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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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Yes I have and nothing in that song is ironic except a song about irony having no irony in it. Rain on your wedding day is only irony if you are a weather forecaster and predicted sun.


Yeah that's the point, and the point the guy you quoted made. It's a common joke that it isn't ironic. Guess it went over your head. We have to stop talking about this now since it's a scientific fact that Alanis Morrisette discussions cause ball shrinkage.

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Ok then, perhaps you need to learn where to highlight, by highlighting his sentence about him grouping and facing other groups when he does so, you are putting emphasis on that. But what you just told me, you are emphasizing that he doesn't face premades when he solos, which was in the sentence before. I misunderstood you, but that was entirely your fault. A simply change in what sentence you highlighted what have avoided this.


My experience is the exact same as his, whenever I group, i am almost always against other groups and vs solo when i solo. The only time that I ever experience premade vs pug is when that is the only premade in queue which makes it impossible to match them against another group. What server are you on? I'm on Jedi Covenant and I've never experienced the problems that you are facing.


I'll say it one more time, I wasn't responding to you or one of your posts, I quoted the entire post that I was commenting on, which sentence I highlighted isn't the real issue. If you are going to respond to me for something I said, then at least read the entire post including the entire post that I quoted if you really want to understand my point. All you want to do is call someone out for what you deem incorrect.


Anyway, my point, my opinion has been and will be that the problem is not with premades or solo queuers. It's with the match making system and low population on some servers.

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I'll say it one more time, I wasn't responding to you or one of your posts, I quoted the entire post that I was commenting on, which sentence I highlighted isn't the real issue. If you are going to respond to me for something I said, then at least read the entire post including the entire post that I quoted if you really want to understand my point. All you want to do is call someone out for what you deem incorrect.


Anyway, my point, my opinion has been and will be that the problem is not with premades or solo queuers. It's with the match making system and low population on some servers.


If you want to ignore the fact that I misunderstood you because you put emphasis on something irrelevant to what you were talking about, that's fine by me. I shall say something that someone said in another thread, if you're up against a premade, how do you know that there isn't a premade on your team? You don't know for sure, I see people group with nonguildies all the time. In fact, just last night there was a premade of 3 unguided people. How do I know that you ask? Well they were in the same group 3 games in a row, so I asked them and they said they were. That's the only way to know for sure, you ask.


P.S. I was against another premade those 3 games as well.

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The discrepancy between they who know and they who don't know, between the coordinated and uncoordinated, between the aware and unaware often makes out for more then half of these post now a days. And the fact is with 2 - 3 seasoned players in one team, who by sheer recognition of the teammates classes on the fly got a battleplan ready, knowing how and being able to read the play of ones teammates, also known as awareness, can easily make the other team so hopelessly frustrated that they are assuming they're facing a premade. Edited by t-darko
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1. doesn't cover the point about really bad pre-mades. There are a lot of them. guildies that are just queueing together to do some daily pvp for ***** and giggles. But now they have to do ranked? They'll just stop pvping. thus, bad solution


2. why 2? what about 3? What's to stop multiple groups of 2 to queue sync and do the same thing? Why can't I play with my friends and guildies?


3. Thus increasing queue times for groups. queue times can be bad enough as it is, but if you tell people that if they want to group with their friends, then they'll have to double their queue times? They'll just quit and go else, thus a negative solution that will never happen.


4. Ranked 4's already exist. Ranked 8 needs to come back.


5. agree


6. Trash talking is part of every competition. If it bothers you, there are ways to solve this. Report them, and at minimum, you can /ignore them if they are really obnoxious. And taking away people's ability to /say chat after a match and maybe actually say something nice, give props, or even apologize to a trouncing, takes away chances for good sportsmanship. Thus bad form. Add that the cyber bullys that are doing it to scrub teams really only make themselves look like douches and doesn't do themselves or their guilds any credit.


IMO, trash talk should exist, and people should only do it in competitive matches. Putting people on tilt is a viable tactic. And can be effective, for example, you are the one trash talking, the come runnign and gunning for you while a stealth sneaks behind and caps a node. I've been on both sides of this. However, in a non-competitive match, trash talking really serves zero purpose.


besides, trash talking isn't a pre-made issue at all. it's a people issue


7. bad idea. People will just find a way around it. alt-fr4 out and/or open task manager and close the game, etc... does the same thing, but no consequence. besides the simple reason that if someone doesn't want to be in a match, let them go. i'd much rather have a guy engaged in a match than someone that doesn't want to be there that stealths out and goes and hides in a corner afk. Forcing people to stay in there only encourages afk'ing thru a match.



