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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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Why do you think your opinion of what other people's arguments "was about" are at all relevant?

Heck, you aren't even the OP.


Considering I was not refering to the OP, I'm not certain what your comment is attempting to achieve.


I'm seeing that already, by the way. My sales are way down from where they were only a couple of weeks ago, and I'm seeing a lot more competition on the GTN. I'm still making my credits, but I'm tempted to go do dailies once or twice a week.


I imagine things will stay about the same over the next few months until the new expansion.


Yep, same here. I'm pretty much considering to just hoard my mats and hope prices will go up due to the various prefab requirements, but given the saving spree, I'm not sure it'll work.


Then again, worst case would be me having lots of deco-crafting mats to spare...

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Considering I was not refering to the OP, I'm not certain what your comment is attempting to achieve.




Yep, same here. I'm pretty much considering to just hoard my mats and hope prices will go up due to the various prefab requirements, but given the saving spree, I'm not sure it'll work.


Then again, worst case would be me having lots of deco-crafting mats to spare...


That's pretty much the conclusion that I've come to, at the moment.


Sending you a PM regarding something else on the GTN.

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So...in other words...


A guild with 50+ active members could get the amount needed for the guild ship in one day if everyone did a daily run.

A guild with less active members (let's say 25) would need 2-3 days.


Oh the horror of not getting something the second it becomes available for purchase!


Yes...that sounds so horrible


Edited by TheNahash
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I stand corrected then. You're not being obtuse. You're just a negative Nancy that has nothing better to do than piss in your own bowl of Wheaties. Have fun wallowing in your own pity.


Not at all. Very few things have been done in this game that have brought out my negative side. This is one of them, however. It's an artificial gate that has caused a game disruption as people stop whatever it was that they were doing for fun in order to amass huge amounts of credits in order to unlock the content.


I'm still waiting to see how you can make a "quasi-sandbox" out of endlessly running dailies. Seriously, since we will be doing this non-stop until both our Imperial and Republic guild banks hit 200 million I'll take any suggestion to make the boredom go away.


And yes, I've started warehousing things that used to sell well because of the prices dropping below the value I've set for them. Mk-9 kits, various materials, rare CM items...all of them are dropping in price due to undercutting by people looking for the quick sale.


I've actually been buying some things that are historically way, way under valued and holding on to them for later. Only time will tell if the market will bounce back.

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Not at all. Very few things have been done in this game that have brought out my negative side. This is one of them, however. It's an artificial gate that has caused a game disruption as people stop whatever it was that they were doing for fun in order to amass huge amounts of credits in order to unlock the content.


I'm still waiting to see how you can make a "quasi-sandbox" out of endlessly running dailies. Seriously, since we will be doing this non-stop until both our Imperial and Republic guild banks hit 200 million I'll take any suggestion to make the boredom go away.


And yes, I've started warehousing things that used to sell well because of the prices dropping below the value I've set for them. Mk-9 kits, various materials, rare CM items...all of them are dropping in price due to undercutting by people looking for the quick sale.


I've actually been buying some things that are historically way, way under valued and holding on to them for later. Only time will tell if the market will bounce back.


I believe we will be having a new crafting level introduced so things like MK-9 kits will potentially be replaced by the next tier along with new mats and missions (crafting level 500). So the level 9 will go the way of the old level 6/7/8 mats.


that being said, new strongholds will accept different levels of mats (16/12/8) but I wouldn't expect things like MK-9 kits or current augments to increase in value mainly since they will probably be replaced.

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I believe we will be having a new crafting level introduced so things like MK-9 kits will potentially be replaced by the next tier along with new mats and missions (crafting level 500). So the level 9 will go the way of the old level 6/7/8 mats.


that being said, new strongholds will accept different levels of mats (16/12/8) but I wouldn't expect things like MK-9 kits or current augments to increase in value mainly since they will probably be replaced.


No, I'm staying away from level related items like Mk-9s when looking at undervalued items to purchase. Mostly dealing with mats with the occasionally low priced CM item thrown in.

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Edit: Adding my own numbers from the last time I ran this. Mine took me less than 4 hours, though I should note that I did not do any weeklies, no GSI, and skipped the heroics on Makeb. Posting my starting amount, and the amount I had after completion of each daily area. Total gain is at bottom.


Start: 685451

Makeb: 781051

Ilum: 877707

Black Hole: 975520

Sec X: 1121402

Vanilla Belsavis: 1363368

CZ: 1422402

Oricon: 1624107

Total Gain: 938656


For guild farming purposes, multiply by whatever number of people you have running at the same time. I suggest having 4-8 groups of 2 running the dailies at the same time, to maximize total profit.



Also, how did you only gain ~94k from all of that?

