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So Legacy Storage really = Crafting/Cartel Market Storage, then?


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At the February 2014 Phoenix AZ Cantina, I asked BW whether they would implement a Legacy Vault specifically for crafting mats and tradeable items. The request was motivated by the needs of myself and players I know who have tons of unbound/BoL gear and page after page of mats spread across a bunch of alts. Everyone player I had talked to wanted exactly this.


At the time, the BW PR rep said a Legacy Vault was too much coding. So I left the request in writing, in some detail. See this link on Dulfy for confirmation: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/01/swtor-ph...bdrive-assets/: Jagermensch was Z'rawks name before I renamed him.


In March 2014, BW announced Legacy Storage. Was it inspired by my request? Could have been, given the closeness in time. If so, then now you know the original purpose of Legacy Storage.



Er, why exactly is having "tons of unbound and Legacy gear" an issue? How, really (unless you only have 2 characters total and 1/5 Cargo Bays on each or something)? Since you seem to differentiate between unbound and crafting mats, what are exactly are the "unbound" things? Cartel Market items for sale?


Legacy gear, by virtue of being Legacy you can already have in one place.



So basically it's as I said in the title: Legacy Storage is really Crafting Storage, as it has less functionality than a regular Cargo Bay

Edited by Transairion
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There is enough non bound/BoL stuff in the game to make legacy storage a very welcomed QoL addition. No more mailing stuff around and going from alt to alt to find that thing you forgot who you mailed it to last.


If anyone expected they would enable putting BoP items in, thereby nullifying pretty much the whole concept of BoP, they were being unrealistic.

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So basically it's as I said in the title: Legacy Storage is really Crafting Storage, as it has less functionality than a regular Cargo Bay


Why it's so important to get BoP removed? It would only increase rolling Need for items that have wrong main stat.

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Why it's so important to get BoP removed? It would only increase rolling Need for items that have wrong main stat.


It is not, people are just whining because they cannot transfer relics, implants and earpieces, and somehow convinced themselves that Legacy Storage will let them move BoP, which nobody seriously expected.

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Er, why exactly is having "tons of unbound and Legacy gear" an issue? How, really (unless you only have 2 characters total and 1/5 Cargo Bays on each or something)?


My wife and I each have more than 400 pieces of fully-populated Bound-to-Legacy (BtL) gear:

  • 10 7-piece BoL sets of for each Main stat at about 4 level increments, from L11 to L53, for leveling new alts
  • Another 10 7-piece Aim based BtL leveling sets for leveling with Treek, and
  • additional 7-piece BoL sets for high-level leveling of tanks in Aim, Strength, and Willpower (maybe 6-9 sets),
  • and additional BoL gear put together because we were leveling two alts each at the same time, or because we couldn't find a set that we were looking for that was somewhere (inventory, locker, or on a companion) on one our alts. Cycling through alts to find stuff is annoying.


And then there's my endgame BtL sets: my Willpower Heal PvP BtL set, Cunning and Strength DPS PvP BtL sets, and my Willpower and Aim tanking PvP BtL sets. There's also my Willpower Heal PvE set, my Willpower DPS PvE partial BtL set, my Cunning and Strength DPS PvE sets, and so on.


We each also have a pretty good collection of BtL mainhands and offhands, as well. Gree, THORN, BBA, and Casion. We each have a LOT of BtL gear.


Since you seem to differentiate between unbound and crafting mats, what are exactly are the "unbound" things? Cartel Market items for sale?


So, you've never gotten a BoE reward of, say, an Artifact Microfilament Earpiece? I did yesterday, and it's better than the nearest Arkanian earpiece. I also have stims, adrenals, MK-9 kits, various augments I've crafted, and so on. There is also reusable items, and stuff like the Burba excavator, the magnetic grapple gun which do not bind. There's lots of unbound non-CM stuff in the game. A central place for it all is nice to have, because, as mentioned above, searching through alts for it is annoying.


So basically it's as I said in the title: Legacy Storage is really Crafting Storage, as it has less functionality than a regular Cargo Bay

So I am guessing you don't use stims or adrenals much? I am beginning to believe you have not played this game much, because there are a lot of aspects of it you seem completely unfamiliar with.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Well, simply put, I think that legacy storage will be useful to those folks that craft (naturally) and also those folks that like to work on their appearance...since unbound items can be dropped in the storage, and then you can log on your individual characters, have a look and see what the pieces will look like on individual characters easily.


