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Guild Ships aren't like cartel packs -- only available for a limited time. No guild is excluded from buying a Guild Ship.


Guilds with 50 million credits in their bank when the Guild Ships are initially available can buy one immediately. Guilds without enough funds that want a ship will have to save up, and purchase a ship later on.


Not having enough credits to purchase something means earning and saving credits, or doing without.

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Either you want it, or you don't.


Either you're willing to work for it, or you're not.


And it's perfectly fair the way it is. Anybody who thought that guild ships would be at the 5 mil range was fooling themselves. At that rate, every single player could realistically earn enough credits to buy their own flagship in under a week, even without crafting or flipping the gtn.


It's perfectly reasonable that large guilds will have an easier time getting this than smaller guilds, because they have more people to contribute. Don't like it? Suck it up. Save the money, and buy it. There is absolutely nothing out there that stops your guild from saving the money for this if your guild really wants it. Is your guild going to be able to buy it on day one? Absolutely. If you work for it. If you don't work for it...well, I guess you don't want it enough. Or you just expect BioWare to give it to you because..."well this guild with 460 members has one, why can't my guild with 10 have one for the same cost per member?" Sorry, bucko, but that's not how things work. Smaller guilds will have to work harder for it, sure, but it's not unreasonable. I could get a group of four players together, create brand new accounts, and make a new guild, and I could pretty much guarantee that within a month or two, we could easily save up the 50 mil, if we really wanted to.

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1) Donations from members.

2) Dedicated guild crafters.


The guild I'm in uses the second option. This is set up so that all three raid groups dump rare materials to the bank for crafters to use and sell. We have 16HM farming runs just to get the materials and relic, implant and earpiece tokens. Crafters get the tokens but /roll winners get to choose between any of craftable items - for free. Materials go to the bank. Crafters make stuff, sell it and finance everyone's repair costs.


Now that I think about it - the guild runs like a precisely tuned Swiss watch. And that's because the GM and the council are really making an effort. The rest of us reward this effort by not causing drama and aggro. Everyone's relaxed and has fun. :eek:


That is nice, but it sounds like too much work for my taste... but more power to you...

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Quote: Originally Posted by Kulyok View Post

My proposal is five million. It's expensive, but it's achievable.



Five million is what it costs you to buy all three upgrades for a piece of armor.


Exactly! We have nearly 2 million going out each week in guild repair funds alone. To think that 5 million is a lot...or better yet expensive, is ludicrous.


What you guys do regarding the crafting is a genius idea.

Edited by Rehneu
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Fifty million is terrible. Take a small roleplaying guild with twenty or thirty people: on the average, only two or three people would have above one million credits. That's not a credit sink, it's not a highway robbery, it's simply impossible!


Now I understand why one of my guildmasters said he had 42 million in the guild bank, because he was saving for the guildship. But seriously, that's a big guild, a guild that does ops and has like twenty or thirty experienced crafters - not every guild is like that!




Absolutely. I've got characters in how many guilds... ten or twelve or fifteen, I bet(I just have many characters, so I can't place them in one guild). Naturally, I only feel strongly about one guild, maybe two. (And if I donate, say, one million to each of the guilds I'm in... um, no, call me greedy, but /gquit sounds like a better alternative).



My proposal is five million. It's expensive, but it's achievable.


20 or 30 people? Even in an RP guild I'd expect more like 5-9 people with over 10 million, and 15 to 20 with over 1 million (those CM outfits don't buy themselves after all).

Edited by AshlaBoga
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But, just me...I've made over 100mil credits by myself, just crafting and selling and flipping cheap mats/goods on the GTN. One player with no add-ons or anything. Just buying and relisting and selling Bio-chem stuff. Oh, and actually doing dailies now and again.


So, don't tell me that it's impossible because you're in a 4man guild. Or you're a PVP guild. Or an RP guild. None of that stuff is keeping you from crafting stuff, running dailies and flipping cheap stuff on the GTN.


