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Why I still choose SWTOR over newer MMO's


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I will not lie the only thing that gets me coming back is the fact it is Star Wars. I love the universe and to be honest Bioware did a pretty good job delivering the universe to us. PvP and PvE may not be up to MMO snuff but the game has a environment that most others don't deliver on quite as well. In my opinion anyway.
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I wanna see a return to that standard


And no it didnt devolve into cyber sex junk

Think your projecting your own issues there


I'm not talking about RP * names *, I'm talking about RP. Furthermore, since I didn't even say what WoW server I was on, how on earth do you make the statement that "it didn't devolve into cyber sex junk"?


RP isn't just a name. RP is much , much more than that when done well.

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What will keep you playing when you see all of the class and planet quests?

There are 8 stories that, together, take ridiculous time to complete. 2 of them are crap (sage and trooper), and let's say you won't like 2, but you'll want to replay at least 4 of the other ones, with a different alignment and on a different AC, which makes a difference.


That makes 12 runs through and each is, conservatively, about 80 hours. A character that I've only ever run on double XP, who was provided with purples by other characters, hasn't spend a minute without a general XP boost and a stim (which cost money, so I didn't afk'd on him) and skipped all planetary quests except first 3 planets, has clocked 98 hours of /played at story completion. I did do some WZ, flashpoints, etc, but a lot less than appropriate.


No other MMO provides a comparable amount of story content. You can get 2 playthroughs each for Alliance and Horde... and that's it.


Only the most hardcore players will go through all ~1,000 hours of content in SWTOR. 40 days, 1/10 of a year's total life time. And for these players, by that time, it's usually player-driven content such as running their guild that keeps them playing.

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Umm... there are naming rules on all the servers in SWTOR... :confused:


except they're not being enforced very strictly at all. A lot of names have been reported but never changed..


Exactly Ts.


EA has outright failed (or more like refused) to enforce their own naming policy

So a policy thats not enforced

is no policy at all


The naming policy needs to be enforced on RP servers because on RP servers immersion in the setting matters.


It might not matter to the kids and non RPs out there (like the guy I quote below this reply) because they have never understood the concept of enviroment or immersion.


Prior to WOW, RP servers were called (unofficially) mature servers.

It wasnt even about the RP (for some it was but for many...myself included) it was about having a server that didnt allow the kiddy nonsense of tasteless mom jokes. Of swear words in names. Of copyritten names and material being copied.


A RP server before WOW dumbed down the genre was a setting that most post 30 year old players could enjoy and thrive and yes, partake in Role Play (that wasn't about cyber sexing ....again for guy quoted below. Really kinda sad some people still think Role Playing in MMORPGs is about cyber sexing to be honest).


There is no server in WOW, RIFT, SW:TOR, Neverwinter, or Defiant that can fill that role in todays market (and im sure its no different in ESO or Wildstar honestly)


Real RP servers need enforced naming rules and light (but present) moderation of the general chat channel (cause not everyone really wants to hear a 4 hour stupidfest about Rape in general chat.......sadly thats NOT some fabricated topic but one thats been on DK General 2 times in last 3 days while I run bounties).



I'm not talking about RP * names *, I'm talking about RP. Furthermore, since I didn't even say what WoW server I was on, how on earth do you make the statement that "it didn't devolve into cyber sex junk"?


RP isn't just a name. RP is much , much more than that when done well.


Kid, you have no clue what your talking about so just stop already

Seriously just stop

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Exactly Ts.


EA has outright failed (or more like refused) to enforce their own naming policy

So a policy thats not enforced

is no policy at all


The naming policy needs to be enforced on RP servers because on RP servers immersion in the setting matters.


It might not matter to the kids and non RPs out there (like the guy I quote below this reply) because they have never understood the concept of enviroment or immersion.


Prior to WOW, RP servers were called (unofficially) mature servers.

It wasnt even about the RP (for some it was but for many...myself included) it was about having a server that didnt allow the kiddy nonsense of tasteless mom jokes. Of swear words in names. Of copyritten names and material being copied.


