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Everyone is talking about pricing for LS and GFS and....


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Yep very much so. :p


I personally don't like people who claim something is Pay to win when it isn't by any definition.


Pay to win items by definition are items that give you an unfair advantage over other players and are only obtainable by spending real life cash for the currency to buy them. Every one of these armors and weapons are in fact nothing but empty shells and are utterly worthless without the mods placed into them and they can be obtained by players without having to spend real money via the GTN.




can you even resell reputation items?


because if not than that would be a restriction that would force me to spend real life money to obtain certain items locked away behind a pay wall


personally i would prefer more in game content over more pay to rep grind


but pay to rep grind is all we have been getting lately, 3.0 cant come fast enough

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can you even resell reputation items?


because if not than that would be a restriction that would force me to spend real life money to obtain certain items locked away behind a pay wall


personally i would prefer more in game content over more pay to rep grind


but pay to rep grind is all we have been getting lately, 3.0 cant come fast enough


The Highlighted part I will agree with you on I want 3.0 to get here as fast as possible as well BW kinda killed my enthusiasm over GSH with some of their pricing and nerfing the legacy storage.

Edited by Anaesha
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You guys are so happy to jump all over him...great job running off a guy who actually enjoys the game content and has been here since launch. You guys must be proud of yourselves.




these guys dosn't afraid me


some people are perfectly happy to run hard mode eternity vault for the 100000000000000 time as long as they have a new dress up outfit for the cutscenes. new colour crystal and its like a whole new flashpoint

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The Highlighted part I will agree with you on I want 3.0 to get here as fast as possible as well BW kinda killed my enthusiasm over GSH with some of their pricing and nerfing the legacy storage.


fair enough, i regret now now using the term pay to win. i think i've maid my point :i_cool:and this tread can now get back to on topic.

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Yep very much so. :p


I personally don't like people who claim something is Pay to win when it isn't by any definition.

You'd rather have him not play - a guy who has been here since launch and helps oodles of players, old and new, as he grinds multiple toons and enjoys the games content - than to read his complaining about the CM and lack of updates?


That tells me all I need to know about you.

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You'd rather have him not play - a guy who has been here since launch and helps oodles of players, old and new, as he grinds multiple toons and enjoys the games content - than to read his complaining about the CM and lack of updates?


That tells me all I need to know about you.


its all good tux, did the packers make a bad trade today or something?


We should just grind all the dailies every day all day till the guild ships come out so we can afford to make some serious space man cave rooms. it will be tedious and boring as hell but sooo worth it for green and gold space couches while we park her over voss to run the weeklies with the planet buff


go frogdogs go

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can you even resell reputation items?


because if not than that would be a restriction that would force me to spend real life money to obtain certain items locked away behind a pay wall


personally i would prefer more in game content over more pay to rep grind


but pay to rep grind is all we have been getting lately, 3.0 cant come fast enough


said items behind a pay wall are cosmetic only and do not give in anyway an edge in gameplay ergo it is objectivly not pay to win. your point is pointless go sharpen it. also "core content" is made by a diffrent group than the guys who make the packs so this is in no way takeing away "core" content.

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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You'd rather have him not play - a guy who has been here since launch and helps oodles of players, old and new, as he grinds multiple toons and enjoys the games content - than to read his complaining about the CM and lack of updates?


That tells me all I need to know about you.


I take it you didn't get that the first part wasn't a serious comment, did the :p not give it away?


if you notice I never made any mention about the content or lack there of I only set the record straight about two things


1: That the Cartel market isn't Pay to Win never has been and hopefully never will be


2: That the content made for the CM (armor, weapons, mounts etc etc) and the other content (new planets, FP, and OP) are made by completely different teams


How long someone has played or how much content they have completed means nothing to me never has and never will. Quite frankly if simply getting set straight about established facts is enough to make him or anyone quit playing they need thicker skin.

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said items behind a pay wall are cosmetic only and do not give in anyway an edge in gameplay ergo it is objectivly not pay to win. your point is pointless go sharpen it. also "core content" is made by a diffrent group than the guys who make the packs so this is in no way takeing away "core" content.


paywall is paywall


my beef is where "core content" and "pay to rep grind" appear to be ranked in bioEA's priorities

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Oh, I can't wait for people to start paying crazy money to get the "Oh my God, why does my inquisitor have wings?" and "Oh my God, what is wrong with this Consular headpiece" gear sets that everyone "hated" at launch.


