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Ranked Rewards S2 Are Good Stop Whining *BW You Did Good*


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Most do play it for fun. Getting rewarded for top tier is one reason it is fun and you have something to work for. Also so many servers are different, some RP and PVE servers don't ever get pops, Po5 and Bastion are full of people without advanced classes and q syncers (look at top 3 guardian/jugg rankings). This is the most competitive aspect of pvp apparently for SWTOR, so when you do get past all of this bs along with their ELO system ......you're damn right the rewards should be better lol.




This population which is barely 1-3% imo, then you throw in the "...full of people of without advanced classes and q synchers..." then you figure in different servers don't get any pops, yeah rewards are going to be smaller this season.


Rewards are fine as is.

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This population which is barely 1-3% imo, then you throw in the "...full of people of without advanced classes and q synchers..." then you figure in different servers don't get any pops, yeah rewards are going to be smaller this season.


Rewards are fine as is.


You sound like you don't pvp...


Why are you so opposed to the best SWTOR players getting good rewards? It doesn't matter how small the population is or whatever biases you have against solo queue, the players who top the leaderboards are among the best players in the game. It's only fair that they receive the best rewards.


I couldn't care less if the stuff top tier players get is eventually put on the Cartel Market. I don't even care if it goes up at the same time. But providing pvpers will utter **** rewards is only going to hurt this already dying game.

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You sound like you don't pvp...


Why are you so opposed to the best SWTOR players getting good rewards? It doesn't matter how small the population is or whatever biases you have against solo queue, the players who top the leaderboards are among the best players in the game. It's only fair that they receive the best rewards.


I couldn't care less if the stuff top tier players get is eventually put on the Cartel Market. I don't even care if it goes up at the same time. But providing pvpers will utter **** rewards is only going to hurt this already dying game.


That is where you are wrong, like so many here.

This is not a dying game and the smallest population getting mad over silly rewards is not going to hurt the game and its operations.


I'm not opposed to good rewards, I just personally see no problem with these. They said that pvp was not going to be their focus, they held true to their word with the small amount (still cool) rewards.


It is even better that one assumes I don't PvP, I do, I just don't take it as serious.

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This population which is barely 1-3% imo, then you throw in the "...full of people of without advanced classes and q synchers..." then you figure in different servers don't get any pops, yeah rewards are going to be smaller this season.


Rewards are fine as is.


Don't pay any attention to this guy, he is literally the only person who thinks the rewards are fine. So either he doesn't PvP or he's just not any good at it.... regardless quit posting over and over again because no one agrees that the rewards are fine. Also, you shouldn't comment on things that have nothing to do with you anyway, because I can guarantee that if you were in the top tier you wouldn't be saying the rewards are fine as is.

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That is where you are wrong, like so many here.

This is not a dying game and the smallest population getting mad over silly rewards is not going to hurt the game and its operations.


I'm not opposed to good rewards, I just personally see no problem with these. They said that pvp was not going to be their focus, they held true to their word with the small amount (still cool) rewards.


It is even better that one assumes I don't PvP, I do, I just don't take it as serious.


Whiner complaining about whiners.

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That is where you are wrong, like so many here.

This is not a dying game and the smallest population getting mad over silly rewards is not going to hurt the game and its operations.


I'm not opposed to good rewards, I just personally see no problem with these. They said that pvp was not going to be their focus, they held true to their word with the small amount (still cool) rewards.


It is even better that one assumes I don't PvP, I do, I just don't take it as serious.


Since the rewards are "fine", no more mounts as rewards for PVE. That will just make all the PVE'rs happy wont it? great rewards? lol?

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Since the rewards are "fine", no more mounts as rewards for PVE. That will just make all the PVE'rs happy wont it? great rewards? lol?


That won't happen though. They are not going to focus on PvP, which has already been stated.


PvE will get more attention. Doesn't mean I agree with it, but it is what it is.

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That won't happen though. They are not going to focus on PvP, which has already been stated.


PvE will get more attention. Doesn't mean I agree with it, but it is what it is.


Translation: PVPers stop wasting your money (i stoped for sure)

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The people who say that they are okay and we should be happy just because we got something are fooling themselves. I'm going ask this to you who are okay with the rewards.


