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Opt Out of Rakgoul Event


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Yeah, right... I pay for not playing this game...


Well if you don't want to get harassed by people that carry the plague then go hang out on your ship or go and max out your achievements on another planet like corellia , hoth etc... Or as I said earlier log out of the game then log back in when the event is over. But if none of these interest you then go and read a book or watch TV like Lotharofxev said :rolleyes:.


Oh and here is a way that you can still play the game and keep plague carrying people from harassing you...

Simply spend the 2k buy the rakghoul immunity stim and that way you get to play the game without having to worry about getting infected by the plague :p.

Edited by cefert
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In general is not that spending 2K every 6 hours is too expensive, its the principle that another player can put you in a situation that you need to spend the 2K.


I like the idea of opting out, so if you do not want to participate in the zanyness of the event, you can.


What I would really, really, would like to see...


If a player infects you, they become flagged for PvP action! Yet if you kill a PvP flagged infector, you do not flag ( in order to not be confused with the infecting players) and in fact if you have been infected you get a "token" reward for dealing with the disease at fleet for the 6 hour cure. If you want to raise the stakes, make it more fun for all, and make it more sporting, the infected player going around infecting, if defeated while flagged for PvP, they suffer gear damage that will cost to repair.



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In general is not that spending 2K every 6 hours is too expensive, its the principle that another player can put you in a situation that you need to spend the 2K.


I like the idea of opting out, so if you do not want to participate in the zanyness of the event, you can.


I get that is annoying other people's activities "make" you do something. But this something is so trivial, cheap and so effective that I honestly believe that is opt out for the event exists and there is no need for another one.

I would gladly pay 10k for 30 minutes pvp flag immunity during the gree event, just to say something.

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Then if you don't want to participate in the event and if you want to have complete immunity then log out of the game and don't log back in until the event is over.


I see a lot of this. I have to say, I'm with the OP on this one...


The thing is, I like the event, I've gotten into it and that is fine.


From a business point of view, the suggestions by many posters here that the OP not log in and play are problematic. It is not a good business model to tell some of your customers to go away for a week. It would be like Walmart telling everyone that the week of St. Patricks day, you must wear green to shop there, if you don't, you won't be allowed in and should shop somewhere else.


Yes, that sounds stupid, as is the inability to opt out. If the vaccine was free, then it wouldn't be an issue.

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I see a lot of this. I have to say, I'm with the OP on this one...


The thing is, I like the event, I've gotten into it and that is fine.


From a business point of view, the suggestions by many posters here that the OP not log in and play are problematic. It is not a good business model to tell some of your customers to go away for a week. It would be like Walmart telling everyone that the week of St. Patricks day, you must wear green to shop there, if you don't, you won't be allowed in and should shop somewhere else.


Yes, that sounds stupid, as is the inability to opt out. If the vaccine was free, then it wouldn't be an issue.


So your saying that 2k credits for a vaccine is too expensive? Yes I know that logging out for a week seems problematic. If the OP just wants to not partake in the event and not get the plague then....

1: Buy the stim for 2k that gives you like 5hrs of immunity (or 6hrs) so that he does not have to worry about getting infected.

2:Simply avoid plague heavy areas like the fleet or just don't go to tatooine.

Edited by cefert
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So your saying that 2k credits for a vaccine is too expensive?


For me, no it isn't. But that isn't the point, it is a non-zero number that feels expensive to some people.


And of course it isn't 2k once, it is over and over. You could easily spend ten times that, which for new players, is a lot of money.


What if Walmart said that during St. Patricks day, if you don't wear green, you have to pay $2 to get into the store to shop? Hey, it is "only" $2, right?


I can only imagine the uproar if they tried it...


Simple solution, make the vaccine free, the complaint goes away.

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I get that is annoying other people's activities "make" you do something. But this something is so trivial, cheap and so effective that I honestly believe that is opt out for the event exists and there is no need for another one.

I would gladly pay 10k for 30 minutes pvp flag immunity during the gree event, just to say something.


I will re-iterate, I have no issue in agreeing that 2K is essentially trivial, my issue is that a player can compell you to spend 2K regardless of how you feel. Is like having people forcing you to buy their cokes or they will throw mud all over you, and folks telling you its only a measly 75 cents, so its perfectly fine.


