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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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I do think it is important to note that, even in its base form, the cheapest option, as mentioned above, likely provides desirable QoL utility to casual players. Even if one is disappointed in the design and price points (I am one of those folks) that would be difficult to deny IMO.


...not to mention the other free terminals you get, like mail.

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You are getting the palace for free as a loyalty reward for paying your subscription normally. You are not being asked to pay extra to get it. You would have had to pay extra to have it if you weren't a subscriber on those dates and therefor didn't qualify for the loyalty rewards.


What do you mean "normally"? The base "subscription" is $15/30days. You can get a better rate if you pay for more months at a time, but that isn't required. Based on when the Early Access program was announced, and what the date of award was, my then-current subscription would have expired. Based on the promise of the NS palace, as well as other incentives offered around that time (1000CC, a pet, etc.) , including getting the usual "subscriber" level benefits instead of just preferred benefits, I chose to renew my subscription. That BW did not change the price despite offering additional incentives is irrelevant.


So, yes, I was asked to pay more than I had already paid to get it. I was under no obligation to pay for an additional month of subscription -- this isn't like a multi-month/year cell phone plan.


Just so we're clear, I'm objecting only that people are using the word 'free' to refer to something which required payment. I'm not saying it was *a lot* of money, or that what I am receiving is in any way inadequate or makes me regret spending that additional money. Just that it wasn't *no* money.

Edited by eartharioch
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And even with that, if PTS prices hold, you will be able to get a Stronghold with one tab of Legacy Storage for 5K creds.

If you play both factions, get 2 Strongholds with shared Legacy Storage for 10K creds total. That's the next best thing to free. Even a mid-level F2P toon can earn that much, assuming they are allowed to have a Stronghold at all, which I do not know.


And if the PTS is any indication, you get a quick way to travel to your home planet with no cooldown in the bargain. If that holds true, I imagine no one will bother unlocking that particular legacy travel option anymore as a result.


BW is making it cheap and easy for players to get a taste of Legacy Storage. And we can all guess why. :D


Cheap and easy isn't 'free' -- I'm not objecting to it being called cheap or easy. But if you are going to spend all day insulting people who complain about the pricing (note: I am not one of them), you could at least be accurate.

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I do think it is important to note that, even in its base form, the cheapest option, as mentioned above, likely provides desirable QoL utility to casual players. Even if one is disappointed in the design and price points (I am one of those folks) that would be difficult to deny IMO.


...not to mention the other free terminals you get, like mail.


Just going to stop you right there, as I believe you don't get even get the Legacy Storage terminal for free you merely get the first bay unlocked and have to "make" the Storage before you can use it.


Yesterday I spent an hour making a Word Document containing all the materials I'll need to make all the kits I'll need to make all the terminal items like GTN's, Guild Banks and so on...


That document is 9 pages long with a single item per page and then 3 pages of total mats. I don't think LS is as simple as you walk into your brand new Stronghold and it's right there, unless the recipe is there just there for show/Dev comments on needing to craft it are false.

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Cheap and easy isn't 'free' -- I'm not objecting to it being called cheap or easy. But if you are going to spend all day insulting people who complain about the pricing (note: I am not one of them), you could at least be accurate.


What the heck is the poster talking about 5 k or 10 k ?It was 5 million for first and 10 for second. Yes I have a Imps and pubs with housing.

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What the heck is the poster talking about 5 k or 10 k ?It was 5 million for first and 10 for second. Yes I have a Imps and pubs with housing.


He's referring to just purchasing a Stronghold (Coruscant or Drummond Kaas specifically) and using it's free 80 slots specifically, and that low price making LS "free" (technically it's not, unless I specifically send my character money I'm not going to have 5/10k at lvl 10+ for a whiiiiiiiiiile).


I think he knows the tabs don't cost 5k/10k each :p

Edited by Transairion
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He's referring to just purchasing a Stronghold (Coruscant or Drummond Kaas specifically) and using it's free 80 slots specifically, and that low price making LS "free" (technically it's not, unless I specifically send my character money I'm not going to have 5/10k at lvl 10+ for a whiiiiiiiiiile).


