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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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Probably not, because most people at level 50 skipped a pretty massive chunk of the game just to farm xp to powerlevel to 50. So I have pretty much no sympathy for endgamers who are frustrated by the lack of content in a game that's been out for less than a week.


That said, I'll still point you in the direction of this dev post for details about what they're working on for future patches. Space Combat is mentioned, and a secret "special project" is hinted at. Additionally, they're working on a whole lot of other stuff that addresses some of the biggest (non-bug-related) complaints that players seem to have.

Umm I watched every cut scene and duo'd to 50 from wave 1 pre-release to launch day with my friend. We didn't spacebar spam through anything. Sorry sir if you're claiming OP argument is invalid, but I learned in my June beta build that you could level to 50 solo questing doing just the class story + planet arc + planet side quests (ignoring the heroics/flashpoints) in about a week playing ~5 hours a day and power gaming on the weekend.


And the only meaningful flashpoints are Black Talon/Esseles (10), Foundry (32-36), Directive 7 (47... french robots... lul) during your leveling experience. What I mean by "meaningful" is those are the only ones with story interwoven through the flashpoint. Athiss and Mandalorian Raiders are just grinders they tossed in to apease the hamster wheelers who wanted something to grind for gear. The story starts and ends at the holo terminal before you enter for those.


But the only thing I'm concerned with is the legacy system. Already legacy level 8 and no idea what the heck it is.


I only ever expected Bioware to pump out a fun story. They have done so. But my story is over so this is the part where I normally put down a Bioware game and go play a MMO. See what I did there? Except there is no other MMO to play and there is no other Bioware game to replay... well I could replay another character to 50... but I already experienced the planet and side quests and since I grouped with friends I helped them with their class quests so I already know those class arcs... I could roll the other faction but then how does that help my guild community...


Paradoxes... conundrums... and bears... oh my.


I just hope Illum is fun. When enough people show up it should be. The warfronts aren't fun imo. Just a bunch of level 15s running around naked bolstered up to level 50 and holding their own. albeit trollsy I don't find it entertaining :p

Edited by Sardoni
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Umm I watched every cut scene and duo'd to 50 from wave 1 pre-release to launch day with my friend. We didn't spacebar spam through anything. Sorry sir if you're claiming OP argument is invalid, but I learned in my June beta build that you could level to 50 solo questing doing just the class story + planet arc + planet side quests (ignoring the heroics/flashpoints) in about a week playing ~5 hours a day and power gaming on the weekend.


And the only meaningful flashpoints are Black Talon/Esseles (10), Foundry (32-36), Directive 7 (47... french robots... lul) during your leveling experience. What I mean by "meaningful" is those are the only ones with story interwoven through the flashpoint. Athiss and Mandalorian Raiders are just grinders they tossed in to apease the hamster wheelers who wanted something to grind for gear. The story starts and ends at the holo terminal before you enter for those.


But the only thing I'm concerned with is the legacy system. Already legacy level 8 and no idea what the heck it is.


I only ever expected Bioware to pump out a fun story. They have done so. But my story is over so this is the part where I normally put down a Bioware game and go play a MMO. See what I did there? Except there is no other MMO to play and there is no other Bioware game to replay... well I could replay another character to 50... but I already experienced the planet and side quests and since I grouped with friends I helped them with their class quests so I already know those class arcs... I could roll the other faction but then how does that help my guild community...


Paradoxes... conundrums... and bears... oh my.


I just hope Illum is fun. When enough people show up it should be. The warfronts aren't fun imo. Just a bunch of level 15s running around naked bolstered up to level 50 and holding their own. albeit trollsy I don't find it entertaining :p


Im hoping Ilum holds us as well, I got shot down by so many fanbois and Bioware drones but at least my point is out there. I do enjoy vindication but this time it will be at the expense of a game I really want to succeed.

Edited by Scan
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Lotro launched without a single raid. Lotro was out for almost 6 months before we got skills above level 30 (cap was 50). Powerlevelers we know the devs cannot keep up with. They blast through all the content in a day then bemoan they have noone to play with the game is dying etc etc. They could release a whole huge expansion tomorrow this same guy will be complaining within a few days hes completed it all.
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I have to laugh also at people who call themselves casual yet play at least 5 hours a day during the week and 24/7 on the weekends. You are NOT casual if you play for hours everyday and the entire weekend is spent in swtor. I havent had 5 hours all friggin week to play because I have to do stuff like pay rent. Also its christmas so have family obligations etc. I bet there is one heck of a lot more people like me than people who are already lvl 50 4 days into it.
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They'll just raise the level cap soon enough. It's what keeps WoW afloat after all these years, and every game developer knows that there is a guy from accounting lording over his shoulder & saying "I may know nothing about online games but I know market shares, so clearly the thing to do is just copy WoW in every way possible short of getting us sued."


And thus it is done.