People make so much sense :rolleyes:

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Oh, I can't wait for people to start paying crazy money to get the "Oh my God, why does my inquisitor have wings?" and "Oh my God, what is wrong with this Consular headpiece" gear sets that everyone "hated" at launch.


People make so much sense :rolleyes:

Which "people?" Everyone except you?

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As much contempt I have for the LS, I won't spread the virus here.


If a pack has more than two sets I like, its a good pack. Satele, and Malak. Nice. Exar Kunn looks pretty plain but I'll still collect because I'm lore armor collector.

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srry guys my bad, your right new skins of armor and weapon shells are way better than anything to actually do in game, devs disregard and please make sure to keep cranking out cartel packs and rep vendors. new content can wait at least another year or so as long as we have reasons to buy new packs this game will thrive


Introducing GCS! Galactic credit sink! with the rave reviews of GSF and GSH we thought we would give you more of the same!!!!!

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And I as well. Most of these are becoming adaptive for the first time.


I said it in a previous thread and I'll say it again.


More adaptive armor isn't a bad thing...


It's a good thing.


Old Battlemaster/unavailable sets becoming Adaptive = good


Rereleasing already adaptive gear in another colour when we already have dyes and calling it a different name = bad



Hence why Mira and so on being released, again, gives me a big question mark... especially if they have different rarity to the original.


I sure wouldn't like to have paid millions for Mira's original set just for a indentical version to appear as a common Cartel item, it just makes you feel like you wasted your money earlier.

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Me either. I saw more there I could actually use than usual.


Are people really hating on these packs tho?


Most comments I've heard are along the lines of "oh, well that wasn't very interesting".


Doesn't sound like hate to me.


Personally I don't find alot in these packs that is interesting. Mainly because I don't like the weapons (which I have at least partially in all the other packs, so that's a pretty big chunk of stuff gone there).

But I didn't find many of the outfits interesting either.

Doesn't mean I'm hating the packs... just not very interesting.

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Old Battlemaster/unavailable sets becoming Adaptive = good


Rereleasing already adaptive gear in another colour when we already have dyes and calling it a different name = bad



Hence why Mira and so on being released, again, gives me a big question mark... especially if they have different rarity to the original.


I sure wouldn't like to have paid millions for Mira's original set just for a indentical version to appear as a common Cartel item, it just makes you feel like you wasted your money earlier.


It's not exactly indentical however, there are notable differences between the three sets. It's same as in the starfighter series, They would often release 2 similar sets that had some differences between them and how they dyed. You might feel it will de-value the older set but you shouldn't worry about that since you still have the older set and it will still have the prestige from being that.

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I wonder if they are going to use this pack series to release a revamped version of a certain character that everyone has been asking for.



I know it's coming but I'll remain in denial until then. :p

It's not exactly indentical however, there are notable differences between the three sets. It's same as in the starfighter series, They would often release 2 similar sets that had some differences between them and how they dyed. You might feel it will de-value the older set but you shouldn't worry about that since you still have the older set and it will still have the prestige from being that.


Those were not Lore armor sets from previous entries in the KoToR series I believe. It screams "lazy" and "unoriginal".

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I know it's coming but I'll remain in denial until then. :p



Those were not Lore armor sets from previous entries in the KoToR series I believe. It screams "lazy" and "unoriginal".



Please just release the armor from the wallpaper they have of him and Malak!



They weren't but my point still remains, they've done before so I'm not at all shocked they did it again. Besides those with the originals can still take pride in having the original versions.

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They weren't but my point still remains, they've done before so I'm not at all shocked they did it again. Besides those with the originals can still take pride in having the original versions.


I have the original versions... on 2 characters (my main Jugg and my old mara) I actually have the ORIGINAL original versions... And you know what? Sucks if the mix is looking better than either one of those. xD


Oh well - as mentioned: Once all the snowflake-want is killed in all players, we can finally all revert to eradicator armor sets.

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