Just my slant.

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It is not, people are just whining because they cannot transfer relics, implants and earpieces, and somehow convinced themselves that Legacy Storage will let them move BoP, which nobody seriously expected.


While true, I don't have a problem with it turning out that way if we could.


No reason I can't left my wife use my old implant. She uses so much of my old gear now, the rest would be no biggie and it's not limiting my amount of time in game because someone had to run the content to get it in the first place no matter what it is Im sharing.


Could it increase people taking items for greed and not really a need? Possibility but a ops leader could easily put a stop to that.


As far as it being created for crafting mats? I love that aspect of it.

Edited by Quraswren
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Well, simply put, I think that legacy storage will be useful to those folks that craft (naturally) and also those folks that like to work on their appearance...since unbound items can be dropped in the storage, and then you can log on your individual characters, have a look and see what the pieces will look like on individual characters easily.


Just my slant.


Those are the two things I had in mind for my legacy storage. Crafting and more ease in tracking down all of the CM I've purchase with credits. My cargo bays are packed with CM stuff.

Edited by Nickious
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It's hilarious that people thought they'd be able to "game the system" with Legacy storage.


Your "Bound to Legacy" gear is sharable with your Legacy, your "Bound" gear is not. At what point did you honestly think this would change just because it's a storage unit?


Simple fact: Legacy storage was not created for you to bypass a game mechanic.


So if you ignorantly think this makes legacy storage bad, it's only bad for you. The rest of us with common sense knew better from the get go.


It might be nice to be able to trade "Bound" items between characters, but it makes perfect sense as to why Legacy storage doesn't. This doesn't mean EA/BW won't change their mind, but until and if that happens the rest of us will use Legacy storage for what it was meant to be.

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Well, it's like this:

At the February 2014 Phoenix AZ Cantina, I asked BW whether they would implement a Legacy Vault specifically for crafting mats and tradeable items. The request was motivated by the needs of myself and players I know who have tons of unbound/BoL gear and page after page of mats spread across a bunch of alts. Everyone player I had talked to wanted exactly this.


At the time, the BW PR rep said a Legacy Vault was too much coding. So I left the request in writing, in some detail. See this link on Dulfy for confirmation: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/01/swtor-phoenix-cantina-tour-thumbdrive-assets/: Jagermensch was Z'rawks name before I renamed him.


In March 2014, BW announced Legacy Storage. Was it inspired by my request? Could have been, given the closeness in time. If so, then now you know the original purpose of Legacy Storage.


You are dramatically underestimating how long stuff takes to concept and code. One month turn around? LS inspired by your request? I doubt it.

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It is not, people are just whining because they cannot transfer relics, implants and earpieces, and somehow convinced themselves that Legacy Storage will let them move BoP, which nobody seriously expected.


No, you tell yourself this is why they're whining. You have convinced yourself this is the only argument people are making, then you dismiss the argument as utterly invalid. Only, the only people I see making this argument are the people who are against bound item transfer. Literally the only people.


You've created a strawman argument and you and others are judiciously using it to dismiss the rest of us.

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The issue for me.

I dont care about Transfering mods. I can do that now with Legacy gear, and i do it all the time. Grinding credits is easy.


I do care about the Appearances of Items. some BOP items have appearances that would like to move over to a character. Example one would be the Old level 50 Armors.


Legacy storage is kinda Useless for me.

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You are dramatically underestimating how long stuff takes to concept and code. One month turn around? LS inspired by your request? I doubt it.

Code reuse and re-purposing, as detailed in this forum post in May, makes this something they could easily have done. All the functionality that is needed is already in the game (in Guild Vaults and the code that decides what you can mail to an alt.) While they might not be able to code it in one month, they could certainly decide it was worth doing in a month. A good coder could probably have a prototype up and running in a few days if the original Guild Vault and mail code isn't poorly coded. Then you just need to tweek the UI, alter the tab management, strip out the permissions scheme, and so on.


Note that I worked for over two decades conceiving, designing, coding, testing, and leading teams developing software in the R&D divisions of the world's largest technology companies. I know what can be done with code, how to do it, and how long it takes. Do you?

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Quite the contrary, there is nothing in "Legacy" that would lead you to think you could circumvent the BoP restriction.