During Christmas, Birthday, Children's day, Valentines, Anniversary, or whatever other things people celebrate that give gifts. Are you honestly saying that you have never been disappointed in the gift you got? So no one has ever asked you "what do you want for Christmas," and you said "I don't know maybe a new video game." So you wake up Christmas morning expecting a cool game then you open your present to only find out that this same person got you SOCKS instead. Are you really saying you wouldn't be even a little disappointed? This is just an example and there are many more I could think of, but not going to.

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in PVE there are like 4 or 5 nice mounts that drop from NiM ops, that's an incentive for some, it's also a trophy, rather visible to show your achievement and the mounts are rather cool. The S1 rancor is cool. The helmet doesnt look like much, the rest is pointless. The devs just showed an utter lack of idea while they had asked ppl for their ideas, i dont believe a Baron's hat was asked, even more so a crappy decoration for stronghold.

The rewards have no glow, nothing that makes you feel like "whew! that was worth the time and endeavour!"

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in PVE there are like 4 or 5 nice mounts that drop from NiM ops, that's an incentive for some, it's also a trophy, rather visible to show your achievement and the mounts are rather cool. The S1 rancor is cool. The helmet doesnt look like much, the rest is pointless. The devs just showed an utter lack of idea while they had asked ppl for their ideas, i dont believe a Baron's hat was asked, even more so a crappy decoration for stronghold.

The rewards have no glow, nothing that makes you feel like "whew! that was worth the time and endeavour!"




I honestly wouldn't care if the top tier award was a re-skinned mount that has been out forever. But it has to be something that is recognizable IMMEDIATELY (aka a mount or a big *** pet). A lore based, frankly quite dull, helmet is not that, it's just an excuse for BioWare to be lazy.


A lot of people do ranked specifically because it is the only part of the game where you are given a public statistic that represents your success relative to other players. Bragging rights. That's what it's all about. That's why the rancor was awesome, and that's why tons of people queued up for a shot at it.


These rewards are not ok.

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Look I like the game a lot.

There are many people who work hard in the dev team, sure of that. The developers aren`t like the most talented and gifted programmers (and I don´t want to talk about creativity) but they are normal people who give their best for the game.

Also pvp is fun, like the mechanics but the season 2 rewards are nothing short than bad. And what you are doing is damage-controlling because you don´t want to see your favourite game being bashed. HOWEVER only thanks to criticism like that and shoutouts people make, only then improvement can happen. Otherwise Bioware would be like "Oh cool, they like the rewards even though they are crap. Let`s continue to make crap since people don´t care anyway."


You understand why the bashing and criticism is EXTREMELY important here?

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When you lose 2 million players due to crappy development, yeah I'd call it casual too.


I think the difference with this "reward based sytem", is that it's unique and not present in any other gameplay aspect. It's not hard to fathom players wanting some epic rewards due to the difficulty and length of the seasons in PvP, but honestly the rewards have no bearing on the casual nature of the game itself, matter of fact it's pretty irrelevant tbh.




Right. When people get tired of buying pixels from the store what's left? PVP has never been taken seriously in this game it's always been a carrot dangle tactic and this go around the carrots are rotten.

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Look I like the game a lot.

There are many people who work hard in the dev team, sure of that. The developers aren`t like the most talented and gifted programmers (and I don´t want to talk about creativity) but they are normal people who give their best for the game.

Also pvp is fun, like the mechanics but the season 2 rewards are nothing short than bad. And what you are doing is damage-controlling because you don´t want to see your favourite game being bashed. HOWEVER only thanks to criticism like that and shoutouts people make, only then improvement can happen. Otherwise Bioware would be like "Oh cool, they like the rewards even though they are crap. Let`s continue to make crap since people don´t care anyway."


You understand why the bashing and criticism is EXTREMELY important here?


Its a shorter season. The whole thread with manta mounts and walkers was really pushing it. Strongholds is their focus currently, not PvP.


It was stated a few months ago that PvP would not be their focus. So far, they have held true to their word...


I'm glad. Rewards are good for a shorter season and I hope they don't change a thing.

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Its a shorter season. The whole thread with manta mounts and walkers was really pushing it. Strongholds is their focus currently, not PvP.


It was stated a few months ago that PvP would not be their focus. So far, they have held true to their word...


I'm glad. Rewards are good for a shorter season and I hope they don't change a thing.


Says the pve server player. BTW, this season is coming very close to being the same length of season 1, so the "shorter season" argument goes out the window.

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Says the pve server player. BTW, this season is coming very close to being the same length of season 1, so the "shorter season" argument goes out the window.


Are you that dense? The server I play on has more of a ranked population than most of the PvP servers.


