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50 million credits for a Guild Ship? Why is it so much Bioware?


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The bottom line is that the ship can be attained by any guild in the game if people just put in some sweat and tears to get it. As said earlier in the thread, I'm very, VERY happy that they won't be on the CM. I'll gladly bust my butt along with my guildies to get it via grinding dailies, flipping stuff on the GTN and of course selling off crafted items.
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I think the more important question is why are people "working"? This is a game, it's supposed to be an escape from work. If something in a game requires, or feels like, work then it's a badly designed game.


You are confusing a job with work.


1) exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something

2) something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking

3) productive or operative activity


Work every time you log into the game and set out to accomplish something. Unless you enjoy paying $15 a month to sit on the starter world.

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You are confusing a job with work.


1) exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something

2) something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking

3) productive or operative activity


Work every time you log into the game and set out to accomplish something. Unless you enjoy paying $15 a month to sit on the starter world.


Yeah, I got a brother who sweats more and works harder on restoring old cars than he does at his regular job.


We do our jobs so we can do what we truly want to do when we're not doing our jobs.

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The bottom line is that the ship can be attained by any guild in the game if people just put in some sweat and tears to get it. As said earlier in the thread, I'm very, VERY happy that they won't be on the CM. I'll gladly bust my butt along with my guildies to get it via grinding dailies, flipping stuff on the GTN and of course selling off crafted items.


I believe this is EXACTLY the kind of thing everyone should praise.


Instead, some just prefer to protest over not being able to obtain something with no effort attached to it.

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I believe this is EXACTLY the kind of thing everyone should praise.


Instead, some just prefer to protest over not being able to obtain something with no effort attached to it.


Maybe thats part of my problem, I don't trust many people in the guilds I'm in to put much effort to pitching into buying a guild ship. Maybe that will change because there is actually something worth putting the credits into.


I honestly don't care if they wanted to put on the CM, if someone wanted to spend an absurd amount of money on a ship for his guildies, good for him. I sure wouldn't be.

Edited by Nickious
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Yes, would be quite "evil" (pinkie finger to mouth), if EA got a cut or most of the money from credit sellers.


Oh please.


This is why the 'omg EAvil' people can't be taken seriously. If BW had offered an option to buy the Guild Ships with CCs, they'd have screamed to high-heaven about how P2W Guild Ships were and how terrible Guild Ships were because you could just buy one with CCs and the CM is going to make the sun burn out early or some other nonsense.


And when they make a point of not making a CM alternative available to get Guild ships, you get conspiracy theorists who make stupid comments about how EA is in cahoots with credit sellers and getting a cut.

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Maybe thats part of my problem, I don't trust many people in the guilds I'm in to put much effort to pitching into buying a guild ship. Maybe that will change because there is actually something worth putting the credits into.


I honestly don't care if they wanted to put on the CM, if someone wanted to spend an absurd amount of money on a ship for his guildies, good for him. I sure wouldn't be.


That I do not know.


Regardless, the potential is there one might say. I can only commend them for not taking the shortest route.

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I believe this is EXACTLY the kind of thing everyone should praise.


Actually, a Guild Ship seems like the perfect type of fluff item for the Cartel Market. If it is truly a non-issue item that doesn't give players or guilds any sort of xp/stat/bonus advantage, then the Cartel Market is the ideal place for it.


Instead, some just prefer to protest over not being able to obtain something with no effort attached to it.


Come on now. Not one person in any of the threads I've seen has asked to receive any of the new content without putting forth any effort.



Maybe thats part of my problem, I don't trust many people in the guilds I'm in to put much effort to pitching into buying a guild ship. Maybe that will change because there is actually something worth putting the credits into.


I'm with you. I really like my guildies, but none of the guilds I'm in have existed for longer than like 8 months. Not to mention, there is currently a PvP content drought and most members have been MIA or not very active at all (myself included). Contributing to get a guild ship with these peeps is a shaky endeavor to say the least.


One of my guilds just recently opened their Guild Bank (yes, like 2-3 weeks ago). That's how broke they are. heh


I'm curious, do you play on a PvP server?

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The bottom line is that the ship can be attained by any guild in the game if people just put in some sweat and tears to get it. As said earlier in the thread, I'm very, VERY happy that they won't be on the CM. I'll gladly bust my butt along with my guildies to get it via grinding dailies, flipping stuff on the GTN and of course selling off crafted items.