The thing is, acquiring credits is not for everyone. And when some cosmetic stuff is worth millions of credits, it's okay - it's not new content, and only a few players can buy it, but that's how it's going to be. Heck, I myself went and bought a Music Therapy Probe for 5 mil just because I could.


But Guild ship is new content. Guild conquest events, things that keep the game more interesting, actual questing. And it seems unfair to me to only restrict it to "rich" guilds/guilds with rich members.


(And psst! If everyone is going to do that GTN/bio stuff, we'd go out of business pretty soon.)

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Five million is what it costs you to buy all three upgrades for a piece of armor.


Some guilds(many, I'd think) don't raid. Some guilds don't have guild members over level 30. Many players just come, enjoy the class stories, and end playing right after Corellia. Armor upgrades? Heck, half of the players I meet in low-level flashpoints don't know what mods are.


But all of them would like to have access to every bit of low-level content that can be. It's not Revan's Armor. It's not NiM ops. It's basically guild dailies. Do lowl-level guilds have to raise 50 mil to be able to run dailies?

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Are you suggesting that guild ships are low-level content? :confused::eek:


I haven't heard the developers say it's for 55's only. Is it?


I'm just wondering if it's logical: I mean, if the guild conquests are level 55''s only, why would low-level members be interested in donating? Of course, eventually they would be level 55, too, but not everyone thinks that far ahead. Also, there're non-subs to consider: f2ps can't go beyond level 50.

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I haven't heard the developers say it's for 55's only. Is it?


I'm just wondering if it's logical: I mean, if the guild conquests are level 55''s only, why would low-level members be interested in donating? Of course, eventually they would be level 55, too, but not everyone thinks that far ahead. Also, there're non-subs to consider: f2ps can't go beyond level 50.


Why would anyone expect a sub-55 to big a significant source of donations?


F2Ps can't even donate to the guild bank, and are capped at like 250k credits or something, they're pretty far out of the picture.

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Why would anyone expect a sub-55 to big a significant source of donations?


I would - my guildmaster char at the Progenitor was at 3.5mil yesterday(she's level 33 or something), until I bought that mini-skirt outfit. Whereas ten of my level 55's on Red Eclipse are completely broke.


That's another reason to worry, I guess - some of the guilds may decide that non-participating characters should get kicked out. I may just start a new casual guild for soloers and put: "No donations expected!" in the recruiting post. And then buy a guild ship myself anyway. All the more reason to have it under 50 mil, I guess.

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Some guilds(many, I'd think) don't raid. Some guilds don't have guild members over level 30. Many players just come, enjoy the class stories, and end playing right after Corellia. Armor upgrades? Heck, half of the players I meet in low-level flashpoints don't know what mods are.


recruit better players. stop spamming gen chat and picking up losers.

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Im sure Bioware and Muscos team will follow threads like this they have indicated they are going to be for feedback.


So heres mine.

Guildships were announced back in 2011 thats 3 years ago as far as time framing of the game no-one can have the excuse of it costs too much, alot of feedback so far has been around "ahhh too expensive we feel alienated blah blah blah" what? should bioware just give u a Capitol ship and then every minor no nothing guild who put 4 ppl together on courascant get a flagship... IMO no thats stupid, yes they should be exclusive they should be expensive as all hell they should be all the things that will force a guild as a group of players working together to obtain,

imo Swtor does need a big money sink to control credits in the game... prices on the GTN are plunging the only things that still do well are items cratfed from MMG's and EEE's since they have become less available as the amount of people doing the content which drops them plateus. this is the perfect thing to make vast credit reserves shrink for an item worthy of the value.. i cant imagine kitting them out will be any cheaper either.


TLDR stop moaning yes they exclusive if u want one work for it. otherwise dont complain.

only the people who cleared DP NIM get the title its not for those who dont earn it

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should bioware just give u a Capitol ship and then every minor no nothing guild who put 4 ppl together on courascant get a flagship...


