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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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I see.


So we, as the customers, are responsible for our own fun now?


I chat with guildmates all the time, sure doesn't make grinding the same crap over and over fun. I think the word you are looking for it "tolerable".


And time...well, time is dependent on a number of things. Can you talk guildies into doing something inherently not fun in order to make the un-fun activity take up less time so you can go and do something you enjoy?


I feel sorry for people that find endlessly running the same dailies over and over again fun.


I feel sorry for people that feel the need to belittle other people's idea of fun.

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Yeah, but then there's the short-short dailies like CZ that take 15 minutes or so and earn you around 60k.

Not too shabby for something you can do waiting for queues to pop.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I still slum in Black Hole (SUPER EASY CREDITS) and do CZ-198 and Oricon because I have a rhythm with them and they go fast for me and quite frankly, I need the comms too.. I at least do those once a day. I usually skip the heroics but make sure to do them at least once to get the weekly in. Every few days I will toss in Section X. I hate the place, but the credits are good.

Edited by TheBBP
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Each daily area should only take you ~20 minutes to finish.


BS you can. You can't even blow out all of Czerka in 20 minutes (assuming you're including the FP/Heroic or whatever it is), and that's the easiest planet to finish fast imo.



Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


5 Hours a Day of daily grinding, for One million credits each day. I don't even have time to play 5 hours a day, and I play every day.


Not going to happen. Just shoot me now.

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With all the talk of grinding dailies for...however many credits you earn...


When you grind these dailies, are you having fun? Do you find it enjoyable to be forced to do something that isn't fun just to enjoy some new content?


It isn't how easy or hard earning credits is, it's about how fun doing things in game is. If something isn't fun, the game (and the game's developers) shouldn't encourage that activity.


As a rule, I don't grind dailies. Not for cash, and not daily. But I will do dailies for reputation - I've maxed Oricon and Czerka, for example.


When I did that, I did each one maybe 2-3 times per week.


Whenever I play, I'm also looking for more efficient, quicker, and sometimes even more entertaining ways to do things.


In the early going, I'm just learning the patterns. How do I kill the mobs, which mobs in groups have to die first, what has to be interrupted, what are the safe paths around mobs, etc. Figuring out those patterns is fun for me. Plus I'm still playing the game - still seeing stuff, completing quests, fighting mobs, sometimes even with a group.


Later on is where I really try to kick in the efficiency. I'll experiment with different companions. I'll try slightly different strategies. I'll try to sneak by some groups that I don't particularly like to get to easier ones, that sort of thing. Basically, now that I have the pattern down cold, what can I do to improve how I run it?


Finally, once I can do it with my eyes closed and drunk on half a bottle of Jack Daniels, THEN it starts to get boring. I might do "stupid" things like pulling more groups than I think I can handle or pulling a group plus a champion and seeing what happens. But by the time I get to that point, I'm pretty close to done with rep so I'm almost at the last time I'll run the area. I've probably already slowed to once per week. It's not a big deal.


Plus that "stupid stuff" time is great for me, as a tank, to make sure I can react quickly and correctly with my cool-downs for when stuff goes sideways in ops, when it really matters.


The other way they're fun for me is to do them in a group of guild-mates. We fire up voice, group up, and don't even care what we run through on our path around the daily area, because nothing can possibly pose a threat. Here, we're having fun not because the game poses a challenge (as it would in a HM or NiM op), but because we're blowing off steam and shooting the breeze while doing it.


So the TL;DR answer to, "Are dailies fun?" is, "Yes, they can be. It depends on your outlook, how you do them, and what you care to make of them." Just like any other aspect of life, I guess. You can make it suck or you can make it fun. I mean, I don't hate my job either, even though it's a "job". :eek:

Edited by DarthTHC
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I take it you have no issues watching bad movies then as long as your with friends?


I mean, don't get me wrong - I can see the fun in it, on occasion. But after dozens of hours, the novelty wears off pretty quick. If a cinema keeps showing bad movies, I'll eventually decide to no longer spend money on them.

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I take it you have no issues watching bad movies then as long as your with friends?


I mean, don't get me wrong - I can see the fun in it, on occasion. But after dozens of hours, the novelty wears off pretty quick. If a cinema keeps showing bad movies, I'll eventually decide to no longer spend money on them.


Then you find something else to do as a group. Tired of movies? Go play some video games. Tired of games? Go for a road trip to the beach.


Tired of Dailies? Go do Operations as a group. Tired of Ops? Go do PVP as a group. Tired of PVP? Go do old Heroics as a group.

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I see.

I feel sorry for people that find endlessly running the same dailies over and over again fun.


Why? Is it offensive to you that other people can enjoy something you find boring? Or maybe you just dislike people who have enough creativity that they can play an MMO that is "on rails" in a manner that allows them to create a small quasi-sandbox out of the existing content? Do you think these people have some form of defect that you find gross or disgusting?


I feel sorry for people who can't think outside of the box once in a while.

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Your $15 a month gets you perk-filled access to the servers. Finding fun is all on you, bro.


