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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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Can't find it now, but I swear there was a thread in the last week or two that broke down how many credits you could make per Daily Area and even included a credits-per-hour ratio based on his times (it was only the quest rewards I think).


Or am I thinking of a Reddit thread?


I remember posting prices per daily area rounded up in one thread a while back.

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Haven't found the quote yet despite control-f ing through 54 pages of another topic, I'll try again tommorow.


Yeah, time does vary depending on class, companion, gear and concentration (the OP was watching a show at the same time... seems like he wasn't really concentrating to me)


But I'd be EXTREMELY impressed if someone got it down to under 2 hours.


In a group, maby... but not solo.


Speaking of which... someone should time a run of all the dailies (weeklies) as a 4 man group... because that's usually just a quick slaughter of enemies.



Funny, looking to discredit already? Tell me how long you spent testing this instead of just looking for holes to try and poke in someone else's things (hard for me to "not be concentrating" when the videos were open in the background so all I got was the noise... I spent the entire time focused ingame doing dailes, avoiding all the trash that wasn't quest related and so on).



By all means someone "disprove" these numbers by doing it yourself and doing every bonus, not just stealth-running through to press the quest button for example.



Didn't count Isotope-5 sales since... that's not part of the Daily for starters and you only get 1 Iso per 35 Basics, and only half the dailies give basics (Makeb does hence why it's desirable to do despite being such a grind). Trying to cap my Basic's before I go on another selling spree.



Math only counts a single character because... that should be obvious reasoning, really. If we count alts then "you can make 22 mil in 2 days!" as well right?

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Funny, looking to discredit already?


Don't have to try. I don't know what crazy claim YOU think you are disproving; but the rest of us are truly holding our breath in anticipation ...


Haven't found the quote yet despite control-f ing through 54 pages of another topic, I'll try again tommorow.


... of this.


Because the rest of us know full well that no one in their right mind (and with a clock) is going to honestly claim this.


Therefore, the whole point of your post is click bait.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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Haven't found the quote yet despite control-f ing through 54 pages of another topic, I'll try again tommorow.





Funny, looking to discredit already? Tell me how long you spent testing this instead of just looking for holes to try and poke in someone else's things (hard for me to "not be concentrating" when the videos were open in the background so all I got was the noise... I spent the entire time focused ingame doing dailes, avoiding all the trash that wasn't quest related and so on).



By all means someone "disprove" these numbers by doing it yourself and doing every bonus, not just stealth-running through to press the quest button for example.



Didn't count Isotope-5 sales since... that's not part of the Daily for starters and you only get 1 Iso per 35 Basics, and only half the dailies give basics (Makeb does hence why it's desirable to do despite being such a grind). Trying to cap my Basic's before I go on another selling spree.



Math only counts a single character because... that should be obvious reasoning, really. If we count alts then "you can make 22 mil in 2 days!" as well right?


These numbers are from me running dailies for a large majority of my time over the past 2 years, numbers include credit drops and vendoring all items:


BH w/ Weekly: 90-100K

Sec X w/ Weekly: 150K

Ilum: 50-60k

Makeb w/ Regular Dailies, Staged Weekly and GSI Weekly: 300+K

GSI Dailies on another planet for the weekly on Makeb: 50-60K

Oricon w/ Weekly and Bonuses: 200+K

Czerka w/ weekly: 60-70K


I haven't done Bel'Savis dailies in a long time so I can't remember the numbers for those, but since there are many more dailies that Ilum one can assume roughly 100-120k.


Adding everything together It's roughly 1 Mil for a full round of dailies.

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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


Funny, because in every argument I've seen posted over credits, never once have I seen anybody reasonably claim that they could do all of them, and gain a million credits in an hour. What you have posted though is that with GSI and weeklies, it is entirely possible to get 1.38 million in a relatively short time, using what is arguably the most inefficient means of gaining credits. Very few people who actually know anything about earning credits claim that dailies are the best means of gaining credits, and those few people who do swear by dailies are (often times by their own admission) either by lack of skill, knowledge, or desire, unable to even consider the other options. Nobody likes dailies. They're boring, monotonous, and an inefficient means of gaining credits...but what you have proven is that even considering all that...they're still effective at gaining massive amounts of credits in a relatively short period of time.


Edit: Adding my own numbers from the last time I ran this. Mine took me less than 4 hours, though I should note that I did not do any weeklies, no GSI, and skipped the heroics on Makeb. Posting my starting amount, and the amount I had after completion of each daily area. Total gain is at bottom.


Start: 685451

Makeb: 781051

Ilum: 877707

Black Hole: 975520

Sec X: 1121402

Vanilla Belsavis: 1363368

CZ: 1422402

Oricon: 1624107

Total Gain: 938656

Edited by Andrellma
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Haven't found the quote yet despite control-f ing through 54 pages of another topic, I'll try again tommorow.





Funny, looking to discredit already? Tell me how long you spent testing this instead of just looking for holes to try and poke in someone else's things (hard for me to "not be concentrating" when the videos were open in the background so all I got was the noise... I spent the entire time focused ingame doing dailes, avoiding all the trash that wasn't quest related and so on).