Any guild? can free to play put money into a guild now? I know a few guilds only have f2p members. When did it change so f2p can put money in. or have they always been able to and I just got it wrong.

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Any guild? can free to play put money into a guild now? I know a few guilds only have f2p members. When did it change so f2p can put money in. or have they always been able to and I just got it wrong.


Accessibility to f2p isn't really part of Bioware's goal with a lot of content.


Moreover, don't you need to be a sub to found a guild?

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I hate to say it. Gold sellers are dancing in the streets. This will make them rich.


It could make them really rich if they're smart enough to raise their prices to about double the current bargain-basement.


But they're not that smart, historically.

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Accessibility to f2p isn't really part of Bioware's goal with a lot of content.


Moreover, don't you need to be a sub to found a guild?


Yes guild master has to be sub, but in general chat there are often guilds that say they are recruiting f2p only. plus was not talking about bioware, was talking about the comment that any guild can get a ship. but I guess the guildmaster can put in all 50mil.

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Any guild? can free to play put money into a guild now? I know a few guilds only have f2p members. When did it change so f2p can put money in. or have they always been able to and I just got it wrong.

Yeah I stand corrected on that. It's a valid point. But I was really trying to basically say that those who are eligible to get one, can. That's all. :)

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Dunno why I pictured a 5-10 million buy-in for base features and rooms so that most guilds could at least get in and then expensive upgrades/expansions from then on.


50 million credits is a kick in the nuts. I am fairly irritated right now.

Edited by TheBBP
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Price seems about right to me. To get it, you have to have worked to get a guild of a certain size or, alternately, to have worked hard to make a lot of credits in the guild bank. It's something that takes both a commitment from guild members and a certain loyalty/dedication to the guild. Guilds that can't pr prefer not to put that work in can easily get a guild stronghold on a capital.


It's been a long time since there was anything in the game you had to really work hard to get and has the added bonus of requiring teamwork. Having a guild ship will be meaningful, not a trivial buy from the cartel market. I think that's great.


It's also nice that there's now a major accomplishment that can be achieved by guilds who aren't ops guilds. Something to work for is a good thing.

Edited by errant_knight
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Dunno why I pictured a 5-10 million buy-in for base features and rooms so that most guilds could at least get in and then expensive upgrades/expansions from then on.


50 million credits is a kick in the nuts. I am fairly irritated right now.


I've said my piece on the subject already in this thread but for what is worth, assuming people make their voices be heard in the PTS forum, maybe they'll reconsider.



You must have a guild bank in PTS with 50 million credits to purchase the Guild Flagships. Flagship is required for Guild Conquest but not for personal conquest. You cannot purchase it with cartel coins. If you think 50 mil is too much, post your feedback on the PTS forums.

No harm in trying. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Yeah I stand corrected on that. It's a valid point. But I was really trying to basically say that those who are eligible to get one, can. That's all. :)


Hey not complaining about your post, was just wondering if f2p could now put money in, so the answer is no to that.


As I put in (was it this thread or another one?) anything is achievable if its something you want so agree with you there. Its just not something my guild(s) want at that prize, most would not pay 10mil in-fact only 3 said that if it was 10mil they would try. Like me most would rather use there creds on character perk unlocks or stuff of GNT or other things. Same for strongholds for me, sure have the free one I get for being a sub but unlocking rooms and other stuff if they are asking that sort of creds to do it then no. The legacy bank is all I really want in any case. Guild stronghold also seems unlikely at this point, we just have better stuff to buy.

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Hmm, not sure what to make of these prices. It seems they are geared towards either ginormous guilds (where a ton of people can make relatively small contributions and gradually save up fairly painlessly), or smaller guilds with wealthy and/or very devoted leadership.


I imagine that smaller and/or less "dedicated" guilds will find guild ships out of reach for them, but since guilds can also own Strongholds and use those for meeting places and showing off their achievement decorations, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing.

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50 mil total for the whole thing unlocked would not be so bad if you had a base buy-in of say 5-10 mil and build from there like the Strongholds. But 50 mil to get in the door is unbelievably ridiculous to ask for.
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yeah our guild wont have a chance, i am by far the richest and i cant even scrape to a 5th of that between all my characters. And of course this is on top of them dumping strongholds as credits sinks too. Waay too many credit sinks all at once.
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