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BW's 9-5 job while the world waits.


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saying "up to 5 days" and "MAY" doesn't change the fact they knew those pre-ordering in November and December would definitely not get close to 5 days of EGA. While it might not be completely false, it shows what type of people your dealing with. Like i said devious marketing.


Hardly devious - its up to as its on a scale. Simple. No need to paint it any other colour.

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It's miss leading for anyone that buys today when they already know they cannot receive up to 5 days. It's only true if there truly is a possibility to receive it.


There is, the infinitely small % chance that everyone cancels their per-order and deletes the access code.


There is a possibility, but it's extremely improbable.

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They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.



To bad this isn't true, I've been in the software industry for 10+ years now and I have never worked 9 - 5 during a product launch, more like 7am to 12 am. I can only imagine what is happening at BioWare right now, and the amount of hours the front line is putting in to make sure that we all get to experience the game. Software launch for any firm is tedious and requires dedication from everyone, and doesn't matter if it's a game, or a business application. So unless you have concrete evidence of the hours that BioWare is working I would really hold opinions like the one above to yourself.


I hope that the launch for this game goes smooth for all parties involved, and that the developers, designers, and project managers get to enjoy a break after the full launch.


May the force be with you!

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Allowing waiting customers in per their own 8 hour job time slot is not an agreeable situation to those that do not share the same narrow time slot of EST, or CST, or MST, or PST.


Allowing only 5 waves in per day while the devs are 'in the office'?


Are there other dev teams covering the other 16 hours of the day to let other waves in?


No...? BW spends...what...? 300 mill on a game and they only have 1 team to allow waves in???




Derp derp. Someone seems to be ignoring all logic. Didn't read those Dev posts, huh?

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"I got my code as part of wave six, but oh well they waited until 11.30 pm in my time zone to bother doing it. I have work in the morning."

Yeah, 11:00pm was wave 1 for us down here in Aus. Last wave was aboot 8am.

So it's either stay up all night to see if we got in, or wait 10-18 hours until we get home from work the next day.


On top of this, we get to wait an entire week for Amazon to deliver our cd-keys by flying pigeon on the 28th (25th is weekend, 26th-27th are public holidays). So that's 8 days we can't play after it goes live.

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I don't think any video game company is considered a 9-5 job.


Shows how much you respect people who work their butts off to bring you your entertainment.


Yes, they do it completely for free. They get paid for "bringing entertainment", did you know that ?

Edited by Meluna
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they let 5 waves in because of server stability. Rockjaw has said that they did so they can watch the servers through prime time and overnight to evaluate them. They didnt quit because they heard the whistle for the end of the work day. This was all planned.
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It all boils down to this...


Would you want the hand on the button that controls your virtual life to be steady thanks to booze and the pleasures of a woman or would you rather it be shakey and frail due to being overworked and exhausted?


Of course I guess a quick trip to the bathroom and some Red Bull could compensate but NO! This is a Star Wars themed forum. There will be no self pleasuring references made here.

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My biggest problem I have with EA / Bioware is that I do not get the emails they say I am supposed to get. It happend in the beta test weekends. Never got the emails for them. I found out by either going to the web site or just trying the launcher. I had verified my email. Checked the spam folder. NOTHING. Heck I have changed from the comcast email to my gmail account. Verified it my account, and still never get them.


Now they still should be doing wave roll outs 24/7 every few hours, which would ease most people on these forums. I did read the excuse about server loads and population is why they are not doing that. To me that is just a cop out, it is 2011. Its digital game in a digital world. Spent millions on this game, and its not the first MMO ever. So just get it done fast, no excuses.



First of all, the beta was a random pool of people. Alot of people didn't get to do the beta. There were alot of people that never received E-mails they were in the beta.



Stephen posted this earlier:


Hey everyone.


We absolutely understand you want to get in and play the game early. It's one of the reasons we expanded our Early Game Access from a maximum of five days to a maximum of seven days. However, there are a couple of important points to realize about today's opening salvo of invites, and the procedure in general for Early Game Access and launch.