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For guild farming purposes, multiply by whatever number of people you have running at the same time. I suggest having 4-8 groups of 2 running the dailies at the same time, to maximize total profit.



Also, how did you only gain ~94k from all of that?

Look again, it was almost 940k, not 94k.

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Still. he had something like 4 or 5 mil in that list.... Even repair costs don't pull that much, afaik.


It looks like they were just adding to the previous total, so it was 100k here 94k there until they ended with the 1.5 million total from 600k, so around 900k earned over the course of the adventure.

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Still. he had something like 4 or 5 mil in that list.... Even repair costs don't pull that much, afaik.

Look again... again. :p


His list included his starting Credit Count of over 600k (so he wasn't starting from zero) and every total listed after a planet was his current running total, not the amount he got from that planet in particular.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Look again... again. :p


His list included his starting Credit Count of over 600k (so he wasn't starting from zero) and every total listed after a planet was his current running total, not the amount he got from that planet in particular.


Oh. Sorry. Small text.

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I don't recall exactly when the comment was made or by who, but I think I saw something pertaining to what the OP is saying in one of the threads about how to make credits. Some people were gloating about what he's talking about. If I recall right.
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Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Why on earth would you do this? WHY!!! :rolleyes:


I can understand if you were trying to maximise Basic Commendations to convert to Isotope 5, but original dailies? What an utter waste of time. You do know Dulfy has a break down of the dailies and weeklies right? Credit rewards and commendations included :p




The only ones worth doing on a daily basis (if you are so inclined and don't have a better way of making credits).


Oricon Dailies

74728 Credits + 22 Basic Commendations


Oricon Weekly

15714 Credits + 20 Basic Commendations


GSI Weekly (Do the Makeb + Tatooine Heroics only over five seperate days)

136200 Credits (plus whatever the weekly is worth) + 40 Basic Commendation for the Heroics + 20 Basic Commendations for the weekly.


Makeb weekly isn't worth the time or effort for the rewards given in my honest opinion. Don't bother with it. Waste of time. However that said, if you're going there for the GSI Heroic, do the Makeb Heroic missions. Over five days that works out at another 136230 Credits and 40 Basic Commendations.


Over 5 days


Oricon = 389354 Credits + 130 Basic Commendations

GSI Missions = 136200 + weekly credit value + 60 Basic Commendations

Makeb Heroics = 136230 + 40 Basic Commendations


Total = 661784 Credits (+GSI Weekly Credits) + 230 Basic Commendations (6 Isotope 5)


Oricon shouldn't be taking more than 30 minutes tops, Makeb Heroics about 30 depending on how well geared you are and Tatooine GSI 10 minutes tops. About an hour a day for at least 1000000 Credits (not including vendor trash). Honestly, I have zero idea of why anyone would want to do this type of thing on a daily basis, unless it was to test your sanity? There are much better ways of making credits :p

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I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained.


No, you don't. You pay $15 to get the stuff that EA's Terms of Service lists.


There is no guarantee of fun, or even enjoyment.


See also: Movies. You pay for a ticket to a movie. For that payment, you get to watch a movie. There is no guarantee of fun or entertainment. Try going to a theater, watching a whole movie, then demanding to have your money back because the movie wasn't fun enough for you.


Your $15 --like the movie ticket-- pays for access. Or in the new F2P environment: preferential access with perks. Enjoyment is up to you.


I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


You can expect to be entertained, but the devs don't need to come up with things to entertain you.


Again: Your payment does not come with a guarantee of entertainment. They aren't required to ensure you have fun, just as you are not required to pay them. In both cases, it is up to you.


This new idea that paying for a game entitles you (and yes, that is exactly the word I intend) to enjoyment is an ultimately childish idea, and it is one of the factors that is driving down gaming quality (from the large producers at least).

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Then again, if the movie is bad, and the next movie is bad, eventually, you are going to consider not paying for the next movie anymore.


Its sort of similar of me being very careful what single player games I buy at full cost these days - I need to be very convinced that I'm getting my money's worth before spending it.


It's not so much that Bioware has to guarantee entertainment... but in the long term, that entertainment should be provided to remain in business, or people will eventually take their money elsewhere.

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And on an interesting side note. There is an uptick of players and instances in the dailies areas. So... it seems there are some who most likely have no idea there is a controversy and will blindly have a capital ship at launch. Imagine their outrage when they find out that they weren't supposed to so easily.
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I don't have a position on the actual topic of this thread, but I have to admit I think there's some arguing just for the sake of arguing going on, here. I don't know how anyone could say we pay $15/month to not be entertained. Yes, the level of entertainment varies by user, but there IS an expectation of entertainment, irregardless. The movie analogy I'm not seeing, yes I pay a ticket to see a movie, the movie could be good or terrible. And in fact, if you complain, you can even try to get your money back. But in any event, that was a one time deal. It's more like having a subscription to anything, whether it be a magazine or an online streaming service or your ISP for that matter.....if the customer is not entertained by the service (or in the ISP example, satisfied with the service), they will stop paying the monthly fee. It is afterall a game, and who plays any game not expecting to be entertained by it? The only people who play a game not for entertainment but as a job, are professionals who get paid to play it. Who here gets paid to play SWTOR? If you do, I am jealous!


