credits to pay for game time. A ton of players are doing this. Secondly, you have no idea how much Wildstar costs to run. If as quoted in that 'story', its $500k, and they turn over a profit - then its a win.


You make SWTOR sound like its the most successful MMO of all time when infact it holds the record for the quickest drop in subs 2 million units sold, 1.7 at launch, under 1 million within 12 months. It didnt last long as a subs based MMO either and by the looks of it right now, its failing as a free game too.

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