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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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And in retrospect to your question.... why do the Europeans have to always be so racist?


FYI when you say Europeans are racist you're doing exactly the same thing as that which you're complaining about.


And I'm not a European, I'm Belgium which is a part of Europe.

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I still think you should consider having separate downtimes for EU and US.

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Oh bah. humbug ;)


I am from the EU, and I too believe that this is a somewhat... unfortunate time for Bioware's maintenance window for us EU players.

However, this discussing of US vs. EU is rather pointless.. Day maintenance is bad, no matter what country/region you're in.


Comparing these times to WoW's original times isn't going to change the opinion either. If Blizzard did it, and people cried over it, then Bioware should've learned from that and not copy it.


There's no need to QQ over all this. It's 6 unfortunate hours, hopefully we will get separate maintenance hours next time.

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Because a huge amount of Americans seem to forget how many people actually live in Europe and have advanced technology like computers too? ;)


Americans think that other countries are busy banging rocks together, despite being an almost entirely unskilled economy and being usurped by China while they dream of American flags and Jesus.

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


Hmm interesting... So you are saying the amount of players on at 1-3am CST is greater than 3-5pm CET? I personally believe that 4am CST seems a little late to start maintenance. 1am-7am CST to me seems like less obstruction than to worldwide players than 4-10 CST.


I am basing this on the assumption that, # of players in EU + world at 3-5pm CET(8-10am CST) > # of players in US + world at 1-3am CST.

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so why you have so many unhappy players now?

And You think that between midnight and 9am was more players online then between 10-17 ? congratulations!

I think you are just tired after long shift. Or maybe are you from limerick and you are happy that you didn't need to go to work at night :)


dude you're a jerk ... i hope u get banned

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I'm sorry, but they're not. It's a paid for service. The EU'ers have had to pay extra for both the game box, and the sub, due to currency exchange, but are then tied to the US Time-frame for the service to be provided. As has been mentioned before, this is an issue that does not occur in most other MMOs, be they AAA, or cheaper, Region Locked or Region Free.


It's a small issue that will have a vast impact on quality of life for EU subbers: all of whom are paying customers, no different from the US subbers. It would be annoying if maintenance continued to be mid-day, but there would be LESS EU complaints if the US received separate maintenance during THEIR mid-day, too. Right now, the situation is imbalanced in favour of the US, despite the fact we are -all- paying customers meaning that imbalance should not occur.


Ultimately, it's not about the pixels, it's about the inequality.


How is it about inequality??? I am affected just as much as you EU sub guys are. Because of my time frame, I am usually on and playing during these "off times". So please explain to me how you are "suffering" any more than I am? Also you have to understand, the actual human beings that get up in the morning and drive 30 minutes+ to work to create this game and to maintain it are in the US. That means that just like any other worker in the world, it ultimately falls to their work schedule of when we get maintenance. As someone else said, do you really expect them to come in at say 1am to start their work day just to cater to one side of the fence?


Also, as stated earlier, this is a NEW game. I am sure they will eventually have seperate down times so you guys can stop complaining. But right now they are more focused on bringing us a smooth, clean product that we can enjoy. You want a game that has seperate down times, crappy customer service.... go back to WoW.

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so not only does EU want US business hours catered to them, they want free stuff now too?




i can play this game too. i am a disabled american. i do not work so i am home all day. i cannot play right now because the maint times are cutting into my play time. they should have maint done before 6am so i can play.




now does any of what i just wrote make any sense? should the company change things to cater to the disabled americans who don't work? i don't think so. so why should they cater to you.


To be fair while Im sorry your disabled and unable to work.. Your downtimes are based around a majority and unfortunately you are not in a majority group. The EU issue is different as we as a whole are a majority also.


So I don see the comparison.

Edited by SolidusGB
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Thank you for taking the time to reply. I still think you should consider having separate downtimes for EU and US.


seperating the maint times would make us and eu servers not have the updates at the same time, also it would double the workforce cost, in turn increasing how much you might have to pay to play.

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Personally I find this the biggest dumper on the game, and frankly I also find it insulting.


I realize that if you patch it while we're sleeping in the EU and seperately in the US while they're sleeping, one of the 2 continents would end up with the content several hours earlier then the other, which would also lead to complaining.

But how hard is it to at least start the patching earlier, for example at 0:00 rather then 4:00 so we don't have to wait until 5 PM but rather 1 PM.

Sure, I realize it's just been christmas, but I hope this schedule has not been a forebode for the patches to come.

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This is turning into an American vs Europeans and the sad fact is that's its American posters who are flaming it..


There's no getting around the fact that European players were let down by BW today.


Trying to defend this and using Nationality in your argument is unacceptable.


This game needs its European players without them it will fail. It's that simple.

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I am so tired of the whiney EU players complaining about their game time interuptions. Every MMO we see the same thing.


The folks running this game have lives, and work normal hours. They come into the office, do the work on their normal working hours.


It has very little to do with what time the EU players or US player prefer to have it done.


Screw the rest of the world and the Bioware employees who have to do the work...right?


And every European player is tired of American people whining we are complaining.

This clearly isn't your problem.


They have lives ? Yes no doubt , but they get payed to do this.


We spend the same amount of money ( EU probably even more ) ,don't you think it is rediculous that US get's better support and a better maintenance scheduale ?


Honnestly if this was the other way arround we would be seeing the same thing here.

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Ultimately, it's not about the pixels, it's about the inequality.


Really? Really? Really? I think if that your goal then there is better causes for you to spend your time on. But you want to be a geek Ghandi thats cool.. sounds stupid IMHO but its cool...

Edited by Dayestorm
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so why you have so many unhappy players now?

And You think that between midnight and 9am was more players online then between 10-17 ? congratulations!

I think you are just tired after long shift. Or maybe are you from limerick and you are happy that you didn't need to go to work at night :)


Never but never reply to mod :)

They will not answer and dont forget that always have right.

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Are you serious people???


I fail to understand what's the US citizens grief with EU server having their own maintenance at a different hour. Is not like we ask for one common maintenance based on EU hours, but for a different one. Is so hard to understand that there are customers that are outside US?


Geee, it's true that the IQ is dropping fast in that side of the world.


If the maintenance would be done during the US day they will cry murder.

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


What a crock of crap..there are far more people playing between 10AM-4PM than..2AM-8AM eg.

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So Bioware, explain again why having US and European servers patched at the same time makes any difference?


And, why would hard locking the regions matter?


It's not as if a character on a US server is going to haver any interaction with a character on a European one.


So why the frell should having the different regions on different patch versions for a couple of hours make any frelling difference to either character?


Just seems like another BS excuse.


Sure, have the patcher patch the different servers at different times but have it go live at the same time.

Edited by Reksat
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Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US.


tbh who ? who cares that america will have patch few h sooner than eu if thats 2 different continents and different servers ?

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


hope you fixed the resource problem i told customer support 3 times now with this update

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