I think he knows the tabs don't cost 5k/10k each :p


I was wondering what the heck the poster was talking about Thanks.

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Personally I'm hoping lots of people with too much money and time all line up to buy the extra slots with cc ...


.... Why? you might ask? Cuz from the way they are grabbin for cash if this doesn't work I expect something along the lines of a "Gold Security LockBox" to start dropping from mobs ... one that will require a special "Gold LockBox Lockbreaker" from the CM for 100cc

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Just going to stop you right there, as I believe you don't get even get the Legacy Storage terminal for free.

On the PTS, you are wrong. Each toon of mine that did the 60-second Stronghold quest got a mail terminal and a Legacy Storage terminal for free. I started using them immediately, to verify the Bound-to-Legacy gear could be shared through the Legacy Storage. No crafting, no spending of credits or CCs. Odds are that's how it will be on the live servers too.


If the PTS pricing holds, even people who subscribe after 2.9 launches will be able to get a Stronghold for each faction for 5K credits each, each including a mail terminal, a Legacy Storage terminal, and 80 slots of Legacy Storage at no additional cost. Note that this is cheaper than expanding your ship's locker or even your own inventory; BW is practically giving it away.


Why don't you just go over to the PTS and check before spreading disinformation? Or do you care whether what you say is actually true or not?

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alright, so let me first say that i think legacy storage should work differently than regular storage ONLY for mats

so my idea being, yes mats should have a stack limit in regular cargo holds, no big deal, however if they made stack size unlimited in legacy storage, THEN AND ONLY THEN would it be worth paying for additional tabs, its not that bad of an idea bioware. it would make people excited to play star wars again, and would probably up your sales and subscriptions. you guys got this f2p model and thats fine, but you are abusing your player base by charging outrageous amounts for things that should be trivial in price. you are alienating players who can't afford 50 mil for this or that, and a f2p will NEVER have enough money to afford the legacy tabs. this is just bad business.

my other idea being, when a companion comes back with mats from a mission, there should be an option (whether it be set as a check box to stay active or push every time you send one out) to deposit mats directly into legacy storage, therefore bypassing the inventory altogether. other games with ONLY F2P have this implemented, yet you, bioware, a sub / f2p hybrid don't. and yes, 50 mil is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE for legacy storage. MOST players don't have and will probably never have 50 mil. and i seriously doubt they would pay 100 dollars to unlock it with cartel coins, some may, but a majority won't and if you implement this in the live game, you might lose even more subscribers because we feel like you just don't give a crap about us as a player base.

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On the PTS, you are wrong. Each toon of mine that did the 60-second Stronghold quest got a mail terminal and a Legacy Storage terminal for free. I started using them immediately, to verify the Bound-to-Legacy gear could be shared through the Legacy Storage. No crafting, no spending of credits or CCs. Odds are that's how it will be on the live servers too.


If the PTS pricing holds, even people who subscribe after 2.9 launches will be able to get a Stronghold for each faction for 5K credits each, each including a mail terminal, a Legacy Storage terminal, and 80 slots of Legacy Storage at no additional cost. Note that this is cheaper than expanding your ship's locker or even your own inventory; BW is practically giving it away.


Why don't you just go over to the PTS and check before spreading disinformation? Or do you care whether what you say is actually true or not?



How do I get Legacy storage?


You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)


I'm sorry if the logical assumption that Legacy Storage will have a purpose to craft/being on the Cartel Market dictates that it wouldn't be given out with every Stronghold immediately... given that makes there no purpose to it being craftable or buyable to begin with since you can just move the free one right? Crafting more doesn't give you more space, it only puts another access point hence I'm not sure why someone would want to put access points everywhere....


But apologies, I was wrong on this point.


...not to mention the other free terminals you get, like mail.