A RP server before WOW dumbed down the genre was a setting that most post 30 year old players could enjoy and thrive and yes, partake in Role Play (that wasn't about cyber sexing ....again for guy quoted below. Really kinda sad some people still think Role Playing in MMORPGs is about cyber sexing to be honest).


There is no server in WOW, RIFT, SW:TOR, Neverwinter, or Defiant that can fill that role in todays market (and im sure its no different in ESO or Wildstar honestly)


Real RP servers need enforced naming rules and light (but present) moderation of the general chat channel (cause not everyone really wants to hear a 4 hour stupidfest about Rape in general chat.......sadly thats NOT some fabricated topic but one thats been on DK General 2 times in last 3 days while I run bounties).





Kid, you have no clue what your talking about so just stop already

Seriously just stop


I've had plenty of names that I reported "gone" after a while.


But it takes time. It's not like it's gonna happen over night.


Just keep reporting the names you see that violate the naming rules.

Trust me, it works.


The main problem isn't that it isn't being enforced, the main problem is that it relies completely on player policing (ie. reporting) and a woefully large number of players don't even know there are any naming rules.

Hell, most even dispute you if you claim that there are naming rules.

THAT is the problem. A guy can have xXxDratVadherxXx as his name for years without a single person reporting him because the vast majority of them either don't care or don't think there are any rules for it.

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I've played SWTOR since late beta (with breaks in between) but SWTOR will always be my favorite MMO for the story and leveling experience. I find it very appealing visually with a superior story experience and a world my character actually feels a part of.


My only complaint is that it's a little too similar to the WoW in it's design structure but that's been changing gradually. Regardless, SWTOR has been my game of choice for a long time now where no other MMO (and I have played a lot of them) has been able to compare.


I am very interested to see how the game evolves in the coming years especially when the new Star Wars movies are released. 2015 should be a very exciting year for us!

Edited by Vincire
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Well, I am glad that you returned to the game. I think the game is in pretty good shape now compared to it's launch state which was abysmal in many ways in my view.


Though it still has it's flaws IMO, what it does right it does the best in the industry.


Just my take. Sometimes it's difficult for us to understand why folks do not love the things we love. That is human nature at work.

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Well, I am glad that you returned to the game. I think the game is in pretty good shape now compared to it's launch state which was abysmal in many ways in my view.


Though it still has it's flaws IMO, what it does right it does the best in the industry.


Just my take. Sometimes it's difficult for us to understand why folks do not love the things we love. That is human nature at work.


In the midst of all this arguing, it makes me happy that you said that for some reason, thanks!

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I've had plenty of names that I reported "gone" after a while.


But it takes time. It's not like it's gonna happen over night.


Just keep reporting the names you see that violate the naming rules.

Trust me, it works.


The main problem isn't that it isn't being enforced, the main problem is that it relies completely on player policing (ie. reporting) and a woefully large number of players don't even know there are any naming rules.

Hell, most even dispute you if you claim that there are naming rules.

THAT is the problem. A guy can have xXxDratVadherxXx as his name for years without a single person reporting him because the vast majority of them either don't care or don't think there are any rules for it.


Honestly OddBall, I rerolled on a normal PVE Server as I was so frustrated with the lack of name enforcement on original RP Server. Along with seeing open hostility directed at any person who even dared to try and RP their character over general planetary channel.


Me, Im not a big Role Players anymore, I prefer the server usually for setting and enviroment more then actually Role Playing. But really gets under my skin when I see Do0dz attacking others in chat because they dared to role play on a Role Playing server.


Should point out DAoC also handled naming issues on their Role Play servers by player reporting 100%. And a improper name change never took more then couple weeks.

Name was reported

Mythic reviewed name and if against TOS sent a letter to subscriber informing them of problem and to submit 5 names they would like to have their character name changed to

if they hadn't responded in 2 weeks Mythic went ahead and picked a new name for them

If all 5 of their name choices broke TOS or were already taken, Mythic choose a new name for them


Was and is absolutely no reason a reported name doesn't get changed with in 2 weeks

We all agree to the TOS when we role there so excuse of "Well I though Stinkyballs was an acceptable RP Name" doesn't fly.


