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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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Comparitively speaking, for what other games offer, this is overpriced. Funny that you don't want a P2W system because that's no fun, but people who don't want an overpriced storage system for the same reason are in the wrong? Someone needs to think a little deeper, I believe.

Yeah, you do. Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


And the latter group of people is who BioWare will make money off of. We who max Legacy Storage will be happy to have done so, BioWare will be happy to have our money/creds, it's win-win. The rest of you can just look on in envy, same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


My Ashfall Tauntaun (3000 CCs) is no different. Don't hate me because I have disposable income to spend on SWTOR, it's people like me that keep the servers running.

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Yeah, you do. Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


And the latter group of people is who BioWare will make money off of. We who max Legacy Storage will be happy to have done so, BioWare will be happy to have our money/creds, it's win-win. The rest of you can just look on in envy, same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


My Ashfall Tauntaun (3000 CCs) is no different. Don't hate me because I have disposable income to spend on SWTOR, it's people like me that keep the servers running.



Hahaha. So here's your real response. You think envy, disposable income, blah blah are somehow relevant. What pompous stupidity.

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Hahaha. So here's your real response. You think envy, disposable income, blah blah are somehow relevant. What pompous stupidity.


OMG...no kidding. WOW! What an attitude lol. We're lucky he's covering our costs huh? LOL!

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Yeah, you do. Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


And the latter group of people is who BioWare will make money off of. We who max Legacy Storage will be happy to have done so, BioWare will be happy to have our money/creds, it's win-win. The rest of you can just look on in envy, same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


My Ashfall Tauntaun (3000 CCs) is no different. Don't hate me because I have disposable income to spend on SWTOR, it's people like me that keep the servers running.


As JoeSixxpack said, it has nothing to do with the disposable income you have to spend it on. The fact that additional tabs can be bought with CC is a good thing because it will help fund the game. However, that does not mean it is still not overpriced when comparing this feature with other similar features offered by other games. The fact that you can afford it with no problem does not mean it is not overpriced. Just because someone can afford a $100 gallon of milk does not mean that price is at all reasonable. I will have no problem unlocking all tabs right off the bat when this goes live - and it won't cost me a dime extra in real life money. However, that doesn't mean that the actual cost is worth the usefulness you get out of it - just like that $100 gallon of milk.


You clearly have no understanding of sound business practices. There is a sweet spot on the price of any material good that is sold. Overshoot that price, and regardless of how many people can afford to pay it, you will lose money because you lose too many people who are not willing to pay it, even if they can afford it.

Edited by TravelersWay
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In terms of credits vs usefulness? Yes, it needs to be more useful.

What are you talking about? It's FREE. The first 80 slots. Do you have more than 7000 thermal regulators?

You may be. Most business run on the aspect of a fool and his money will soon be parted. Spend that credit or cash for mediocre and thats all fine if you want to or even think it's worth it but don't delude yourself into thinking it's more than bare minimum useful in it's current start for the cost.

<yawn>Yeah, go tell all those people with $100K+ cars what fools they are for not buying a Yugo.

Correct, it makes it of limited usefulness for an over-inflated price.

Only in the forums could "free" be called an "over-inflated price."

There is a difference between being useless (which I didn't say) and being of limited use VS being useful.

I wrote: "How is one tab for free overpriced? It's a bargain."

You responded: "It is overpriced for it's limited usage. "


That's utter nonsense and everyone with a brain knows it. Claiming free stuff is overpriced makes you look silly.

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AHowever, that does not mean it is still not overpriced when comparing this feature with other similar features offered by other games.

Some garbage MMO can give away storage for free for all I care, it has no relevance at all, because I play this game, and I cannot use that game's storage here.


Here's a real world analogy to help you understand: the price of a gallon of milk doesn't determine whether gasoline is overpriced or not, because my car cannot run on milk.

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,,,,,,,and everyone with a brain knows it.


There is no need to get that insulting BD. You make a compelling argument on this one point, IMO you should not resort to breaking forum rules to try and give it strength, or out of frustration.


You only open yourself up to moderation.

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But you see, the problem is, QoL features should be for everyone, not a select few.

Ah, the entitlement crowd speaks. "I am entitled to the same quality of game life as those who work hard to acheive things in this game, even though I am a casual player." Sorry, no. BW isn't your mommy. You want the good stuff, go earn it.

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Some garbage MMO can give away storage for free for all I care, it has no relevance at all, because I play this game, and I cannot use that game's storage here.


Here's a real world analogy to help you understand: the price of a gallon of milk doesn't determine whether gasoline is overpriced or not, because my car cannot run on milk.


