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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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Complaining about the price is pointless.


I would disagree with this. Posting in this forum for ANY reason is pointless. If you are going to engage in pointless activity, however, complaining about something you don't like makes more sense than most things you can do here IMO.


After all....BIoware has specifically solicited the feedback on multiple occasions....which naturally is no guarantee they listen, nor an automatic need to do so.

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Do you know what "trust" means? In essence it only means predictability in how someone will act or react.

I predict BW will try to maximize profitability. That's the limit of my trust.


And like I said, cartel coin purchases is the chosen method for BW to maximize that profit you're speaking of. Making a highly desirable game feature easy to access via in-game virtual currency is completely contrary to that very purpose thus destroying your entire argument of 50 million being "affordable".

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LS is the ultimate in QoL conveniences. It saves you a few mins of loading time when you mail stuff back and forth.


If that's not worth it to you, then by all means, ignore LS.


Complaining about the price is pointless.


When you consider it's size 80 slots per bay * 5 bays it's 400 slots total then take into account that mats ranging from rnk 1 to 9 can only be stacked up to 99 this space for some becomes useless as even fully unlocked it doesn't have enough space to hold all their mats from all their characters.


Ignoring the BOP transfer stuff the sheer fact that they know people want the ability to store credits in their legacy storage and they chose not to allow it is yet another black mark on it.


I personally feel it isn't worth the price I'm fully aware that some find it OK but that doesn't mean I should just sit back and not voice my opinion about what I think could make it a true QoL addition for me at least.

Edited by Anaesha
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Getting credits is easy for some, not so easy for others.

Good analysis, I believe you're spot on in most of the summaries you do (which I don't thank you for enough).


However...I find it remarkable that the usual group of suspects is the group claiming 50 mil is easy to make. I could have told you who would support it blindfolded. Having said that, I would suggest adding the word "claiming" to your statement above.

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LS is the ultimate in QoL conveniences. It saves you a few mins of loading time when you mail stuff back and forth.


If that's not worth it to you, then by all means, ignore LS.


Complaining about the price is pointless.


You really should take a look at your own signature.

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Good analysis, I believe you're spot on in most of the summaries you do (which I don't thank you for enough).


However...I find it remarkable that the usual group of suspects is the group claiming 50 mil is easy to make. I could have told you who would support it blindfolded. Having said that, I would suggest adding the word "claiming" to your statement above.


Attack the posts, not the posters. If you can.

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Attack the posts, not the posters. If you can.


Doesn't sound like a attack. More like an observation. Never? Hmm probably not, but not this time. You can tell what direction people lean by their past posting history.

Edited by Nickious
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It's a constant speculation and effort to keep players engaged. Housing is an example of them taking old content and making it relevant again. TOR has shown that they have a talent for being able to do this repeatedly.


On the top of the prices, I would guess that they have a 'range' of prices. If I had to guess, I'd say if they see a massive explosion of rage at the cost, they'd drop it to 40mil, at most. But, we haven't seen an explosion of unanimous or near-unanimous rage. They have little reason to lower the price 'right now.' Now, if it goes live at 50mil for total unlock and people rage and...more importantly...don't buy them, then the price will be put on sale on a semi-regular basis. But, I wouldn't anticipate them 'ever' lowering the price because some people will always have the credits to pay full price.


Honestly, I think they set the price based on how much you could make with the expansion that's due to come out. I can make money 5 times faster now than back when the cap was level 50 with DG/Campaign gear, if there's a similar power creep with the next expansion the 50 million price tag may seem very reasonable. Imagine how fast you could blow through Belsavis, Section X, Black Hole, Ilum dailies at level 60 and the higher level of gear.

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Yeah, I put that there to show off who said it and how silly it sounds. It's not an endorsement of what she said.


To go slightly off track here:


CK did have a good point, even if I don't agree wholly with the entire statement, and found much of her ramblings comedic and nonsensical. In fact this was one of the few times I couldn't dismiss what she said out of hand.

Edited by TravelersWay
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LS is the ultimate in QoL conveniences. It saves you a few mins of loading time when you mail stuff back and forth.

If that's not worth it to you, then by all means, ignore LS.

Complaining about the price is pointless.


Especially since you get the first tab for free. No way is BW going to lower the price on that! :)

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And like I said, cartel coin purchases is the chosen method for BW to maximize that profit you're speaking of. Making a highly desirable game feature easy to access via in-game virtual currency is completely contrary to that very purpose thus destroying your entire argument of 50 million being "affordable".

You are confused. I never made that argument. I plan to unlock all the Legacy Storage tabs using a combination of credits and CCs, and always have. I have no hesitation about paying the cost of a night at the movies to do so.


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You are confused. I never made that argument. I plan to unlock all the Legacy Storage tabs using a combination of credits and CCs, and always have. I have no hesitation about paying the cost of a night at the movies to do so.



From your own posting history:


Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


Not overpriced for "a lot" of people quite clearly implies affordability. Who are you trying to fool here with your backpedaling?

