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Legacy Storage?


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As of Game Update 2.9


Since you've said it's your goal to maintain a certain amount of transparency, is it possible you could confirm whether or not 2.9 will appear on PTS prior to becoming available on live servers?

Edited by idnewton
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So sick of hearing people say that because they can't transfer bound items between characters. Based on that you were NEVER interested in the new content update, you were all only interested in having a small easy feature to that would make the bypassing of the game bound limitations even easier and actually somewhat legitimate. You all weren't even seemingly interested in the extra storage you are getting or the convenience it does bring ( IT BRINGS NOTHING NEGATIVE IN THIS STATE ) everyone who is now anti because of this just wanted an easier and cheaper way to "cheat" the system as they do now.

Well diddums for all of you whingers, those that are and were interested in the actual content will still be interested in the actual content and everyone else can go on crying for another 30 pages.


For the record I am heavily against using BoL gear to transfer BOUND items to other toons. They should not only say no to this legacy storage as they have done here but fix that loophole also and force people to earn theur gear legitimately on all toons. It would have interesting repercussions on the GTN one would assume as more mods sell and it would also reinvigorate earlier game content as people need to actually run it to get geared for later game content AS IT SHOULD BE.


This BoL crap has really ruined a lot of non end game content IMO, it needs fixing not made worse with now bound item transfer pfft.

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I looked at this entire game update 2.9 as having no interest in it at all except the legacy bank. I am sorry if I have no interest in playing interior designer, it is not the reason I am playing SWTOR. I play it to run ops and get neat shiny armor drops. The gear I need for my main goes to her and the left over stuff goes to all my alts. Playing house was not on my bucket list to do in SWTOR. So the only redeeming factor in the update was the legacy bank, the actual hope that I could have a little convenience with gear shuffling.

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Since you've said it's your goal to maintain a certain amount of transparency, is it possible you could confirm whether or not 2.9 will appear on PTS prior to becoming available on live servers?


Not to answer for them, but I do believe Eric mentioned in the the twitch stream. I've not seen anything to indicate that it will not be on the PTS.


EDIT: Just to clarify, they said Strongholds would be on the PTS. That may or may not include the full version of 2.9.

Edited by Rafaman
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incidentally. correct me if I'm wrong,... but... what MMO that has shared storage, allows BoP items to be placed into shared storage and withdrawn by alts? I'm pretty sure ESO doesn't. I'm VERY sure Neverwinter doesn't. and those are just two that I played personally.


just curious. because I'm trying to figure out where exactly this assurance that shared storage MUST be able to hold bind on pickup items is coming from. cause possibility of that happening didn't even occur to me, until some people started demanding it, or its "RUINED FOREVAH!"


everquest 2 has legacy storage

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everquest 2 has legacy storage


does that shared storage allow for BoP items. and how exactly do loot drops work in EQ2? is there a green/need roll system?


I may be wrong about ESO storage, its been a while, but I do remember the fact that you didn't roll on stuff. you either got something or you didn't see the only ninjaing that was going on at that time was people lockpicking boxes ahead of everyone else, while everyone else was too busy killing mobs.


right now there's a sizable cost attached to rolling need for alts. that cost discourages at least some of the ninjaing. right now, particularly rare items like implants/relics/earpieces - cannot be given to alts, which discourages rolling on them for alts. yes there are still companions but at least there are some drawbacks.


unless bioware overhauls the loot system where either we don't have rolls anymore and you just get a random change to get an item, or something of that nature.... making BoP items tradable via legacy storage is honestly? unreasonable to expect.

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So sick of hearing people say that because they can't transfer bound items between characters. Based on that you were NEVER interested in the new content update, you were all only interested in having a small easy feature to that would make the bypassing of the game bound limitations even easier and actually somewhat legitimate. You all weren't even seemingly interested in the extra storage you are getting or the convenience it does bring ( IT BRINGS NOTHING NEGATIVE IN THIS STATE ) everyone who is now anti because of this just wanted an easier and cheaper way to "cheat" the system as they do now.

Well diddums for all of you whingers, those that are and were interested in the actual content will still be interested in the actual content and everyone else can go on crying for another 30 pages.


For the record I am heavily against using BoL gear to transfer BOUND items to other toons. They should not only say no to this legacy storage as they have done here but fix that loophole also and force people to earn theur gear legitimately on all toons. It would have interesting repercussions on the GTN one would assume as more mods sell and it would also reinvigorate earlier game content as people need to actually run it to get geared for later game content AS IT SHOULD BE.


This BoL crap has really ruined a lot of non end game content IMO, it needs fixing not made worse with now bound item transfer pfft.