Just going to stop you right there, as I believe you don't get even get the Legacy Storage terminal for free you merely get the first bay unlocked and have to "make" the Storage before you can use it.


Good thing I never claimed it was fact, just that was my belief of how it worked from Dulfy and otherwise.


Though "free terminals" implies multiple and I'm not hearing any outside Mailbox and LS access point, which require the lowest level mats. Just throwing that out there. But the less I have to craft the better!

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No worries, It's easy to make mistakes like that. I would strongly recommend you give it a try.


Remember, I am one of the harshest critics of this design. In many ways it falls painfully short of MY EXPECTATIONS (note, I said mine), therefore I have made that known.


But despite that I can still concede the items that I FEEL will be appealing and useful. I try to be as fair as I can in my judgements, even if they are singularly based on my view (which I make sure to point out).

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I'm sorry if the logical assumption that Legacy Storage will have a purpose to craft/being on the Cartel Market dictates that it wouldn't be given out with every Stronghold immediately... given that makes there no purpose to it being craftable or buyable to begin with since you can just move the free one right? Crafting more doesn't give you more space, it only puts another access point hence I'm not sure why someone would want to put access points everywhere....

From my limited experience on the PTS, the LS access terminal isn't given out per Stronghold, but per toon that does the Stronghold quest. If you have only one toon, you might get only one free LS access terminal even if you buy more than one Stronghold, so you might want to buy or craft another access point? And the Tat SH is pretty big, so some people might want multiple access points there.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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What do you mean "normally"? The base "subscription" is $15/30days. You can get a better rate if you pay for more months at a time, but that isn't required. Based on when the Early Access program was announced, and what the date of award was, my then-current subscription would have expired. Based on the promise of the NS palace, as well as other incentives offered around that time (1000CC, a pet, etc.) , including getting the usual "subscriber" level benefits instead of just preferred benefits, I chose to renew my subscription. That BW did not change the price despite offering additional incentives is irrelevant.


So, yes, I was asked to pay more than I had already paid to get it. I was under no obligation to pay for an additional month of subscription -- this isn't like a multi-month/year cell phone plan.


Just so we're clear, I'm objecting only that people are using the word 'free' to refer to something which required payment. I'm not saying it was *a lot* of money, or that what I am receiving is in any way inadequate or makes me regret spending that additional money. Just that it wasn't *no* money.


No you were not asked to pay more than you already had. You were only asked to remain a subscriber by a certain and in exchange you were given a free stronghold.

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No worries, It's easy to make mistakes like that. I would strongly recommend you give it a try.


Remember, I am one of the harshest critics of this design. In many ways it falls painfully short of MY EXPECTATIONS (note, I said mine), therefore I have made that known.


But despite that I can still concede the items that I FEEL will be appealing and useful. I try to be as fair as I can in my judgements, even if they are singularly based on my view (which I make sure to point out).


I'd actually be curious to see your stronghold(s) in the end Artemis... I feel like they'd be a model of efficiency and minimalism :)

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No you were not asked to pay more than you already had. You were only asked to remain a subscriber by a certain and in exchange you were given a free stronghold.


Yes. I. Was.


My subscription expired before the specified date. In order to get the stronghold, I had to pay more money to renew my subscription so that I would be subscribed on the specified date. If I hadn't paid more money, BW wouldn't have renewed my subscription, and I wouldn't have been subscribed on that date, and I wouldn't get the incentives (including the NS palace) that BW offered.


Why is this so hard for you to follow? Just because BW did not *raise* the monthly rate does not mean that I did not have to *pay* the monthly rate to be subscribed for a month covering the specified date. If I had to pay for it, it isn't free.


tdrl: If somebody won't give you something unless you give that person money, it isn't free

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Yes. I. Was.


My subscription expired before the specified date. In order to get the stronghold, I had to pay more money to renew my subscription so that I would be subscribed on the specified date. If I hadn't paid more money, BW wouldn't have renewed my subscription, and I wouldn't have been subscribed on that date, and I wouldn't get the incentives (including the NS palace) that BW offered.


