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Pub side and I used QT as well. There may be some bias, I'll run it on the imp side when I next get a chance...maybe Sunday if I'm lucky.


Got the bonuses in the course of the mission runs, didn't spend extra time doing it.


When my dailies refresh tomorrow I'll try and get exact numbers for the credits I collected from each section of Ilum(rather than just measuring speed, well-done and with a long load time I can't see Imp Ilum taking longer than 18 minutes, my load times are extremely fast though so needs to be adjusted upwards from my run to the norm). Maybe figure out if any particular quest offers significantly more credits then the average due to mobs or drops involved.

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50 MILLIONS!!!!!! I was reading 5 millions and I was concern why people were complaining, but 50 millions!!!! that is like what a lot!!!! :D :D (just kidding it is Friday man, time to ---------------------->
) Edited by Kantaso
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If they take away the buffs from the guildship then you might be right. but as long as it gives an advantage it needs to be attainable by everybody.

Based on the descriptions, not even all of the guild members will get the buff, unless they are on the planet where the guild ship is docked.



"Dock your Flagship at various planets and provide powerful buffs to guild members on the ground."


The way it's worded, the buff may only come into play with controlling planets.


No way to know for certain, though. Not yet.


eta: Ack. Every time I read it, I get a different interpretation. Is it next week we get more info on Guild Ships?

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Based on the descriptions, not even all of the guild members will get the buff, unless they are on the planet where the guild ship is docked.



"Dock your Flagship at various planets and provide powerful buffs to guild members on the ground."


The way it's worded, the buff may only come into play with controlling planets.


No way to know for certain, though. Not yet.


So basically the ship is always going to be hanging around level 50 planets, :eek: :eek:...... :D

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Why are you in the guild if you don't want to work to achieve goals with them?


- I'm "casual" player

- I'm not in any guild mostly because if I ever join one again I want it to be right one


Guess what? I could make that 50 million happen. It's all about prioritizing.


maybe they are using the money from dailies to pay for repairs from progression raiding. I have seen a cohesive guild crumbles in 2 or 3 days. I work for 2 or 3 weeks only to see the money walk away? I dont think so.



the devs are much better at creating credit sinks than they are at creating content. with a basically useless lbank and guildships that most wont ever see....not a lot of content this year.

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hate to tell you this, if the game is going to require their subs to work hours a day for weeks, you can kiss a lot of those subs goodbye. because only subs can amass that kind of money. That is not something I will do in a GAME that I do for recreation. Its kinda like having rows of treadmills that all players logging on have to run on for an hour every time they log on...It isnt an idea that is destined to succeed.


Then you won't get a guildship? Simple as that. It shouldn't be something they just hand out, but something that is earned. If people unsub because they actually have to work for something in a MMO, then they're most likely not cut out to be playing MMO's in the first place. As someone who works 8 hours a day, I still have enough time to run dailies and ops while making a good amount of credits. Being casual isn't an excuse since making credits is too easy in this game.

Edited by Drox
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i dont think this is necessarily true either.


it depends how active and interested people are inside the guild, not the quantity.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more money to invest in a ship than a guild of 200 leveling buff seekers.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more people online than most guilds of 200 anyway


an active raiding quild of 20 has been spending money on repairs. and mods/hilts etc.


tell your 16 man raiding guild that instead of raiding you will be running dailies every day and all money goes to the GM..sorry guild bank..see how long that lasts.

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an active raiding quild of 20 has been spending money on repairs. and mods/hilts etc.


tell your 16 man raiding guild that instead of raiding you will be running dailies every day and all money goes to the GM..sorry guild bank..see how long that lasts.


What you are describing is more of a symptom than the actual problem. In a guild where this happens, I would argue that it has bad leadership that doesn't care to give the rest of the guild a chance to speak up about what the focus should be placed upon.


A guild is not just a collection of players. That is only one aspect of a guild. A guild is a collection of players with similar goals and interests.


In the situation you are describing that would be a guild where the guild leader is making decisions without any consideration for what the rest of the guild may or may not want to be involved in. A REAL guild where the players share common goals and work together to achieve them should not have this problem because the guild makes the decisions together.