Nor would mashmellowman




and a host of other names that never got changed (and while my examples are not exact names (as that would be against forum TOS) they are similar to what was on old RP server) in the 6 months I played at release on RP server


As I said, I moved to a normal server so stupid names wouldn't bother me as on normal PVE servers you have no expectation of naming rules and regulations.


Still I really do believe any company that runs a MMORPG shoudl supply a real RP server that has rules enforced and monitored


Otherwise you just attract kids who think RP is only cybersex'ing and go there looking to trool and flame those who are there because its an RP server.


To me people trolling RP Servers are about the same as people that roll on a PVP server and then complain they got jumped and killed by a PVPer. Only real difference being the PVPers get to kill the idiots who role there not expecting PVP. The RPers are forced to hope the company running what ever RP server will moderate and enforce the server rules.

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I keep coming back because of the two things that make this game unique:


Star Wars


BioWare story


I could really give a crap about most of the multiplayer content, and really wish they'd do more 'class stories' but I do keep coming back to play through the original game (Makeb isn't too bad, but still isn't the same).


On the name issue, chances are they have to have a character reported x times before they take action. I seem to recall that's how it was at Mythic, though I can't remember how many times a character had to be flagged first (I want to say 5 but that might be too low).

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Honestly OddBall, I rerolled on a normal PVE Server as I was so frustrated with the lack of name enforcement on original RP Server. Along with seeing open hostility directed at any person who even dared to try and RP their character over general planetary channel.


Me, Im not a big Role Players anymore, I prefer the server usually for setting and enviroment more then actually Role Playing. But really gets under my skin when I see Do0dz attacking others in chat because they dared to role play on a Role Playing server.


Should point out DAoC also handled naming issues on their Role Play servers by player reporting 100%. And a improper name change never took more then couple weeks.

Name was reported

Mythic reviewed name and if against TOS sent a letter to subscriber informing them of problem and to submit 5 names they would like to have their character name changed to

if they hadn't responded in 2 weeks Mythic went ahead and picked a new name for them

If all 5 of their name choices broke TOS or were already taken, Mythic choose a new name for them


Was and is absolutely no reason a reported name doesn't get changed with in 2 weeks

We all agree to the TOS when we role there so excuse of "Well I though Stinkyballs was an acceptable RP Name" doesn't fly.


Nor would mashmellowman




and a host of other names that never got changed (and while my examples are not exact names (as that would be against forum TOS) they are similar to what was on old RP server) in the 6 months I played at release on RP server


As I said, I moved to a normal server so stupid names wouldn't bother me as on normal PVE servers you have no expectation of naming rules and regulations.


Still I really do believe any company that runs a MMORPG shoudl supply a real RP server that has rules enforced and monitored


Otherwise you just attract kids who think RP is only cybersex'ing and go there looking to trool and flame those who are there because its an RP server.


To me people trolling RP Servers are about the same as people that roll on a PVP server and then complain they got jumped and killed by a PVPer. Only real difference being the PVPers get to kill the idiots who role there not expecting PVP. The RPers are forced to hope the company running what ever RP server will moderate and enforce the server rules.


Well, I don't know what to tell you except the fact that most of the names I've reported have been changed (well, they dissapear at least).


Oh and as for roleplaying in general planet chat... that's a big no-no...

For several reasons:

1: It clogs up the chat.

2: it's not meant for roleplaying (general chat is not considered "in-game")

3: It's not exactly immersive to be able to hear a conversation that someone is having on the other side of the planet. So this actually BREAKS immersion for many.

4: /say is the generally accepted roleplay "channel" because it has a realistic range. You won't overhear discussions that people are having on the other side of tatooine. If you HAVE to have a roleplaying conversation over the radio or somesuch, you can always create a custom channel.

5: There are many different views on what is and is not considered "proper" roleplaying and forcing your roleplaying session on the rest of the planet will inevetably draw the wrong kind of attention.


So no... General chat is not for roleplaying. Even on a roleplaying server.

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I'm not sure "newer" is a word but I did it get at me.

