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Good Intention should equal Rewards


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There are people with that and more but they got most of it through selling CM packs on the GTN I'd bet which is not something everyone can do.
We have at least 3 in our guild. One did the CM packs thing, the other two did it mainly from crafting and selling matts. I'm too cheap to do the CM way and too lazy to do the crafting thing. Plus I'm so stupid even when I craft something and it crits, I give the crit to the person that gave me the matts. Edited by mikebevo
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Plus I'm so stupid even when I craft something and it crits, I give the crit to the person that gave me the matts.

Guildie or random player? If it's someone in your guild, absolutely...if not /whap!

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Guildie or random player? If it's someone in your guild, absolutely...if not /whap!


In guild most of the time, but I have also done it for friends I meet in game. I don't advertise crafting because I just don't enjoy it, but I can make a few items that could sell. I have also been known to make implants (53 purple ones) for people in HM55 flashpoints that were nice, but had crappy gear. Need some way to get rid of basic comms.

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Guildie or random player? If it's someone in your guild, absolutely...if not /whap!


Pretty much this ^


If it's a guildie or a close friend I'll give them both if it's some random person..............well they don't need to know it crit now do they? ;):p

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Am I the only one in a guild with around a dozen regulars, each willing to thrown 4-5 million at a guild ship? Yall know that its not 50 million per player right?


People seem to be confused on that point.

On the one hand they know it's not 50 mil per player.

But on the other hand they seem to think that they'll be the only ones doing any of the hard work earning the cash...

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My issue with the 50 Mil is the fact it's the price for the BASE SHIP and that unlocking the rest of the ship gets progressively more expensive. I am sure some are afraid they will be the only ones contributing to it as there are quite a few members of this games community that are both greedy and stingy and won't part with all their millions even if they do want their guild to have a GFS.


Edit: I'm also afraid these excessive prices will drive more desperate members of our community to use the gold seller sites that get spammed to high heaven on fleet.

Edited by Anaesha
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Who are they? How many are there? 100's???


they exist. but I only know less than 10 of them personally and that's across 2 raiding guilds and one real life friends retreat.


though they didn't get that money through selling CM stuff, every single one of them simply enjoys making credits. its their thing in game, how much can they earn - its what they enjoy whether its crafting, playing GTN or any other number of things. and I can tell you right now that I know for a fact that at least half of them are not planning on spending that money for storage. after all - they didn't get as rich as they have by wasting credits on convenience this minor (and several who make their millions through crafting have a system already established in how to craft as efficiently as possible) amusingly enough one of them enjoys running dailies. yeah, I don't get it either, but it relaxes them. /shrug


but that's very few people among many more than don't even have as much as I do (and I have enough to be comfortable and to be able to afford to fully re augment a set of gear for a raiding character solely because I wanted a new look - and not really feel it)


I guess it depends on whether you see expanded legacy storage as luxury or convenience. and which other convenience prices you are comparing it to. to be honest, I don't think I'll be buying it even if it goes for couple of mill per hold on GTN. same price as cartel version of Treek, but Treek, with account unlock is the gift that keeps on giving on multiple characters especially ones that don't get tank or healing companions until much much later in a game. while legacy storage... saves a few minutes of mail time here and there? meh.

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Am I the only one in a guild with around a dozen regulars, each willing to thrown 4-5 million at a guild ship? Yall know that its not 50 million per player right?


I am sure you're not the only one, but I also don't think you represent the majority of players.

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Not sure if incredibly pretentious or sarcastic.


I suspect that depends on where you see yourself in her scenario, though since both terms were probably intended as negative, I think that point may already be painfully obvious. I think "sarcastic" is positive, myself. I appreciate it because it doesn't devolve into the pedantry of pointing out what ought to be clear anyway. But "pretentious" is a little more difficult to parse. My interpretation of her missive is basically, "Get a job!" My father said that to me once or twice. I was angry, of course, because I felt I had the right to his milk in the fridge until I decided I was ready. Now that I'm a bit older, I kind of see his point. So I no longer expect enough credits for a stronghold to drop from a typical mob.


The thing is, I get a stronghold for free! How cool is that? Do people typically get free housing just because they exist? Well, I guess in a Welfare State they do. I'm not "pretentious" enough to believe I'm owed anything more, but then, I still make do with that STAP Speeder. It goes as fast as any of your multi-million credit mounts you "just had to have."


So I suggest that if you want anything more than the considerable amount of free stuff you were just given (Yes,yes, I know, Bwana! You pay a subscription fee!), that you get it the old fashioned way:


Earn it!

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Our guild is small, maybe 14 people and what with deployments, medical issues, etc, we just don't have the online presence to come up with 50 million.


My suggestion with guild ships was either a tiered approach as in 1 million gets you a Corvette (Naval term), 5 million a Destroyer, 10 million a Cruiser and 25 million a Battleship. and then from THERE you can decide whether to trade up ships or unlock more rooms in your existing vessel. It made no sense for our ODA to have a Galactic Destroyer so big we each got two decks to ourselves when a much, much smaller vehicle made sense.


At the end of the day however, if it's 50 million for an Aircraft Carrier or Bust, well ok. What sorta irks me is that there is a bonus to having said ship. I suppose there should be, I'm just not too keen on said bonus being tied to content that all people have to go through. This has the twin effect of appearing to be a mild case of P2Win and separating folks based on money.


Again, ok, got it. My guild will continue to play as individual situations allow.

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Our guild is small, maybe 14 people and what with deployments, medical issues, etc, we just don't have the online presence to come up with 50 million.


