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Legacy Storage?


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yeah fair point...perhaps CM BoP items should be excluded then


That mainly the reason why I think they wouldn't allow BoP stuff to be stuffed in the legacy bank. Unless they manage to make the game distinguish between CM and non-CM items. I sure as hell don't think they want the legacy storage to make the collection system edundant and invalidate the need for their colllection system for there armors and weapons.


As nice as it would be, I don't expect it and will surprised if they do.

Edited by Nickious
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They weren't exactly showcasing it in one of the Live servers, were they?


Regardless, do you have a source for the first one? I do remember them saying that the location for Strongholds on contested planets will be different but you can see right now the Strongholds on both Dk and Coruscant being built.


I believe on the first stream about Strongholds (http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/4583536) they mentioned the chat would be shared with the planet the stronghold is on lorewise. I can't give you an exact timestamp of where they said it, but I'm really sure they did somewhere in it.

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I believe on the first stream about Strongholds (http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/4583536) they mentioned the chat would be shared with the planet the stronghold is on lorewise. I can't give you an exact timestamp of where they said it, but I'm really sure they did somewhere in it.


They dialed that back a bit and said that they were discussing the Gen Chat situation and how to reconcile it with our desires to stay connected via a communal Gen Chat like on Fleet.

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Yay! The extent of my interest in Strongholds has been answered! Log in, get free stronghold, place legacy bay next to entrance/exit, never bother with anything else!


Information on crafting mat use would be helpful though :p

Edited by g_land
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I believe on the first stream about Strongholds (http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/4583536) they mentioned the chat would be shared with the planet the stronghold is on lorewise. I can't give you an exact timestamp of where they said it, but I'm really sure they did somewhere in it.


I do remember them saying that for sure as well.


However, my question does not revolve around that but rather the possibility that Strongholds are located in a different location altogether, as I've explained already here, akin to Section X or Black Hole.


Tatooine for example is CLEARLY INSTANCED outside the Tatooine we know, since the day time doesn't match the one you see in the game.

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I do remember them saying that for sure as well.


However, my question does not revolve around that but rather the possibility that Strongholds are located in a different location altogether, as I've explained already here, akin to Section X or Black Hole.


Tatooine for example is CLEARLY INSTANCED outside the Tatooine we know, since the day time doesn't match the one you see in the game.


Ah right, I misinterpreted your question then. I'm pretty sure they'll be instanced seperately from any other planets and such. If one would be looking at chatservers as an indication, I can tell you that those are completely seperated from the game areas, as I've had it two times where the chatservers had crashed or were lagging heavily while the rest of the game worked. :)

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We should have an answer on this soon™.




This might be my new signature--but in all seriousness, I'm glad that there's some awareness in the dev team that transparency hasn't been up to par lately. As a player that subbed at launch, quit after 4 months, and returned only when RotHC ads were all over every webpage I opened, I would like a bit more out there about 3.0, the Makeb-sized expansion, whatever you want to call it. Actual "information" might be a bit strong for what I mean, but a short teaser, some screenshots, a logo, maybe even a number associated with the level cap raise. And not on the forums--on NBCNews and IGN and Facebook. If the big expansion is coming out this year, time is wasting. But to get back to the topic, I don't think legacy storage, in the long-run, is that big an issue. Personally, I'm kinda tired of vendor-trashing the Oriconian MK-2 implant drops that I can use on another toon, not to mention the unused DF earpiece drops when I'm on my Artificer, but I'm surviving it and will continue to do so either way. I think of greater importance is fleet chat. I'm really worried that if it's not piped into Strongholds, they're going to wind up as empty as the casinos are now. And about as quickly, too.

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Ah right, I misinterpreted your question then. I'm pretty sure they'll be instanced seperately from any other planets and such. If one would be looking at chatservers as an indication, I can tell you that those are completely seperated from the game areas, as I've had it two times where the chatservers had crashed or were lagging heavily while the rest of the game worked. :)


One more boon for having Fleet Chat instead of <insert planet name> Chat. :cool:

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So, Eric, subs by July 15 got one stronghold for free, right? And all players are supposed to be able to do the intro quest, right?


So, when you complete the intro quest do you also get a free stronghold? or is it necessary to do something else after completing the intro quest (either through credits or the market) to actually unlock the stronghold?


Or, would one need a legacy storage unit for each and every stronghold he or she owns?


Because it seems rather pointless to add additional access points within the same stronghold, unless these strongholds are so massive that multiple access points are necessary?


If you are not subbed by July 15th you cannot complete the introduction quest until you buy a stronghold. Therefore you don't get a legacy storage unit you buy/own at least 1 stronghold

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Hey folks,


I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can't answer everything here are some of the bigger answers:


How do I get Legacy storage?

