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Remember how revitalized the pvp community was after season 1 rewards were announced?


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they should make more reward tiers, the higher tier the longer time it should take to get there. Also rewards should be announced early on. This way we'll get players queuing rated all the time! little and low tiers are like playing for a month / 2 then stopping cuz it's so short.
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Hey folks,


We know you are all eager to learn about the Season 2 rewards and we haven't forgot about you! We will be publishing the Season 2 reward blog as soon as everything is ready. It does look like it will not be today, but we will get it out to you as soon as we can!


Thank you all for your patience.




Rewards must be announced in START of the season, not in the end. :rolleyes:

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The thing that really angers me (and many others I imagine) is that we care about this game, love pvp and hate how it has been marginalised. To our bitter disappointed it has become clear that we care more about pvp in this game than the devs do. Maybe conquest will change my mind but I'm pretty pessimistic
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No they should be announced when season ends, releasing them during season just promotes PvE'ers to come in and win trade.


I disagree...I know a number of PvPers do not see the point of pvping ranked because they do not know what they are fighting for (no pun intended)

They really only do it just for the gear, because pvp servers.

I am pretty sure if they announced rewards at the begining many of the pvpers would be like "hey. let's do this"


Because lets face it. a group of pvers who have zero gear will almost always wipe against a team that has at least one ranked gear lol. No bolster there.

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No wonder this game continues to lose pvp'ers to other games.


So their going to release the tiers/rewards "sometime" next week, leaving only two weeks till season end. This is crazy... what if they said top tier will be 1600 and you have your chars sitting at 1500? On holidays? You're out of luck... Have some bad luck on a losing streak? Well there's not enough time to make up the lost rating so you're out of luck...


I keep trying to find reasons to like this game, but as a full time ranked pvp'er its getting really hard to find any.

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If that's your decision, then be iot so.


But I'll point you towards it any time you whine about PvP dying because of no new people joining.


Whiners. Constantly whining about no fresh players entering, yet still doing everything to keep fresh players away from PvP.


Remain in your closed circle.

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No wonder this game continues to lose pvp'ers to other games.


So their going to release the tiers/rewards "sometime" next week, leaving only two weeks till season end. This is crazy... what if they said top tier will be 1600 and you have your chars sitting at 1500? On holidays? You're out of luck... Have some bad luck on a losing streak? Well there's not enough time to make up the lost rating so you're out of luck...


I keep trying to find reasons to like this game, but as a full time ranked pvp'er its getting really hard to find any.


Serious question.


Why would you park your characters with a rating at 1500 hoping it's high enough to win all the "great" rewards? Isn't getting the highest sample size and constantly refining rating (purely in theory) the only way to decide who's the best?


I know matchmaking is a drag, and ELO is far from sensible, but doesn't people parking characters hoping thier rating is high enough contribute to lack of quality ranked popping too?


I guess I'm in the camp of "digital items don't (de)motivate me to play/not to play.

Edited by JMagee
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Serious question.


Why would you park your characters with a rating at 1500 hoping it's high enough to win all the "great" rewards? Isn't getting the highest sample size and constantly refining rating (purely in theory) the only way to decide who's the best?


I know matchmaking is a drag, and ELO is far from sensible, but doesn't people parking characters hoping thier rating is high enough contribute to lack of quality ranked popping too?


I guess I'm in the camp of "digital items don't (de)motivate me to play/not to play.


wtb rating decay. For example if you havent played a game in 3 weeks you drop 25 pts etc.

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No they should be announced when season ends, releasing them during season just promotes PvE'ers to come in and win trade.


Eh, I agree to an extent, but at the same time I have no interest in doing solo ranked at all. If I knew what we were getting I might tolerate it a little bit but eh, I'm sick of every match having hybrids or being all dps on both sides. Just not fun. I literally rather gear up the slow way in regs than deal with all the nonsense that goes on in solo ranked. I'd do team ranked but there is only like 3 teams left and they all queue at random hours. I have no interest in sitting in queue for an hour and when I can knock out 4 or 5 reg matches in that time. I enjoy ranked, but I'm not going to bother queuing in a queue that is empty all the time.


It would be nice if they did what AoC did and show how many are in queue so you don't just go in and having no idea if you're going to get a pop or not. But then again I also find ranked to be completely pointless without cross server. I mean, congrats on beating 1 or 2 other teams and the other teams congrats on win trading? The rating is almost meaningless.

Edited by Raansu
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wtb rating decay. For example if you havent played a game in 3 weeks you drop 25 pts etc.

Since the rewards are tied to the highest rating ever earned, that wouldn't really solve the problem. However, I agree that something has to be done when it is possible to reach 1500 ELO within one day when you get the right enemies and win every match, and other players can't get any high raiting because no queues are popping.

In my opinion, the only way to solve this would be cross-server pvp, and potentially cross-faction pvp, to make sure that you can't play against bad players all the time, either intentionally by win-trading or unintentionally by being lucky and getting bad enemies.

Edited by Jerba
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Serious question.


Why would you park your characters with a rating at 1500 hoping it's high enough to win all the "great" rewards


Probably because they got it in solo ranked which is an absolute nightmare to play in. You get an all melee team vs all ranged teams or you get one team with a hybrid healer or tank and the other team with none and the queue has so few players that low rating players get pitted with high rated players so its just an exercise of sanity. If you get a win streak and break 1500, why bother continue to queue risking to lose that rating? Might as well park there and hope the rewards are announced early enough to grind out any extra rating if its changed.