Anyway, jmho.....The conversation at hand here is two-fold, it seems. Is making the 50m possible? Yes / No Seems to be yes. And if yes, are you having fun doing it, or does it feel like another job? Again, this seems to vary by user, and it's been interesting to read how those make it fun, that's been the most interesting part of this thread for me. it's all about perception and what you individually make of it while doing it.


In that regard, I do think it's good to make it something of a goal for a guild to strive for and obtain. It will probably make it even better knowing that you worked hard for it. ;)

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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No, you don't. You pay $15 to get the stuff that EA's Terms of Service lists.


There is no guarantee of fun, or even enjoyment.


Spoken like a true lawyer...


I pay $15 a month to be entertained, that is my goal. If I am no longer entertained, I'll stop paying.


That is the reality of the situation.

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I don't have a position on the actual topic of this thread, but I have to admit I think there's some arguing just for the sake of arguing going on, here. I don't know how anyone could say we pay $15/month to not be entertained.


No one said we pay money to not be entertained. I pointed out that there is no guarantee of entertainment, in response to someone who implied that the developers were obligated to give him stuff that entertained him simply because he paid $15. The difference is subtle, perhaps, but it is somewhat important:


Paying money for a service does not obligate the service providers to give you what you want or ensure that you are happy.


Instead, it is the other way around: You should not pay for a service that doesn't give you what you want. The point here is simple: You are the one who has the choice.


There are a lot of people who feel like paying $15 a month gives them the right to demand to have their preferences and opinions be realized. Or perhaps they feel that they should be continually given more than what they agreed on. Or perhaps they feel it obligates the service provider to personally respond to their questions. In the vast majority of cases, none of these are true. You choose to pay the $15, and you know what you're getting. If you don't like it, you can choose not to pay the $15. Simple.


You don't like the movie analogy? How about this:


Imagine that I subscribe to HBO. I pay my $15 a month, and HBO gives me entertainment. What do you think HBO would say if I walked into their headquarters and demanded that they start showing more of the movies that I like? What if I said that I wanted them to have 90% of the movies be new releases, because I paid my subscription and I expect them to make sure that I'm entertained? If I am bored with the movies they are playing, should I continue paying for the service while demanding that my lack of enjoyment is the service's fault for not going out of its way to give me what I want?


Yes, they should try to make an entertaining service. Yes, you pay with the expectation of being entertained. But the fact that you pay does not obligate them to cater to you, or anyone. They should try to make the most entertaining service they can for all of their customers. Your opinion of what is entertaining is just one voice in a vast crowd and any of their plans to entertain you still need to be tempered by the harsh realities of development timelines, resource availability, and budgets. A service that goes out of business isn't entertaining to anyone.

Edited by Malastare
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No one said we pay money to not be entertained. I pointed out that there is no guarantee of entertainment, in response to someone who implied that the developers were obligated to give him stuff that entertained him simply because he paid $15. The difference is subtle, perhaps, but it is somewhat important:


Paying money for a service does not obligate the service providers to give you what you want or ensure that you are happy.


Instead, it is the other way around: You should not pay for a service that doesn't give you what you want. The point here is simple: You are the one who has the choice.

I feel like you're making a lot out of a phrasing issue, then.


"I pay $15/month so I demand [X]" is, in terms of actual content being communicated, the same as saying "I am letting it be known that if they don't give me/us [X], I am going to stop paying my $15/month". Contrasting the two is drawing a distinction without a difference - it's the same idea, just being communicated through a different choice of words.


If he had been saying or implying that he meant "They didn't give me/us [X], so I am going to sue them" then, yes, that would be a relevant distinction between what is guaranteed in exchange for his $15/month.

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I feel like you're making a lot out of a phrasing issue, then.


"I pay $15/month so I demand [X]" is, in terms of actual content being communicated, the same as saying "I am letting it be known that if they don't give me/us [X], I am going to stop paying my $15/month". Contrasting the two is drawing a distinction without a difference - it's the same idea, just being communicated through a different choice of words.


If he had been saying or implying that he meant "They didn't give me/us [X], so I am going to sue them" then, yes, that would be a relevant distinction between what is guaranteed in exchange for his $15/month.


The bottom line is you're paying $15 for the game as it is now, not how you would like it to be. When it no longer becomes the game you want to be playing, you should stop paying. Unfortunately some people think coming here and whining about it is the right thing to do.

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