But anyways, I have tried every new MMO that has released and they just don't cut it for me the way SWTOR does. Probably all of them have a bigger playerbase and aren't called trash and considered a bad MMO like a lot of people would say SWTOR is. But I just don't see how people could ever consider this game bad, like I know the free to play part is what turns a lot of people away but to really experience this game you need to subscribe to it and just completely ignore that there is a free to play way to play because that is complete **** and you'd probably pay more in the cartel than you would just paying a basic $15. But to the "newer" MMO's that I've played. I tried Wildstar that I loved for two weeks then it just felt like WoW, I tried ESO which is just so... bad and I hate to say it because the lore and the whole Elder Scrolls part, I am just in love with you know? Like I love it's Elder Scrolls lore its just not an Elder Scrolls game and doesn't play well at all, and I didn't do the mistake a lot of people did going into it, I looked at it as an MMO first before it being and Elder Scrolls game. I did not have a subscription to SWTOR or have even played it until AFTER I tried these new MMO's because I was giving up hope on the industry. I love MMO's but everything got old. I needed an MMO with established lore, nice visuals, and would actually make me feel immersed and when I first visited this homepage after cancelling my subscription to ESO, I knew I had to try this, so I nervously spent $15 on the sub or $20 because I knew if I tried free to play I'd hate it, and I fell in love. I am in love with this game, the story, the lore, the feeling of being a yellow lightsaber holding evil jedi makes me smile and think about the next time I log in and what is in store for me next. As you can tell this is my first time ever posting in a forum... I just wanted to let people know that SWTOR can compete in this new crowd of MMO's because I've played the new ones and came here for the first time and can't stop playing. Jesus this is very scattered and unorganized.


You're not alone, man. I, too, have tried most of the MMOs on the market. I was here at launch for SWToR, and man, it was chaotic. No end game, balancing issues, glitches.... you name it, so I left for a while and came back now. It's great. As long as you can find the class and story for you, you will have a great time. I think immersion is a stronger word than we make it up to be... it doesn't have to be this ultra-RP thing whatsoever. I believe immersion is a lost thing in games today, even the slightest bit. Something to make you feel invested in whatever it is you're doing. In this game, you get your ship, companions, story and a nice and smooth engine. Combat feels very fluent and I still love PvP in this game, too.


What I'm trying to say is I think immersion plays on the smallest of interest and expands from there. If you ever find yourself feeling a game is empty or shallow, it's usually this. People usually refer to it as "felt like WoW". Now, instead, you refer to it as "what's next in store for me?". I think that's important.


Myself having trouble of choosing Republic or Empire, Jedi Sentinel or Sith Assassin... 'cause I'm morally invested in this game.


Anyway, great having you here.

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I'm not sure if any new MMORPG is 'ground-breaking'. Many have been proclaimed as the next "WoW Killer" while basically being similar to WoW with some minor graphical or gameplay differences. Maybe EVE as a game that is truly OOTB thinking.


And don't get me started on ESO.


EQ Next * might * be worth a look. However, if it incorporates many of the features of EQ (notably penalty experience upon death, VERY limited end-game) I won't be cutting a check. Landmark is another that has potential, but it is VERY niche at this time. And I'm not that niche.


I had high hopes for a WH40k MMORPG, but they couldn't get their act together so now the latest attempt is 8 v 8 FPS. Like we haven't seen that before.


For multiple reasons I enjoy SWTOR over other games. And I'm not a fanboi of the series by any imagination. For $15/month? Worth every cent.

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Currently, SWTOR is my favorite MMO and it could be better if the developers listened to us. But like most MMO companies and the current trend in customer no service, they rarely do. There isn't a perfect MMO out there, there is only a perfect MMO for you or one you can deal with. The next MMO I am looking at is Pathfinder Online and perhaps Fallout Online if ZeniMax Media ever gets off their rear to make it since they won the rights from Interplay which honestly probably would have never made it to release as well because the current CEO has no clue on how to run a gaming company. And, I could care less about Elder Scrolls Online and hated it when I beta tested it.
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And don't get me started on ESO.


For multiple reasons I enjoy SWTOR over other games. And I'm not a fanboi of the series by any imagination. For $15/month? Worth every cent.


I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above. I personally would prefer Skyrim over ESO.

