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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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You can run dailies in groups of four people. I mean, you can run them in ops groups of 8, sure, but you're losing time regrouping every time a quest takes you to an instanced area.


As for X people making X times as much credits, this isn't the case since the credit drops are divided between members and loot grops trigger the need/greed system. These two factors reduce the amount gained from drops.


I'm thinking the optimal setup for farming dailies would be two people and their two companions. And that's only when they're not ridiculosly overgeared. I prefer "soloing" my dailies. Most people slow me down and mess up my rythm.

Depends on if your group is engaging the same groups of enemies (for kill quests) or going after the same objects (for "click-on-this" quests), as opposed to going after different objectives that are close enough to share completion credit (I love that in Black Hole you get credit from anywhere if a group member is doing the Hypermatter Valves or Supplies quests).


Divide and conquer can significantly speed up quest completion. You're absolutely right of course that the loot/credit drops would not scale directly, but the time saved on quest completion (which is usually the lion's share of the credit payout for Dailies) can be pretty substantial.


I will say though, from a "fun" perspective, I definitely enjoy soloing most Dailies. Soloing the Oricon Heroic quest in particular is something I enjoy for the challenge. (I know I could achieve the same difficulty level on other content by just un-equipping some of my gear, but there's just something about going in fully decked out with the right companion and still having some close calls at times that I find personally entertaining.)

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i don't see neither how a crap guild crowded with casuals should be rewarded by BW with a flagship at a CM mount price..at least have people do something to earn it..be it dailies, ops farm, runs sells, crafting/gtn play..find yourself a funny way to do it.
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Please quote where it was said you could earn one million credits in an hour.


Yep, if anyone said they could earn 1 million credits running dailies in under an hour, it certainly wasn't a commonly stated theory, lol.


For the OP, if you're looking at strictly a credit to time ratio, then running the Makeb staged weekly would be pointless as that has a significantly lesser credit to time ratio than other dailies. Some of those activities intentionally bring in less credits because they give you better comms. Regardless, credits are not difficult to accumulate in this game. You may have spent all of yours but that's a personal problem. I quit running dailies a long time ago and have amassed a ton of credits just from playing the GTN.

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Yep, if anyone said they could earn 1 million credits running dailies in under an hour, it certainly wasn't a commonly stated theory, lol.


For the OP, if you're looking at strictly a credit to time ratio, then running the Makeb staged weekly would be pointless as that has a significantly lesser credit to time ratio than other dailies. Some of those activities intentionally bring in less credits because they give you better comms. Regardless, credits are not difficult to accumulate in this game. You may have spent all of yours but that's a personal problem. I quit running dailies a long time ago and have amassed a ton of credits just from playing the GTN.


Well put. Truth is that there are plenty of ways to make 300k-450k an hour. At that point, Guild Ships aren't out of reach of anyone... merely a battle against time for when you get them.


Edit: Guild Ships used as an example of a high price item; especially the hot button one these days.

Edited by azudelphi
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i don't see neither how a crap guild crowded with casuals should be rewarded by BW with a flagship at a CM mount price..at least have people do something to earn it..be it dailies, ops farm, runs sells, crafting/gtn play..find yourself a funny way to do it.

LOL! Yeah, it should be limited to no-life hardcore players right?

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That's clearly the only guilds that can do it... :rolleyes:

Check the post he was quoting, pretty sure he was just mocking the implications that a guild that can't raise that much easily is a "crap" guild, and/or that being "filled with casuals" is a bad thing in this game.


He was drawing attention to a false dichotomy, not drawing one himself.

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LOL! Yeah, it should be limited to no-life hardcore players right?


everyone gets a participation ribbon right?


Just because they play they should get one right?


Why can't it be something they have to earn, maybe not in a day, or even a month, 3 months, 6 months?


If people REALLY want something, go out and earn it! Don't lower the bar for everyone else, step up and do it yourself.

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I can understand how people miss singular posts in 70-pages threads.


