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Legacy Storage?


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To share gear between toons ( when I say gear i do mean mods armoring etc sense you need it to gear, it is gear ) . and gear them up with gear that you would not others wise use or have a use for on a toon that can not use it .


And when they put it in the game they stated that was one use for it .




I think. Your writing leaves a bit to be desired. (Assuming English is your first language).


Because you seem to have just said:


To share gear between toons;

Gear meaning mods, enhancements, etc.;

To gear a toon with gear;

That your other toons would otherwise not use.


Sweet Mercy.


Try reading instead of ranting about ponies and whatever conspiracy theories. Sweet Merciful Beelzebub.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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They did it in error and couldn't be assed fixing it as people quite liked the option and they couldn't be bothered with the whinging and outrage if they fixed it or your option and it was all some great conspiracy and all by design?


This explains soooo much of your thought process.

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Now think about this - no equippable cartel market gear is BoP, it all is BoE. The argument that it is about not circumventing unlock cost is therefore invalid.

Uhh, NO.


A CM item does not enter your Collection until you Bind it to a toon. After that, all the duplicates that toon pulls from your Collection are also Bound to that toon, and cannot be sent to any other toon . Nor can any other toon make duplicates until the item is unlocked. So if you want to make duplicates for use by other toons in your legacy, you need to pay the unlock fee, as it is today.


If Bound items were able to be moved using the Legacy Store, the latter sentence would no longer be true. You could buy a copy, bind it to one toon, make bound copies on that toon, and move the bound copies using Legacy Store, all without paying the unlock fee. You cannot do that now.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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[sarcastically:]So the whole point of the brand new Gree BoL offhand, ... is most definitely NOT to fill it with armours, etc., and transfer them across legacy?

The whole point of the Gree BoL offhand generators and focuses that were recently introduced is how pretty they are. People care a lot about how there toons look, after all.


Wait, I think there may be a sublte flaw in my argument ... :D

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The whole point of the Gree BoL offhand generators and focuses that were recently introduced is how pretty they are. People care a lot about how there toons look, after all.


Wait, I think there may be a sublte flaw in my argument ... :D


Dude, I actually had to reread his post three times to figure out that he said that BoL gear is to share the bits and bobs acroos toons.


For the love of all that is related to beer, I don't even understand ... to hell with it. Sweet mercy.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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Here, Menace, since you keep missing the point:


In your own words, what do you believe is the intent behind Bind on Legacy modable gear?


I've already stated what I think the original point was.


If Bound items were able to be moved using the Legacy Store, the latter sentence would no longer be true. You could buy a copy, bind it to one toon, make bound copies on that toon, and move the bound copies using Legacy Store, all without paying the unlock fee. You cannot do that now.


Good point ( probably already made, i'm not reading the whole thread :p ) and the main reason they wont make legacy storage allow bound items I would think.

There are no CM items I can think of that you can use the BoL to transfer thus not a priority to fix.


This explains soooo much of your thought process.


If you somehow doubt they make mistakes or what you that they don't bother fixing/explaining or anything have a read of the ancient mysterious tome thread in the flashpoint/operation section. That one was entertaining til the bubble burst.

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If you somehow doubt they make mistakes or what you that they don't bother fixing/explaining or anything have a read of the ancient mysterious tome thread in the flashpoint/operation section. That one was entertaining til the bubble burst.


Disregard. If I cannot be nice then I shouldn't say anything at all.

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you are wrong WOW lets you trade legacy gear back and forth between your characters..and it actually scales..something bioware cant make work right.


It sure seems like BW made it work right. We can transfer legacy gear between characters now. We cannot transfer bound to character items between characters, though. This is as it should be, IMO.


As for the scaling, I would say that the scaling is up to us, the players. We can upgrade that item we got from Black Talon and it can still be viable gear at 55 with which to run NM OPS. WoW does not allow you to continuously upgrade your items. Show me a piece of gear that drops in Ragefire chasm that can still be viable raid gear at 90.

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... because the BoL exploit exists meaning there could be people running those runs who actually need the gear for the toon they are running it on and so they miss out because of the existance of an exploit. If the exploit didn't exist there would be ZERO need to need beyond reverse engineering purposes which is going to be less common than epople needing just to build lockers full of gear they dont need.


Ever heard the phrase "I need it for my vendor" ? Well, now you have. All gear drops have value for every player: to equip their main, a companion, or an alt, to RE, or to just sell for creds. Bad form? Heck yes. Do jerks do it? I don't doubt that they do. But the point is, BoL shells or no, there's always been reasons for a jerk to "need" something, and there always will be. Even if it's just being a jerk.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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There are no CM items I can think of that you can use the BoL to transfer thus not a priority to fix.