I do want those players, who go infecting, to flag for pvp. This way, since they enjoy the role of hunters looking for prey to infect, can be hunted in returnl, and not be hunters without fear of retaliation. Since the actions of the infectors is going to cost me 2K per six hours, which is a real impact (perhaps minimal, but never the less a real impact), I want the infectors to be made to pay in return or in some fashion (guve them a taste of their own medicine), thus if defeated in pvp their gear repair cost is 2K (using their excuse, they don't have to repair after all, and 2K is trivial anyway). Also as an incentive for crowd to hunt and kill them, they do not get flagged, and in fact is rewarded for their duty to the government with an antidote for the plague. In real life if you see a rabid dog, you ar expected to help have it killed, and often society recognizes your act in some fashion.


By doing the PvP addition, the infector community gets their jolies by infecting the unwary, and now the avenging community can get theirs too, by killing the "rabid" beasts..



Edited by Starglitter
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I will re-iterate, I have no issue in agreeing that 2K is essentially trivial, my issue is that a player can compell you to spend 2K regardless of how you feel. Is like having people forcing you to buy their cokes or they will throw mud all over you, and folks telling you its only a measly 75 cents, so its perfectly fine.


You're using a false analogy to make your point seem more valid. To be more accurate its like someone forcing you to buy their cokes for a mealy $.75 IF you chose to enter their store and IF you go to a place that was known to likely cause soda craving or a random small inconvenience and CHOOSING to buy the soda instead of suffering the random small inconvenience.


Soo...not at all like your analogy.

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You're using a false analogy to make your point seem more valid. To be more accurate its like someone forcing you to buy their cokes for a mealy $.75 IF you chose to enter their store and IF you go to a place that was known to likely cause soda craving or a random small inconvenience and CHOOSING to buy the soda instead of suffering the random small inconvenience.


Soo...not at all like your analogy.


Disagree with your analogy as well...


Since they infector hit you at places you have a periodic need to go, such as fleet to get to trainers,etc...


The analogy may be more appropriate that the mugger is waiting at the entrance of a grocery store, bank, walmart, etc and threatens to mud you if you don't buy them a coke. And since its only 75 cents, is perfectly fine for that player to threaten you and infect you.


Sure you don't have to go the bank, you don't have to go to walmart, sure you just can stay home forever... But its not very practical now, is it?




BTW what you think about having a retalliation system to the infectors, so now both sides may get some fun out it?

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Simple solution, make the vaccine free, the complaint goes away.



Not "just go do some missions and get a relic," not "pay 2k credits every six hours (or after every defeat -- sucks to be on a learning curve during the Rakghoul Event)," and, not "don't have the Rakghoul Event."


Make the vaccine free. Then, nothing left to complain about. The vaccine can't be crafted -- no loss to crafters. The event isn't long, or often, enough for buying the vaccine to be a significant credit sink. BW should make the vaccine free.


I'm not interested in doing the event. I can afford the vaccine. I've progressed on the learning curve enough to not be defeated often. Still, every time I have to buy one of those damn vaccines, it irks me because I'm paying 2k credits for 6 hours of not having my play interrupted.

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Lets just be serious here, Bioware isn't going to let you opt out of this, nor is it going to go back in and change the price of the vaccine, no matter how hard you cry on the forums. So you should just go ahead and either enjoy it or suck it up. :) Edited by johnatters
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Look....I despise the rakgoul event. I get it......but it's 2k credits for 6hrs of "leave me alone" during an event that last a week. :rolleyes: i feel about that lil investment the same way I feel about paying my car insurance. I haven't had a car wreck EVER. I've been driving for almost 25yrs.....all that money was wasted imo. And that's real life money. So just think of it as "rakgoul insurance" and keep on playing. :D
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And this "need to" is, from my point of view, an invalid option. I don't want to participate in this event, and i definetly don't want to participate so I don't have to participate.


So, IMO, there are only to options:

1. People who don't actively participate in the event - by accepting the necessary missions - are 1000% immune to the event-based infection.


2. The "get immune to the disease"-artfact is a free giveaway, automatically delivered via ingame e-mail to everyone - but this solution would still be annoying since I have to do something to get out of the event (using the artifact).


Events should be optional - noone should be forced to participate in a event he doesn't like, and the default setting should be "not particisipating", so unless you do something, you're automatically out.