You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)


If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space?

It does not. Adding more Legacy storage "units" will simply add another access point, similar to how the cargo hold works right now. You can increase the size by adding more bays (more in the next answer).


How big will it be?

Legacy storage comes, by default, with one bay unlocked. That bay will have 80 slots in it. You will be able to purchase additional bays with credits or Cartel Coins.


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.




Thanks man, much appreciated. now waiting on that BoP item answer. :p

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I have used shared storage in other games and I have not found one that lets you transfer bound items from one character to another. LotRO allows storage of bound items in shared area, but only the owner can access it. EQ2 allows only the storage of unbound items, including heirloom - their version of BoL.


So while the storage of bound items may be possible I doubt it would allow them to be withdrawn by another toon, effectively turning all BoP items into BoL. If they had wanted an item to be BoL they would have made so in the first place. You can ask for changes to ops drops or whatever but it seems unlikely that legacy storage could be used this way.


I don't think they are too worried about mod transfers via legacy gear because it is a decent credit sink even if it was not originally intended.

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I have used shared storage in other games and I have not found one that lets you transfer bound items from one character to another. LotRO allows storage of bound items in shared area, but only the owner can access it. EQ2 allows only the storage of unbound items, including heirloom - their version of BoL.


So while the storage of bound items may be possible I doubt it would allow them to be withdrawn by another toon, effectively turning all BoP items into BoL. If they had wanted an item to be BoL they would have made so in the first place. You can ask for changes to ops drops or whatever but it seems unlikely that legacy storage could be used this way.


I don't think they are too worried about mod transfers via legacy gear because it is a decent credit sink even if it was not originally intended.


ESO allows you move bound items between characters via their bank system which is account bank.

ESO doesn't make huge profit from their store like SWTOR does. The amount they would lose because people stop unlocking items via the collections system. I doubt Bound items will be transferred.

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Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


Please, please, pretty please do NOT allow this to happen. If you allow BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage, then everyone will start needing on all the drops from flashpoints and ops, on the premise that they're going to give it to an alt/companion/alt's companion etc. They game is already full of loot ninjas as it is, I do not want to see another excuse given to them why they're entitled to helping themselves to everything.


Not to mention the fact that this would almost entirely negate the point of doing doing fps and ops on alts. The current Legacy system is great, it allows you to transfer mods but it also makes it a costly and strategic decision. I don't want to see the gearing process trivialized to nothing. Please only allow BoE and BoL items into Legacy Storage.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Please, please, pretty please do NOT allow this to happen. If you allow BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage, then everyone will start needing on all the drops from flashpoints and ops, on the premise that they're going to give it to an alt/companion/alt's companion etc. They game is already full of loot ninjas as it is, I do not want to see another excuse given to them why they're entitled to helping themselves to everything.


Not to mention the fact that this would almost entirely negate the point of doing doing fps and ops on alts. The current Legacy system is great, it allows you to transfer mods but it also makes it a costly and strategic decision. I don't want to see the gearing process trivialized to nothing. Please only allow BoE and BoL items into Legacy Storage.


Hmmm, but I have some really neat replicas on my main I'd like to give to my alts (Karagga's Bell Hat, Tythonian Force Master Saber). Besides, with Legacy gear people can already use that excuse. In summation: jerks will be jerks but we shouldn't be punished for the mischief of others.

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Please, please, pretty please do NOT allow this to happen. If you allow BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage, then everyone will start needing on all the drops from flashpoints and ops, on the premise that they're going to give it to an alt/companion/alt's companion etc. They game is already full of loot ninjas as it is, I do not want to see another excuse given to them why they're entitled to helping themselves to everything.


Not to mention the fact that this would almost entirely negate the point of doing doing fps and ops on alts. The current Legacy system is great, it allows you to transfer mods but it also makes it a costly and strategic decision. I don't want to see the gearing process trivialized to nothing. Please only allow BoE and BoL items into Legacy Storage.


Except they already need on everything now a days so this feature wouldn't really effect much on JC.

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Nice info! I like the way Legacy storage is shaping up so far. :)


It would be nice if they allowed some BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage to transfer to other characters. I'm thinking mostly of non-CM cosmetic items, like pets and mounts.


I'm also very curious about whether we'll be able to craft with materials from Legacy storage. I am leveling biochem on multiple characters so that would be super helpful.

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I would myself rather have Bound Earpieces, Implants, and Relics not be storable in Legacy Storage. Getting good ones is a major reason why we alt-a-holics bother to run our alts. If we could share them, alt-aholics would have less reason to play. And that's not good.