Me personally? I'd raise it just to **** with people, but thats me. Chances are 1500 will probably be the highest tier again though.

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Serious question.


Why would you park your characters with a rating at 1500 hoping it's high enough to win all the "great" rewards? Isn't getting the highest sample size and constantly refining rating (purely in theory) the only way to decide who's the best?


I know matchmaking is a drag, and ELO is far from sensible, but doesn't people parking characters hoping thier rating is high enough contribute to lack of quality ranked popping too?


I guess I'm in the camp of "digital items don't (de)motivate me to play/not to play.


All I do is play ranked, I have never stopped, I'm probably over 1000 ranked games at this point... Maybe it was a bad example but really one should know what goal they are trying to achieve.

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Probably because they got it in solo ranked which is an absolute nightmare to play in. You get an all melee team vs all ranged teams or you get one team with a hybrid healer or tank and the other team with none and the queue has so few players that low rating players get pitted with high rated players so its just an exercise of sanity. If you get a win streak and break 1500, why bother continue to queue risking to lose that rating? Might as well park there and hope the rewards are announced early enough to grind out any extra rating if its changed.


Me personally? I'd raise it just to **** with people, but thats me. Chances are 1500 will probably be the highest tier again though.


Yea, I think we kind of feel the same way, overall. I know PvP isn't right, currently, solo isn't right, ELO/matchmaking isn't right, but it seems like implementing a fluid ranked system that doesn't "reward" static achievements (that one night where you were up against a bunch of bad comps and had a win streak long enough so you were able to hit 1500) and now you know that you'll have top tier rewards, no matter what.


At least a % based ranked reward tier structure could promote a larger (not too much larger) more stable PvP population throughout the duration of a season.


To me the mindset of "I need to know what rating I need to get all the rewards and then I'll stop" is way more detrimental to sustainability than "I need to be better and win more games to move up into the top X % to get that reward." Of course it would also require some sort of way for idle characters to depreciate rating over time. (Maybe a flat % drop of rating for everyone each week?


Changing that wouldn't come close to fixing Solo/Hybrids/Problems X,Y,Z. in ranked, but I don't see how it couldn't at least start improving the infrastructure of ranked. Just because some many other things are wrong, doesn't mean rewards have to be static for sheer "fairness".

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lawl....why bother? Not that I care, ranked is beyond dead now.

Ikr. Solo ranked is beyond dead; because, of que-sync'ers and match throwers. Like, why even bother to solo queue when you know you are going to lose. Until BW doles out some harsh punishment against cheaters and set some examples (like resetting their ratings, and communicating to the player-base that cheating is unacceptable and actively enforced), cheaters gonna cheat. So, there really isn't any point in queueing anymore. For myself, I have stopped queueing alltogether once match-throwers started actively *****-ing on solo ranked.

Edited by PifferPuff
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If that's your decision, then be iot so.


But I'll point you towards it any time you whine about PvP dying because of no new people joining.


Whiners. Constantly whining about no fresh players entering, yet still doing everything to keep fresh players away from PvP.


Remain in your closed circle.


I want PvP to attract people that are here for the PvP, not for the season rewards. Besides the people that are here only for rewards are usually the ones that end up win-trading anyway.

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I want PvP to attract people that are here for the PvP, not for the season rewards. Besides the people that are here only for rewards are usually the ones that end up win-trading anyway.


While true, there really needs to be a delicate balance between creating rewards but also not making them so elite the people win-trade at 3am.


Bioware seems to think that pvpers will always have content because all they like doing is fighitng each other. While true, people still like variety and incentives. I dont want to queue 4dps vs 4dps in solo rateds EVERY SINGLE time I queue up on my commando dps. It's a tunnel fest. I put up with it because I enjoy the challenge. However most people either 1 quit after they start getting focused 100% of the matches, or 2, quit after they reached a desired goal they set (1500 ELO). After all 4v4 arenas are the ONLY show in town if you want ELO/rating and ranked comms. So that means as a merc dps, i am FORCED to put up with being tunneled 100% of the time every time I queue. There are other specs/classes like this too, but the bottom line is it doesn't promote an enjoyable experience that makes people want to keep queuieng.


The rewards need to be good, but not epic, but more importantly there needs to be variety. Having something like 2v2 arenas, 4v4 arenas and 8v8 warzones would go a long way to give players options. This is just to name a few ideas.


And why are arenas the be all end all of pvp? Because WoW created them with success? How about a Galactic Civil War / Force-rank-system or player bounty system. Sure maybe a Bounty hunt system can't work in this game, but those are things that don't require broken elo or long queue problems but still could be used to give players content and rewards. I quite frankly hate that arenas have become the be-all-end-all of pvp content. Believe me, I love the challenege of solo rateds. But solo AND team rateds are broken in SWTOR and not being fixed anytime soon. It might be time for them to consider other pvp content. But what do i know.



Bottom line, none of this will happen, so lets just wait this out another year or two until the game closes, the new movies come out and pray to the MMO gods an SWG 2 is released :rak_03:

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i dont care what the rewards are, because they have already stated that pvpers wont get unique rewards for pvp, just reskinned models (not the exact words, thats just summarized to avoid wall of text). that and afker, pve'ers, and people that wouldnt be able to figure out smash back before 2.0 or arsenal merc back neear launch ruined my rating beyond fixing.
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