Perfectly understandable, I already knew this would not be liked by anyone who wants to be completely removed from the event. But that's the option you have, if you want to be free of the event.


Outsider status requires 2500 reputation points.

Newcomer status requires 5000 reputation points.


Greenie +Rep objects provide +270 reputation.

Blue +Rep objects provide +630 reputation.

Purple +Rep objects provide +1440 reputation.


In a guild this will be slightly higher (+10%?) so +297 and +693 and +1584. You can do a little math to figure out how many missions you'd have to run to get the +7500 reputation to allow you to purchase the Antiviral Kit MK-1 relic for 5k credits that'll give you a 6-hour rakghoul plague immunity buff any time you like, for the rest of the game. Your other option (unless a permanent non-reputation immunity item is provided, as I think they should) is to purchase the individual immunity stims for 2k each whenever you get infected. Why not just keep a stack of them in your inventory on every character? It's a little expensive but frees you from exploding every 30 minutes.


P.S. looks like a full Rakghoul Plague dailies run gives 5 greenies and 1 blue. That's +1980 reputation, or +2178 reputation if you have the guild bonus. 4 days of the event's dailies would get you the immunity relic. And if you go to the "Eyeless" Ops SM and/or HM, you gain almost an entire day's worth of +rep from just one Op from the purple +Rep item you get.


I think run the full Dailies once, and go to both SM Eyeless and HM Eyeless, and you'd already be close to getting Newcomer status. One day's effort! and then you probably only have to run a few more of the dailies the next day and you'd have it

Edited by anonnn
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I could not agree more with you for those people who don't want to participate in the event either hang out on your ship or go to a place that does not have the plague.


Problem with that being even if you hung out on the starter worlds some jerk could still come along and start infecting people. I've seen it happen because they don't sell the vaccine on starter worlds.

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I knew I could not be alone in this. I cannot possibly support this request enough.


I really need someone to explain the point of this event to me. At first I thought it sounded kind of funny, but in practice it is anything but. Unless you are interested in doing the Daily missions for this, what is the purpose? Because to me it seems to have two:


1. A money sink. Forcing everyone to spend a minimum of 2K every day during the week if they want to be on Taris, on Tatooine, or even just on the fleet.... Because...


2. All this is doing is feeding trolls. It gives ignorant griefers free reign to ruin as many people's games as possible by sitting around the cargo holds till they explode. And of course it gives sanctimonious pathetic losers an excuse to laugh and yell "QQ" if you are foolish enough to say how stupid the whole thing is.


I don't have any level 55 guys or dedicated crafters. I do not have anyone with an excess of credits. So to answer someone in the thread above... YES, 2,000 credits is stupidly expensive. And even if I did have a millionaire toon, why should we be forced into a position where we have to mail our characters credits (which, again, is a money sink) because they ran by a schmuck who thinks it's funny to be a jackwad?


My level 11 Jedi barely had that much left after training, but I didn't have a choice because I was on my way to run Esseles. I wanted to play my level 20 Commando today, but he JUST got to Taris, so never mind. I can't afford to. Because it's not just 2k credits. It's 2k credits until you die. Which I am highly likely to at some point.


So I guess I just don't play this week. Thanks devs. Awesome event.


And to the post claiming how "easy" it is to opt out of it by running dailies... The entire point is that I don't want to participate. So your solution to become immune is to participate. Whu...??

Edited by JediJabroni
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Perfectly understandable, I already knew this would not be liked by anyone who wants to be completely removed from the event. But that's the option you have, if you want to be free of the event.

Stupid option - you have to participate to not participate....


Your other option (unless a permanent non-reputation immunity item is provided, as I think they should) is to purchase the individual immunity stims for 2k each whenever you get infected. Why not just keep a stack of them in your inventory on every character? It's a little expensive but frees you from exploding every 30 minutes.

A little expensive... well, depends: my lvl 38-Sith-Sorcerer I played yesterday had to travel to the fleet as part of his Sotry-line-Missions. Got like 20.000 Creds on him, so buying that stupid vaccine cost me 10% of my "riches" - 10% for the right to simply keep playing, with no other benefit. As someone else mentioned: not everyone has some billionaire toon, a credit farmer toon or something like that. Most of my characters are almost permanently broke - training costs money, repair costs money, and once in a while you need new equipment (big ammount go into GTN for new equipment for my characters and their toons, since I care a lot about how they look). I have 3 characters that rwached lvl 53+ so far, who could go farm credits, but since endgame content is (for me) and uncomparable bore, I do that as seldom as possible. I don't like dailies, I'm not going to do HM-Flashpoint (for what reason? Doing the same mission twice with the same character doesn't make sense, from a RP-Point of view. The story is already done, so doing it again is some kind of weird.)