I can't see what you just did there. Almost every single post between the one you are quoting and your own states what the intent behind the words were.


At least try to understand whats going on before you barge in like that. Its common courtesy.

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everyone gets a participation ribbon right?


Just because they play they should get one right?


Why can't it be something they have to earn, maybe not in a day, or even a month, 3 months, 6 months?


If people REALLY want something, go out and earn it! Don't lower the bar for everyone else, step up and do it yourself.

Yeah Doh, I totally agree. Gating content is freaking brilliant. I LOVE IT! I hope every tiny worthless guild out there feels bad and quits, leaving only hardworking, hardcore guilds who deserve it!!!

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I can understand how people miss singular posts in 70-pages threads.


I can't see what you just did there. Almost every single post between the one you are quoting and your own states what the intent behind the words were.


At least try to understand whats going on before you barge in like that. Its common courtesy.


He doesn't care, he just knows he is supposed to argue with me. It's how several posters are here.

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Yeah Doh, I totally agree. Gating content is freaking brilliant. I LOVE IT! I hope every tiny worthless guild out there feels bad and quits, leaving only hardworking, hardcore guilds who deserve it!!!


That's not what people are saying, at least be honest about it TUXs, it isn't all that hard to get the credits if you really want them. Me personally, someone who doesn't even log in every day has almost half that on my own. If a guild that is supposed to be a coordinated group of like minded folks can't work together to get this, then why do they need it? RP purposes? As an RPer myself I dislike this reason, as stated before, if I can get nearly half of it on my own, surely others can do better than me.

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I am 1000% behind Tux's and still find myself disappointed with the community. Nothing new I suppose. If guild ships were just vanity items then go ahead and charge 50 million. But we all know they are not. That 50 million credit cost is gating content to a large majority of the player base. Actual content is being kept out of reach of the overall player base. Before anyone says hard mode and nightmare are too due to difficulty that isn't true. You can still play every ops in story mode which is very accessible. Hard mode and nightmare is just harder, but it isn't like casuals can't ever touch those ops.


I completely agree with the sentiment that we need content in the game that we have to work towards, but this isn't and shouldn't be it. Just like strongholds and Bioware agrees there at least hence why Coruscant is so dirt cheap(5000 credits). The upgrades are what we work towards. Our player banks are free, but the upgrades is what we work towards. This is how the game should operate. Gating content to only those who grind ad nauseum or have been playing for years effectively kills the content on arrival. Yes every single player should have the opportunity to partake in any new content, but each new content should have enhanced forms that need to be worked towards. Why can't we all agree that that is a fair concept that benefits all including Bioware's financials?

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That is exactly what the guy said who sparked my reply - the reply that Dohboy completely misread and missed the point of.


I honestly couldn't figure out what the hell that guy was talking about. I'm not sure what a "CM mount price" is I guess. Or maybe I'm not following the thread, is that what people are asking for, the guild ship to be on the CM?

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I am 1000% behind Tux's and still find myself disappointed with the community. Nothing new I suppose. If guild ships were just vanity items then go ahead and charge 50 million. But we all know they are not. That 50 million credit cost is gating content to a large majority of the player base. Actual content is being kept out of reach of the overall player base. Before anyone says hard mode and nightmare are too due to difficulty that isn't true. You can still play every ops in story mode which is very accessible. Hard mode and nightmare is just harder, but it isn't like casuals can't ever touch those ops.

I posted this in another thread (since there are a half-dozen on the topic), but it seems on-point here, so I'll repost it here:

A major point of contention for those opposed to the price tag is that Guilds are "locked out" of content - the Conquest System - until they acquire a Flag Ship. While I am not at all disputing that the system is "content", I have to ask - do we know anything about what type of content it is?


I ask because my assumption has been that Guilds will "Conquer" planets by parking their ship at that planet and having members do associated content that is already in-game (e.g. you'll Conquer Oricon by having your Guild complete more runs of the Daily quests than any other Guild attempting that planet). Has there been any indication that the system is going to involve anything (other than the rewards) that isn't already playable in-game?