Edited by Lorica
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I'd never played any mmo's before swtor. (Well...technically I played DCUO for 2 days on PS3 but I hated it, and never picked it up again) I gave swtor a chance for 2 reasons


1. The SW brand

2. BW story


I've been around since beta, and the fact is this is the best SW game on the market right now. THAT is why I've stayed. I've tried several MMO's since, but nothing provides me with the single player experience that is my preferred play style. So I play characters to lvl 50, then delete and start over again and again and again :D

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SWTOR's problem isn't the initial appeal, it's the retention caused by the lack of new content.


See how you feel six months from now, when you finish the story quests and realize BioWare has no plans on extending any of them and haven't released substantial story content at all for over a year. Despite being the "mmo with story". Or, that its been about that long without new operations or that they've actually removed more PvP content than they've added since release. But WAIT, we get houses and new cartel packs to buy with lamps and chairs to fill them with :rolleyes:


Been playing since December 2011, and still going strong.


Only possible game that might draw me away is EQNext.

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Well, I don't know what to tell you except the fact that most of the names I've reported have been changed (well, they dissapear at least).


Oh and as for roleplaying in general planet chat... that's a big no-no...

For several reasons:

1: It clogs up the chat.

2: it's not meant for roleplaying (general chat is not considered "in-game")

3: It's not exactly immersive to be able to hear a conversation that someone is having on the other side of the planet. So this actually BREAKS immersion for many.

4: /say is the generally accepted roleplay "channel" because it has a realistic range. You won't overhear discussions that people are having on the other side of tatooine. If you HAVE to have a roleplaying conversation over the radio or somesuch, you can always create a custom channel.

5: There are many different views on what is and is not considered "proper" roleplaying and forcing your roleplaying session on the rest of the planet will inevetably draw the wrong kind of attention.


So no... General chat is not for roleplaying. Even on a roleplaying server.


LOL think you dont understand by what I mean by role play on general


Im not talking some indepth character portrayal


Here is one that happened to me personally (but seen many more in the time I was there)


I logged on my imp agent on Balmorra for first time that day and simply said


"Good day Balmorra, remember we at Imperial Intelligence are always watching"


That one line got over 30 minutes of pure hatred and vile and ugliness ranging from "Bleep" off Role Player to rancid verbal attacks on anyone even remotely related to role playing.


And that was on the tamer side of the ugliness shown player


But I disagree with you about Role Play on general anyways

If its generic non specific role play or just fun little comments like say

**insert character name* meditates calmly "There is no passion, only peace" to calm himself despite the upheaval of the population this day (in reference to a lively general chat)


Not only is that accepotable on general chat, it should be encouraged


If a player doesnt want to see role play, DONT ROLE on a RP Server

If a player doesnt want to be involved in PVP, DONT ROLE on a PVP Server


Its pretty simple really


I know Id rather see some people indepth RP played out on general then read a bunch of 13 year old boys who never been with a woman cheer wildly that some stranger (probably another 13 year virgin) proclaim they are a lesbian on general chat. (this one made me laugh actually, 5-6 guys who clearly never been with a woman cheering that another woman (not likely but claimed to be one) just said she also wouldnt ever have sex with them. Welcome to the new generation LOL)




multiple hours on multiple days of kids discussion and defending rape on general chat




Your mother jokes for hours




... (hopefully you getting the idea here)


I can think of much worse then RP happening on general chat because I see it every day pretty much on my server since returning to game. Last night I actually just removed my chat window it was so bad on Korriban (well minimized it and shoved it outta way on screen so i wasnt watching it as per normal, rolled a new character for datacron achievements as apparently my 7 50+ characters get no credit for what they did prior to achievements coming into game) seeing chat on that planet was freaking painful. And sadly its calm compared to Dromman Kaas or Coruscaunt general chat.

Edited by Kalfear
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I agree that the rp servers are actually pve servers where roleplay is less openly mocked than on pve/pvp servers. That's about it. While general isn't used for rp usually, an amusing comment like that shouldn't be met with ranting on an rp server. Don't know what can be done about the lack of respect for rp on the servers which are supposed to be for that, but sadly, 80% (totally made up number maning lots)of the population thinks rp 1s the same as erp and acts accordingly.


The main problem with rp in general is that there's nothing more excruciating than bad rp, even for other rpers, lol.

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