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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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Imho flagging should ONLY happen deliberately via menu.

And never ever through anything else. Unless flagged oneself any enemy flagged or not should be immune to all attacks and unable to "trigger" a flag - might even be fun if POSITIVE effect CAN be casted upon them (buffs, heals,...) . (so like some kind of friendly npc state).


The only reason for this not being implemented I can imagine would be: the grief and tension is wanted as it creates an emotion towards a situation that would otherwise probably just pass unnoted.

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While this has literally never been an issue for me, I still can't believe they haven't addressed this issue. I mean... it's brought up every single time an event is active. Hey, BioWare, is it *really* that hard to make it so you can only do harm to flagged people if you're flagged yourself? I mean, COME ON. The only reason anyone gets flagged on a PvE server is to stand around somewhere in full PvP set and hope some noob attacks you, beyond that no one does it, ever, outside of the Gree event.
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While this has literally never been an issue for me, I still can't believe they haven't addressed this issue. I mean... it's brought up every single time an event is active. Hey, BioWare, is it *really* that hard to make it so you can only do harm to flagged people if you're flagged yourself? I mean, COME ON. The only reason anyone gets flagged on a PvE server is to stand around somewhere in full PvP set and hope some noob attacks you, beyond that no one does it, ever, outside of the Gree event.


Someone claimed that unless you target them, you cannot do them any damage with AoE. Just disable autotarget and look who are you targeting with AoEs.

However, remaking the flag to do damage only if flagged would probably solve problems of not paying attention of PvE server crowd

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Someone claimed that unless you target them, you cannot do them any damage with AoE. Just disable autotarget and look who are you targeting with AoEs.

However, remaking the flag to do damage only if flagged would probably solve problems of not paying attention of PvE server crowd


If they are PvE players, I'd really hate to get them in my raid group. Not paying attention to who you are targeting is a good way to cause wipes.. Consider it training for endgame PvE, and watch what you are clicking on or hitting.

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If they are PvE players, I'd really hate to get them in my raid group. Not paying attention to who you are targeting is a good way to cause wipes.. Consider it training for endgame PvE, and watch what you are clicking on or hitting.


Except it isn't training for endgame.


A lot of people actually don't do endgame so they will never go beyond doing these dailies. These are the people that just do their little thing unawares of raid tactics and unassembled tokens and never bother anyone but are bothered by these so called "pvp-ers", who can't win unless they trick some easy targets. Oh how poweful it makes them feel.


It's an MMO for different target groups. On a PvE server it shouldn't be possible to sucker people into pvp. There should just be a pvp off button in your preferences that can only change if you manually uncheck it in your preferences. That would solve all these problems.

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If they are PvE players, I'd really hate to get them in my raid group. Not paying attention to who you are targeting is a good way to cause wipes.. Consider it training for endgame PvE, and watch what you are clicking on or hitting.


Honestly if the auto-targeting feature in this game is shifting to a flagged player when you're not flagged, that's probably the source of the problems to begin with. It should be ignoring those.


This really isn't a 'not paying attention' thing, it's a 'not working the way it should' thing.

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Honestly if the auto-targeting feature in this game is shifting to a flagged player when you're not flagged, that's probably the source of the problems to begin with. It should be ignoring those.


This really isn't a 'not paying attention' thing, it's a 'not working the way it should' thing.


Which is true, but people purposefully standing in the middle of a group of mobs that an opposing player who is not flagged just aggroed in the hopes of suckering them into pvp is bull and poor character at best. I agree it should be made impossible but players purposefully trying to trick others is....well, let's say I am not positively impressed.

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I know I somehow got flagged for PvP I was on a PvE server, I am not sure if it was when I teamed up with someone for a heroic which flagged me also or not but I was not even aware I was flagged until I was jumped while questing by 2 people (fortunately for me I was 4 levels above the planet and very well geared so I killed them easily then realised I was flagged and immediately turned it off).


Unless you purposely enter a PvP area where it does warn you that if you continue you will get flagged you should have to toggle this on yourself.

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Which is true, but people purposefully standing in the middle of a group of mobs that an opposing player who is not flagged just aggroed in the hopes of suckering them into pvp is bull and poor character at best. I agree it should be made impossible but players purposefully trying to trick others is....well, let's say I am not positively impressed.


Yea but that's not something BioWare can "fix" aside from actioning them after the fact (if they have the data in logs to confirm that's what even happened based on a report - which I doubt).


What they CAN fix is the systems in place that are allowing this to easily happen.

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Ugh... it's like the Gree event all over again. :mad:


I do believe that you should only be able to attack another player if BOTH players flagged for PvP BEFORE the attack. It's pretty simple, really. Someone else's flag should never raise mine. That's how I see it.