You lay at the feet of BOL a lot of ills that I rather imagine are unrelated. I would expect the vast majority of casual players don't use BOL gear heavily. There's no reason, particularly, to run earlier game content not because of BOL, but because Bioware has chosen to introduce level-agnostic content that is superior to the level-specific content.


They have chosen to bolster operations, for crying out loud. BOL is not undermining your beloved gear grind, Bioware is undermining it. I further did not say I was opposed to this update, merely I am disinterested. I won't use it, because being a semi-casual player, it brings no additional utility to how I play the game as it presently stands. I don't craft (anymore), so the crafting unification (though useful) will go unused.


I don't think the GTN would be particularly affected. I don't think end-game content would suddenly get a boost of players. I frankly do not want to hit 55 and go through the tedious grind that is gearing to get not even to an optimized state, but a state where I can run the content at all without being a drag on the rest of the groups. I'm an altoholic. I have a lot of alts. The joy is not the gear grind, though, that is a drag.


As it stands, the game already lets me do this. Being able to transfer bound gear via Legacy storage would only mean I could do it with style.


The only utility it would have offered that would have been of use would be facilitating me using whatever outfits I desired as my legacy sets, versus only the limited (and generally speaking unattractive) legacy sets now available.

Edited by Kirazy
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I was banned for some time and didn't intend to write but....


I need to say a few things.


WHICH DAMNED GAME you guys have been playing?


No use for a Legacy Storage??? ARE you crazy?


I've 22 chars. All of them in use. ANd you can be damned sure I'll get more slots if they ever become available.


You know what kind of hell it is to transfer items between your alts?


I'm being forced to friend my own alts, and can't even do that cross faction. Every single time you gotta type in char name, and can only send 8 items at a time.




To circumvent the system, I created a guild and bought a bank for my same faction alts! It is crazy beyond words how I'm forced to cheat the system. And lo, since it's a GB, I can't place Legacy items on it.



What did you expect, have all BoPickup items to be tradeable? HELL. NO. Some of those BoPs have meaning.


All other aspects of LEgacy Storage is AWESOME.


Play LotrO or Aion or some other game with legacy storage. You would not believe how LIMITED their systems are.


This what Bioware is doing? IT IS UNDENIABLY NEEDED and awesome beyond any words. It was something I and a lot of us have been shouting from day one.


Please do kindly shut up about something being ADDED into the game. Not every single dev works for your singular gaming pleasure.

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People were asking the devs to allow them to bypass the binding restrictions and the credit sink associated with removing and transferring mods, nothing less.


what part of what i said was too difficult for you? customers asked for a change..you can characterize that however you choose

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As it stands, the game already lets me do this. Being able to transfer bound gear via Legacy storage would only mean I could do it with style.


The only utility it would have offered that would have been of use would be facilitating me using whatever outfits I desired as my legacy sets, versus only the limited (and generally speaking unattractive) legacy sets now available.

Just curious, is this because you don't want to pay the cost of ripping the mods out and putting them in the good-looking gear on your alt?


You can still keep the look you want AND shlep high-level gear around, it just costs credits.

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If they're getting those relics from crafters, then they can place those relics in the legacy bank until those relics are actually equipped and become bound to character. That sounds fair to me.


so you arent concerned about them working for them on each character..got it.

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Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


I hope they'll revise this view - not so much for giving people an excuse for being greedy sods in FPs/Ops, but for gear that just isn't attainable any longer. I might, for some reason, wish to purge a character at some point, but it would be great to keep some of the old toys, like the Recruit Mk. 2 armor, Soresu's Razor, The Fall of Atris, etc.

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Just curious, is this because you don't want to pay the cost of ripping the mods out and putting them in the good-looking gear on your alt?


You can still keep the look you want AND shlep high-level gear around, it just costs credits.


Around 616,000 credits per swap per set? To extract a mod twice? Once from the originating shell, then again from the Legacy shell? No.


Even if I made enough money for that to be nothing to me, I still wouldn't. Extracting and inserting mods is one of the more tedious aspects of gear configuration. In actuality the better solution would be to decouple your mods from your appearance, but Bioware has been resistant to that approach.

Edited by Kirazy
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So much hate here.


I am soooo looking forward to the legacy storage. I don't remember when I first requested it. Maybe something like February 2012.


So, thanks, Bioware, that you give us LS!


Also @Eric: Thanks for the information you gave here. I (and surely a lot of "quiet" readers, too) appreciate it a lot.


All the haters here drag me down. I can't even imagine how the people from BW have to feel. I would be super depressed. I give them features they asked for for so long and than mostly bwaah bwaah bwaah something something totally useless feature bwaah. /facepalm

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For the record I am heavily against using BoL gear to transfer BOUND items to other toons. They should not only say no to this legacy storage as they have done here but fix that loophole also and force people to earn theur gear legitimately on all toons. It would have interesting repercussions on the GTN one would assume as more mods sell and it would also reinvigorate earlier game content as people need to actually run it to get geared for later game content AS IT SHOULD BE.