Well, completely unrelated anology to begin with, and again showing complete lack of sound (and common) business practices. Do you even know what MSRP is and why we have it? We are not talking about comparing milk and gasoline here. We are comparing the price of milk with what it reasonable to pay for milk at any establishment that sells milk. We are comparing the price that Target sells milk with the price that Walmart sells milk. The fact that you may never shop at Walmart is irrelevant. If they sell the milk cheaper, they will be earning more money than Target on their milk inventory.

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LOL. And how many profitable MMOs have you developed and marketed?


I am currently helping in the development of one. But that is beside the point. Let me reiterate:


"sound (and common) business practices." The gaming industry is a business like any other. MMOs are simply one product of that business. Features within an MMO are a product of that subset of business. One need not have worked at all in the gaming industry to have a solid grasp on sound and common business practices as the very reason they are sound and common is the ability to use them in any type of business. Personally speaking, I have over 30 years of profitable business running under my belt.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Bad question as that can be turned right back at you.

How many have YOU developed and marketed?

I'm not the one declaring BW is using poor business practices, so I don't have to answer that.

Otherwise, I'd just turn the question back ion you.

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What are you talking about? It's FREE. The first 80 slots. Do you have more than 7000 thermal regulators?

and at some point you will realize that 80 free spaces is still of limited use when I have well over 7000 useful mats across all crafters. Grade 9 mats are not the only money makers.


<yawn>Yeah, go tell all those people with $100K+ cars what fools they are for not buying a Yugo.


Just because you can spend it doesn't mean it's worth it. Hell, there are many free things not worth having.


Only in the forums could "free" be called an "over-inflated price."


Only on the forums can we find someone who thinks 50 million credits is a fair price to that makes legacy storage as useful as it should be for half the price.


One tab for free hits a bare minimum of useful.


I wrote: "How is one tab for free overpriced? It's a bargain."

You responded: "It is overpriced for it's limited usage. "

Given I'm talking about the entire legacy storage and not just one tab but I assumed you could understand that. I gave you too much credit.


That's utter nonsense and everyone with a brain knows it. Claiming free stuff is overpriced makes you look silly.

One tab for free and 4 more for 50 mil is indeed over priced. Doesn't matter the initial free tab because it's capacity is too limited. More tabs are needed.


The only silly thing I can see is the inflated price on something of such a limited usefulness. To gain enough usage out of it most will have to have multiple tabs and for that cost, it's a bit over-priced.

Edited by Quraswren
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And how do you know that? Rare mounts and Revan statutues sell for 5 million on Harbinger. Sell for that. People have spent millions trying to get the Rancor on Nar Shadaaa. To me, that says there are plenty of players, all with the "Exorbitantly Wealthy" title, with millions of credits they don't know what to do with. For them, BW offers Galactic Strongholds and Legacy Storage.


And then there are the people who buy Hypercrates, each of which cost more CCs than two tabs of Legacy storage. For them, BioWare offers ... Legacy Storage. :)


Unlike you, BioWare knows how many players can afford to max their Legacy Storage, using creds and/or CCs.


Really? This isn't hard to figure out. This isn't the early 2000's where there are few MMORPGs on the market. Now the MMORPG industry is very saturated and as a result player attrition rate is notoriously high. Across the industry, the average player sticks around for somwhere between 6 months to a year before moving on, depending on the title. Also keep in mind that the average MMO player also has a intensity ratio of 22 hours played per week so based on those numbers, do you actually believe that the vast majority of TOR players have 50 million credits sitting around in their bank? If I were to venture a guess, that percentile would be somewhere around 1-2% at the highest.


The 50 million credits to unlock all of the legacy bank is little more than an overt attempt by BW to steer people towards buying more CCs to unlock it that way. In other words, yet another RL cash grab scheme that they have found to be so profitable during the past year and half.


Edit: As for your general comment regarding your disposable income provoking envy, did you seriously go there? If you wish to compare p***s in that department, my disposable income stands a good chance of being higher than yours unless you're within the top 3 percentage points nationally. The difference is that I didn't get to this point by spending recklessly on items where the cost versus benefit is clearly out of balance.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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The gaming industry is a business like any other.

No it isn't. SWTOR is a luxury entertainment product based on a hybrid subscriber/cash-market model. Other than at the most basic and irrelevant level ("Make money") , it is nothing like a farm, nothing like a widget factory, nothing like a retail store.

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No it isn't. SWTOR is a luxury entertainment product based on a hybrid subscriber/cash-market model. Other than at the most basic and irrelevant level ("Make money") , it is nothing like a farm, nothing like a widget factory, nothing like a retail store.


LOL, I can't help it. I just have to say that's the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.

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