Why is this so hard for you to follow? Just because BW did not *raise* the monthly rate does not mean that I did not have to *pay* the monthly rate to be subscribed for a month covering the specified date. If I had to pay for it, it isn't free.


tdrl: If somebody won't give you something unless you give that person money, it isn't free


No, what you are not getting is that with a normal subscription, you are getting normal access to the game and if you had waited till after the promotion date, you would have had to pay extra to get the palace, But as a perk for paying your normal subscription fee, they gave you the palace for free instead.


Thus your palace was free for normally playing the game with a subscription to it.

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No, what you are not getting is that with a normal subscription, you are getting normal access to the game and if you had waited till after the promotion date, you would have had to pay extra to get the palace, But as a perk for paying your normal subscription fee, they gave you the palace for free instead.


Thus your palace was free for normally playing the game with a subscription to it.


Are you really this dense, or are you just trolling?


If I pay for a package of items on May 1st, and some of those things (play time) are delivered immediately and others (NS palace, bonus CCs, mini-pet, etc.) are promised to be delivered on future dates, when I later receive the promised future deliveries, those later deliveries are not "gifts shown as appreciation for my previous purchase", they are "part of that original purchase, delivered later, per the terms of the original purchase."


tdrl: Giving people what they paid for isn't giving people something for free.

Edited by eartharioch
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Are you really this dense, or are you just trolling?


If I pay for a package of items on May 1st, and some of those things (play time) are delivered immediately and others (NS palace, bonus CCs, mini-pet, etc.) are promised to be delivered on future dates, when I later receive the promised future deliveries, those later deliveries are not "gifts shown as appreciation for my previous purchase", they are "part of that original purchase, delivered later, per the terms of the original purchase."


tdrl: Giving people what they paid for isn't giving people something for free.


False, Getting the palace for free isn't a normal subscriber perk. It was a loyalty reward for being a subscriber by a certain date. It was given to use for free, just like with all the recent free Cartel coins they handed out.

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No, what you are not getting is that with a normal subscription, you are getting normal access to the game and if you had waited till after the promotion date, you would have had to pay extra to get the palace, But as a perk for paying your normal subscription fee, they gave you the palace for free instead.


That is almost correct but not entirely. You explained why yourself actually.


Thus your palace was free for normally playing the game with a subscription to it.


Also not entirely correct, you don't need to play the game, you just need to pay the sub ;)

Edited by Tsillah
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That is almost correct but not entirely. You explained why yourself actually.




Also not entirely correct, you don't need to play the game, you just need to pay the sub ;)


No that you would imply that is someone subbed right now that they would get a free palace normally.


You only get the free palace if you were a loyal subscriber by two dates. It is a free loyalty reward for those two dates, you weren't required to pay anything beyond a sub fee if you weren't already a subscriber. And on those dates you were given a free palace, if you weren't a subscriber on these days but subscribed on a later date, you would have pay the normal cost to get the palace, thus not being free.

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False, Getting the palace for free isn't a normal subscriber perk. It was a loyalty reward for being a subscriber by a certain date. It was given to use for free, just like with all the recent free Cartel coins they handed out.


Neither the palace nor the recent CC distributions are on BW's list of subscriber benefits, that is correct. That doesn't preclude BW from offering additional incentives to subscribe not on that list. What separates something being given as a gift and something being given as part of a purchase is whether or not the seller offered the things given before the buyer made the purchase. Since BW offered the palace and CC before I decided to purchase an additional month of subscription, that which was offered is part of what I purchased. If BW announced that I would be getting these things after I had paid for that month of subscription, it would be a gift.


tdrl: There will never be a Nobel Prize in Renonomics

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If I am not mistaken, In order to get the unlocks you had to be a sub on one of those two dates. If you were a sub on the first date you got the best unlock.....sub on the second date, you got the second best unlock. Even if you do not have a sub at present, as long as you were a sub on one of those two dates you get the bonus unlock.
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