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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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Yes. Because its completely unreasonable for someone to care about others being able to buy that guild ship they've wanted for years.


Not everyone is an egoist.


Another way to show you care about others' ability to acquire the guild flagship is to explain to them how your guild managed to "impossible" task of acquiring the credits and helping them learn, through advice, how to do it themselves.


Set your ego aside and help the "little guy" up to your level. Just a thought.


Sharing the knowledge and wealth > baseless complaining.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Does nobody's actually steps backs?


It's a game and people are discussing how making money, the fastest possible way.


It reminds me the holocron grind in SW. How it totally ruined the game.

Instead of focusing on what players like to do mostly everyone ended grinding stuff they loathed.


Such game design can totally ruin a game.

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Yes. Because its completely unreasonable for someone to care about others being able to buy that guild ship they've wanted for years.


Not everyone is an egoist.


You would not be so involved in the conversation were that the case. Indeed you wouldn't reject all the helpful advice in this thread on how said others could make money to get the ship they've "wanted for years" were that truly what's going on here.


No, you're not so selfless after all.

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Does nobody's actually steps backs?


It's a game and people are discussing how making money, the fastest possible way.


It reminds me the holocron grind in SW. How it totally ruined the game.

Instead of focusing on what players like to do mostly everyone ended grinding stuff they loathed.


Such game design can totally ruin a game.


You don't have to "grind" parts of the game you loathe. Every single thing you do to play the game generates profitable credits (unless you really suck at raiding but love it nonetheless). You can acquire the guild ship through whatever avenue you find most enjoyable. The only variable is time.

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You would not be so involved in the conversation were that the case. Indeed you wouldn't reject all the helpful advice in this thread on how said others could make money to get the ship they've "wanted for years" were that truly what's going on here.


No, you're not so selfless after all.


You are just spitting out assumptions, now. You don't know me, and I'd be thankful if you stopped pretending differently.

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Does nobody's actually steps backs?


It's a game and people are discussing how making money, the fastest possible way.


It reminds me the holocron grind in SW. How it totally ruined the game.

Instead of focusing on what players like to do mostly everyone ended grinding stuff they loathed.


Such game design can totally ruin a game.


Well, considering the thread was created by someone to disprive something that he had imagined in the first place, I don't think this is the place to discuss anything except the OP's possible imaginings.

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And while the debate rages on here, my guild and a few others that I know of, have raised more than enough creds to get their ships. How it was done varies by individual as well as how much was donated by each. These guilds are small to medium btw. No huge active membership in any of them.


The real myth busted is that 50 mil is too much of a hardship or a gate to acquire a Capital Ship. As more and more guilds get their ships squared away, the less relevant this discussion becomes.


Done and dusted, ready to travel to our first planet.

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And while the debate rages on here, my guild and a few others that I know of, have raised more than enough creds to get their ships. How it was done varies by individual as well as how much was donated by each. These guilds are small to medium btw. No huge active membership in any of them.


The real myth busted is that 50 mil is too much of a hardship or a gate to acquire a Capital Ship. As more and more guilds get their ships squared away, the less relevant this discussion becomes.


Done and dusted, ready to travel to our first planet.


Yeah, I had organized a group run of dailies to get money for the guild ship today, but when I logged on we had already raised the money.

It's not exactly a huge effort.

And there's maby 20-30 active players in that guild.

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And while the debate rages on here, my guild and a few others that I know of, have raised more than enough creds to get their ships. How it was done varies by individual as well as how much was donated by each. These guilds are small to medium btw. No huge active membership in any of them.


The real myth busted is that 50 mil is too much of a hardship or a gate to acquire a Capital Ship. As more and more guilds get their ships squared away, the less relevant this discussion becomes.


Done and dusted, ready to travel to our first planet.




Well done! Should they lower Flagship prices like it looks like they may be lowering the cost of other things, then my guild will have an easier time getting in the door and you will have more to use toward upgrades.


We all win!

Edited by TheBBP
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Does anyone remember the good old days, when the 600k acquisition fee for a guild bank was going to ruin the game, cause everything to shut down, guilds to disband, earthquakes, tidal waves, and meteor strikes?


I sure didn't, but some threads from these very forums brought it all back.


I wonder how many guilds disbanded over guild bank costs, and how many will disband over stronghold and flagship costs...








By the way, what does the entry point to guild banks cost today?

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Does anyone remember the good old days, when the 600k acquisition fee for a guild bank was going to ruin the game, cause everything to shut down, guilds to disband, earthquakes, tidal waves, and meteor strikes?


I sure didn't, but some threads from these very forums brought it all back.


I wonder how many guilds disbanded over guild bank costs, and how many will disband over stronghold and flagship costs...








By the way, what does the entry point to guild banks cost today?


Guild bank entry fee is fine. The price of the additional tabs vs their value (I only speak for myself) is absurd. My guild only has the one tab. Alt mules with all 5 bank tabs are cheaper and only take a minor inconvenience to deal with.

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Well done! Should they lower Flagship prices like it looks like they may be lowering the cost of other things, then my guild will have an easier time getting in the door and you will have more to use toward upgrades.