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Your unabashed trust in BW is cute, adorable actually, despite the fact that it is not grounded in reality.


For profit companies tend to stick with what works as a general rule as trying something new often involves more risk than they (or shareholders) would be willing to take on. By your own indirect admission from an earlier post, cartel market is what works for TOR and that business model has made BW significant amounts of profits since the game turned F2P. With that said, I will reiterate once again that the 50 million credit barrier is just a transparent attempt by BW to steer players toward buying CC as the preferred method of unlock which will in turn maximize their revenue stream. F2P games (MMO or otherwise) are notorious for this tactic so no, don't even dare to question me on this since analytical finance is my trade and reading between the lines regarding company strategies is an actual acquired skill that comes naturally with my continued employment.


As such, your argument is invalid by default since the 50 million credits is being used as a barrier that is designed to be inherently unaffordable for the masses.

Unfortunately true, it seems. Apparently, people have forgotten about this little fiasco already:



Yes, BW has metrics as to the wealth of the playerbase, but that does not mean they have reached a cost that is equitable for the majority of the playerbase simply because of those metrics. I highly doubt they got to the "Average" by counting every single credit that every single player has accumulated nor counted each credit and how fast those credits are being made by each player playing the game.


If one attempts to calculate the average wealth of a population and 1% of the population holds 95% of the total wealth, I think you will find that significantly more than 50% of the population is below the average, and significantly so.

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From your own posting history:


Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


Not overpriced for "a lot" of people quite clearly implies affordability. Who are you trying to fool here with your backpedaling?

What part of "It's only overpriced for them" do you not understand?

Clearly, I do not say or imply that 50 million is affordable for everyone.


I dislike arguing with stupid and/or dishonest people, and that's why my ignore list keeps growing.

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What part of "It's only overpriced for them" do you not understand?

Clearly, I do not say or imply that 50 million is affordable for everyone.


I dislike arguing with stupid and/or dishonest people, and that's why my ignore list keeps growing.


If that is the only argument you were trying to make then why did you go a step further to declare that it is not overpriced for "a lot" of people which basically means they can afford it? Just what is "a lot" to you, how about we clarify that? Is it 1% of the total population a lot? 5%? 10%? Most reasonable minds would not attached the phrase "a lot" with such low percentages. You just can't stop from contradicting yourself can you?


And don't go with the ignore list cop-out. You are just now choosing to throw a hissy fit because you were called out for a ridiculous comment and are seeking for an easy out. Weak and cowardly. Own up to your mistakes.

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Unfortunately true, it seems. Apparently, people have forgotten about this little fiasco already:



Yes, BW has metrics as to the wealth of the playerbase, but that does not mean they have reached a cost that is equitable for the majority of the playerbase simply because of those metrics. I highly doubt they got to the "Average" by counting every single credit that every single player has accumulated nor counted each credit and how fast those credits are being made by each player playing the game.


If one attempts to calculate the average wealth of a population and 1% of the population holds 95% of the total wealth, I think you will find that significantly more than 50% of the population is below the average, and significantly so.


Indeed. In the financial services industry there is a common rule regarding PnL (profit and loss), specifically regarding revenue growth modeling. It states, "30% of your clients is responsible for 60% of the existing on-the-book balance and 90% of future growth potential". It is quite clear that BW and much of the F2P gaming industry has co-opted this rule as well. Within such an environment, the other 70% of clients tend to become the casualities who are effectively relegated to a role of secondary concern.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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But, no. The 'playerbase' is playing the game. What you mean to say is a 'handful of posters on the forums' thinks the price is too high.


Don't fall into the trap of 'I speak for the players!' We all only speak for ourselves.

You do realize there's a chat in this game right? And we can see what the "playerbase" is thinking right after logging into the game. Guess what! Absurd Legacy Storage price is being ridiculued day and night by the playerbase INSIDE the game since Friday. Handful of posters my butt.


"the playerbase" is widely varied.


I think that they have calculated that the richest 10% of the playerbase can buy the unlocks outright.

about 30% or so could buy the first 1-2 and might be willing to buy the rest with CC.

30% will only buy the first 1-2 and not buy the rest at all.

And 30% won't even buy the first one.


But people here are complaining because they believe that 100% should be able to buy it all outright without spending a single CC (or even be motivated to spend it).

That's not how business works.

Oh really. So Bioware calculates that playerbase wealth allows to price luxury Tatooine & Nar Shaddaa strongholds at around 10 million each to make them 'profitable', and that Guild Ship should cost 50-130 million (with tens of players on average chipping in). Yet suddenly the same metrics show that 50 million Legacy Storage price (for each individual player) will also be profitable? If the playerbase on average has this kind of resources, why are the individual Strongholds not 100 million then and Guild Ships 1 billion? Is it me or it seems that something doesn't fit here and 1 price point in the expansion has been taken off the Moon? Edited by Pietrastor
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