Sorry, not quite. There are some Level-31 armor sets you can buy with CC's that come with purple armoring, modifications, and enhancements, all of which can then be extracted and put in BoL gear.


But you can be forgiven for not noticing. And it is understandable if no one cares. :)

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Maybe this has been already touched on in the previous pages but rather have said it twice than none.



You say BoP items are not accessible via vaults. With this you are insinuating that any bound item which was BoE or BoL CAN be legacy vaulted.


While I would like such a feature (have way to many alts who need to be ready for DF/DP NiM lol). You are currently implying that any crafted earpiece, implant and relic will be able to be place in the legacy vault, even after its bound to a char since it was BoE to start with (and not BoP)


Can you confirm this? Or did you meant to say that any BOUND item is restricted to personal vaults.


If bound BoE gear is accessible than how does this work for bound modifications like mods/enhancements and such? Those items were either BoE (when they got crafted) or BoP (when extracted from any gearpiece).

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But the point is, BoL shells or no, there's always been reasons for a jerk to "need" something, and there always will be. Even if it's just being a jerk.

But does the game really need more of a reason to be so? Yes I realise gearing alts may not be the only reason but it would seem that or companions are more or less the more obvious reasons. I just believe if they did make things BoP to fix this and they wont give BoP legacy transfer( as thats what people really want, noone gives a f*** about the storage part around here ) even now then maybe they realy don't want to encourage bound item trading but also don't want the uproar of changing the BoL bound item trading that exists now because it is heavily used gamewide and would give far more of an uproar than what this thread has generated.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Uhh, NO.


A CM item does not enter your Collection until you Bind it to a toon. After that, all the duplicates that toon pulls from your Collection are also Bound to that toon, and cannot be sent to any other toon . Nor can any other toon make duplicates until the item is unlocked. So if you want to make duplicates for use by other toons in your legacy, you need to pay the unlock fee, as it is today.


If Bound items were able to be moved using the Legacy Store, the latter sentence would no longer be true. You could buy a copy, bind it to one toon, make bound copies on that toon, and move the bound copies using Legacy Store, all without paying the unlock fee. You cannot do that now.


I know how collections work. I also know you can circumvent the unlocking cost for color crystals by shipping them with legacy bound weapon, a token for which you get every time you finish chapter one. It unlocks for an alt once you rip it out of the shell. Despite the fact that the crystal is bound. All it takes is means to get a bound item to an alt.


But bound items might be shippable via legacy storage, all we know now is that BoP items won't be, at least not right away. Read that again, BoP items, not bound items. Bound BoE item could very well be transferable. And seeing that all equippable CM gear is BoE, you suddenly have means to get it to an alt.

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One solution for the implementation of BOP items would be:

- Player A is allowed to drop a BOP item in his/her legacy storage

- Player B in the same legacy is allowed to withdraw the item bound to Player A by paying a fee equal to the cost of the modifications (armoring/hilt/barrel, mod, enhancement and augment) in it. For the earpieces/implant/relics, the fee can be evaluated as the the cost of the extraction of the mods and enhancements of the same level of the item.



This way, people that want to send empty shells for the look pay nothing and, at the same time, people can't "cheese" the gearing grind more than how they do currently (i.e. emailing legacy bound gear):rak_03:

Edited by FeniceNera
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This might sound like I'm repeating everything, but if you can't send BoP gear over then whats the point of Legacy Storage? for crafting materials only? makes it utterly useless you can just mail that stuff over, if that's the only reason the give people a larger mail storage space, like 20 slots as opposed to 8.


Or the make it so:

1: if you bought it with comms you can send it

2: if you needed in a FP or Op then you cant

that way you avoid making everyone a loot ninja, and make it so everyone who actually puts the time in to grind the comms for gear can actually make it work for them, and against the loot ninjas


or make all comms bought gear BoL, there fore eliminating the problem of creating a new gear class

Edited by Dreamstar
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Maybe this has been already touched on in the previous pages but rather have said it twice than none.



You say BoP items are not accessible via vaults. With this you are insinuating that any bound item which was BoE or BoL CAN be legacy vaulted.


While I would like such a feature (have way to many alts who need to be ready for DF/DP NiM lol). You are currently implying that any crafted earpiece, implant and relic will be able to be place in the legacy vault, even after its bound to a char since it was BoE to start with (and not BoP)


Can you confirm this? Or did you meant to say that any BOUND item is restricted to personal vaults.


If bound BoE gear is accessible than how does this work for bound modifications like mods/enhancements and such? Those items were either BoE (when they got crafted) or BoP (when extracted from any gearpiece).