Why is it that so many people can't see this huge gap between "50 million" and "basically for free"? Lowering the cost of 50 million doesn't mean that other people/guilds get a free guild ship. A reasonable price would only mean that a reasonable amount of guilds can have a ship, without inflating the galaxy with them. 25-30 million would suffice.

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Sure it is, by people who play the game every day and for hours and hours at a time...


The OP was making the point that the bulk of the players don't do that...


It's their problem that they can't spend 1h each day to do either dailies or ops. A small or large guild - it doesn't matter as long as you don't play the game you won't get a guildship. I personally don't make much money out of SWTOR. It is usually 1 million a month but that's enough to support my guild.


Assuming a small guild has about 10 players that play regularly, it can afford a guildship after 4 months. Not so bad really.


I hate this way of thinking that people want to have everything in easy way and then the same annoying people complain that they have nothing to do in the game. Hypocrites.

Edited by PavSalco
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15 people willing to do that 5 days a week and 4 hours on the weekend for 2 weeks straight, then donate the entire return to the guild, are going to be a rare 15 people.


Why are you in the guild if you don't want to work to achieve goals with them?


- I'm "casual" player

- I'm not in any guild mostly because if I ever join one again I want it to be right one


Guess what? I could make that 50 million happen. It's all about prioritizing.

Edited by Halinalle
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Why are you in the guild if you don't want to work to achieve goals with them?




People complain - and rightly so(!) - over the fact Bioware makes a genuine effort to wall off everything behind the CM.


Bioware points out that Guild Flagships will require a joint team-effort, as far as some(?) guilds are concerned.


Some people, having trust issues pertaining the guild they are a member of, do not agree with this. Their solution? For Bioware to scale the requirements considerably, NOT for them to actively seek a guild they can both rely and trust on... In other words, the cornerstone of ANY great guild.


No one points out that Bioware could have made the Guild Flagships available for 50,000 CC for example, no matter how silly it would sound.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I am thrilled to hear it is much lower then the 200 million goal we had set and originally heard it may have been priced at.


Me too, I was anticipating a much higher cost. I ran a guild in PW, they have guild bases there that are the equivalent of guild ships here. Here's what they cost:


Upgrade Faction to level 3 (you'd normally do this as a GM because it gives you a higher member cap (200 at level 3), and means the guild doesn't disappear when you do) =

20 Ten Million Big Notes (just a way to convert cash into an item, freely traded at 10m each, so 200 million in credits)

500 Mysterious Chips (tradeable commendation type thing you use to make gear, mats, etc. they are about 1k each)

500 Warsong Emblem (this is the equivalent of MMGs)

2000 Ultimate Substance (this is the equivalent of EEEs)


So yeah I was expecting 100-200 million credits. Good thing they didn't decide to require high end crafting mats that drop from operations huh?

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That is an incorrect conclusion.


If a guild has 50 players then it's 1 million each. If it has 10 players it's 5 million each.


Why is it handing out if smaller guilds want to do the same amount of work per person to get it instead of having to do 5 times as much? On the individual level smaller guilds have to put up more cash, so you're basically being punished for having a small guild.


That has nothing to do with handing out candy.


It's not about amount of work per person. It's about the workload and effort of the guild as a whole. If you want a lower workload then have more people to spread it around.

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I don't care for the guild ship, but I am no idiot, this has "mass quitting" written all over it.


There are a couple strains of opinion on this.


1. Those small guild people who feel it is too much and will quit.


2. Those from rich guilds (non-pvp'ers, lets be real) who light their toots with 50mil credit notes. They are loving that the space peasant guilds will be excluded. They can barely contain their glee over this.


So, in my outsiders view, bioware needs to heed the writing all over the walls of these threads. They have actually made people angry and no small amount of them. Bioware exists to wring the last bit of money that they can out of this IP. That is their only reason for creating this game. It would seem counter-intuitive to go against the grain of this "profit at all costs" ideal.

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I don't care for the guild ship, but I am no idiot, this has "mass quitting" written all over it.


There are a couple strains of opinion on this.


1. Those small guild people who feel it is too much and will quit.






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