This BoL crap has really ruined a lot of non end game content IMO, it needs fixing not made worse with now bound item transfer pfft.


Um, you keep saying that using BoL gear in this fashion is a loophole.


It is not a loophole. It is the only real purpose for BoL. What other reason is there? So that spiify Juggernaut set from DK can be used over and over again? Probably not.


Was it becaue players seemed to be united in their cries that the original tier gear was beyond fugly and they wanted to be able to put their hard won gear into shells they actually liked? Probably. (As a sidebar: this is why I find it amazing when people ask for the old Rakata shells!)


I'll give myself some margin for error, but, I am pretty sure, 'Damn, those wiley players sure beat us on that BoL thing!' are words never uttered by Bioware's developers.


You don't like it and that's both A-OK and apparent. But I think you are flat out wrong considering it as some loophole ruining the endgame.


EDIT: Considering they named it BIND ON LEGACY, they themselves must have foreseen that it would result in hilts, barrels, armours, mods, and enhancements being shared across a player's LEGACY. I.e., alts. So I am pretty sure it is working as intended.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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I hope they'll revise this view - not so much for giving people an excuse for being greedy sods in FPs/Ops, but for gear that just isn't attainable any longer. I might, for some reason, wish to purge a character at some point, but it would be great to keep some of the old toys, like the Recruit Mk. 2 armor, Soresu's Razor, The Fall of Atris, etc.


Now there is a good point. Once an item is 'discontinued,' there should be a method to allow you to keep it in some form or another.

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Now there is a good point. Once an item is 'discontinued,' there should be a method to allow you to keep it in some form or another.


The neatest feature would be an item that turns a non-modable shell into a modable one. Using that on the recruit gear comes to mind. Some of the recruit shells are gorgeous.

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The neatest feature would be an item that turns a non-modable shell into a modable one. Using that on the recruit gear comes to mind. Some of the recruit shells are gorgeous.


That is true.


I get why for leveling, especially the first time around, unmodded gear is good. But, going forward, I'd love to see it all moddable and some consensus made on what older pieces should get treated.

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Around 616,000 credits per swap per set? To extract a mod twice? Once from the originating shell, then again from the Legacy shell? No.


Even if I made enough money for that to be nothing to me, I still wouldn't. Extracting and inserting mods is one of the more tedious aspects of gear configuration. In actuality the better solution would be to decouple your mods from your appearance, but Bioware has been resistant to that approach.


You could always just buy the mods from the GTN, where they are BoE...or, if that also costs too much for you, you could just, you know, have your alts actually earn their own gear...

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Yes, Barely.

I have an armstech, Cybertech, and Artifice.


I don't see the point in putting them in the same hold at all, now I have to go to and out of my stronghold instead Of sitting on fleet.


Oh, g-d. Our legacy storage isn't even accessible from our ships?

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You could always just buy the mods from the GTN, where they are BoE...or, if that also costs too much for you, you could just, you know, have your alts actually earn their own gear...


Easier to run the operations on already geared characters and mail them over. Oh, but, people don't like when you do that. :) Well, a small vocal minority on the forums anyways.

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If it changes in the future and people would be able to send BoP gear to their alts... uh-oh. I don't think anyone would be greeding or passing in FP's and ops anymore.


There comes a point where even the lowliest of your alts' companions doesn't need the gear anymore... :p

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Thank you very much for the information. I always find it more enjoyable getting explanations like this sooner rather than waiting until launch, especially for new game mechanics. There's still a few things that should be left to surprise though, such as new story content, because where's the fun in knowing everything!?



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I use legacy gear to get them geared up to a point where i can start doing HM runs to transfer any of that gear to my main. I am tired of this cycle, i want my convenience where i can just transfer the dang drop to my main toon so i can get the stupid set piece bonus that i can never seem to get cause my rolls in ops suck for the most part. I am really frustrated with the fact that you get your crafting convenience, but i do not get my gear shuffling convenience!


You can do HM in standard 180s - this set bonus concept is a myth. Yes it gives you better dps, yes it makes you look pretty on the dummy. No you don't NEED it to complete HM at all. NiM would probably be a different story as every little bit counts ( as shown by the small amount of people who've actually completed say NiM DP so far with the current gear tiers ) HM however is a mechanics check before it becomes a DPS etc. check. So yeah you don't need that Bound gear to send to alts.


