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Should Bind on Pickup be removed (or changed)?


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What? Sorry, but I honestly do not understand your question.


Bind on pu gear makes legacy gear necessary. Much of the endgame questing relates to the acquisition of reputation items which are legacy bound. What would you do about the fact that it would make that meaningless?


Also, fi no one had to pull mods from gear, how would you repair the damaged credit sink?


If alts don't need to play the game for gear, how do you make guests feel rewarded. You've made the reward unimportant.

Edited by errant_knight
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It's more than that, because you end up pulling them repeatedly to send to other characters as you level. And what about the other issues? How would you solve those? What I'm saying is these things have function. Not just this, but many of these things people want changed to make they're lives easier. It's unrealistic not to take those into account.


You do that? I don't, it isn't worth the time or trouble. Planet comms drop like candy, I just use those when leveling, doesn't cost me a dime.


The first gear I rip and mail are 146 purples from classic comms to brand new 50s.

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Bind on pu gear makes legacy gear necessary. Much of the endgame questing relates to the acquisition of reputation items which are legacy bound. What would you do about the fact that it would make that meaningless?


You have a higher opinion of the rep system than I do.


I don't think many people care about it. My total and complete caring was for the makeb rep so I could buy the lvl 53 purple 156 implant and ear plans from the vendor on the fleet. Beyond that, I couldn't care less. I also don't use any of that gear for mailing stuff, I use the 4 free sets of BoL gear that every new alt gets.

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You do that? I don't, it isn't worth the time or trouble. Planet comms drop like candy, I just use those when leveling, doesn't cost me a dime.


The first gear I rip and mail are 146 purples from classic comms to brand new 50s.


I'm mostly talking about endgame, but purples in the 30s and 40s are worth saving too, given gtn mat prices. I tend to fail to stock up in advance ;)

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There's a reason things aren't bind on legacy. Much of gameplay is gathering gear for a character. If you don't have to gear them. it removes the reward from the gameplay for that character. and narrows the need for playing content to a simple level grind.

Not at all true. The people that have 22 toons would probably argue that 99% of the gameplay on ANY character is getting them to 55. Gearing is already completed using Legacy gear. This would merely be a QoL change for most players.

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Bind on pu gear makes legacy gear necessary. Much of the endgame questing relates to the acquisition of reputation items which are legacy bound. What would you do about the fact that it would make that meaningless?

All the Rep gear I've ever bought has been because I like the look of it, not because I could use them to transfer mods - Rep Gear and Event Rewards (which are also BoL) are the best looking gear available from gameplay (aka outside the CM).

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Reputation building is a major part of the game and legacy gear is the only reason for it. How would you deal with making that unnecessary. I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm saying think about the side effects of what you ask for.


This is why these conversations are sometimes so interesting.


I frankly don't agree with your statement, I don't think rep building matters to very many people.


The irony is that I have max rep with all but three of the factions, but I cannot tell you what most of them sell, and I don't care either.

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Why the fixation on what essentially is not reusing anything you have purchased? How would this "wreck" or "dumb down" the game? Anything in RL I buy can be sold or handed down. "Binding" on pickup or use or whatever is completely artificial. There's no real reason to prevent me from removing, for example, a level 104 armor and mailing it to a "relative" in my legacy. After all, I already earned it! Or I can buy it.


And that's where it all falls apart anyway. My oldest alt has turned into a rich uncle. he has a few million credits and at this point has nothing to spend it on. So he serves as a banker for his "kids." If early on in their lives they need a "loan" he just sends them the credits. They use them to buy what they need, whether it is mods, training, whatever. At first his loans were substantial, but now that the new kids are significantly smarter in terms of game play, his loans are quite modest. His last loan was for a mere 10K credits, the only boost his alt needed before she became self-sufficient.


Now this kid has done so well that she rarely even uses stuff like Medpacs, so she's storing them so she can send them on to the next generation. Of course, since the next generation will be even more savvy with game play, it's unlikely she'll even need to to do this, but once in awhile there may be a particularly nice drop she could save and send along. If it's Bind on Use instead of BOP, this ought to work just fine.


So, the point is that if the intent of Binding is to prevent players from helping our, selling, or otherwise benefiting other players simply to force them to "earn" (i.e.: grind for) every piece in the game, it's already being circumvented. If you REALLY wanted to enforce it, you'd prevent inter-player transfers altogether.

Edited by MSchuyler
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So far no one has actually suggested a solution other than dismissing the question.


A solution to what, rep?


Rep is like achievements, they are their own reward. Achievements don't earn you anything either. :)


As for the credit sink, I already answered you, but in short, I feel that you over rate that aspect. Anyone who wants to mail multiple sets of 162/168 gear around isn't daunted about the mod rip costs.


If they are, they aren't doing it right. :)


I make several million credits a week, amounts in the tens of thousands aren't noticed.