No, it isn't.


I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained. I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


In the process of coming up with new entertainment, they should take into account the simple fact that their product is a game that needs to be fun in order to continue to drag my 15 bucks a month from my wallet to theirs.


So no, my 15 bucks doesn't just pay for access to their servers because I won't pay money for something that doesn't entertain me and it isn't my responsibility to find my own entertainment in the product designed for entertainment.

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Then you find something else to do as a group. Tired of movies? Go play some video games. Tired of games? Go for a road trip to the beach.


Tired of Dailies? Go do Operations as a group. Tired of Ops? Go do PVP as a group. Tired of PVP? Go do old Heroics as a group.


What does any of this have to do with running dailies to earn credits to unlock content?


You have a problem staying focused on the discussion at hand. Ops and PvP won't earn you credits like dailies. I'd love to have the 50 million credit price tag dropped down to a reasonable 15 or 20 million so that running other content would be enough to pay for it.

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No, it isn't.


I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained. I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


In the process of coming up with new entertainment, they should take into account the simple fact that their product is a game that needs to be fun in order to continue to drag my 15 bucks a month from my wallet to theirs.


So no, my 15 bucks doesn't just pay for access to their servers because I won't pay money for something that doesn't entertain me and it isn't my responsibility to find my own entertainment in the product designed for entertainment.


It's a game. You have to do something to be entertained. It's not like TV or a movie or a... pros... nah... where you can just sit there and have the "fun" come at you.


You have to take an action and you have to decide what action to take to find your fun. In that regard, yes, absolutely, even though you pay your $15 per month, the fun you have (or not) is entirely on you.


If you can't find entertainment value in the game, you should stop playing it.


What does any of this have to do with running dailies to earn credits to unlock content?


You have a problem staying focused on the discussion at hand. Ops and PvP won't earn you credits like dailies. I'd love to have the 50 million credit price tag dropped down to a reasonable 15 or 20 million so that running other content would be enough to pay for it.


If you can run S&V without dying, try it. Better than dailies.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I take it you have no issues watching bad movies then as long as your with friends?


I mean, don't get me wrong - I can see the fun in it, on occasion. But after dozens of hours, the novelty wears off pretty quick. If a cinema keeps showing bad movies, I'll eventually decide to no longer spend money on them.


Well, no.

I don't mind watching bad movies with friends.

It's alot of fun to point out how bad it is and laugh at all the crappy lines and actors.


But then again, this isn't the same as a cinema showing only bad movies.

After all, nobody's paying to do dailies.

We're paying to play the game and have fun. Dailies is just a side activity that allows us to garner a bit of extra cash should we feel that we need it.

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No, it isn't.


I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained. I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


In the process of coming up with new entertainment, they should take into account the simple fact that their product is a game that needs to be fun in order to continue to drag my 15 bucks a month from my wallet to theirs.


So no, my 15 bucks doesn't just pay for access to their servers because I won't pay money for something that doesn't entertain me and it isn't my responsibility to find my own entertainment in the product designed for entertainment.


Then you're expecting way too much for your $15. It's no surprise that you're chronically disappointed. Your money gains you access to the servers and some perks and the opportunity to find your own fun.

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No, it isn't.


I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained. I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


In the process of coming up with new entertainment, they should take into account the simple fact that their product is a game that needs to be fun in order to continue to drag my 15 bucks a month from my wallet to theirs.


So no, my 15 bucks doesn't just pay for access to their servers because I won't pay money for something that doesn't entertain me and it isn't my responsibility to find my own entertainment in the product designed for entertainment.


Ah, but the difference here seems to be that you believe that you are paying the developers to come up with fun stuff for you to do.

That's not the way it works. The developers come up with fun stuff, and THEN you pay to be allowed to partake of said stuff.


It's kinda like how a movie works.

You don't pay the movie maker to make a movie you'll like.

You pay the movie maker to watch his movie and hopefully, you'll like it.

And if you know beforehand that you won't like it, you won't pay to watch it.

Just like if you are not having fun in this game any more, you stop paying to play it.

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Sometimes I spend much longer than that playing, just so I don't have to listen to the old hairy Italian sitting on my couch prattling on about inane things. I can just go 'Uh huh, that's interesting dear. Can you get me some more iced tea?'


He brings you ice tea? Now, that is good training. Can you make him do stuff with just hand signals?

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It's a game. You have to do something to be entertained. It's not like TV or a movie or a... pros... nah... where you can just sit there and have the "fun" come at you.


You have to take an action and you have to decide what action to take to find your fun. In that regard, yes, absolutely, even though you pay your $15 per month, the fun you have (or not) is entirely on you.


If you can't find entertainment value in the game, you should stop playing it.




If you can run S&V without dying, try it. Better than dailies.

TFB is amazing for making credits. SnV isn't bad. DF and DP aren't bad, either.