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I have to laugh also at people who call themselves casual yet play at least 5 hours a day during the week and 24/7 on the weekends. You are NOT casual if you play for hours everyday and the entire weekend is spent in swtor. I havent had 5 hours all friggin week to play because I have to do stuff like pay rent. Also its christmas so have family obligations etc. I bet there is one heck of a lot more people like me than people who are already lvl 50 4 days into it.


The thing about this game is that the line between being casual and hardcore bleeds. It bleeds hard. You can still be casual in that you like to quest a lot and play a lot. Because you play a lot does not mean you are hardcore. I think you have forgotten what hardcore and being casual means.


Also, stop whining about him whining.

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat.[/color]


Already done so if you complain about the other stuff, asking for freeform space combat should be toatally out of the question. You are welcome. :)

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Lack of endgame is NOT acceptable, and the fanbois in this thread should realize that. The point of a game is for folks to PLAY it. Some play more than others and reach end game faster. To get there and find nothing to do is not acceptable in todays MMOs. Not that there needs to be a ton of different things, but some things for sure.
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Ok, I'll tell you why you ARE the enemy.


Firstly, there's a stupendous arrogance in the first post that you make here. You set yourself up as a voice of the people, then spout nonsense about "people you know" that have hit 50 without spacebarring and that "people don't enjoy PvP".


After this, you then proclaim that "the game would have stood out in front of others" and "they wouldn't lose subs" if they would JUST do the X, Y and Z that you personally would like. I mean, hell, you obviously have knowledge much more in depth than any of us and anyone at Bioware (y'know the professional game developers and if they'd just listened to you in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess now.


Later, you write that anybody who disagrees with you is either "a WoW-like fanboi" or "doesn't understand that point" which is a ridiculous strawman set up to utomatically deride any counterargument to your obvious awesomeness.


I would imagine that this is why you were ridiculed. Here's a protip for you; you have no special insight into games. Your experience of playing MMOs means exactly squat in predicting subscription rates and their rise and fall. And most importantly, THIS GAME WAS NOT BUILT FOR YOU. I do wish that every single person would bear this in mind. This is not your personal MMO, and thus every single one of the features or expectations or mechanics that you enjoy may not be in the game. This doesn't make it a bad game.




Now that's out of the way, to address your point specifically, I current have over 130 hours /played on one character and am at level 44 on Voss. I have this amount of playtime because I didn't take advantage of the broken PvP XP system to powerlevel myself way past where the story expects me to be at then faceroll through planets. The game is fun, interesting and challenging when you level within the level ranges of the planets.


The game is 4 days old and you are already screaming for new content. This is even more stupid because they announced on the main blog YESTERDAY that new content will be available next month. At this point, your "fears" and "concerns" are massively misplaced and you need to have a look at yourself.


I Had to quote this because you sir, are my Hero.

That first bit was awesome.

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rushers cry about lack of end game now

fanbois will cry about lack of end game in a month or so


so instead of fight with each other... we should everyone demand more end game content, becouse leveling to 50, make an alt leveling to 50 egain and making another alt ect is most retarded thing ever

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Well I plan on playing through with 8 charactors, I'm cruising through and in no hurry.

However at McDonalds I'm done eating before anyone else has even ordered, then I wonder what my Big Mac tasted like because I inhaled it.


Anyhow, I Think expanding on space combat would be fun I mean why not?,Who knows I think Bioware plans on sticking around awhile we'le see what they have in store for SWTOR.

I'm sure they are brainstorming on this game constantly.New content on the way, already announced and I'm going to be busy with my 1st play through for awhile.

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Sure I'd be in love with freeform space combat. Hell, I loved it in SWG. But honestly, the thing about the 50's is the spacebarring/skipping things/not doing flashpoints/not doing heroics. Ive worked on my consular to 23 which took atleast 3-4 days. On my BH, I spacebarred and havent done any flashpoints and leveled to 29 in a week. Its not BW's fault that you nolifed your way to 50. Stop the QQ.
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rushers cry about lack of end game now

fanbois will cry about lack of end game in a month or so


so instead of fight with each other... we should everyone demand more end game content, becouse leveling to 50, make an alt leveling to 50 egain and making another alt ect is most retarded thing ever


Uh, no its not. And why the hell would you ask for more end game content when the game has only been out to the general public for a few days?

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Every MMO out there had 50s within the first week. Some people out there enjoy that sort of thing. Others though including myself might level 'quickly' but we make sure we do all quests and listen to all cut scenes without skipping any.


Don't let other people's impatience ruin the game for you.

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How could anyone actually space bar through ALL the content? I don't believe this is possibly true. Sometimes you have to at least pay attention to the conversation choice you pick in regards to what the NPC said to you (companion affection gain). Sometimes listening is faster for quests too...


I don't believe that there are actually players who literally spammed space bar for EVERY single conversation cinematic.


If you just skip trying to get companion affection how do you max out their affection?

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