We all win!


Yup. That works too.

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Does anyone remember the good old days, when the 600k acquisition fee for a guild bank was going to ruin the game, cause everything to shut down, guilds to disband, earthquakes, tidal waves, and meteor strikes?


I sure didn't, but some threads from these very forums brought it all back.


I wonder how many guilds disbanded over guild bank costs, and how many will disband over stronghold and flagship costs...








By the way, what does the entry point to guild banks cost today?


I especially like that first link in reference to all the "they've never charged 50 mil for anything before!" comments :D

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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


Lol ...... you crazy or something .......?

If you want to attempt to discredit the irrefutable FACT that credits are easy to get please don't post such nonsense as running anything related to Makeb/GSI.

Also if I may ask have you taken into account the credit gains of vendoring / selling pieces on GTN? Have you bought isotopes which you sold on the GTN with the basic comms you got?


Anyways ......... I don't think ANYONE agrees that dailies are the best way to make money.


Ohw and btw ...?

If you are desperate for cash go run the CZ dailies. It takes 6 minutes per toon which equals to 10 toons in 1 hour (maybe 9 if you are slow with loading/relogging). I got on average around 80k credits if I would incorporate the drops. In 1 hour you get around 700k-800k credits depending on luck (not counting the ******** of basic comms).


If you still want to be ignorant feel free but at least do some proper research instead of visiting planets / doing dailies with abysmal credit/hour gains.


Sry to say but you busted your own myth mate .... :rolleyes:

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And while the debate rages on here, my guild and a few others that I know of, have raised more than enough creds to get their ships. How it was done varies by individual as well as how much was donated by each. These guilds are small to medium btw. No huge active membership in any of them.


The real myth busted is that 50 mil is too much of a hardship or a gate to acquire a Capital Ship. As more and more guilds get their ships squared away, the less relevant this discussion becomes.


Done and dusted, ready to travel to our first planet.


Same here. We got without any issues our guildbank from 52 mil to over 70 mil by disabling repairfunds and selling all mats on GTN. Also some of us are donating the money gain from TfB/Scum runs to the gbank. Btw, this was done in about 1,5 / 2 weeks time.

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Might not be best to use examples of possible poor design decisions prior to the new team taking over, considering the game was rocketing into oblivion back then and I would speculate that decisions like the guild bank tab cost could have contributed to the fall.
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Might not be best to use examples of possible poor design decisions prior to the new team taking over, considering the game was rocketing into oblivion back then and I would speculate that decisions like the guild bank tab cost could have contributed to the fall.


Well I think he was pointing out that at one time 600k was considered "super-expensive" by alot of people.

But the economy chages and people accumulate money over time.

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Might not be best to use examples of possible poor design decisions prior to the new team taking over, considering the game was rocketing into oblivion back then and I would speculate that decisions like the guild bank tab cost could have contributed to the fall.


I seriously doubt the 600k guild bank cost contributed to any sort of fall. But the themes across those threads look a lot like what we're seeing now, doesn't it?


I wonder if in 6 or 12 months we're all going to think 50 mil is as huge an impact as 600k is now... that is to say, negligible.


The simple truth is that they could have priced it at 25 to 30 mil and there would still be exactly the same wailing and gnashing of teeth, then begging for it to be 12 or 15. Even by the people suggesting that 25 to 30 mil would be just fine right now. No matter the price, unless it was trivial or free, the same people would lodge the same complaints.

Edited by DarthTHC
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The simple truth is that they could have priced it at 25 to 30 mil and there would still be exactly the same wailing and gnashing of teeth, then begging for it to be 12 or 15. Even by the people suggesting that 25 to 30 mil would be just fine right now. No matter the price, unless it was trivial or free, the same people would lodge the same complaints.




It could be 5 million and people would be complaining they want it to be 2 million. No matter what the announced cost, people will want it for half what you say.


It makes me wonder if that's part of the plan. Release the 50 million price tag and then lower it to 25 later to look like heroes, as opposed to releasing the price at 25 and leaving it stand. :p

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What matters is that enough people have spoken and changes are being made. Not every wheel that squeaks around here gets greased. This was a big deal. It affected a lot of people. Edited by TheBBP
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There are a few around these forums that talk about those of us who wanted a lower entry point like we were some lazy and undeserved mooches. With talk that prices are going down, drastically in some cases, the same few people are appearing ultra bitter about it. It is starting to look like "Special Snowflake" syndrome.


It's like the guild ships were a ticket to their being a Special Snowflake and if more people get access to it, they become less special.

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There are a few around these forums that talk about those of us who wanted a lower entry point like we were some lazy and undeserved mooches. With talk that prices are going down, drastically in some cases, the same few people are appearing ultra bitter about it. It is starting to look like "Special Snowflake" syndrome.


It's like the guild ships were a ticket to their being a Special Snowflake and if more people get access to it, they become less special.


Not me, I just don't think 50 million was that big of a deal to come up with. If my personal wealth in game, as someone who doesn't even log in everyday, is over 30 million, I just don't think 50 is that difficult to come up with, but it's getting lowered so hooray for that I guess.

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