Thus, pre-mades are not the problem. This whole article stems from a couple or more pre-made stompings by ******s. The main thing, as said, is that in non-competitive matches, good pre-mades need to stay quiet and just just win, show some class. Even further, if you trounce an opponent, when not in a pre-made, anyone should stay silent and have some class.


pre-mades come in all shapes an sizes.


Some are just friends that are bad pvpers queueing to enjoy playing with friends and guildies. They don'tchat, they don't ventrilo, they don't have coordination.


Some are guildies in voice chat, but are bad at pvp, so while they might be a tad more coordinated, they'll still lose a ton just because they're not that good, but voice chat tends more to be about hanging out talking than pvp strategy and coordination.


Some pre-mades are made in /pvp chat channel, and those come in all shapes and sizes and qualities.


Some pre-mades are made through performances garnered through pvp matches. Friends are made by noticing someones performance. and then invited to join a pre-made. It's how guilds are formed and competitive teams are made.


Some pre-mades of guidlies, in voice chat. They're good, they'll win and stomp the competition. It happens. It happens to everyone, even those in these pre-mades when they are solo queueing. It's part of the game.



As a side thought here too. Not allowing a pre-made, say a group of 4 to queue in norms is also just bad form for BioWare. For example, a ranked team is forming, and just getting to know how they play together, they need a place to play and in essence practice together, thus they pre-made, queue for a reg, and see how they play together. Strengths, weaknesses, improvements, etc.... Because in the ELO system, winning your first 10 matches pretty much matters more than the next 30. thus asking a pre-made to just auto queue for a ranked match when they aren't ready for it, is a recipe for destroying their ranking before they have a chance.


Well I have read every post that has been added since I posted the original one. I think this reply is the more intelligent and well thought out. You made good sense while showing empathy to a problem that many people complain about. Thank you for not cyber bullying and being a troll. I have leaned more now to leaving premades alone based ONLY on your comments here. I still wish though that there was some type of control so pvp matches were more enjoyable. I played in a voidstar match last night and the premade was so good that we couldn't hardly get off the spawn platform. Yes it was BS and everyone on the team commented how the match was ridiculous because of the unbalance of the match. There were people who were on my team who are good players too, Ive seen most of them get over 1.5 mil in damage in most matches (including myself). Still we were getting beaten so bad because the other premade team was good. This is not what I have areal issue with is what happened next. The players began to fill the emote and "say" chat with loads of berating comments and cyber bullying. That is not called for and it does piss me and others off, it got to the point where some on my team were making real threats. So my point is if this could be controlled more, it would eliminate the real reasons why people don't like premades. Anyway enough said. Some of you had good points to think about while most of the others said basically nothing. Either way thanks for all the replies I am done reading anymore since most are just people that cannot see common sense.

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Well I have read every post that has been added since I posted the original one. I think this reply is the more intelligent and well thought out. You made good sense while showing empathy to a problem that many people complain about. Thank you for not cyber bullying and being a troll. I have leaned more now to leaving premades alone based ONLY on your comments here. I still wish though that there was some type of control so pvp matches were more enjoyable. I played in a voidstar match last night and the premade was so good that we couldn't hardly get off the spawn platform. Yes it was BS and everyone on the team commented how the match was ridiculous because of the unbalance of the match. There were people who were on my team who are good players too, Ive seen most of them get over 1.5 mil in damage in most matches (including myself). Still we were getting beaten so bad because the other premade team was good. This is not what I have areal issue with is what happened next. The players began to fill the emote and "say" chat with loads of berating comments and cyber bullying. That is not called for and it does piss me and others off, it got to the point where some on my team were making real threats. So my point is if this could be controlled more, it would eliminate the real reasons why people don't like premades. Anyway enough said. Some of you had good points to think about while most of the others said basically nothing. Either way thanks for all the replies I am done reading anymore since most are just people that cannot see common sense.


Since there were several good players on your team as well, I have a likely reason why you experience what you do. Either the players on your team and the others are rivals and talk trash whenever one of the beats the other, or they are actually pretty good friends and they don't take it personally and their intent is not meant to be mean. Granted these are only two scenarios and by no means am I saying that this is exactly what's going on. Things similar happen all the time within the pvp community on my server, we enjoy beating the **** out of other good players. Then we talk trash and then the next warzone we face each other it's a brand new game and it starts again. There are guilds that most dislike and trashes on no matter what, but most trash talk and put downs are not meant to be taken with any real merit.