My suggestion with guild ships was either a tiered approach as in 1 million gets you a Corvette (Naval term), 5 million a Destroyer, 10 million a Cruiser and 25 million a Battleship. and then from THERE you can decide whether to trade up ships or unlock more rooms in your existing vessel. It made no sense for our ODA to have a Galactic Destroyer so big we each got two decks to ourselves when a much, much smaller vehicle made sense.


At the end of the day however, if it's 50 million for an Aircraft Carrier or Bust, well ok. What sorta irks me is that there is a bonus to having said ship. I suppose there should be, I'm just not too keen on said bonus being tied to content that all people have to go through. This has the twin effect of appearing to be a mild case of P2Win and separating folks based on money.


Again, ok, got it. My guild will continue to play as individual situations allow.


From the way the devs talked about it earlier, I am 100% sure that they will implement smaller (and bigger) guild ships in the future. This is just the beginning.

The bonus to having the ship is tied entirely to actually controling the planet. That'd mean that with your guilds deployment issues and medical issues, you wouldn't be getting that bonus anyway.

It's not like you just buy the ship and get the bonus automatically. You buy the ship to get in to that metagame.

So there's no P2W here.

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. My interpretation of her missive is basically, "Get a job!" !
Him actually. :p


Pretty much sums up my thoughts. Basically I don't believe I should get Dread Master gear as a reward unless I complete the content. I see stronghold and guildships the same way. If I want then I should do what is needed to get them. If I don't want them, then I don't have to put in the time and effort.


I also find the pretentious comment pretty funny as I am about the exact opposite. I believe I'm a average player at best. I will not even attempt HM or NiM content except for healing and then only on my main. Even then I consider every wipe my fault and I am constantly looking for ways to improve. I'm not a bad healer if that statement makes me pretentious then I guess I am, but I know way better healers than me, but of course I have seen worse ones in FPs too. Personally I believe anyone can heal on a sawbones in this game for the mere fact I can do it. I also think anyone can earn the credits to buy a stronghold or guildship for the very same reason. If I wanted them I would do what it took to get them.

Edited by mikebevo
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It's a game. I play to have fun, not grind credits. The "rewards" given in this game for playing it, don't reflect 50 million-130million credit sinks.


Are you trying to imply that you can't have fun playing the game without these rewards?


This is the hitching point I keep having with this. Everyone seems to act like they can't enjoy the game if they don't have the rewards, but then balk at the thought of having to earn them. How do you even compromise with that train of thought?

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Tell that to the people with 100's of millions of credits lying around.


5 million is not alot... I haven't met anyone with lvl 55 characters that haven't at least had that much at some time.


Then you must not be playing very much, the majority of lvl 55 players I come across have far fewer than 5 million credits.


But then I PUG a lot, I meet random people for events and for this or that...


The number of lvl 55s in the Gree event over the past week with 140 or lower gear, who don't have the cash to upgrade, is massive.


I ran Xeno HM 8 times this past week. Well, actually ran it more, but actually finished it 8 times. So many people showing up in crappy gear with no money. Actually had a lvl 55 with 112 blue MH try and join HM Xeno.


The irony is that 156 purple gear is free if you run Oricon, or 5 parts of it anyway, and 156 MH barrels and hilts are dirt cheap, 30 minutes of dailies will pay for those.


But people don't do it, even when told that is what they need to do.


So if you think 5 million is "common", that would explain your posts, because on my server anyway, that is CLEARLY not the case.

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Yes, 100's of millions.


You completely missed TUX's point... how many people in the game have that much cash. His point was, very, very few people do...


Those that do, understand the value of a credit and are unlikely to waste it on 50m for Legacy storage. If they do, they either really don't care, or are bad at math and got lucky or threw real world money at it via the CM.


Which is even more dumb, but people do such things...

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Are you trying to imply that you can't have fun playing the game without these rewards?


This is the hitching point I keep having with this. Everyone seems to act like they can't enjoy the game if they don't have the rewards, but then balk at the thought of having to earn them. How do you even compromise with that train of thought?


The point of view you're missing is that we pay to play, not pay to work.


We paid our money, now entertain us...


That is the viewpoint you are missing...


People who want the game to "feel" challenging, without actually "being" challenging. That is the art form in making a game to appeal to mass millions.


After all, does anyone dispute that Call of Duty is easy to pickup and play? They shouldn't, hundreds of millions of people have played it, tens of millions still do. It is easy to pickup and be entertained, it feels like it should be hard, but it really isn't.


The number of people who actually DO want it hard, are very limited in number. Want proof? The numbers do not lie, compare the number of people playing WoW (which is not hard) to the number of people playing EVE Online (which is hard).


Or compare Call of Duty to games like ARMA II.

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I ran Xeno HM 8 times this past week. Well, actually ran it more, but actually finished it 8 times. So many people showing up in crappy gear with no money. Actually had a lvl 55 with 112 blue MH try and join HM Xeno.

We (wife and I) also ran Xeno 8 times, SM and HM, mix of Imp and Pub, including three groups we formed. Lots of undergeared players striving for the Gray helixes since the event may not be back for a long time, including a level 54. One HM wipe, because the tanks had never done it before. We explained the fight to them, and cleared HM. Most HM attempts had zero fatalities.


If teams you were in had less success, well, I cannot guess why. :p

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Those that do, understand the value of a credit and are unlikely to waste it on 50m for Legacy storage. If they do, they either really don't care, or are bad at math and got lucky or threw real world money at it via the CM.


Which is even more dumb, but people do such things...

Legacy storage and all this stuff is fluff. They are luxury/convenience items. Not needed at all to enjoy the game.


You can buy a new 2014 Nissan Versa for around $13,000, that doesn't mean that anyone that buys a 2014

Lamborghini Veneno Roadster for over 4.5 million is a idiot because they could have bought a Versa.

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