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SW:TOR will experience the first ever overnight ecomonic crash of an MMO.


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No the fact all you do is troll the forums is why. Let me just take a shot let me know how close I am.


You are an angry, bitter swg vet that can't move on with his life after SWG close 3 or 4 years ago. You have made it your personal crusade to try (and fail) and take down Swtor by trolling every thread about something new coming to Swtor.


So how close am I?


Couldn't be more wrong. But points anyway because Chris Hardwick said so.



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1. "Asking a question" to try and imply that the person you're asking fits a specific pigeonhole is, yes, an attack in my mind.


2. Claiming that 50 million credits for a guild ship is too high of a price tag and claiming it will alienate newer players is absolutely silly. Even with a full time job and a healthy relationship I've found time before to make 10 million credits in a single week, all on my own. I'm confident that, on my own, I could probably fund a guild ship within a month. Claiming that a group of people can't do the same in a significantly faster amount of time is crazy.


And honestly, I don't see how this hurts new players. The vast majority of them will be able to join guilds with guild ships minutes after starting up their first character. They'll be able to reap the benefits of guild ships without having to pay out a single cred. The only people I could possibly imagine being "locked out" from this would be a group of friends joining SWTOR just now, together, who are insistent on forming their own buddy guild. However, I dare say that people like that (especially so long after SWTOR's launch) will be a tiny, tiny minority of new players.




But 50 million is nothing. If a guild of 8+ players can't make that in a couple of weeks, then I propose at least a few of them have no clue how to go about making credits in this game.


At the end of the day every guild ship sold is 50 million more credits deflated from the economy. Honestly, new players joining the game and not being able to buy anything off the GTN because of inflation is a much, much bigger risk to turning off newcomers than 50 million credit guildships that most of them will be able to make use of for free if they so choose.

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You are 100% wrong in your assessment.


Despite my being in disagreement with TUXs right now, I can tell you I've been reading his posts on this forum for almost 3 years, and I guarantee you that he is NOT the person you are describing.

Thank you :) You didn't have to say anything, but I appreciate that you did.

This. Except for the three years. I have just one year of reading his posts.

Again, thank you!

I dont agree with a lot of what TUX says but this assesment is WAY off the mark.

Which is what drives me nuts about you jedip...we should agree on more! And also, thank you!

Hahaha! Not very, but you are funny so please continue sharing your insights.

^^ this guys knows me...and I owe him a HUGE thank you for his contribution this weekend. Awesome person in every way...he has given far more than he has ever asked...we need more Joes!


@ tdmaha...


I am a SWG vet, but I'm not at all bitter about it closing, in fact, it's probably the smartest thing Smed ever did. He is now the golden boy of Star Wars MMOs, not the cancer he once was...rose colored glasses and all. The game needed to go...it was time for it to be buried.


I enjoy this game tdmaha, and I want more players to play/return. I think locking away guild content behind a 50 million credit barrier will deter players from experiencing the content...I don't see ANYTHING positive for the game by locking it away...do you?


What GOOD does it bring to the game to prevent smaller guilds and casual players from experiencing this content? When I do a WZ, it's not uncommon to see 7 different guilds represented. When I join a PuG, you can see 10+ guilds...the fact is, there are a LOT of smaller guilds in this game...they're by far the majority...this content update doesn't do anything to strengthen them or encourage them to play more...it just adds content many won't be able, or willing, to afford.

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Back to OP, I love this bit:


'3) Maintain productivity - Do not lose confidence in the game itself such that you "take a break" in protest. If you compare your time spent away from the game in protest versus being in game and being active, your time is better spent remaining productive, questing, raiding and participating in Guild v Guild world events than it is in silent protest while you play Minecraft or Star Citizen. You won't be sticking it to TOR or BioWare, you will just be mismanaging your wealth and losing productivity. If you know there is a chance you will come back, then don't leave. Also, be supportive of the casual player so that they remain productive. The hardcore people may have more personal wealth and time to play, but the casual, middle class players, add up and can far exceed the productivity by volume of our hardcore players. Be a wise GM and Guild Officer, maintain your casual base.'


Can't help thinking about real life examples of this. Keep drinking the koolaid! And guess what, if I don't like the game, I'll sure as hell take a break in protest. I'll unsubscribe in protest even. Just out of spite. To make myself feel better. Ah well, what tools people are.

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But 50 million is nothing. If a guild of 8+ players can't make that in a couple of weeks, then I propose at least a few of them have no clue how to go about making credits in this game.

And what does that matter? Why do you care if there are poor players enjoying themselves? Are they of lesser value because they simply play to enjoy themselves? Isn't that the entire goal of a game, enjoyment? People make money being credit farmers...I don't want to be one just to enjoy new content. I hope they lower the entry point.

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I think you are overestimating how many people will actually mess with GSH let alone burn all their credits on it.