First, Early Game Access and launch is not supposed to be a stress test. In our previous Beta Testing Weekends we got up to very large concurrent number of players and brought invites into the game at a very high rate. That was done to stress test every aspect of our systems and servers, and essentially to see if they broke. In some cases, they did, but that helped us improve for launch.


For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.


The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down.


What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.


Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.


Our aim is for Star Wars: The Old Republic to be around for a long time to come. Today's just the first step in that - an early step, too - and we'll be running smoothly, with a stable population, before too long.

Edited by DoctorBeckett
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The game was set to release on the 20th. This is an additional, unexpected, EXTRA day of early access.


This wasn't part of what you paid for - this is *bonus.*


And yet, people still complain.



In general I agree with this, but this particular whine made an actual point. It is kind of bizarre that they cut out fairly early today. They didn't even do an 8 hours of waves (which is all automated anyway). The first wave went out after 7am and last one went out around 1:30. It is kind of like they are phoning it in.


You know when the forums are more quiet and has less crying? When they are actually sending out waves. As long as people have hope that they might be in the next one, they are still thinking positive. As soon as they are done for the day everyone switches into "well crap, I didnt get in today... that makes me unhappy... I will go to the forums and see if anyone else is unhappy." And surprise! there is others just like they are here, being unhappy on the forums.


Seriously BW, send a new wave every hour of much smaller waves but have them run all day til midnight, and there will be much less QQ threads. As long as there is still hope for today, they will be thinking positive and thus not here crying on the message boards.

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Hello there.

Its sad to see this pre lunching style what is going on in waves. Strange. Hard to understand.


Some around explained this wave style invite this way : " They stopped sending waves because they invited as much as they thought the servers could handle today ".


I'm wainting for this game for 3 years. EA and Bioware are not lil kids in this industry. This game from many points of view is one of the biggest MMO game what could dethrone the supremacy of WoW.




Someone said "Great and Important projects should be finished way before the time is up"


This is giving me the taste of a beta test instead of a prelunch.

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For the record...


The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.


About that "ensuring servers stay up" have a look at Jekk Jekk Tarr

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Hello there.

Its sad to see this pre lunching style what is going on in waves. Strange. Hard to understand.


Some around explained this wave style invite this way : " They stopped sending waves because they invited as much as they thought the servers could handle today ".


I'm wainting for this game for 3 years. EA and Bioware are not lil kids in this industry. This game from many points of view is one of the biggest MMO game what could dethrone the supremacy of WoW.




Someone said "Great and Important projects should be finished way before the time is up"


This is giving me the taste of a beta test instead of a prelunch.


Prelunch... for those who get peckish mid-morning.

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The game was set to release on the 20th. This is an additional, unexpected, EXTRA day of early access.


This wasn't part of what you paid for - this is *bonus.*


And yet, people still complain.


With this much interest in the game, the Pre-orders by default, have determined the true launch date of the game; and BioWare agrees. BioWare has stated in several places that they considered this the games launch date.


Early access should be for people that purchased before the gold date of 20 Dec. After 20 Dec. everyone that purchases is playing on already established servers. Most players will never experience a fresh server because of BioWares incompetence.

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there is one more point to be had. We did actually pay for the pre-launch. that is what that 5 bucks was for. However they did say from the start it would be in waves...should there have been more today...I think so...but their wasn't. I was disappointed not to get in today but i got over it. They did go on to say they are sending a lot more out tomorrow and for the rest of the 7 days before. Those who keep saying it is a bonus....you are half right....we did pay to get in early...it is just a matter of when we turned in our codes when we get in. some will get more out of that $5 than others. That's just the way it is.
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Tear the lace off your panties and make sure ya still got a pair. Quit your whining -- and yes GO READ A BOOK or something.


20th is official launch, ANYTHING BEFORE = BONUS!




Which we ALL paid 5$ / 5euro for....

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Tear the lace off your panties and make sure ya still got a pair. Quit your whining -- and yes GO READ A BOOK or something.


20th is official launch, ANYTHING BEFORE = BONUS!




Except it's not a bonus. It's something I was promised in return for paying early. If I weren't promised early access, I wouldn't have pre-ordered.

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