The whole event is just... stupid.


If I don't want to PvP, I simply don't flag myself and don't enter PvP-Areas.

If I don't want to do flashpoints, I don't join one.

If I don't want to hunt bounty during the BH-Event, I simply don't accept those mission.

If I don't want to be harrassed by inmature plaguebearers... well, I can't avoid it. And this is a big fault. It effectively forces me into some kind of PvP - and I don't want to PvP.

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The best solution I can think of is for them to make available a crafting schematic for a Rakghoul Plague Vaccine that doesn't require ANY rare materials. Then people can be nice and sell them for super cheap on the GTN.
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I'm not sure they'd make the vaccine free, even for the event. It would be a very good solution, though not perfect. A perfect one would probably be introducing a free "immune/not immune" buff for all players you could click on/off at will, but then the spreaders would complain. Ah, the irony...


Anyway, last time the event happened, I heard of players giving out vaccine to less wealthy players, so that's what I've done this time. I guess that's all we can do.


(and, yeah, I'm tabling my level 10 character for this week, and I'm buying vaccines for all my chars under level 25. Which is a bit annoying.)

Edited by Kulyok
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I'm, personally anyway, struggling to understand what the issue is here. The OP is acting like a trip to fleet is an instant "infection" zone. I have just finished Tatooine and its bonus quest, I got attacked by a plague group once, just once the entire time. Also travelled to fleet lots, yeah seen some infected folk, haven't been infected once either. So, so far this event has cost me 0, absolutely nothing. So what is the OP doing that's getting him so involved in the event that it's causing him so much anger.


Honestly if it wasn't for the the constant audio on fleet about thorn and hearing the odd occasional cough, I'd not even know the event was on.

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In addition, infection, whilst annoying, isn't long-lasting. Stage 2 will see you seize up, sure. But you could use that few minutes as your designated pee-and-get-another-drink break. Upon return, rez from your zombie-like pop death and proceed happily infection-free.


Voila! Still playing and didn't pay for a vaccine.


Perhaps stop thinking of it as something bad players have done to you, but, rather, a temporary occurance the GAME is doing to you. ('Cause, that's what it is).

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Propably you where just lucky. Yesterday, I got on fleet, and a few seconds later (before I was able to move - I'm not using a high-end-state-of-the-art-PC, so it takes about 1-3 Minutes 'till all graphics are built up and lag goes down so I can actually move. As I know from others via teamspeak, my toon is sometimes already there, fully visible for everyone else, 20-30 seconds before the loading screen on my pc dissapears) i was infected. And the same happened during all the other rakghul-events in the past. Going to fleet (wich you sometimes cannot avoid) = infection garuanteed.


So, again: vaccine should be free (and no, those who think 2.000 Creds is to expensive are not "doing something wrong"), or better, people not participating in the event (meaning: not having accepted the appropriate missions) should be auto-immune to the disease.

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That is a bit unlucky, I don't have the same issue, but I can understand that it might be a bit annoying to be infected by the time your screen loads. However I still don't have an issue with the event but at the end of the day it is just my opinion. If I did happen to get infected I'd either pay for a vaccine or just run off somewhere during a mission, pop and rez.


When an event is on for a week and it gives folk something different to do I really can't see a reason to complain personally :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. Clearly Jeelvic and Highland are working together to propagate the plague for continued profits via income from vaccine sales and containment efforts. There's nothing that can be done about it.


Seriously though, it's part of the game environment. If the Emperor returns tomorrow and sends out minions who infect people at will and put them under his thrall temporarily then it would simply be part of the game. There's no turning it off because it is the world in which the game exists. If you go to Ilum when the Gree are doing their research you encounter additional dangers. If you go to the site of the outbreak, or a heavily populated area where a highly contagious plague can spread, you may become infected if you don't take proper precautions. MMO immersion has an effect on the game and that's how it is.


Whether you want to participate or not is irrelevant to the environment that exists during these outbreaks. I could see argument for being able to opt out of Double XP, but not this.

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