What is worse in this example is you ( or if not we know many others in this thread do just by how they talk about it ) probably need on gear just to get it for alts etc. because the BoL exploit exists meaning there could be people running those runs who actually need the gear for the toon they are running it on and so they miss out because of the existance of an exploit. If the exploit didn't exist there would be ZERO need to need beyond reverse engineering purposes which is going to be less common than epople needing just to build lockers full of gear they dont need.


If I'm wrong on the above point why have so many people cried about having lockers full of gear they can't use that has been bound from picking up, not bound from equipping.


I would happy with a compromise that let you send items you have previously equipped to your legacy storage providing you met some sort of prerequisite like it was equipped for 2+ weeks. That would get around the exploity nature and mean people were only passing on their second hand goods rather than goods they may have ieally stolen from someone who needed it more.


As a compromise, perhaps the next level of top tier mods (after 186) should not be able to be put in BoL shells?

I'd be OK with that, but not with a roll-back from the present state. Too many people are invested in it.


I would almost agree except I want a change that forces people to run the classic ops more and make the 50-55 gap more fun. When was the last time you saw someone LFG for a SM classic op? I remember when I came up and it was after Makeb existed it pissed me off so much I could never get groups to run that content until later on when I was overgeared 55 and I could run NiM and HM 50 content now I face the same issue with my new toon. Only solution for any op content would be to use the BoL exploit to gear him to run higher content and again miss the content I should be running for my level.


right now there's a sizable cost attached to rolling need for alts.

Pfft what is a sizeable cost? 500K? 1 Million? Chump change for almost everyone. Even not using marketing techniques on the GTN to make millions dailys alone will make you that no worries.

500Kish for a whole of gear you wont change out for months isn't expensive comapred to the cost of actually having to run the content to earn it the proper way or using the gtn to buy what you need.

Again an example of BoL exploit ruining, not fixing things.


They have chosen to bolster operations, for crying out loud. BOL is not undermining your beloved gear grind, Bioware is undermining it.


Fair point though a point that again points more towards even less need to allow bound item transfer.

On that note though I would also be in favour of bound item transfer if it didn't affect stats much.

I.e. you could transfer a bound gear item that was modless - thus its for cosmetic reasons which seesm fair enough.

Bolster only goes so far though and that's for the GF groups which are hard to find. Most people running multi toons are using the BoL exploit to get back up to the high end content I would wager rather than sitting around running the 50 content. The question you ask yourself then is why? The 50 content is arguably more enjoyable than alot of the 55 content ( opinion ) thus only reason I see is the 50 content drops crap compared to what they can get via BoL gear thus they skip it?


tedious grind that is gearing

Come on, with how elite comms and ult comms now its hardly tedious comapred to how it used to be. Be still nice to see some incentive to make people run the 50 content because as I said, it's quite fun.


Being able to transfer bound gear via Legacy storage would only mean I could do it with style.

Speed and cheap != style


It is not a loophole. It is the only real purpose for BoL. What other reason is there? So that spiify Juggernaut set from DK can be used over and over again? Probably not.


So in your logic the whole point on BoL was to allow people to transfer bound items between alts and act as a minor cash sink? There are easier ways to achieve that ( X cost to unlock X item from bound to BOL for exmaple, rather simple solution ) unless you think the devs just like f***ing with people in which case if you think they made it that difficult just to annoy people you should probably stop supporting people you tihnk would so seriouslly mess with people just for fun.


The idea they created BoL gear just to allow you to transfer bound gear is riddiculous.


Was it becaue players seemed to be united in their cries that the original tier gear was beyond fugly and they wanted to be able to put their hard won gear into shells they actually liked? Probably.

Which you can still do without BoL ... you earn the mods, strip them and put them in whatever gear you like. You don't HAVE to send it to your alt to achieve what you outlined there. Your point is moot.


I'll give myself some margin for error, but, I am pretty sure, 'Damn, those wiley players sure beat us on that BoL thing!' are words never uttered by Bioware's developers.


Yes but perhaps "damn we should shoud fix this but people like thewitchdoctor might cry too much about it and I'm so over the whinging in this game, did Jedi or Sith ever really whinge so much? Is this the star wars universe or my little pony? Let's go make some CM items and please the people paying actual cash"


EDIT: Considering they named it BIND ON LEGACY, they themselves must have foreseen that it would result in hilts, barrels, armours, mods, and enhancements being shared across a player's LEGACY. I.e., alts. So I am pretty sure it is working as intended.


Lol then don't you think those items would already be bind on LEGACY? lol, genius.


Easier to run the operations on already geared characters and mail them over. Oh, but, people don't like when you do that. Well, a small vocal minority on the forums anyways.


Yeah because running sm ops on already geared toons makes it pretty challenging n all or maybe it just makes it more of a faceroll than some already are.

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