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This is why these conversations are sometimes so interesting.


I frankly don't agree with your statement, I don't think rep building matters to very many people.


The irony is that I have max rep with all but three of the factions, but I cannot tell you what most of them sell, and I don't care either.


This is actually why I find these conversations pretty uninteresting and rarely take player demands seriously. No one is willing to discuss what side effects changes might have or brainstorm on solutions. Instead, there's a belief that nothing in game has a game balance function and that anything can be changed on a whim.


edit: most people don't make millions a week, but sounds to me like they need to add a new, big credit sink, not remove one. ;) Thanks for bringing that to their attention, lol

Edited by errant_knight
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There have been a number of posts about legacy storage, unhappy that it can't be used to circumvent BoP restrictions.


But all of these threads are focused on Legacy Storage and expectations thereof.


Really, what the disappointed people are asking for, is to change BoP to BoL.


Personally, BoP has never bothered me. I viewed it as a game rule, and I'm willing to abide by the rule. Yet (it seems) many people are clamoring to remove this restriction.


Why? What are the arguments for removing BoP from the game? What are the pros and cons of such a change?




It has been the same since the dawn of RPGs, never mind MMOs.


Why would you possibly want to make this easiest of all MMOs ever, more easier?


The biggest problem in all MMOs has always been lack of things to do at level cap.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Bind on pu gear makes legacy gear necessary. Much of the endgame questing relates to the acquisition of reputation items which are legacy bound. What would you do about the fact that it would make that meaningless?


Also, fi no one had to pull mods from gear, how would you repair the damaged credit sink?


If alts don't need to play the game for gear, how do you make guests feel rewarded. You've made the reward unimportant.


1) Nothing. No action necessary.


2) I've already joined the crusade against these ridiculous charges. Good riddance to them!


3) Alts can still play for gear. That is a personal choice. I doubt it'll be a huge issue for most players.

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It's to make it necessary to play all your characters, not just level one and have them outfit the others. Legacy gear has eased that, but the removal of bind on pick up would take that out of the equation altogether


And what exactly is the issue?


If I play Character #1 or Character #2 I am still playing the game. If I get a vehicle dropping on a character I hardly play why shouldn't I be able to give it to my main? I am not selling it to another player, it's still mine.


The fact is that BoP should be a way to keep people from sharing drops with other people not between your characters especially in a game that wanted your characters to be tied to eachothers through Legacy. Somehow I have the feeling that they wish the original dev team had never come with that idea of Legacy.

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I use gear from collections and craft most of my armor mods myself so I have no use for the armors offered from missions so I take the planet comms and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who does this so I don't see how this change would effect people playing the game for gear when most of the gear is already useless to us.
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2) I've already joined the crusade against these ridiculous charges. Good riddance to them!

In a game like this, credits appear out of thin air thanks to quests and mob-killing. There absolutely need to be sufficient credit sinks as well for there to be anything even resembling a functional economy.


I keep hearing "credit sink".


It really isn't much of one... The cost is minor, the hassle factor is not...


It costs about 60,000 credits to rip out the armor, mod, and enhancement from one alt, move it to legacy armor, rip it out again, and install it on my alt.


And I frankly don't notice amounts that small. It isn't an effective credit sink for those with a dozen or more lvl 55 alts that get played.

I'm pretty sure only a very small fraction of the player base has a dozen or more lvl 55 alts. The rip cost isn't the most significant sink in the game (repairs probably are except for dedicated PVPers), but it is still a significant one for many players.

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I think BoP should be changed to B2L. I've gotten plenty of armor shells that were BoP, but that character is already wearing the armor style I wanted. But it would be nice to be able to send it to an alt.


100% this.

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In a game like this, credits appear out of thin air thanks to quests and mob-killing. There absolutely need to be sufficient credit sinks as well for there to be anything even resembling a functional economy.


But they are way overboard. No denying that.

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Bind on pu gear makes legacy gear necessary. Much of the endgame questing relates to the acquisition of reputation items which are legacy bound. What would you do about the fact that it would make that meaningless?


You mean like how they mail four sets of legacy gear every time you make a new character? Or how simple it is to gain your first legacy set? By your argument they already screwed up because after you gain your first full legacy set you never need to grind rep again.


Also, fi no one had to pull mods from gear, how would you repair the damaged credit sink?


You mean like strongholds and guild ships? Or casino events like on Nar Shaddaa?


If alts don't need to play the game for gear, how do you make guests feel rewarded. You've made the reward unimportant.


The gear has to come from somewhere, what does it matter which toon I earned it on if I earned it?

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In a game like this, credits appear out of thin air thanks to quests and mob-killing. There absolutely need to be sufficient credit sinks as well for there to be anything even resembling a functional economy.

Like this? Compared to what exactly? This is how games, especially MMOs, function. They create pretend credits that they reward you for pretend work. This isn't an economic simulator and to think it is is just silly.

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