Yeah, confirmation would be great. I have this ultra-rare world-drop sniper rifle I used for my HK on my main, but decided, I would like the look for my new sniper... Will I be able to send it with the new Legacy storage?

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So sick of hearing people say that because they can't transfer bound items between characters. Based on that you were NEVER interested in the new content update, you were all only interested in having a small easy feature to that would make the bypassing of the game bound limitations even easier and actually somewhat legitimate. You all weren't even seemingly interested in the extra storage you are getting or the convenience it does bring ( IT BRINGS NOTHING NEGATIVE IN THIS STATE ) everyone who is now anti because of this just wanted an easier and cheaper way to "cheat" the system as they do now.

Well diddums for all of you whingers, those that are and were interested in the actual content will still be interested in the actual content and everyone else can go on crying for another 30 pages.


For the record I am heavily against using BoL gear to transfer BOUND items to other toons. They should not only say no to this legacy storage as they have done here but fix that loophole also and force people to earn theur gear legitimately on all toons. It would have interesting repercussions on the GTN one would assume as more mods sell and it would also reinvigorate earlier game content as people need to actually run it to get geared for later game content AS IT SHOULD BE.


This BoL crap has really ruined a lot of non end game content IMO, it needs fixing not made worse with now bound item transfer pfft.


A lot of us were expecting that legacy storage would let us transfer BOUND gear between our different alts. i was commenting it with some friends and guildies, and we could not believe they would do it that way because it would be actually awesome. Of course, it will probably not be like that, and if thats the case the stronghold update holds nothing interesting imo. Of course, there are people who like housing and roleplaying, and there are people who are against legacy storage, but i am free to think whatever i want, and i wanted to transfer BOUND items between my alts (one can dream, right?). Besides this, the whole stronghold update is only a time and money sink, everything headed towards the cartel market, decoration packs, buying rooms and houses with coins, and more cartel market stuff, instead of adding really quality content, for instance a couple of fp's or operations, 2-3 new warzone maps, and a little more class stories in the form of a new planet story arc. THAT is quality content, the kind of content that would make this game greater, and not a house with decoration hooks and with every feature focused and headed to the cartel market, as everything else they do in this game. You even have to pay for the damn rooms, please ROOMS, in you own house. What a creative ways of sucking people's money out of their pockets, the devs are really smart inventing new money sinks(omg please check out the casino event, specifically designed and created to empty your pockets of credits, nothing else), but of course they cant add 1 new damn warzone map in all this months, or a new fp, no, lets just make the nighmare mode of an old one. 95% of the dev team time and effort goes in the cartel market and cartel coins stuff, and the other 5% goes in real quality content. And, despite all this, i keep supporting the game and playing it because i love it, but mates, i think we all see where all this is going... just some of us say it, and others dont wanna admit it, but they know it too.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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A spark of hope...


I agree mate. It may be futile but than again, eric did only say BoP.


Anyways, I don't think a BoPless or boundless vault is a bad thing. I currently have the folowing items scattered among my alts:


- crafting mats

On average 1 vault for craftsupplies and blue/purple drops, 1 vault for grade 1-5 mats and 1 vault for grad 6-9 mats.


- legacy gear shells (each alt has about 4 or 5 pieces for ease of transfer tokens)

- exotic mats

- grade 5 companion gifts (currently on my artifce toons inventory)

- event drops (like raghoul samples, bounty contracts, tauntaun lures, barnacles, ect)

- special equipment like the grappler and melter (for datacruns)

- purple gear for lowbe alts (i never trow away purple hilts/barrels and other good purple stuff, I am an altaholic ;-))


A legacy vault for the above would already be a serious boost of QoL.

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For those clutching at straws on bound BoE items, don't hold your breath.


I think it is pretty clear that Eric, like many others in the thread, was just a little loose in his language when talking about BoP items.


As others have pointed out nobody has a BoP item on any toon, they have bound items (which may have been a BoP or BoE drop originally), bound to legacy items, bind on equip items, non binding items and possibly items on a bind cooldown - either CM items which will become unbound or drops that can be traded with group/op before perma-binding.


Why would the devs break the binding system by allowing the transfer of any bound (to character) items? If they had wanted it to be bound to legacy surely they would have made it so. If you disagree with them on whether certain items should be BoP or BoL then by all means give feedback on that and ask for it to be changed.


Yes we can transfer bound item modifications via legacy gear and maybe this was or was not an oversight orginally, but it is clear that the devs are ok with it - most likely because of the credit sink - and have added other legacy items to ensure that all regular item modification slots are covered (augs and dyes not included).

Edited by Sambril
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