Even if there was a collapse. Who cares? This is a game.





Though I would have went with the "Who gives a S**T. It's a game." but you said it pretty well.

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@ tdmaha...


I am a SWG vet, but I'm not at all bitter about it closing, in fact, it's probably the smartest thing Smed ever did. He is now the golden boy of Star Wars MMOs, not the cancer he once was...rose colored glasses and all. The game needed to go...it was time for it to be buried.


I enjoy this game tdmaha, and I want more players to play/return. I think locking away guild content behind a 50 million credit barrier will deter players from experiencing the content...I don't see ANYTHING positive for the game by locking it away...do you?


What GOOD does it bring to the game to prevent smaller guilds and casual players from experiencing this content? When I do a WZ, it's not uncommon to see 7 different guilds represented. When I join a PuG, you can see 10+ guilds...the fact is, there are a LOT of smaller guilds in this game...they're by far the majority...this content update doesn't do anything to strengthen them or encourage them to play more...it just adds content many won't be able, or willing, to afford.


Well I wasnt so far off as others said then was I? Not "following" you for 3 years I knew you were a SWG vet, but as you say you are not bitter or angry but how think smed is a golden boy of anything is a mystery. But as all of your "followers" pointed out you are wrong in your assessment of guild ships.


See your missing the point here...in no way shape or form are small guilds prevented from anything. They have the same ability and opportunity as any other guild to experience the content. You have a large guild with 100 players chances are only 1/4 of them know each other, play together on a regular bases and will be contributing a significant amount to the guild ship. In a small guild of lets say 20, the chances are most of them play together on a regular bases, most of them know each other a lot more then those in a 100 person guild, so this smaller guild we get a better turn out when it comes to contributing to the guild ship. This small guild will also see it as a challenge to gather the 50 million credits before the release.


So it will definitely strength the smaller guilds it will definitely give them a reason to play, it will definitely bring those in a small guild closer. And in no way will it discourage them to play more, in no way will they not have the same opportunity to experience the exact same content, this content does just as much for the small guilds as the large one. Sorry again you have blinders on to think all these small guilds are just going to quit the game because you think its going to be to hard on them...

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Had a good read of the OP epic 1st post and after careful thought I can only conclude he (or she is wrong).


There will not be an instant economic crash or a series of earth shaking economic crashes. I would agree if all of the housing and flagships could be obtained in one day. But these are long term individual and guild projects that require more than just credits. Things will of course change around a bit but I have no doubt that those million credit cool speeders will still be a million credits plus after this new content. I am also pretty certain that those mega rich players will still be mega rich after the update.

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Well I wasnt so far off as others said then was I? Not "following" you for 3 years I knew you were a SWG vet, but as you say you are not bitter or angry but how think smed is a golden boy of anything is a mystery. But as all of your "followers" pointed out you are wrong in your assessment of guild ships.


See your missing the point here...in no way shape or form are small guilds prevented from anything. They have the same ability and opportunity as any other guild to experience the content. You have a large guild with 100 players chances are only 1/4 of them know each other, play together on a regular bases and will be contributing a significant amount to the guild ship. In a small guild of lets say 20, the chances are most of them play together on a regular bases, most of them know each other a lot more then those in a 100 person guild, so this smaller guild we get a better turn out when it comes to contributing to the guild ship. This small guild will also see it as a challenge to gather the 50 million credits before the release.


So it will definitely strength the smaller guilds it will definitely give them a reason to play, it will definitely bring those in a small guild closer. And in no way will it discourage them to play more, in no way will they not have the same opportunity to experience the exact same content, this content does just as much for the small guilds as the large one. Sorry again you have blinders on to think all these small guilds are just going to quit the game because you think its going to be to hard on them...

Since you don't even bother to read what I type, I'll return the favor.

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Deflation is a good thing. All this will result in is increased buying power per credit... and since all incomes are static (dailies still drop the same amount) the only people this will really affect are GTN junkies. Inflation has gotten a bit out of hand on the GTN, I think this will be a normalizing force.


Also, much of the Guild Ship wealth has already left the economy and is sitting in Guild Banks. I don't think we're looking at a crash the way the OP is envisioning it.... and even if we were.... who cares?

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And what does that matter? Why do you care if there are poor players enjoying themselves? Are they of lesser value because they simply play to enjoy themselves? Isn't that the entire goal of a game, enjoyment? People make money being credit farmers...I don't want to be one just to enjoy new content. I hope they lower the entry point.


Because if we don't introduce major credit sinks into the game inflation will make actually do what you fear and start making it inaccessible to new players (and even people returning after a lengthy hiatus)?