Edited by shyroman
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Hi friends. I see that these "get rid of premade" threads are still out in full force. Let us take a moment to consider that these threads have existed since launch. During that time, no dev posts have been made. (at least on the numerous posts I have viewed.... and they are indeed numerous) No changes have been made to adjust how quest work outside of adding ranked queues.


Take these facts into consideration and I am sure that regardless of your side of the argument, one can deduce that no matter how many complaints or posts are made, the way the queue works will not change. Is it crappy when you lose? Yeah, no one likes losing. Premades still have 4 other people to worry about though and sometimes, no backpack is big enough to carry those four.


One can even argue that having PUGs is a problem if you want to look at the other side of the coin. Not everyone wants to do ranked, so these premades queue for regs. The PUGs do not know when you are using a whirlwind or CCing someone and will break the CC making it harder to win. They don't know all the plans and communications going on in comms if you are the kind of folks to use comms. I never see premades arguing about how having PUGs causes them to lose though, at least not seriously on a forum trying to get PUGs removed from WZs. Smack talk happens on fleet so I can't say they don't complain at all.


I am not saying "do away with PUGs". I am simply playing devils advocate here to show you two sides here. As I said I am fairly certain no amount of arguing or posting about the matter will change it.

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If you want seperate q chances are high you are a scrub.


You get better by playing better people. If you don't want to get better you don't have the right to try to make everyone else worse.


You people raised on participation trophies are so, so weak. Seriously, wah, it is too hard to play other people can I get a wz full of grey mobs wah.

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Bads will always be bads!! Do you remember when bolster was introduced. All of these so called pug stars started to post how premades were bad now and how they were farming the good premades guilds. What happened to all those people?


I thought it was pve geared players owning pvp geared players. Bolster really brought out who was actually good and who was bad but played enough to get good gear and still win through sheer numbers.

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Bads will always be bads!! Do you remember when bolster was introduced. All of these so called pug stars started to post how premades were bad now and how they were farming the good premades guilds. What happened to all those people?


The good players took off their gimped gear that was broken in bolster and started beating the snot out of them again.

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I thought it was pve geared players owning pvp geared players. Bolster really brought out who was actually good and who was bad but played enough to get good gear and still win through sheer numbers.


No it didn't.....bolster was just a broken mess when it came out, that is all.

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It says queue solo not solo queue. English is hard!


No surprise that you wouldn't be able to figure that one out.


Ya that's not true in the slightest. People bring what they have online. Sometimes that's 4 dps, sometimes its 3 dps and 1 healer sometimes its a proper tank/heals/dps comp. Hell I've done 3 healers for laughs before and we outdps'd all the pugs.

I'm not taliking about the premades of made out of bads. These are very difficult to separate from PuGs. Actually some of the other premades are quite good.




99% of matches that I queue solo are generally pure solo groups.....I've never once felt any of those matches to be an "enjoyable" experience. Pug matches are just people like you running around deathmatching and still not breaking 300k. I had a match once where I queued solo and did 700k dps and the next person on my team only did 270k dps and the highest on the enemy team was 400k dps..... Maybe pugs should learn how to play before crying about "premades" of a 4 man group. If 4 players can carry 4 pugs and beat 8 players on the other team then the problem is the pugs not the premades. Stop being bad.


Bads like you should l2p so you would no longer need to hide behind your "friends" to think you are competitive.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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so if the premade is bad its okay. but if its good thats elitest?


and there are a lot of war zones which someone stated a great lack of dps but most in war zones. not in everyone of course but enough to know that some people have no clue in maximizing their AC potential and perform well enough to win the WZ.


and playing with your friends doesnt mean you are bad it means you want to play with your friends. stop looking for excuses why you lost. learn and try to do better. that a life lesson and a pretty good one ot learn

Edited by kendawgg
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You know what really enjoyable ? Accepting the challenge of playing a fair game and the satisfaction of winning it. You should try it sometime when you matured enough to take the stabilizers off your bike ...


Getting farmed or farming PuGs is completely meaningless unless you are too lazy to farm your comms in a fair way.



your butthurt aggression does little to forward the dissolve-premades agenda.

Also, as the person you quoted stated; it's about grouping and having fun. You are the one who seems interested in farming.

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As a pvp mmo gamer for 7+ plus years most of that in a large pvp guild running premades nightly in various proper pvp games. The only time you can have pvp work where there is no role matchmaking is when there are no healers and no gear. Otherwise you have to have matchmaking to make it at all balanced.


If your going to try to have serious role dependant pvp then that comes with the burden of having to have a matchmaking system in place. Bioware don't seem to know if they want casual or serious pvp and have a mishmash of both systems. Thats why its has been so unpopular with casuals and serious pvp guilds alike.

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