But, TFB is best. And if you do it as a guild, you can sell the MMGs and EEEs that drop. Hell, if you're good, you can farm HMs and do gear runs for non-guildies and charge them. A number of guilds on my server would run you through a full clear of HM DF or DP and charge you 5mil per set piece and 10mil for mainhand.

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No, it isn't.


I pay 15 bucks a month to be entertained. I expect to continue to be entertained as I continue to pay my subscription which means that the developers have to keep coming up with new things for me to be entertained by.


In the process of coming up with new entertainment, they should take into account the simple fact that their product is a game that needs to be fun in order to continue to drag my 15 bucks a month from my wallet to theirs.


So no, my 15 bucks doesn't just pay for access to their servers because I won't pay money for something that doesn't entertain me and it isn't my responsibility to find my own entertainment in the product designed for entertainment.


Your $15 just entitles you to access the servers and the content that is in the game. Actually you get most of that for free, now. The $15 just reduces some of the headaches and gives you some "free" cartel coins each month.


It is up to the devs how they use that money to keep you playing. But it is not your right to demand anything more than what you already get for your $15.


The smart devs will attempt to put in what will appeal to the broadest range of players (or attract the most new ones/old ones back). Failing that, what will bring in the most money via their cash shop (which already brings them in more than subscription money). That may or may not have anything to do with your own personal desires for what goes in the game.


All THAT said...I despise dailies too as a mechanism. And I blame WOW for that :p

Edited by hadoken
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Why? Is it offensive to you that other people can enjoy something you find boring? Or maybe you just dislike people who have enough creativity that they can play an MMO that is "on rails" in a manner that allows them to create a small quasi-sandbox out of the existing content? Do you think these people have some form of defect that you find gross or disgusting?


I feel sorry for people who can't think outside of the box once in a while.


***? What box? What sandbox?


If you are going to claim to be able to magically make running the same dailies over and over again a "quasi-sandbox" you'd better be able to back that up with some particulars, because even people who don't care about the argument are going to want to know how to do that.


What I find "gross and disgusting" is people so far up the backside of EA/BW that they are championing people doing boring crap over and over in order to unlock new content that is priced at an unreasonable level to any sane and right thinking being.


If you find a complete lack of challenge and endless repetition fun, good on you, but understand that most people don't. Otherwise, you would stop seeing any innovation in MMO's and new content would be completely unnecessary. The forums wouldn't be filled with posts from people wanting new content. Most important, people would stop caring about the game.


I have more than enough creativity, and no amount of creativity will make repetition fun.

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He brings you ice tea? Now, that is good training. Can you make him do stuff with just hand signals?


Sometimes :p


but, he generally isn't looking so I have to throw things at him. He listens to me about as much as I listen to him, knowing someone for nearly 25 years does that I guess.

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Well, no.

I don't mind watching bad movies with friends.

It's alot of fun to point out how bad it is and laugh at all the crappy lines and actors.


Thats why I said that I could see merit in it on occasion - but eventually, the novelty wears off. As fun as the occasional trash is, eventually its grows boring, and I want something else. Its similar to dailies that way - I did Ilum a bit during the event and had fun, because I hadnt done so in a while. But after the event, I'm quite happy not to do them for a bit.


We're paying to play the game and have fun. Dailies is just a side activity that allows us to garner a bit of extra cash should we feel that we need it.


63 hours per person in an 8-man guild to pay the initial cost of a guild ship is no 'side activity', and any content locked behind 63 hours of dailies should be swiftly reevaluated.

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Your $15 just entitles you to access the servers and the content that is in the game. Actually you get most of that for free, now. The $15 just reduces some of the headaches and gives you some "free" cartel coins each month.


It is up to the devs how they use that money to keep you playing. But it is not your right to demand anything more than what you already get for your $15.


The smart devs will attempt to put in what will appeal to the broadest range of players (or attract the most new ones/old ones back). Failing that, what will bring in the most money via their cash shop (which already brings them in more than subscription money). That may or may not have anything to do with your own personal desires for what goes in the game.


Learn how business works. My 15 bucks a month isn't a guaranteed income for EA/BW and it is in their best interests as a profit seeking company to keep me entertained. The moment I am not, my money disappears from their balance sheet and ends up on some other entertainments profit/loss statement.


A smart business listens to their customers. A smart business understands their market. For an entertainment company, they understand that they have to entertain. When they stop doing this, they fail.

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Thats why I said that I could see merit in it on occasion - but eventually, the novelty wears off. As fun as the occasional trash is, eventually its grows boring, and I want something else. Its similar to dailies that way - I did Ilum a bit during the event and had fun, because I hadnt done so in a while. But after the event, I'm quite happy not to do them for a bit.




63 hours per person in an 8-man guild to pay the initial cost of a guild ship is no 'side activity', and any content locked behind 63 hours of dailies should be swiftly reevaluated.


There are other ways to get credits, dailies are one way to get credits.

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The point that you can take 5 hours or more doing dailies per character only proves there's no reason not to reward other activities equally with credits. So come on, look at those FP awards. There are a bunch of them and they're totally useless at the moment.
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