Nothing stopping your or anyone else from joining a guild that can afford a guild ship or accepting the fact that you can just be a wee bit more frugal, save up whatever cash you do earn, and together affording it. Or hey, maybe your guild has people in it who are actually selfless, understand that the guild ship credit sink is a necessity to keep SWTOR healthy in the long term, and volunteer to pull other's weight as well in regards to getting that guild ship. Honestly, I don't think you seem to grasp that concept. Your entire stance on this is "I think 50 million is too much because I think it's too much so it should be less", and I personally don't feel that holds much water. New player? Join a guild that can afford one already. Casual player in a casual friend guild? Accept that maybe you won't see every single piece of content. You might as well argue that when a player first logs in for the very first time they can, immediately, run a Nightmare Op, have every enemy die and drop a bunch of awesome gear they want, and in the process get Legend rank with all Reputations. It's literally no different beyond you're building up credits instead of rep or xp.



In summary, you would sacrifice the long term health of the game because you arbitrarily feel that this content should be immediately accessible even though there's already plenty of content in this game that requires times and effort in order to access. You speak as a voice for "new players", which you're not and, again, will almost universally be unaffected, and for "casuals", who also by the very definition are unlikely to see some content (top level Ops, being the top of the Ranked PvP ladder, ect).



Again, I can earn over ten million a week without going crazy on playing time (full time job and full time relationship). Only some of that is farming, the rest is dailies and just from general playing.

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Nope, a crash won't happen.


If needed, SWTOR will just do what EVE does, and what central banks in the real world do: dump money into the economy. For example, they could double credit rewards for all missions, as they did for PvP missions a little while ago. Or introduce new one-time-only missions to "celebrate" the launch of GSH and GFS, that have nice credit rewards and may just be bonuses tied to existing content (kind of like the Classic Ops weekly).


But even that is unlikely because, unlike in RL, there is no debt in SWTOR. No leveraged investments, no long or short positions: nothing that requires players to spend credits they might not have, nothing to create panic selling of assets.


I dont see the devs responding to any problem, they just dont care. I also dont see a mega crash happening, too many people have seen how much money can be made through incessant grinding. they will continue to grind, making the problem greater before quitting the game in boredom and disgust. unfortunately for the devs, dailies do not substitute as useful content.

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Nah...I think it'll make players feel less attached to this game.


and that is the big loss here. people feeling less likely to log in for days at a time, eventually just not logging in at all when they realize there really isnt anything to do that is less than 9 months old. people that dont want to be owpvp bait and the garbage associated with it.

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Because if we don't introduce major credit sinks into the game inflation will make actually do what you fear and start making it inaccessible to new players (and even people returning after a lengthy hiatus)?


These are not proper credit sinks though. The strongholds and guild ships are sort of one time purchases. Once the rooms are unlocked the credit sink is gone.


Proper credit sinks are the ones that you keep using like repair costs, travel costs, mod removal costs, augmenting, GTN tax on sales and such.


So, I don't really see any new credit sinks. Just a single credit reset if you will. The gambling machines on Nar Shaddaa probable got people to spend more credits than 2.9 ever will.

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and that is the big loss here. people feeling less likely to log in for days at a time, eventually just not logging in at all when they realize there really isnt anything to do that is less than 9 months old. people that dont want to be owpvp bait and the garbage associated with it.


Strongholds isn't "guild capital ship" it's actually significantly more than just that feature.

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I dont see the devs responding to any problem, they just dont care.

Then you aren't really paying attention. There have been several responses and adjustments based on PTS feedback lately. Just because they aren't responding to the particular issues you want addressed, or in a way you like, is no excuse for outright lying and saying they aren't responding at all.


Personally do I feel more adjustments are needed? Sure, and I hope they do, which is why I provide feedback in areas I think need to be modified instead of complaining on the forums about why they haven't fixed it already.

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These are not proper credit sinks though. The strongholds and guild ships are sort of one time purchases. Once the rooms are unlocked the credit sink is gone.


Proper credit sinks are the ones that you keep using like repair costs, travel costs, mod removal costs, augmenting, GTN tax on sales and such.


So, I don't really see any new credit sinks. Just a single credit reset if you will. The gambling machines on Nar Shaddaa probable got people to spend more credits than 2.9 ever will.


So because it doesn't go far enough we should just not let it go any distance?

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These are not proper credit sinks though. The strongholds and guild ships are sort of one time purchases. Once the rooms are unlocked the credit sink is gone.


Proper credit sinks are the ones that you keep using like repair costs, travel costs, mod removal costs, augmenting, GTN tax on sales and such.


So, I don't really see any new credit sinks. Just a single credit reset if you will. The gambling machines on Nar Shaddaa probable got people to spend more credits than 2.9 ever will.


would you prefer "adjustment"..maybe "correction".


why people expect to own 100% of the strongholds stuff out of the gate not thinking hey, I an earn this over a year or so and enjoy it as I go. Which is why people don't consider this "content" they treat it as a one time expense and get 100% and wonder why there is nothing "new".

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