Legacy Storage means a storage place accessible to your legacy, ie it holds items that can be exchanged among your legacy. It is not BW's fault that people built upon a none-existing promise. And quite honestly I am disappointed with the community over this. Yes we all would very much like to send BoP items through the mail (or via the Legacy Storage), we all would like to circumvent the various credit sinks, but progression and in-game economics will be ruined if we get what we want. Sometimes it is really a good idea to admit that we shouldn't get what we want.


I would disagree that there's nothing in "Legacy" that implies circumventing BoP restriction as that is precisely what Legacy gear does. You pop a BoP mod in Legacy gear and you can now use it on any toon in your Legacy. It shouldn't be a great logical leap to assume that dropping a BoP mod in a Legacy bank would allow it's use on any toon in your Legacy.

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You are dramatically underestimating how long stuff takes to concept and code. One month turn around? LS inspired by your request? I doubt it.

SWG JTL flight system was built in 2 weeks then fine tuned...

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I do care about the Appearances of Items. some BOP items have appearances that would like to move over to a character. Example one would be the Old level 50 Armors. Legacy storage is kinda Useless for me.

Legacy Storage doesn't fulfill every desire of every person playing SWTOR: there are no Authentic Jedi Robes hung in that closet, for example. That doesn't make it bad.


What you want, and what a lot of people want including me, is the ability to convert Bound shells to BtL shells for cosmetic reasons. That's an entirely separate issue, and hopefully BW will decide that is a capability worth their while to provide. But it has nothing to do with Legacy Storage or the Strongholds that contain them: why would someone need to pay the millions of creds to buy a Stronghold (excluding us lucky current subs who get it "free," which future subs will not) just to do that?


There are many other ways to do what you want: a BtL conversion stations that costs creds or CC, BtL conversion tokens as rare drops, rep rewards, CM items, or craftable items, or BtL-conversion dye packs (where the item would revert to Bound if you replaced the dye pack with a non BtL-converting one).


Wow, i wonder how much a BtL-converting Black/Black or White/White dye pack would sell for on the GtN - more creds than I have probably. Finally, a dye pack worth 2000CC? And note that the items that go in the slots that cannot be BtL at the moment have no dye slots.

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Legacy Storage doesn't fulfill every desire of every person playing SWTOR: there are no Authentic Jedi Robes hung in that closet, for example. That doesn't make it bad.


What you want, and what a lot of people want including me, is the ability to convert Bound shells to BtL shells for cosmetic reasons. That's an entirely separate issue, and hopefully BW will decide that is a capability worth their while to provide. But it has nothing to do with Legacy Storage or the Strongholds that contain them: why would someone need to pay the millions of creds to buy a Stronghold (excluding us luck current subs who get it "free," which future subs will not) just to do that?


There are many other ways to do what you want: a BtL conversion stations that costs creds or CC, BtL conversion tokens as rare drops, rep rewards, CM items, or craftable items, or BtL-conversion dye packs (where the item would revert to Bound if you replaced the dye pack with a non BtL-converting one).


Wow, i wonder how much a BtL-converting Black/Black or White/White dye pack would sell for on the GtN - more creds than I have probably. Finally, a dye pack worth 2000CC?

People are more looking for Legacy Storage to be able to share the look of gear between alts.


I might be wrong but the people asking for sharing ear pieces, imlplants, saber hilts and so are more a minority.

However being able to share already transferable mods with legacy through Legacy Storage would be more convenient for sure.

Edited by Deewe
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The Legacy Storage system as currently described is exactly what I hoped/expected we would get. Being able to store credits would have been nice, but I never thought they'd pull that off. At least not with its first incarnation.


As for the whole BoP issue, I guess I just never assumed that allowing us to access a single storage unit using any character in our Legacy would also render BoP essentially meaningless. From what I've read, it seems that they preserved the status quo. And that's fine with me. Players who want to share bound mods between alts can still do it with legacy-bound gear.


Speaking as someone with maxed out crafters in all trades in two MMOs (LOTRO and SWTOR), one with shared storage and one without, I know the Legacy Storage will be a boon. My only complaint about Legacy Storage is that I really doubt I'll be able to make/buy/acquire enough bays for all the mats and other stuff I'd like to store.