However, we know this is something that happens in contested or dual-faction areas. It's pretty rare, but it happens. The best thing is to be aware of what's around you and adjust your attack strategy if you're going to be bothered by it. At least, this is best until the fix it (which seems doubtful since it's been happening since the first Gree event).

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Per usual a thread generalizing "PVPers" and "PVEers" results in loads of funny and dumb posts.


Why doesn't BW just require both players to be MANUALLY FLAGGED? My guess is because it's the common sense solution and requires caring and a little initiative to implement.


Or is there some deep technical reason making that prohibitive that I am not aware of?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Per usual a thread generalizing "PVPers" and "PVEers" results in loads of funny and dumb posts.


Why doesn't BW just require both players to be MANUALLY FLAGGED? My guess is because it's the common sense solution and requires caring and a little initiative to implement.


Or is there some deep technical reason making that prohibitive that I am not aware of?

It's probably too technically challenging at this time.


However...the OP TARGETED the flagged person AND attacked him, intentionally or not. If his defense is "well it auto targeted him", then pay better freaking attention. It's not splash damage that flagged him, it was a deliberate attack on the guys toon that did. Of course the flagged player should be able to attack back.

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It's probably too technically challenging at this time.


However...the OP TARGETED the flagged person AND attacked him, intentionally or not. If his defense is "well it auto targeted him", then pay better freaking attention. It's not splash damage that flagged him, it was a deliberate attack on the guys toon that did. Of course the flagged player should be able to attack back.


It's not deliberate if it was accidental. So there's a (partial) contradiction in your commentary here.

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It's not deliberate if it was accidental. So there's a (partial) contradiction in your commentary here.

Sloppy? Careless? Inattentive? Accidental or not, HE caused it. HE needs to own up to his mistake, not whine here on the forums over it. Bioware can't babysit everyone.

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Sloppy? Careless? Inattentive? Accidental or not, HE caused it. HE needs to own up to his mistake, not whine here on the forums over it. Bioware can't babysit everyone.


Gree's starting again soon isn't it? Maybe it was a preemptive kick off for the gen forum :rak_02:




I shouldn't be forced to pvp to pve. I just want to turn in orbs in the FFA area.


My 4 man group was ganked by one guy


I keep getting attacked in the dailies area. What? Yeah I'm on a PVP server, what's that have to do with anything?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Gree's starting again soon isn't it? Maybe it was a preemptive kick off for the gen forum :rak_02:




I shouldn't be forced to pvp to pve. I just want to turn in orbs in the FFA area.


My 4 man group was ganked by one guy


I keep getting attacked in the dailies area. What? Yeah I'm on a PVP server, what's that have to do with anything?

Crossed my mind as well...


And you know every one of those are coming lol.

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What they CAN fix is the systems in place that are allowing this to easily happen.
It isn't easy now... I tried to get flagged the last rakghoul event. You can't unless you target them (unless a patch messed this up again since then). As it was the only way to get flagged was either target and shoot them or target them drop aoe on enermy and they run into it. At the time it would not flag if you dropped it then targeted them after the fact. I tested this on a slinger, sawbones, shadow and sage.


Now in the old days long ago, you could be flagged by them running in after aoe was dropped without you targeting them. I've been killed more than once on Ilum that way. That was fixed.


Now if you are flagged, you targeted them and if you target them then you deserve to be flagged. Funny thing people that do this usually are terrible. So don't panic, take them out (says the person that does not PvP, but has a few kills because of bad grifers in the gree event).

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It isn't easy now... I tried to get flagged the last rakghoul event. You can't unless you target them (unless a patch messed this up again since then).


Did you turn off the auto target function? I think it's on by default. The one that if you have no target and hit an attack auto tabs to the next available target, I mean. I haven't tried, but I have this suspicion that this is causing the issue by auto-targeting a flagged player when you're not flagged, which it shouldn't do.

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Did you turn off the auto target function? I think it's on by default. The one that if you have no target and hit an attack auto tabs to the next available target, I mean. I haven't tried, but I have this suspicion that this is causing the issue by auto-targeting a flagged player when you're not flagged, which it shouldn't do.


So...it's someone being lazy, uncaring, inattentive or sloppy...right? And that's an issue why?

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Gree's starting again soon isn't it? Maybe it was a preemptive kick off for the gen forum :rak_02:




I shouldn't be forced to pvp to pve. I just want to turn in orbs in the FFA area.


My 4 man group was ganked by one guy


I keep getting attacked in the dailies area. What? Yeah I'm on a PVP server, what's that have to do with anything?


Those always make me laugh pretty hard. Good laughter goes well with my morning coffee.

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