However, I do believe this season has the correct rewards, after hearing some feedback I have a few ideas for the devs,


1. The top 3 of each class should get a mount or the Baron Deathmark Armor SET

2. The 1600+ folks should get a mount or the Baron Deathmark Armor SET


The other two tiers should remain the same, considering that MOST <1450 rating players can care less about mounts, armor, but the decorations for strongholds are nice.


Notice that I put the same for both 1600+ and top 3 of each advanced class, this is because it should be one or the other based on population. There SHOULD be a difference between 1605 rating player and top 3 of advanced class.


In my opinion, the 1600+ should NOT get mounts because that should be rewarded to the top 3. Considering BW is not going to make a bunch of different mounts for different tiers, what I have listed makes the most sense.


Lastly, the ELO requirements are appropriate with how Ranked is currently being played (low population, win trading, queue synching, etc.) and rewards reflect that also.

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Are you that dense? The server I play on has more of a ranked population than most of the PvP servers.


However, I do believe this season has the correct rewards, after hearing some feedback I have a few ideas for the devs,


1. The top 3 of each class should get a mount or the Baron Deathmark Armor SET

2. The 1600+ folks should get a mount or the Baron Deathmark Armor SET


The other two tiers should remain the same, considering that MOST <1450 rating players can care less about mounts, armor, but the decorations for strongholds are nice.


Notice that I put the same for both 1600+ and top 3 of each advanced class, this is because it should be one or the other based on population. There SHOULD be a difference between 1605 rating player and top 3 of advanced class.


In my opinion, the 1600+ should NOT get mounts because that should be rewarded to the top 3. Considering BW is not going to make a bunch of different mounts for different tiers, what I have listed makes the most sense.


Lastly, the ELO requirements are appropriate with how Ranked is currently being played (low population, win trading, queue synching, etc.) and rewards reflect that also.


You really think the majority of the pvpers give a damn about housing decorations? Go back to the pve forums dude.

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  • Dev Post

Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.

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Not sure if OP is trolling or just highly delusional about PVP. So Jorno's rationale is basically several bad assumptions about PVP:


1. It was going to be on the Cartel Market sooner or later= therefore, why would anyone want it, or desire it now.

2. You do a lot of PVP= therefore, you shouldn't care if other people think you're good at it or not (worst of these assumptions).

3. It's a Casual game= therefore, you're expectations shouldn't be so high.


People knew a rancor was going to be on the CM eventually, but it didn't stop a ton of people from wanting it or queuing up during season one.


PVP is about competition. In competitions, there are VISIBLE awards for winners, not warm fuzzy forum posts, silly decor and hideous helmets saying good job everyone. Not to mention, PVPers LOVE being known as good at it.


It may be a casual game to some, but I doubt Bioware would want everyone to be that casual about it. A lot of PVPers may be unsubbing at this moment...in favor of a more...casual swtor experience.


These crappy excuses for rewards were also made worse by all the suggestions/ideas Bioware asked for and got as responses from the community which were completely ignored. If they weren't going to put any effort into it, why raise expectations?


My fear is that they took those ideas and turned them into future CM material, which I wouldn't mind if some of them had at least shown up in this season's rewards, but guess not.


Hurry, everyone queue up so you can have a different lining on a placard in your house that no one can see or notice!

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Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.


But the helmet looks like Maximus from Gladiator was attacked by a starfish. Did you think that was equally as awesome as the announced S-1 Rancor??? :confused:


It's unique, sure i'll give you guys that. :rak_03:

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Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.


That's rubbish.


There are plenty of items in-game that you used to be able to get, and can no longer. Why is PvP any different?

You gave EVERYONE apt amount of time to participate, why not reward those who did?


As for the helmet..do YOU really think that one measly helmet (that doesn't even look good, and actually looks somewhat similar to the "bug" helmet you get on Alderaan) is a suitable reward?


Not to mention, the helmet probably only matches a few armour sets in-game and will look terrible on majority of other sets. So, anyone actually looking to use the helmet will probably end up wearing somewhat similar armour. Not so unique.


I missed ranked, but from an outside perspective.. these rewards are pretty dismal.

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Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.


Sounds good Alex. You guys did good work on rewards this season and I look forward to the future.


The furniture tie ins with strongholds was a good touch, maybe next season something for the guilds with the highest tiered players??


Look forward to Season 3!

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Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.


Get the trolls out of ranked please.

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