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Sorry, but that's simply not true. If you only played with RL friends, even then there is risk.


I'm sorry man but you are really reaching this time. I've had people spam me invites to guilds all the time decline them. If you are stupid to join a guild through blind spam invite and donate money then you get what you deserve.


I don't believe you actually believe this will be a big as am issue as you say and are trying to be negative just to be negative

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Dear BioWare,


I really wonder if there would have been the same uproar had 10 million credits been the number. My bet is even that would be too much for many. Next time may I suggest making the price 4x the actual number decided on. So in this case the price would be 200 million, then when the forums blow up step in as the company with a heart and lower the price to the real number 50 million. If people are going whine, give them something to whine about. :p

Edited by mikebevo
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I'm sorry man but you are really reaching this time. I've had people spam me invites to guilds all the time decline them. If you are stupid to join a guild through blind spam invite and donate money then you get what you deserve.


I don't believe you actually believe this will be a big as am issue as you say and are trying to be negative just to be negative


Nah, TUXs is a realist. It's not like this issue will be rampant... but it will happen enough that BW will have to address it.

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Nah, TUXs is a realist. It's not like this issue will be rampant... but it will happen enough that BW will have to address it.


I'm not sure how they could address it. Guild Masters own the guild. This includes everything in the Gbank and the imminent Guild Ships. The money for the Guild Ship doesn't come from the Guild Master's personal credits, it comes from the Gbank. Any money put into the gbank is basically being given to the Guild, which is the Guild Master's.


I'm certainly open to suggestions how they can address this, but right now, all I can see that is Guild Ships are just another facet of the Guild and belongs to the Guild Master.

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Dear BioWare,


I really wonder if there would have been the same uproar had 10 million credits been the number. My bet is even that would be too much for many. Next time may I suggest making the price 4x the actual number decided on. So in this case the price would be 200 million, then when the forums blow up step in as the company with a heart and lower the price to the real number 50 million. If people are going whine, give them something to whine about. :p


Scotty Factor. You, I like. :cool:

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I'm certainly open to suggestions how they can address this, but right now, all I can see that is Guild Ships are just another facet of the Guild and belongs to the Guild Master.


Which might lead to people expecting guilds and guild leaders to have one for the guild as part of the service and not something that you sort of do together as a guild.

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Which might lead to people expecting guilds and guild leaders to have one for the guild as part of the service and not something that you sort of do together as a guild.


Maybe so. Some people tend to have a mentality of entitlement, but I don't see how or why we should cater to that mentality.

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Nah, TUXs is a realist. It's not like this issue will be rampant... but it will happen enough that BW will have to address it.


If you don't trust the GM or the guild as a whole that you've join, then you shouldn't be in that guild or at the very least don't give them credits/items. If you're naive enough to still get swindled then it isn't BW's fault, it's your own.

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if I get to spend 8hrs a week playing games. THAT'S why after nearly 3 years I've only got 2 lvl 55's and still have 2 classes I haven't finished yet.

If you don't play the endgame content and only focus on leveling up the chars there is no way you could earn credits. That's true. But then the point of having a guildship is gone because it is meant for the guilds that actually do stuff.

Btw, if you spent at least 4hrs a week to either run ops or do weeklies and dailies, you would have about 250k a week.


I'm done.....U grind dailies.....I'm busy making REAL money so I can pay my house off by the end of the year, and buy these neon lights for my motorcycle....

Good, so you actually understand. We don't whine about the price of motorcycles and houses being too high and which we can't afford because of it, so let us enjoy guildships and let us feel elitist in a virtual world at least :rolleyes:

Edited by PavSalco
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If you don't play the endgame content and only focus on leveling up the chars there is no way you could earn credits.

I beg to differ. One can make good money while leveling a character.


Take scavenging / slicing / underworld trading. Gather open world nodes. Send companions out on grade 2-4 UT missions. Sell everything you get. Use planetary commendations to buy gear. Don't spend money.


I did this recently and hit level 55 with 3 million in my bag from a fully self-sufficient toon.

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