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DK stronghold livestream notes and pics


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I find stuff such as this weird though...


I mean... Seriously? Is it possible they never actually considered this to happen? :confused:


I think they've probably considered it, but where GSH hasn't actually hit the PTS yet it hasn't been tested fully. Its hard to say without knowing what type of chat environment exists on the development servers.

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Question to players: If we were doing another stronghold, where would you like to live? Submit your answers on forums etc. Alderaan please.


+Korriban: Up high, overlooking the acolytes.

+Tython: A private retreat in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the Living Force. With caves.

+Ord Mantell: Private island?

-Nal Hutta: Smelly.

-Taris: Rakghouls make horrible neighbors.

-Balmorra: Too many explosions.

+Alderaan: Everyone wants their own castle.

-Quesh: Same as Nal Hutta.

+Hoth: Nice and rural like Tatooine. Warm fires and fuzzy tauntauns.

-Belsavis: Inmates make horrible neighbors.

+Voss: Voss-Ka would make a lovely home for diplomats and people who wish to leave the war behind them.

+Corellia: Beach house!

+Ilum: Great view at night.

-Makeb: Don't want to wake up 10 miles underground.

-CZ-198: I dislike Czerka.

-Oricon: Too dreadful.

+Manaan: Underwater house!

Edited by Dan_Loto
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+Korriban: Up high, overlooking the acolytes.

+Tython: A private retreat in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the Living Force. With caves.

+Ord Mantell: Private island?

-Nal Hutta: Smelly.

-Taris: Rakghouls make horrible neighbors.

-Balmorra: Too many explosions.

+Alderaan: Everyone wants their own castle.

-Quesh: Same as Nal Hutta.

+Hoth: Nice and rural like Tatooine. Warm fires and fuzzy tauntauns.

-Belsavis: Inmates make horrible neighbors.

+Voss: Voss-Ka would make a lovely home for diplomats and people who wish to leave the war behind them.

+Corellia: Beach house!

+Ilum: Great view at night.

-Makeb: Don't want to wake up 10 miles underground.

-CZ-198: I dislike Czerka.

-Oricon: Too deadful.

+Manaan: Underwater house!


There are a number of decorations that are weapons like Canons and the like so Taris would be a good planet for using those specific ones. :p

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I asked for Tython and Musco seemed to enjoy the idea of that, how cool would it be to live like a hermit in a cave on Tython?


Or have a Jedi Master's retreat?


Korriban would be nice. My toon already lives on Korriban, adjacent to the Dark Council meeting chamber (he's really lazy and likes use his robes as PJs:p).

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There are a number of decorations that are weapons like Canons and the like so Taris would be a good planet for using those specific ones. :p


Good point, I suppose the same good be said for Belsavis. I would like to amend what I said about Makeb, I'm replaying through on my Operative and realized that a Skyhook would make a cool house.

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I find stuff such as this weird though...


I mean... Seriously? Is it possible they never actually considered this to happen? :confused:


Well think about it for a second.


There are planets that both factions can visit, and you'll still only hear your faction in chat.

So I would assume that if you go to DK as a republic character, you'll indeed see the DK chat... but it'll be mostly empty since you can only see/hear what other republic characters say.

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Aside from shared crafting storage, which is actually a big deal to some of us, I will also be happy to stick all my legacy bound gear in here. The idea that all my legacy orange gear is in one place and I can move mods without having to use the mail system is also a great thing to me.


If a character gets a drop and wants to send the mods to an alt, chances are the legacy gear is on another toon as it is. Then I have to log onto the other toon and send orange legacy gear to the other character, then remod and send it to the character the mods are for after wich I have to send the legacy orange gear back to the character who has all of them for safe keeping.


With the legacy storage it saves me 4 mail messages and 1-2 character relogs. To me that's a great thing.


Also items like the mggs and hydro thinner etc can be easily shared, not to mention found. Or items like the legacy relics. Once you have a number of characters and forgot which one had what.


Sure I really wished it could hold credits as well, but it certainly is more than just crafting storage to me.


Oh man, it's going to be so great to be able to preview my legacy gear without sending it around to characters via mail :)

I have all my legacy gear on one characters bank and every time I want to try out a new outfit (which is relatively often because I'm not only an altaholic but a bit of a fashionista) I have to send them to my alts to be able to preview them with the outfits I have on those characters.

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I guess not as I only have 11. If you have been a sub for a while, aren't you getting the 4 crates of legacy armor on each of your characters? Personally each of my characters opens up & unloads a single one of the crates & stores it in their bank, that way everyone in my legacy can mail stuff pretty much at any time to another member of my legacy. No additional GHS nonsense required.


People seriously do that?


I have them opened on one single character just to be able to preview them.

If I need more of them, I'll just make a new character and mail them over since they're legacy bound.


No need to keep them around on every character.

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Honestly when I first heard of this expansion, like many I was excited. Yet knew I had to keep my expectations in check and not run along like a headless chicken dreaming up impossible things. Yet I had expected to have a place to be able to have one place where my characters could deposit their credits. Afterall they can do it for guild banks. And display my armor sets I collected over the years. (and no I don't consider a hologram to count towards that) :( :( :(


Both of witch now seem to be out of the question so I guess I expected too much afterall?


Really dissapointed by this, now I can store a few crafting materials and things like a MGGS witch you use what, 1ce a month, if any. :(

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The fact that there will be no credits in LS is truly sad, why not make it like a guild bank, that totally works and is exactly what we need for Legacy Storage.


Also, I was shocked that it never crossed their minds that putting one faction into general chat of the other faction would not end up in something awful. I mean, they do play the game (or at least they say they do), so they must see how the general chat looks...

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The fact that there will be no credits in LS is truly sad, why not make it like a guild bank, that totally works and is exactly what we need for Legacy Storage.


I was thinking the very same thing. Some folks have speculated that perhaps the concerns over preferred having the ability to circumvent the restrictions on moving around credits might have convinced them to leave it out...


But I counter....can't preferred do that very thing if they are in a guild?

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Issues partaining to FTP and their credit limit can be solved.


Set the limit to the max amount of credits a FTP is allowed on the 2 char's their allowed to have (at least i think it's 2?)


If the previous breaks the FTP credit limit then restrict it to 1 character and introduce the system so that no char can ever retrieve more credits to his inventory than the maximum allowed amount for a FTP char.


For that matter they could have tied the credit storage system to escrow, allowing FTP players to see how many credits they have in escrow (a feature I doubt many of them would object to) and as stated being unable to withdraw more then their maximum allowed limit of credits.


This would still make the system work for all player models as it would save all equally of having to ship credits around.


Edit: I may be unfamiliar with other FTP restrictions but the issue of breaking the credit limit does not seem to be the main issue to me.

Edited by Asunas
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I was thinking the very same thing. Some folks have speculated that perhaps the concerns over preferred having the ability to circumvent the restrictions on moving around credits might have convinced them to leave it out...


But I counter....can't preferred do that very thing if they are in a guild?


I was told that F2P/Pref cannot use Guild Bank without authorization (easily fixed for LS), but even when unlocked, they cannot manipulate with credits. So I still fail to see why it wouldn't work for LS the same way. Unlocked from start (or with the same unlock that gives regular bank or guild bank), and credits remain locked off.

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