Keeping Bound items out of Legacy storage should not require much new code, since that's already done for Guild banks. What is new is allowing BoL into a shared storage area, which I hope can be done, even if not at release, without allowing anything and everything (i.e. bound items) into the Legacy Storage.


But If not, I'd prefer not being able to put BoL into the Legacy Storage at all rather than opening the floodgates.

Also, if dev time is an issue and they have to choose, I'd rather they allowed crafting using mats in the Legacy Storage before they implement putting BoL items in the Legacy Storage.



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I am waiting for more info like everyone else on cost, how many items we can store and so on. See little point in complaining as some are until we know the full extent of what we can and cannot do.

As for the flashpoint problem about everyone saying need or greed, well then maybe they should just change the flashpoints so everyone get the same. so all get the orange items. I no longer do flashpoints at all in groups or world bosses, done 4 of the WB's and got nothing (well except XP points, might have gotten some credits cannot remember) So why would I ever do them again.


Anyway I am looking forward to the legacy storage, in-fact more so than the strongholds themselves.

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Hey folks,


I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can't answer everything here are some of the bigger answers

Thanks a lot for the answer, especially going further than what we are used to see.


How do I get Legacy storage?

You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)

Guess we're also going to be able to unlock more bay in the CM with CC.


Some like that and it never hurts the health of the game to be able to get more $$$ as long as there also are in game ways to get them.


If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space?

It does not. Adding more Legacy storage "units" will simply add another access point, similar to how the cargo hold works right now. You can increase the size by adding more bays (more in the next answer).

In short legacy "physical" access points share the same legacy storage.




How big will it be?

Legacy storage comes, by default, with one bay unlocked. That bay will have 80 slots in it. You will be able to purchase additional bays with credits or Cartel Coins.

Next question to come, how many bay and how much each.


Will see in time ;)


That brings us to:

One left, aside from cost specifics:


Will my characters who craft be able to have their crafting actions automatically draw materials directly from Legacy Storage, as they do from their own Cargo Hold now?

Storing and managing crafting components through alts is kind of tedious right now and this would help tremendously.


Then I don't know exactly for the others crafting skills but right now one bay isn't enough to store one of each items needed for artifice, not even sure a 10x10 would do the trick either.


So right now it's kind of messy to manage cargo holds, even for a single character if he's a crafter.


As such could you either make it so a cargo bay is able to hold all the items needed for a maxed out crafting profession, i.e. increasing it?

Or could you just accumulate all unlocked cargo bay (or legacy storage) in one pool and let players set filters in the way other games do.


Something along:


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.

The killer question!


Main issues here, being whatever you do, will hurt either the difficulty of obtaining an item or the convenience to use it on alts.


Now players will want to share objects for either the item look or for their stats as the mod system is a bit tedious.


Won't open again the look vs stats topic here...


Finally something more tied to Legacy features:

It seem to be more like cargo hold, I was hoping for guild bank so I could dump my credits in there two.

Some players I know use the guild functionality to mitigate the actual inconvenient way to share credits, mats and gear between their alts. Only consequence being they can't have their own "Legacy" guild and be part of another guild. Still they keep saying how the trade off is way lower than the benefits.


So long term being able to have a legacy credit bank option would be very much welcome.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.



Most for sure, thanks.

Edited by Deewe
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Please, please, pretty please do NOT allow this to happen. If you allow BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage, then everyone will start needing on all the drops from flashpoints and ops, on the premise that they're going to give it to an alt/companion/alt's companion etc. They game is already full of loot ninjas as it is, I do not want to see another excuse given to them why they're entitled to helping themselves to everything.


Not to mention the fact that this would almost entirely negate the point of doing doing fps and ops on alts. The current Legacy system is great, it allows you to transfer mods but it also makes it a costly and strategic decision. I don't want to see the gearing process trivialized to nothing. Please only allow BoE and BoL items into Legacy Storage.


This is my opinion as well. Cannot be stated enough times.

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Please, please, pretty please do NOT allow this to happen. If you allow BoP items to be placed in Legacy storage, then everyone will start needing on all the drops from flashpoints and ops, on the premise that they're going to give it to an alt/companion/alt's companion etc. They game is already full of loot ninjas as it is, I do not want to see another excuse given to them why they're entitled to helping themselves to everything.


Not to mention the fact that this would almost entirely negate the point of doing doing fps and ops on alts. The current Legacy system is great, it allows you to transfer mods but it also makes it a costly and strategic decision. I don't want to see the gearing process trivialized to nothing. Please only allow BoE and BoL items into Legacy Storage.


This already happens everywhere on JC in OPs. People are going to roll need for any reason right now.

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