Again, I still think it would count as legitimate content, but content in the same sense as NiMs are content, for example. I'm not personally expecting new quests, mechanics or enemies out of this - just a new system overlaid on top of the existing "stuff" you can already do that will provide new rewards and incentives.

Just to be clear, my analogy to NiMs wasn't trying to say that it will be a higher difficulty mode, or even something designed for a small subset of players, just that it will involve a "new take" with new rewards on existing content, rather than something entirely separate.


The same way when you run NiM Dread Palace you're still going through fundamentally the same progression and seeing the same stuff as in SM (just at a higher difficulty and with different rewards), I would expect that Conquest will have you going through fundamentally the same progression of Daily Quests or whatever other existing content is incorporated (just now it will "count" towards some progression measure that applies to your Guild as a whole and with different rewards).

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I posted this in another thread (since there are a half-dozen on the topic), but it seems on-point here, so I'll repost it here:

You could be right there. Pretty interesting take. I'd prefer new content on top of that ideally, but that still sounds rewarding and very streamlined. I love doing an activity knowing it benefits other things too.

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I posted this in another thread (since there are a half-dozen on the topic), but it seems on-point here, so I'll repost it here:

Dymond, that is EXACTLY what I'm worried it might be. Glad you posted it...I sent my fear via PM to a friend :)

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That is exactly what the guy said who sparked my reply - the reply that Dohboy completely misread and missed the point of.


You just happened to be the spark. Have I been keeping 100% on track of the thread to know every nuance, no.


But the general feel I've gotten over the last few days on this (and other threads) has been "its too expensive"


And there is my stance, Why not have it expensive? Why not make it something that has to be earned? why just give it out day one so that EVERYONE get it, within the first week, gets everything they want in 2 and have it set up the perfect way in 3. Then complain there is nothing to do...


People tend to have a need for immediate gratification and feel that everyone who plays this game should be treated equally. That someone who plays the game for an hour a week should have the same chance as someone who plays 50 hours a week. Guess what, they do, just not on day 1.


A guild with 100 members active and supporting it should be treated differently than a guild of 20 people with half the guild being nothing but alts and inactive accounts.


First guild has earned their right and built their guild up the right way. The latter is either growing or dieing. The former can still get it, but will take time, the latter, probably shouldn't have it anyway since more often than not it will just be a waste.


am I late to the party, maybe, am I a bit feisty on a friday yes, am I fed up with the "make it easier, cheaper, etc. YES I have earned everything I have done, do I feel everyone else should too. YES!


Life is not fair, life is not easy, stop trying to lower the bar for the rest of us just so people don't feel left out, or offended.

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You could be right there. Pretty interesting take. I'd prefer new content on top of that ideally, but that still sounds rewarding and very streamlined. I love doing an activity knowing it benefits other things too.

I definitely would prefer new and separate content as well, I'm just not counting on it.

The core of my question, though, is if the Guild Conquest system is structured as an "overlay" with new incentives/rewards/etc on top of existing content (the existing Daily quests for example) does that change how you feel about it being such a terrible idea to "gate" that system.


Since the distinction you were drawing was that it's okay to have HM/NiM gated since there's still access to SM and the ability to work your way up to HM/NiM, it seems to me if this is how Conquest works, players would still have access to the basic content (e.g. Dailies) and be able to work their way up to the Conquest overlay.


Again, working in the dark here so this is based on some assumptions, but if there is any truly distinct/separate content from what's already available in-game, I would expect that will be what the Personal Conquest (which doesn't require a Guild Ship) provides access to as well.

Edited by DarthDymond
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You just happened to be the spark. Have I been keeping 100% on track of the thread to know every nuance, no.


Life is not fair, life is not easy, stop trying to lower the bar for the rest of us just so people don't feel left out, or offended.

This is a video game DOH. It's entertainment. I want everyone who is playing this game to enjoy the new content.

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