Well it's not my fault for assuming you WATCHED them when you actually wrote that you WATCHED them...



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


But do tell me how I'm trying to discredit you buy saying that... Even IF you watched them at the same time, I doubt it'd add 4 hours 17 minutes to your time.

Maby you should back away from the topic a bit and re-read what people are saying. Nobody is claiming that you could do it in less than an hour.

In fact, most of us here claim that it cannot be done.

What people posting here are disagreeing with you on is that you claim that it's been claimed by many in the threads about legacy bank and guild ships.

It hasn't.


But then considering you posted this:

So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?


I find it interesting that you went through 54 pages without finding one single claim of it.



Here's the quote in case you don't believe me.

That's the point of being in a guild. You do it together and it takes under an hour to do all dailies. Get on TS and have a laugh while doing it.





I found a claim that a group of 4 people could go through all the dailies in less than an hour in one of the guild ship threads.

But that's the closest I've got to reading anything near what you are claiming that "certain people always claim".

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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One thing that many seem to miss about dailies and weeklies is that doing them all with one character is the dumb way of doing it.


If you have more than one lvl 55 character, you'll only do the most profitable ones in terms of credits per minute spent and then switch to an alt and do it again with that one.

It saves travel time and lets you do the quickest/best dailies more than once per day.


But in no way will that give you more than a million in less than an hour.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Can't find it now, but I swear there was a thread in the last week or two that broke down how many credits you could make per Daily Area and even included a credits-per-hour ratio based on his times (it was only the quest rewards I think).


Or am I thinking of a Reddit thread?


And that poster reposted it in a number of these threads, too.


At least the one I am thinking of was a breakdown of how long it would take a guild of 12 to make 50 million credits. And it wasn't terribly long.


But it wasn't 50 hours!

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I vagly remember someone saying that a guild group could get together and easily get a Million credits for the guild bank (or much more) towards the guild ships in an hour.


Since not only would the dailies go much quicker but 4 of you would be completing the dailies at the same time.

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And that poster reposted it in a number of these threads, too.


At least the one I am thinking of was a breakdown of how long it would take a guild of 12 to make 50 million credits. And it wasn't terribly long.


But it wasn't 50 hours!


A guild of 8 can do it in under 63 hours...per person, simply by running Belsavis, Ilum, and CZ every day for 3 weeks. i posted the breakdown on that in another thread...and was bashed for it because "dailies are boring." Even though when I posted the breakdown, I included a disclaimer that I was not advocating dailies as the best way of gathering credits, and that i was only using daily numbers because people dismissed other means of gathering credits even faster without even considering them.

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And that poster reposted it in a number of these threads, too.


At least the one I am thinking of was a breakdown of how long it would take a guild of 12 to make 50 million credits. And it wasn't terribly long.


But it wasn't 50 hours!


Naah, that wasn't the post he is thinking of. I know which one it is, I just can't find it.


It was just a "this is how much you earn with dailies" type post.

Had nothing to do with guilds or legacy banks or anything like that.


It had how many credits you earned from the missions, how many credits he had earned from loot and how long it took.

I did the credits/minute calculations later in the thread.

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A guild of 8 can do it in under 63 hours...per person, simply by running Belsavis, Ilum, and CZ every day for 3 weeks. i posted the breakdown on that in another thread...and was bashed for it because "dailies are boring." Even though when I posted the breakdown, I included a disclaimer that I was not advocating dailies as the best way of gathering credits, and that i was only using daily numbers because people dismissed other means of gathering credits even faster without even considering them.


You are the one! Were your ears ringing?! :)


Anyways, yes, so you gave us some maths and it wasn't at all what our illustrious OP here is claiming.


Your maths were the most coherent that I recall over the last few weeks.

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I vagly remember someone saying that a guild group could get together and easily get a Million credits for the guild bank (or much more) towards the guild ships in an hour.


Since not only would the dailies go much quicker but 4 of you would be completing the dailies at the same time.


Yeah, I quoted him above (in spoilers).

He never did claim that all 4 would make a million each. But combined they'd definately make a million (I mean oricon gives 200k+ per person so that'd be 800k+ just there. And it wouldn't take long for 4 people to blaze through the weekly on oricon)

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whoever made the ridiculous claim that you can make a mill in less than an hour from only dailies was either a liar or was at 900,000 credits and later noticed after dailies that he was at 1,100,000 credits and thought " like ohmigod I must have made a mil!!".



Also the Makeb weekly quest is where I go typically to make some money (and to solo heroics to make more money), the dailies ain't worth it just the staged weekly is worth something.


I ran nothing but dailies for well over a year and would always make over a Mil a day, plus the boost you get from Iso sales.


How are you still sane!?! :eek: :eek: :eek:

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whoever made the ridiculous claim that you can make a mill in less than an hour from only dailies was either a liar or was at 900,000 credits and later noticed after dailies that he was at 1,100,000 credits and thought " like ohmigod I must have made a mil!!".


Another theory is that nobody actually claimed that and the OP just got that impression when someone made a claim akin to "you can make a million doing dailies easy".

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