EDIT: As for the cosmetic argument, I would much rather we get appearance tabs and a legacy-wide "wardrobe" function like we have in LOTRO. That game knows how to do cosmetics right.;)

Edited by Thoronmir
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The Legacy Storage system as currently described is exactly what I hoped/expected we would get. Being able to store credits would have been nice, but I never thought they'd pull that off. At least not with its first incarnation.


As for the whole BoP issue, I guess I just never assumed that allowing us to access a single storage unit using any character in our Legacy would also render BoP essentially meaningless. From what I've read, it seems that they preserved the status quo. And that's fine with me. Players who want to share bound mods between alts can still do it with legacy-bound gear.


Speaking as someone with maxed out crafters in all trades in two MMOs (LOTRO and SWTOR), one with shared storage and one without, I know the Legacy Storage will be a boon. My only complaint about Legacy Storage is that I really doubt I'll be able to make/buy/acquire enough bays for all the mats and other stuff I'd like to store.


EDIT: As for the cosmetic argument, I would much rather we get appearance tabs and a legacy-wide "wardrobe" function like we have in LOTRO. That game knows how to do cosmetics right.;)

Totally agree:


  1. Share gold between character is a must to have
  2. Legacy storage might be too small for dedicated crafters
  3. Wish we had LotRo's cosmetic system plus Wildstar weapons appearance one..

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From what we are hearing, Legacy storage is WAY too small for crafters...


I have 17 alts, 11 of which I play. 6 are crafting and storage mules, their 5 ships cargo holds are completely stuffed with mats and overflow mats are in the other 11 cargo holds.


A big part of this problem is a lot of stuff that is crafted takes more than 20 mats of various types, but each "stack" holds only 99, that is fewer than 5 crafted things per stack. If the stacks held 999 or better, 9,999 of each mat, this would be much less of a problem. I have one toon with 4 bays filled to the brim of nothing but grade 6 and grade 9 mats for my cyber tech.


I actually find that I can't craft as fast as I can gather mats, and I can't list for sale enough stuff, so an increase to the 100 item limit and a listing time longer than two days would be welcome as well.

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We have not heard the max size of Legacy Storage, as far as I know. Just that it comes with one 80-item tab to start and can be expanded.


Yes, and if it can be expanded to 10 tabs, great, but if each slot is only 99 mats, then it is way, way too small.


I would need a hundred tabs to hold all of my gear, if they work the same way ships cargo does now, and I doubt it can be expanded anywhere near that far.


And that would be a fail on the devs part, because people will stop buying CM packs and collecting sets of gear if they have no where to store it. I am full up, I need more storage, lots and lots of storage.

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Yes, and if it can be expanded to 10 tabs, great, but if each slot is only 99 mats, then it is way, way too small.


I would need a hundred tabs to hold all of my gear, if they work the same way ships cargo does now, and I doubt it can be expanded anywhere near that far.


And that would be a fail on the devs part, because people will stop buying CM packs and collecting sets of gear if they have no where to store it. I am full up, I need more storage, lots and lots of storage.

Are you saying that you need space to hold 792,000 mats?


100 tabs x 80 slots x stack of 99 == 792,000


If so, I've got to imagine you're an edge case.

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I would disagree that there's nothing in "Legacy" that implies circumventing BoP restriction as that is precisely what Legacy gear does. You pop a BoP mod in Legacy gear and you can now use it on any toon in your Legacy. It shouldn't be a great logical leap to assume that dropping a BoP mod in a Legacy bank would allow it's use on any toon in your Legacy.


You are reaching...big time.


Legacy gear does not, as you say, bypass anything. It is simply gear that is usable by any toon in your Legacy. The fact that you could put Bound mods into it was, IIRC, unforeseen but was ultimately decided to be fine. Not surprising considering it added a really good credit sink to the game.


Secondly, equating Legacy gear and Legacy bank as the same thing is false logic. They are two entirely separate systems that share a name simply because they involve a players Legacy not because they do the same things.


No matter how people try to twist it, the fact is that people want to transfer non-mod bound items between toons and instead of coming up with a good argument why it should happen they argue in a non-constructive manner using hyperbole and what they call "logic".


If you want this feature, don't try to hide your desire behind the false dichotomy that it is logical and that it must be like Legacy gear. Just say you want it. I'd love to be able to give other toons I don't play as often the hand-me-down gear from my main toons, but I didn't expect to be able to circumvent the Bound system through the Legacy bank.

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